Comments on Profile Post by 25th bamm

  1. Xigua
    I'm not all-knowing or an ane-san, but I can answer this! Koucha/Kocha refers to red or black tea but can generally just mean tea, while gumi means pair or group. So Koucha-gumi means tea group!
    Sep 19, 2019
    orematcha, Kiskaiya and 25th bamm like this.
  2. 25th bamm
    25th bamm
    Oh, very in-depth and informative! Thank you very much, wise sir.
    Sep 19, 2019
    Kiskaiya likes this.
  3. Kiskaiya
    ^^^ Basically I'm the Ane-san of the Tea Yakuza >.>
    Sep 19, 2019
    orematcha likes this.
  4. Kiskaiya
    Good explanation, @Xigua *thumbs up*
    Sep 19, 2019
    Xigua and 25th bamm like this.