Novel Eye of God

Discussion in 'Community Fictions' started by Suds73, May 10, 2021.

  1. Suds73

    Suds73 Member

    May 9, 2021
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    So yesterday I started building the world for a novel I wanted to write for fun. I thought about it for a couple of weeks now and I wanted to share my ideas and what I have so far. Don't expect a consistent schedule as I'm only doing this for fun as a hobby and I have school. Thanks for reading.

    Title. Eye of God

    When a God is finally bored of her infinite lifestyle she makes a brand new soul and places it in an infertile woman. This brand new baby boy's name is Fairin and the God places her eyes into Fairin while he is being born. These eyes let her see and feel what emotions Fairin feels. 16 years later and Fairin's peasant village is attacked and he is injured trying to protect his mother. He wakes up next to a tree with no memories of who he is besides his name and a mysterious note in his pocket.

    Prologue(A Rough Draft of My Ideas)
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  2. Suds73

    Suds73 Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Sorry If what you read is confusing, I tried to convey what a 5th dimensional being is from what a human can understand. If anyone needs any further explanation about what I'm trying to express in my story, feel free to ask.

    The 5 Dimensions Contain the 4 Base Elements of Energy in the Universe which are as follows; Energy, Space, Soul, and Time. The 1st dimension that was created is a line where only Etheric Energy [1] can exist.

    The 2nd dimension is a plain where The energy evolved and could move throughout that space. Since nothing existed on the 2nd plane yet the Energy was still pure white. When the 3rd Dimension was created, space spread the energy throughout the third dimension and the soul was now able to be created.

    Eina saw this and said, " It is good" [2]. The 5th-dimensional being stared at her creation [3]. " Why is nothing moving? I just created 3 different dimensions for the energy to move through... Ohhhhhh forgot to make time, silly me. Honestly, I can be such a clumsy existence sometimes,".

    As Eina created the 4th dimension the Etheric Energy exploded in a sudden rush as it was stuck in space without movement, without a beginning. Eina is unaffected by time and space because she is a being outside of time and space, but even though she created existence itself, she too was created.

    Not by an even higher power though, instead, it was all of the Souls that created her. All the energy the souls will be made from, the space the souls will be in, and the time when the souls will exist. Every time a soul loves, every time a soul worships, and every time a soul wishes, and every time a soul cries out for a God, Eina is created. Eina is created from the strongest force in the universe, intelligent souls with a strong positive will.

    It's less to say she was created and more to say she is always being created at every single moment in time and every single point in space. Even though she is outside time, the positive will of souls that didn't even exist yet brought Eina into existence. Her existence is impossible to comprehend by the human brain.

    There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition[4].

    Eina is the Fifth Dimension. She thinks being everywhere in an endless void for eternity looking throughout all of time in the universe is boring though, so she usually stays in the fourth dimension so she can feel her own emotions [5].

    The universe was created by Eina out of instinct because she was driven by the will of the souls [6]. Time is the element of change but Eina never changes, so instead of being eternally bored, she lowers herself down a dimension to become bound by time.

    Even though she is everywhere in time though, she only allows herself to look into the future when she feels it's necessary, so she doesn't "spoil" herself on what happens next.

    Every time she reaches the universe's end of time she goes back to the beginning looks throughout all of time to see if the timeline is boring or not. If it is she goes through different points in time to change things up, once it's interesting she erases her memory of changing the timeline, clouds the future from her conscience with only the information that the timeline is unique and interesting, and watches the universe unfold.

    Every time she goes through her routine she has the joy and curiosity of a child and the love and care of a mother and even though those emotions are sometimes affected by others like anger and boredom they barely change due to her always being in the moment of her past self and having those emotions take over. She has only one emotion that can change and be overtaken by boredom even after an infinite amount of possibilities and that curiosity is about to shake her entire eternity.

    Eina was watching the pure etheric energy spread throughout the universe "Whoohoo I love it when that happens, it's so pretty even after the Infinitillionth time" [7]. Just about to create the first two souls Solios and Luana, Eina sees the silhouette of two parents and another perspective from behind the parents she sees a beautiful baby boy with white hair and round white eyes [8], then something undescribable happens and she gets a headache.

    "Wait...this...this isn't right, this is impossible, how is this...this happening to me right now?" All of a sudden she understood a new emotion that she had never felt herself but understood immediately after watching the Intelligent beings on Earth for eternity [9].

