Comments on Profile Post by Novela

  1. Osamaru
    Sep 14, 2019
  2. Novela
    do you think this will help me study applied maths?
    i checked on studyclix and it showed this video and recommended something called
    do you think that'll let me study it? [imma ask teacher from school to look at my notes '3' since she did ap maths]
    Sep 14, 2019
    Osamaru likes this.
  3. Osamaru
    It could? depends on what you want to focus on.
    Sep 14, 2019
    Novela likes this.
  4. Novela
    Idk restate that question o...o)
    Sep 14, 2019
  5. Osamaru
    What is your End Goal?
    Sep 15, 2019
    Novela likes this.
  6. Novela
    To get good grades o...o)
    Sep 15, 2019
  7. Osamaru
    Then might help, but not really needed to much.
    Sep 15, 2019
    Novela likes this.
  8. Novela
    qwq so it won't get me good grades?
    Sep 15, 2019
  9. Osamaru
    Not directly. Might help a bit, or prepare you for later, but if you're goal isn't something that you might need applied Physics for (like engineering or other such things) then youd spend your time better focusing on the basics of what you need.
    Sep 16, 2019
    Novela likes this.
  10. Novela
    I mean would it help me study applied maths as a subject for my leaving cert '.') ~~~
    Sep 16, 2019
  11. Osamaru
    *Pulls her cheeks*
    and what I mean is, unless you're going into something that directly uses applied physics like Engineering, you're better off just studying applied math itself.
    Sep 16, 2019
  12. Osamaru
    Physics is a good course to take if you're going to go into something deeper, but if you're just doing general applied Math, then you're not going to get as much out of it for the effort.

    Maybe in the end you'll end up with more understanding, but otherwise its Overkill.
    Sep 16, 2019
    Novela likes this.
  13. Novela
    These are the exam questions though osa
    I'll be studying them myself for like 2 hours a week (people who get grinds for ap maths do 1 hour)
    And I'm gonna get my teacher who'd done ap maths for a subject to look at my notes and help me '3')
    I have 2 years though osa ♢~♢)
    Is there 0 chance of getting an A in the exam (link is to past exams)
    Sep 16, 2019
  14. Novela
    I have the fundamental applied maths textbook too '3'), that higher chance *.*) *novela's teacher had given class free e-books and applied maths was a free one '3')*
    Sep 16, 2019