Oneshot A nightmare

Discussion in 'Community Fictions' started by Dxynix, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. Dxynix

    Dxynix Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    This is a horror, be warned, the descriptions are pretty graphic. This is based on a nightmare I had, so some parts might not even make sense due to me trying to follow the nightmare as best as I can. An example would be how in the nightmare I literally teleported from place to place, and how my rational was fucked up.
    Was this my house? Why can’t I recall anything and why does the hall seem endless? It seems familiar but why, just why does it feel so wrong.

    Walking down the hall, I came across a door. I opened it and saw my siblings playing on their bed.

    Why were my siblings in my house, didn’t I live alone? Nevertheless, I didn’t really question it and just went down stairs.

    Waiting below were two men, one was wearing glasses and seemed very smart. The other guy I couldn’t make out, he was just there.

    The man with glasses walked up to me and told me my whole family have died in a car crash. I didn’t know what to say, weren’t my siblings in the bedroom? And why can’t I make out the guy behind him?

    All of a sudden, my vision goes off. I was in a car and my dad was next to me, driving.

    I see, me being at home was a dream. My siblings were in the back of the car, playing around. I usually don’t talk, even with my family, so I just laid back and watch the road.

    The kids are getting noisy, looking back they are jumping around like crazy. Should I say something? I’ll leave it be, what’s the use when they won’t listen to you?

    Looking back to the road, I felt like we were going nowhere. Wait, now that I think about it, where were we going? I don’t remember this road at all!

    Deciding to ask my dad, I turned and asked, “where are w...”

    I couldn’t finish my word, he was bleeding from his eyes. Even though my dad was like fifty years old, he looked younger than thirty. But not anymore, he was now like a skeleton.

    His skin was turning to dust and flying towards me. It was disgusting, but I kept my calm and turned to my siblings.

    Shit! I shouldn’t have done that. No matter how you look at it, they were dead. They should be, but why are they moving!? They had no heads, just a fountain of blood spewing the roof the color of red.

    They had their guts spilled onto the floor. All of this and they were still moving. “Stop!” I wanted to yell, but I couldn’t. They were grabbing at their own intestines and ripping them apart. I was speechless and tried to look away.

    I was seriously thinking about opening the door and jumping out. I was just about to, but something caught my attention. A light on the road, it was a truck heading straight for our car.

    It was my turn to be like them. Steeling myself, I stayed in the car. I could see it coming closer and closer.

    Hitting my side of the car first, it headed straight for me. I shut my eyes, accepting fate. After a few seconds I was still alive, looking around there was no sign of the truck. Where did it go?

    Turning my sight downwards, half of my body was missing. I had been cut vertically and bits of flesh were hanging loose. Just why was the car still driving and why was I still alive!? My whole right side was gone.

    Deciding to end it, I moved my left arm. I grabbed at my throat and yanked it! My vision fell, I was still alive. I head was still hanging to my body by a string of skin.

    I wasn’t giving up, I moved for my head again. This time for the brain, if that doesn’t do the job I don’t know what would. Touching my own brain, it felt slimy, It felt oddly satisfying. I crushed it and my vision went black.

    I was finally out of that nightmare, I opened my eyes. No, it can’t be. The two men were in front of me. The guy wearing glasses and his damned smile, I wanted to punch him. It seems I might have fainted and had a nightmare.

    Standing up, I saw something that looked like a tablet in the man’s hand. I decided to listen to what he was saying.

    “I think this house would go for about eighty grand.” He mumbled.

    What? This house was being sold? I have nowhere else to go. My family was gone and I don’t have enough money to get a place. I decided to plea with him.

    “Sir, can I please keep the house. It’s my father’s hard work.” I don’t know why I said that last part, my brain was going haywire.

    He looked at me and shook his head. He said, ”are you sure? This house is pretty creepy.”

    What did he mean, this house was nor... when was this house made of bamboo? What was going on? Still my brain said I needed this house to survive. I decided to show how great this place was.

    I ran towards the wall and jumped up an edge? I didn’t know there was an edge and hit my head on something.

    That when I heard, “that’s a face full of sacrificial blood.” Coming from my back.

    What? Sacrificial blood? Looking at what I jumped into, it was a body. A highly deformed and bloody body. It was like it was put in a space full of saws but never being cut to the point something would fall off.

    So what? It was just a dead body. Running back to the man, I still held the belief that I should stay in this house. What was wrong with me? I didn’t know.

    The man then walked up the edge and towards the wall and somehow got a chicken. The chicken’s head was missing, it was still dripping blood. Now that I took a closer look, the whole room was bloody.

    “This place was a sacrificial ground.” He explained. He then went on about some history bullshit but I can’t recall them at all.

    All of a sudden we were now outside. I didn’t question it and just watched the man explain.

    “This is the guardian of this place.” He pointed to a white alligator. No matter how you look it, it was just a white alligator.

    At this moment I finally came to my senses. I gotta get out of here, this place wasn’t normal. I decided to come up with something to make them move out of here fast.

    “Why don’t we go to your office and get the legal documents.” I said.

    That seems to have worked, they started moving.

    “Then come with me.” He said, as he went towards his car.

    I tried to follow but I noticed a line. I felt something bad would happen if I crossed it. Looking back, the alligator was staring straight at me. The man I still couldn’t make out was behind it, I thought he was with the real estate agent. Who was he?

    In my stupidity I walked toward the alligator. I wanted to lie that I was gonna come back. I put my hands on its cheeks and said, “don’t worry I’ll be right back. I’m not running away.”

    “That’s what he said when he left me infinitely pregnant.” To my surprise it talked!

    Shit, the unknown man was walking towards me and the alligator’s jaw was wide open. I should’ve just crossed the line and ran for my life. My vision was slowly turning dark.

    Note: The last parts were pretty chill, at least for me, but it was how my dream went. The fucking alligator really said that BTW, fucking hell I have weird dreams.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
  2. Lolistalker

    Lolistalker Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Holy shit, so much detail, I do get nightmare sometimes but I can't remember this much detail though I do remember the important bits, luckily the one who died in the nightmare usually me and not my family so it doesn't really disturb me, just make me feel a little uncomfortable when i wake up

    edit: a lot of my nightmare is somehow a death game for some reason, have you ever get one? I might have read too much manga lol
  3. Wise old fisher

    Wise old fisher [I am not a potato] [Chorus heresy]

    May 14, 2016
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    Someone ejaculated and evacuated on the white alligator and now *she* holds it against you. I think you shoild start asking your father some things?
  4. mrawesome69

    mrawesome69 I'm getting too old for this shit

    May 17, 2016
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    Some of my best dreams were when I was dying
  5. Dxynix

    Dxynix Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    This long of a dream was out of the norm for me to have. Usually I find out I’m having a dream and kill myself to wake myself up. In this one, killing myself didn’t wake me up at all. This has got to be my worst nightmare for sure and it happened last night so it’s pretty fresh.