Comments on Profile Post by FlowingSong

  1. JJ
    He's casted until episode 16 from IMDB. Dunno how many episodes TWD has per season though since I stopped watching it.

    EDIT: Yes, he could be alive as a zombie too! :P
    Nov 2, 2015
  2. FlowingSong
    ahuhuhu T^T. AMC is actually trying so hard to make Glenn's status blurry. They even took out his name from the Opening Creds. I doubt he's dead. He can't be. Im in denial. He is just too precious to kill right off the bat. Hopefully we don't see him as a zombie yet because MF Nicholas decided to drag him down. I want him to die doing something more worth dying for.
    Nov 3, 2015
  3. JJ
    I just watched the scene. The first thing I thought was that the zombies are eating the insides of the person who fell with him. There's also a possibility to camouflage himself with all the dead shit over there.

    So, he's either alive or eaten later on. My guess, the former.

    EDIT: You know, not dead until seen as killed.
    Nov 3, 2015
  4. FlowingSong
    My thoughts exactly. It's Nicholas' body over Glenn's. He's shocked and in grief at his death not because he's being eaten alive. I mean if he was he should be vomiting blood right? Though if he was covered in Nicholas blood he'd attract more attention since that would be fresh blood on him. There are so many theories surrounding TWD RN. Anyway hopefully Rick or someone will come and rescue our only Asian survivor.
    Nov 3, 2015