    "It hurts" she was feeling pain. She began to cry, another emotion she had never felt until now. Even though the pain she felt was equivalent to what a cluster headache to a human would feel, and those are some of the most painful things a human can feel besides soul extraction or reaper curses [10], it shouldn't hurt a God this much especially the God of existence itself. She had never felt pain before though and it wasn't the intensity of the pain that was hurting her this much, but it was the feeling and emotion of pain itself.

    She wailed in agony for 2 and a half centuries. She hadn't been able to think reasonably for 256 years straight. She was like a fish out of water, desperately trying to find or create something. She blasted holes in the fabric of reality itself. She fixed the holes with etheric elements unconsciously[11] but not without creating two new and dangerous problems [12].

    After years of searing pain that felt like a blade stabbing her head endlessly, a hellfire in her mind boiling her eyes out of her sockets, the inside of her throat dry from crying her soul out while the outside had a look of thousands of crimson stripes stretched across her neck [13]. When her mind started getting used to the hellish torture she found from this ordeal she was finally able to disperse the pain [14].

    After the pain subsided, Eina was hit with emotions she never felt or would've imagined in her infinite long life. The sadness of knowing what pain is and how the organic beings she created can feel that. The regret of not allowing herself to change and adapt to this universe more. The relief that the pain has passed and her wounds have already healed. The confusion as to what happened to her, but after feeling this new strange emotion called confusion[15] she immediately knew what was wrong.

    During her centuries of pain she tried endlessly to travel to another point in time but she couldn't go anywhere at any time, she was stuck, her vision blocked by an impossible wall. Now with a better state of mind, she could see through the impassable wall and perceive what was invisible to God herself [16].

    She saw that out of curiosity of what a mortal feels the future Eina cut off the connection to time so that no other Eina throughout time could see what she was doing or feel what she was feeling. She then picked the random soul of a Human who had passed away before the energy dispersed and used the human soul to create an entirely new soul that wasn't made out of the energy floating throughout the universe [17]. She then found a woman who was never able to conceive a child in any timeline and placed the soul in her womb. Her infertility wasn't a normal type but rather it was the rare case of not being able to bring a soul into the baby [18]. Once the child was born she placed her eyes into his and dispersed her pain before she even felt it [19]. This baby's soul wasn't special, she took a random soul and placed it in a random woman [20]. The only special thing about this soul is that it is pure [21] (I'll explain what that means later in the story). A human boy with a pure soul that can feel emotions, his eyes showing Eina what it's like to be Mortal. His eyes are the Eyes of God.

    [1] (The base form or purest form of energy)

    [2] (Bible reference)

    [3] (Eina Doesn't have gender but doesn't mind being called Mother of the Universe.)

    [4] (Quote from Rod Sterling)

    [5] (what this means is that she wants the emotions she was created with to be able to change and not infinitely stay the same)

    [6] (like when a hero's legs start running without even knowing about it because they are driven by a strong will or intent to saving that person).

    [7] (Obviously, a made-up number to express she's done this an INFINITE amount of times.)

    [8] (She is seeing what the baby sees but she also is there herself watching him)

    [9] (Humans are the only creature to show up in every timeline. Sometimes they are the only Sentient Souls that walk the earth, but most of the time there are other Sentient Souls/intelligent races)

    [10] (cluster headaches are a real-world thing some people go through while the other two are there for the world-building)

    [11] (like when you breathe automatically)

    [12] (She Creates Aethur and Kevos[κενό], but won't be touched upon until later in the story).

    [13] (Although I know without a doubt it won't, if this ever got turned into a manga you can believe this getting censored)

    [14] (the only reason she felt that pain was because it was her first time feeling pain and it was already really intense that every thought of trying to get rid of it in a panic only increased the pain instead of concentrating on her usual emotions, and if you couldn't tell this story has emotions become an important aspect).

    [15] (Gods usually doesn't get confused since they are all-knowing most of the time)

    [16] (Basically, she still can't go to any future point in time but she can now see into the future again).

    [17] (basically, she used the soul as a base to shape what the new soul would look like, but instead of the new soul being made up of the recycled energy of the universe she made it out of pure etheric energy).

    [18] (Meaning her having a baby even with infertility is impossible even in infinite timelines).

    [19] (How did she know how to disperse the pain you ask, well that's because she briefly opened up a connection with herself at the beginning of time so that means she already felt it and knew what to do)

    [20] (The woman is not the only one with this rare disease)

    [21] (I'll explain what that means later in the story)

    AGAIN if you were confused about anything that was explained, feel free to ask and I will do my best to explain.
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