Discussion A Response to KCDS.

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by Aster0x, Apr 5, 2019.

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  1. kobatochandaisuki

    kobatochandaisuki Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Dumb, maybe. but what they did isnt smarter either way. We all made dumb things but the point is I did the dumb thing as reponse to their dumb scheme.

    As for the terms, all groups work diffrently. TL was supposed to work for KCDS and in that case, support or not, he was still supposed to be working for us, right? If the lack of support was a problem, he should clearly have asked for help or either decide to leave. But instead, he had things going under table. If you can't say things as it is, then something fishy is going on. Which, it was the case.
    Seriously, if he just wanted to quit, I would have said "okay, no problem." because after all, I respect differencies and I can't force when things won't fit each other. But then no, 100WS and TL had to prepare and scheme. That's the problem.
    I don't care about the novel and you can already see I took them down. I'm not saying I'm the justice and I'm all clean but they shouldn't have messed up with me in such way. If you read the chatlog, you can clearly see I was trying to get along and try to be amiable all the time. If there was problems, then they shouldn't have made agreements either way. But they made agreements but then of course it was just part of the scheme. I think they actually let the first very few chapters so that they can tell I'm the wrong guy asking for things I haven't contributed. But then again, it was all in the agreement + Neria was technically working for KCDS (but then undercover, he was not but KCDS did not know that of course).
    When TL said "hey, seems we can't use the artwork", I said "OK, no problem." Why? Because it was the TL who put the artwork on the chapters published on KCDS. He was the one who showed me the artwork to me, he was the one who uploaded the chapters (because he said he preferred uploading himself rather than a proofreader does it for him). So did I claim to use their artwork? No. And probably that was also a part of their scheme. building up the good excuses or causes against me. But then yeah, they didn't expect me to release chatlogs I guess. with the chatlog, they can't slander me. It's up to the people to read the facts and make up their minds tho (but some of them being biased due to their convictions).

    people make dramas for twice less but then well, people, including me, have their own and different opinions and sensitivity concerning various issues. You and some people might think this is nothing, some other people and me might think this is not nothing.
    If people don't think this is their business, then they just need to ignore this like many other issues they ignore in their life. People have the choice to not read, to not comment and to flat ignore what happened. It's not like I force people to read my drama. If they are not interested, let them be.

    But I can agree on the fact that nobody in this story handled things in a smart way. But then I wasn't trying nor pretending to be smart anyway.
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  2. kobatochandaisuki

    kobatochandaisuki Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Btw, I have no idea about this entire release cancelled. Are you sure it's cancelled? I just heard from someone that they put it on hold. I thought it was being under negociation for the license as they said they wanted to do so?
    Are you accusing me, perhaps?
  3. Ascension

    Ascension Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2015
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    Wow :eek: I stopped replying like 2 days ago, but this is still going. While I was arguing with kobato 2 days ago i realized something, he doesn't want to explain that this was his novel and that he's entitled to have the first few releases or whatever. No he just wants to show that he's a jilted lover and that his wife is a whore. He doesn't care he's seen as a clown so whatever everyone else says to him about professionalism etc, it's moot to him. That's why I gave up 2 days ago.
    The only funny thing is how kobato keeps going on and on even though 100ws aren't giving a fk about this at this point. They stated their point that it's not black and white like kcds say it is, they released the logs and told people to draw whatever the fk conclusions they want.
    At this point this trainwreck is just fun to watch :D. :blobpopcorn:
  4. burham pratama

    burham pratama Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    I dont think KCDS is a hypocrites, but i dont think 100ws is wrong here, his work is overly good by the way.
    And why is it happen? In the midst of qidian that still growing it is wings larger. Just be good to each other please, if the two group is not ending this in peace better not to read the gem
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2019
  5. kobatochandaisuki

