Comments on Profile Post by Bobasis

  1. God slayer
    God slayer
    I was trying to hit my like limit which haven't been possible till today.....
    May 2, 2021
    Bobasis likes this.
  2. Bobasis
    May 2, 2021
  3. Little Evil
    Little Evil
    He's just stalking you >.>;
    May 2, 2021
  4. Bobasis
    >_>;;;;; excuse me . And congrats on 1k likes
    May 2, 2021
    God slayer likes this.
  5. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    I've learned from experience that disabling like alerts from profile posts (and sometimes others) cleans up the alerts page by quite a mile. We'll, that's what I do anyway. Some people like even the simplest of alerts.
    May 2, 2021
    Little Evil likes this.
  6. God slayer
    God slayer
    So I guess I fall in the simplest alert lover category (^_^メ)
    May 3, 2021
    Bad Storm likes this.
  7. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    personally, I just want to keep track of conversations. Like alerts makes it harder for me to find posts. At the very least, I wanted to see the replies even if I don't reply back.
    May 3, 2021
    God slayer likes this.
  8. God slayer
    God slayer
    Yea if there's too much of them It gets easier to miss some posts you would normally pay attention to.
    May 3, 2021
    Bad Storm likes this.
  9. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    mmhmm, and likes just piles up, before you know it you'll have ten thousand plus ;-;
    May 3, 2021
    God slayer likes this.
  10. God slayer
    God slayer
    Yah if I had his stick around it'll be possible.... But there are some exception and the likes who stays online for huge amount of time ...... They don't need that much time for them to pile up likes....
    May 3, 2021
    Bad Storm likes this.
  11. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    there's no rush, it happens as long as one stays long enough and interact with others. profile posts are the most lucrative source of likes. It is both casual and fun too. honestly, I stopped looking at like counts after I reached a point where I can't find patterns/milestones anymore. Gratz on you 1k likes earlier btw. I wanted to be like 1001 but someone beat me up to it xD
    May 3, 2021
    God slayer likes this.
  12. God slayer
    God slayer
    1001??? What does that symbolises tho..... Isn't 1111 more good... If It was possible I would keep my like at 1111 but... That's impossible I guess.... After I can't stop others
    May 3, 2021
    Bad Storm likes this.
  13. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    it's good enough for me as long as it has a pattern xD
    Yah, I remember keeping tract of every thousand likes early on, as soon as you announce it there would always be someone who would break the pattern. sadlyf
    May 3, 2021
    God slayer likes this.