Comments on Profile Post by ReaderReader

  1. DocB
    Agreed, purge that xeno scum
    Aug 29, 2020
  2. DocB
    Burn the heretic
    Aug 29, 2020
  3. DocB
    Kill the mutant
    Aug 29, 2020
  4. DocB
    Cleanse the unclean
    Aug 29, 2020
  5. ReaderReader
    let the aliens alone
    Aug 29, 2020
  6. DocB
    That sounds a lot like heresy but don't worry fellow human, by the emperors will, no xeno will survive the purge and no genestealer will remain in the billions of planets of the imperium of man
    Aug 29, 2020
  7. ReaderReader
    No need for all that effort , the supreme power of our fellow aliens , the andromedins are far more powerful they will give to us lowly humans the power of ther race and alow us , huamns to join in ther quest of conquering the universe
    Aug 29, 2020
  8. DocB
    They have been corrupted by the warp, mere puppets for the gods of chaos, damned to suffer as the Asuryani before them
    Aug 29, 2020
    ReaderReader likes this.
  9. ReaderReader
    The reality lies infront of us , even if you say the truth they are superior to us , the only way to win this war is to become the OP MC of an unrealistc light novel , that everyone likes and get an accurate manhwa based on it , that is the only way to usbmerge the god of chaos . @DocB
    Aug 29, 2020