    kobatochandaisuki Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Are you stupid or are you blind? You keep brining the same questions that I have answered to more than twice. But then it's a given since you don't care about that and just want to slander me. You gave 2 days ago? Nah, you were still present and you come up again. I didn't ask you to come back, u know? Did you miss me? lol.
    Talk about professionalism, when it's nothing to do with professionalism? Why? If you read my previous comment...wait, right. You don't care so no point in talking to deaf ears.
    I keep going on? Yes and no. I merely answer to questions and give counterarguments when needed but then again, you just want to slander. Well your points just made no sense when you are showing this much attention until yet (liking comments slandering me, etc. are you stalking me? lol).
    Released the logs? Well, I released the logs first. Tho the first was no working well since it was a technical issue (bad discord exporter) but which was solved with a different exporter. But then even so, the logs still matches between the previous and renew one since the first version was just not showing the logs in totality. No changes. But again, u don't care so this is just information for those who wanna know.
    Well, you were soooo eager to keep this going on as well that you had to come back instead of just flat ignoring the issue or keep silence. Talk about double standard.
  6. kobatochandaisuki

    kobatochandaisuki Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    If a work is overly good, then everything's forgiven? That's some logic. Wow. So if Qidian did a greater job, then it's all good as well, right?
    Be good to each other? How can I when they weren't honest to begin with. If they told me what they really wanted from the very beginning, I wouldn't be angry about being fooled around. But then they schemed and stagged. Was it necessary? No but they still did that. I tried to be cool and amiable but they are the ones who played foul.
    burham pratama likes this.
  7. burham pratama

    burham pratama Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Sorry i miss "dont" before the word think, i dont think you are a hypocrite man, just solve it, be good to each other
    kobatochandaisuki likes this.
  8. burham pratama

    burham pratama Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    I just want to say, set a table and talk to each other, sorry
    I prefer a good relation than just a novel to read.
  9. kobatochandaisuki

    kobatochandaisuki Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Oh I see, my bad. yeah but I really tried to solve this in an amiable way until to see at the end they all stagged and fooled me.
    Why would I not want a good relation?
    burham pratama likes this.
  10. burham pratama

    burham pratama Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    It doesn't matter to me where the gem ended, just be good to each other, it will be so pointless if this novel ended in qidian hand, hope you and salt boi pass this obtstacle soon, and man i also like your work over there, you give me so much pleasure in ERR, and lately i read iam the monarch, yeah and so I still hope this problem to end peacefully
    kobatochandaisuki likes this.
  11. Volatile

    Volatile Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2019
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    Staged or not, it has happened, you can't change it. Anger is bad for your health man, take a rest, don't give a damn about the comments on this matter any more, haters will hate, and supporters will support, outsiders like us can not see the full picture anyway. The more you explode because of these "slandering", the worse your image become, which in turn brings more people here to "slander" you, some even are trolls just trying to poke you. I know you said you don't care about your image any more, but isn't the definition of slandering is to damage someone's reputation/image? So why are you contradicting yourself?
    You are emotionally unstable at the moment, just rest, relax, calm your heart, don't give a damn about them any more.
    kobatochandaisuki likes this.
  12. kobatochandaisuki

    kobatochandaisuki Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Well, I just respond to the false accusation or slander but then it's not just for my image. I just can't let people say something wrong about me and distort the fact to suit their taste. That's the reason I published the chatlogs. It's true I went berserk but then I have reasons to get angry I guess. Now, I'm more just responding to fallacious claims or answering questions, I'm not that emotional anymore. Just being responsive.
    But thanks for the nice word, much appreciated.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2019
    kenar and Volatile like this.
  13. Shio

    Shio Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    People everywhere, anywhere, tend to jump into conclusion after reading title. Some only read title and didn't even read the first post...
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2019
  14. Ddraig

    Ddraig Frostfire Dragon|Retired lurker|FFF|Loved by RNG

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Well looks like I missed this drama. Been a while since I last saw a non qi drama
  15. Hate

    Hate born

    Dec 28, 2015
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  16. kobatochandaisuki

    kobatochandaisuki Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Dead. Sorry but I don't even want to see it again for a long long long while. Too disgusted.
    burham pratama and Hate like this.
  17. burham pratama

    burham pratama Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    So will no one out there take this project?
  18. Kii

    Kii Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    It is unlikely, yes.
  19. burham pratama

    burham pratama Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Haish what a bad news,
  20. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    :blobpopcorn_cool: Feels like rereading RWX's digging post but too lazy to fetch the links.
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