Comments on Profile Post by Bad Storm

  1. SummerForest
    *hugs you tight*

    Sep 8, 2019
  2. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    *gets hugged*

    My sis bought me a nice plant yesterday called waling waling. It's still 5 year old tho so it needs three more years to bloom. I wish to see it bloom.
    *imagines a happy place*
    Sep 8, 2019
    SummerForest likes this.
  3. SummerForest
    I saw this post earlier and I understand it now.
    We'll see it bloom. Together.
    Sep 8, 2019
    Bad Storm likes this.
  4. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm

    But I wanted to tell the story first hand...
    Sep 8, 2019
    SummerForest likes this.
  5. SummerForest
    Hehe I don't know the whole story. Tell me then?
    Sep 8, 2019
  6. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    So I was on-duty to help my mom get home. We were with my sis and since there was an orchid festival nearby, my sis arbitrarily decided to take a look!

    We took a stroll, there were so many flowers, not just orchids. Then we after buying a waling waling (it's the national flower) seedling and some fertilizer and stuff, we ate in a nearby resto.
    Sep 8, 2019
    SummerForest likes this.
  7. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    The funny thing was, my sis joked that we're eating because we didn't manage to celebrate my birthday xD
    Sep 8, 2019
    SummerForest likes this.