Comments on Profile Post by LAOG

  1. PomeloCloud
    ....I deleted that Σ( T□T )
    May 4, 2021
  2. LAOG
    And why did you delete it?
    May 4, 2021
  3. PomeloCloud
    May 4, 2021
  4. PomeloCloud
    Cause it will dig my grave some day (-_-;)・・・
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  5. LAOG
    So you prefer to dig that grave another day? Looking forward to it, washing machine spirit.
    May 4, 2021
  6. PomeloCloud
    how the heck did you read it (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻
    May 4, 2021
  7. LAOG
    Why did you delete it? (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻
    May 4, 2021
  8. PomeloCloud
    .. because what if they take it in another way >.>;;
    May 4, 2021
  9. LAOG
    What kind of way weird things are you thinking to assume people would think if it in that way? o.O
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  10. PomeloCloud
    ....I don't wanna talk about it >.<
    I need to purify myself q.q
    May 4, 2021
  11. LAOG
    loodlolimelo back it again. It's okay, kouhai. it won't ruin your image I have of you. Since I already know you have these thoughts. *pat pat*
    May 4, 2021
  12. PomeloCloud
    Nuuu it's a completely wrong image, senpai!!! QAQ
    May 4, 2021
  13. LAOG
    It's okay kouhai. No matter how worse your image gets I'll always accept you. '_>')b
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  14. PomeloCloud
    Please no.... please go back to my pure image ;_;)
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  15. LAOG
    It's better to accept all sides of you then pretend one doesn't exist.
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  16. PomeloCloud
    ...senpai, you are too kind! I shall always follow you from now on!! ( ;∀;)
    May 4, 2021
  17. LAOG
    So you weren't following me before? These kouhai's ain't loyal anymore T_>T Is it because you're embarrassed to have me as a senpai?
    May 4, 2021
  18. PomeloCloud
    Why would I be embarrassed of senpai? ;-;

    O̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶s̶e̶n̶p̶a̶i̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶a̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶f̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶y̶e̶t̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶o̶l̶ ̶l̶m̶a̶o̶ *cough*
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  19. LAOG
    Because you still delete the things you say ;_>;

    You laughing at my avi, missy?
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  20. PomeloCloud
    pff- I'm not *whistles*
    You just have a very curious cat (◕ᴗ◕✿)
    May 4, 2021
  21. PomeloCloud
    I will not delete my posts when I'm more confident (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  22. LAOG
    Sure you aren't laughing. *doubts*

    Ah, so you're building your confidence up to say questionable things to me? Noted. hahaha.
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  23. PomeloCloud

    I'm not!! >/////<
    And you even laugh about it Q.Q
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  24. LAOG
    Sure you aren't. Just give me a heads up for when you. That way I can prepare myself.
    What I can't laugh?
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  25. PomeloCloud
    PomeloCloud can laugh of course >.>

    Why do you need to prepare yourself? >.>;;
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  26. LAOG
    You're bound to say something interesting again. Thus, I must be prepared to see where it goes.
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  27. PomeloCloud
    *spurts apple juice*

    Nothing interesting >.>;;
    May 4, 2021
  28. LAOG
    Ayo, now you wasted your apple juice.

    it is definitely interesting. I'm looking forward to what else you say, kouhai. :^)
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  29. PomeloCloud
    You owe me apple juice now >.>

    I will not say anymore grave digging things, I promise you senpai!! (༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  30. PomeloCloud
    I shall gracefully walk the path of calm and temperance u.u
    May 4, 2021
  31. LAOG
    Okay. I owe you an apple juice. I'll buy you one next time.

    You said that before and proceeded to say some interesting stuff, kouhai. It's okay. When you say it I will help you dig it further down and then pull you out of the grave you made.
    May 4, 2021
  32. PomeloCloud
    I should have just kept quiet :immacry:

    Should I be happy that you will dig my grave deeper and then pull me out of it too? ;_;)
    May 4, 2021
  33. LAOG
    Kept quiet? Now you're giving me the silent treatment. Wow ;_>;

    Obviously happy as I won't let you bury yourself to your end.
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  34. PomeloCloud
    I mean my Miranda Rights ;_;
    That's good to know then ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  35. LAOG
    You're not being arrested dumdum.
    I can't let my cute kouhai lead herself to her own doom ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  36. PomeloCloud
    Thank you senpai, you are first to call me cute ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  37. LAOG
    There's no way no one else has called you cute. You don't have to be so humble kouhai. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  38. PomeloCloud
    Yes, my mom ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
    I shall remember this kindness, senpai! ಥ‿ಥ
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  39. LAOG
    Well your mom is right and I'm sure others think you're cute. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  40. PomeloCloud
    Thanks senpai, now I can go sleep and have sweet dreams ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

    Good night, senpai! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.
  41. LAOG
    Goodnight kouhai.

    Sweet dreams and enjoy your sleep. o/
    May 4, 2021
    PomeloCloud likes this.
  42. PomeloCloud
    You too senpai, sweet dreams o7
    May 4, 2021
    LAOG likes this.