Comments on Profile Post by daisukenowaifu

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  2. hayyan
    Le gasp! I don't bully anyone!
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  3. daisukenowaifu
    Le gasp! But you happen to always bully me!
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  4. hayyan
    How? I think I have been pretty nice to you.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  5. daisukenowaifu


    *pat pat* That was too serious right there~ *shakes you to loosen up*
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  6. hayyan
    That's the tactics of appearing as too serious to break the blaming game.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  7. daisukenowaifu
    *flips table*

    I am going -_-
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  8. hayyan
    Oh no. Looks like I have triggered daisy-chan. That's a first. :((
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  9. daisukenowaifu
    How come that sad face doesn't look sad at all??? -_-
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  10. hayyan
    It is sad. You just are not believing it.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  11. daisukenowaifu
    *pulls your cheeks upward*
    There~ now we can see your true emotions~
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  12. hayyan
    What's that supposed to represent? Smirking?
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  13. daisukenowaifu
    Yes~ of course, YOU of all people would know about it~
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  14. hayyan
    Do you think I enjoy teasing you? :((
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  15. hayyan
    Yes, I do.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  16. daisukenowaifu

    I am really going this time *flips all your tables* HMPHMMMMHDJSNSKAKMSMPHHHH
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  17. hayyan
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  18. daisukenowaifu
    XD looool I can't-
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  19. daisukenowaifu
    *pat pat* Life-kun, you are the best, when you aren't bullying me XD
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  20. hayyan
    uwu, that's right. I'm the best.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  21. hayyan
    You can just bully me back, as revenge.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  22. daisukenowaifu
    ... I don't know how to bully back ;-; do you think I would be like this if I could?
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  23. daisukenowaifu
    I am a precious little pitiful kitten~ I am so cute and tiny uwu
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  24. hayyan
    Just get good, sillydaisy.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  25. hayyan
    *pets the kitty*
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  26. daisukenowaifu
    *gets good* Now, cry!

    *is petted* uwuuuu~
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  27. hayyan
    *pretends to cry*

    *Sniffles my nose with daisydumdum's shirt*
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  28. daisukenowaifu
    .... -_-

    Bully, pay up. Or get me a new shirt.
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  29. hayyan
    Are not both of these things same? Paying up or getting you a new shirt?

    Or paying up relates to something else?
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  30. daisukenowaifu
    Paying up is less hassle: you just give money. Getting a new shirt requires you to get out of the house and find something that flaunts my beautiful me.

    Also *blows my nose on your shirt*
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  31. hayyan
    So giving money is easy way out. And getting you a new shirt is kind of a gift. Indeed, more hassle.

    Oh no, my shirt. Guess I will get my mom to wash it.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  32. daisukenowaifu
    *tackles you* -_- get me a new shirt. I want a gift!!

    *blows nose on your new shirt*
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  33. hayyan
    Alright, gimme your address. I'll send one in 5 years when I am not a broke ass college student.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  34. daisukenowaifu
    *pinches cheek* awee, you cutie~ it's a gift! You should prawl all over the world to find and gift me! I am important!!!
    May 13, 2022
  35. hayyan
    I'm pretty sure I won't need to move outta my country to find the shirt to please you?

    Are not you easygoing friendly neighbourhood dumdumy daisy-tan?
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  36. daisukenowaifu
    Maybe a shirt in your country can please me, but you gotta find me yourself! Hone your stalker skills!

    I am... Though why does everyone call me "neighborhood Daisy" all the time? I wonder.
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  37. hayyan
    You want a hayyan to up his stalking skills? Did you forget he is epitome of laziness? I need your address on silver platter.

    I don't know about anyone else, I will call you what i want.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  38. daisukenowaifu
    Yesh. Life-kun should know about everyone's life after all~ or I will find you; address gimme~ you just sound like an overbearing ceo. Yes, sir, you may. What does "neighborhood" mean in the first place?
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  39. hayyan
    Everyone's life?! No please, that's too much information. I can give you the address whenever you want, but no one wanna come to Pakistan.

    It is from Spider Man. Friendly neighbourhood Spider Man, means who is nice, easy going hero.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  40. daisukenowaifu
    Tsk tsk. Thought the great Middleschooler would be better than this. I will come, if I can XD

    Ahh, I am nice and easy-going~ >.< I knew I was the best after all~
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  41. hayyan
    Looks like you have inflated the image of Life-kun to extreme bounds. Sure, come over. I will make you a glass of Rooh Afza.

    Yes, yes, nice, easy-going, dum-tan.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  42. daisukenowaifu
    Need to inflate it to get my ways... >.>
    Sure~ as long as it is not alcoholic XD

    We really went by Daino to Daisy to just dum, huh? *sighs*
    May 13, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  43. hayyan
    I don't drink alcohol. So you are good to go.

    No, no, I'll call you daisy, daino, and other nicknames depending on the comment.
    May 13, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  44. daisukenowaifu
    Haiya, a family friendly boy *pat pat* Good, good. Older sister approves.

    I see, I will also call you bully, Life-kun and Middleschooler depending upon context.

    Why did you join NUF?
    May 13, 2022
  45. hayyan
    Older sister...

    Sure, sure, whatever floats your boat, Miss Daisy.

    I was randomly browsing through reddit, and saw Tony making a post to promote NUF. I was just getting into novels, so I joined NUF. What about you?
    May 13, 2022
  46. daisukenowaifu
    I like being an older sister... Why you don't wanna be my younger brother? What blasphemy.

    Water floats my boat, duh.

    Ahh, that was 7 yrs ago? Can't imagine a cute, little Life-kun at all tho. I came here to read the CEO's Villainous Childhood Friend and to get a Chinese poem lol
    May 14, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  47. hayyan
    I'm older than you, so you can't be my older sister.

    Yeah, I was too dumb back then. I'm slightly better now. Now a days I don't read much web novels, just checking forum now and then.
    May 14, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  48. daisukenowaifu
    ... the laws of physics don't work for me...

    XD *pat pat pat* Dumb people are cute~ oh~ busy busy lad XD sksk I came to read novels and now have no time to read because I waste all of it... ;-;
    May 14, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  49. hayyan
    So you are saying you are cute, because I call you dumdum. The circle is completed, huh.

    I'm not busy yet, I have just been taking it slow. I am reading a novel for the last month. 1400 chapters one.
    May 14, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.
  50. daisukenowaifu
    -_- that's too good of a memory. Even I forgot all that... You forcefully completed the circle. So that means Life-kun finds me cute <3

    Ah, the LoM one~
    May 14, 2022
    hayyan likes this.
  51. hayyan
    Yes, yes. Much cuteness, such adorableness.

    Indeed, I am about 70% done with it. 400 chapters more. Then I will just go back to published books.
    May 14, 2022
    daisukenowaifu likes this.