Comments on Profile Post by Haerether

  1. Raidou99
    Sukebe princess pinch sis!
    Jan 10, 2020
    Haerether likes this.
  2. Haerether
    How could you, bro?! When I have 'carefully' thought of this nickname for you??! QAQ
    Jan 11, 2020
    Raidou99 likes this.
  3. Raidou99
    Alright... Lemme think of one for u...
    Jan 11, 2020
  4. Raidou99
    Nvm... I'll just stick with the one I'm using rn.
    Jan 11, 2020
  5. Raidou99
    Ur bro gave up after 5 minutes of using his brain.... Ig it's getting rusty... I should use it more often
    Jan 11, 2020
    Haerether likes this.
  6. Haerether
    Not sukebe.. Don't you know its an insult?? QAQ

    Well you're using up your brain cells often in your work so.. *pat pat*
    Jan 11, 2020
    Raidou99 likes this.
  7. Raidou99
    Are u telling me buraiku isn't an insult???
    Jan 11, 2020