Gender treatment in your family??

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by cap.toon, May 28, 2020.

  1. daydreaminglamb

    daydreaminglamb Active Member

    May 16, 2020
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    Reading List:
    - Sleeping over with at the opposite gender's place
    Me (female): You can't sleep over at your bf's house until you are married
    My Brother: Don't get too drunk

    - Going on a trip with opposite gender
    Me: Only until you move out (I am currently 22)
    My Brother (since he was 16): Have fun and take lots of photos

    - Driving long distances in personally owned car
    Me: You aren't ready yet
    My Brother (Since he was 18): (goes on multi-state road trips)

    - Helping with chores
    Me: Told to wash all the dishes, take out the trash, clean all the rooms/bathrooms, get groceries, etc.
    My Brother: (isn't told to do anything)

    - Idea of living with opposite gender in the far future (as roommate in a large share house or significant other)
    Me: Only until you are married
    My Brother: (has done those things already without complain)

    yaaaaaaaa it's sooo fun :facepalm:
    reagents 11 likes this.
  2. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Yeah men has the unfair advantage to not carry baby sack. Men can deny his offspring but women definitely can't deny it wasn't hers in her baby sack (unless she is surrogate).
  3. Arcadia Blade

    Arcadia Blade ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Mine is pretty much ability and hierarchy. As long as you have the ability to do it, you'll provide for yourself. Work as a team and betray as a team. My dad doesn't like laziness in the family and is very strict whenever we just laze around or play games. He would order us to go outside and talk to people and tends to worry about our health. Our mom is the same yet she is more lax than our father and tends to be cheerful that we accomplish something nice.

    We don't assign roles but its survival of the strongest for us. As the youngest, i had the least advantageous being born and is treated like a slave to the family. I would do the chores, sometimes grocery and even having to walk in a scorching heat to provide for the family. Pretty much i avoid cooking and learning to drive primarily because my task would be a lot more harder if i ever learn more my body can handle.
  4. Shem

    Shem ┃ᐕ) ⁾⁾「Lv 69 BL Hunter」☆ Vrelty's Seme ♤♡ ꪋς꧖ ☆

    Mar 7, 2017
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    More like how do my mom treat creatures in the house :blobReach: because the dogs have better treatment than me. Basically, I'm at the bottom of the family hierarchy:cookie:

    Am I complaining? Nope.

    Do I feel jealous/bad? Nope

    Cause I love the dogs too. :blobReach:
    Steinmetz, Snowbun and Nancy2303 like this.
  5. Steinmetz

    Steinmetz Active Member

    May 31, 2020
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    My dad is better at cooking than my mom, since my mom only knows how to cook simple food like rice, eggs, fried fish, etc.

    Both of my brothers are also better cooks than me, which isn't saying much at all since I run from the frying pan when the hot oil starts splattering...
  6. Tumtum

    Tumtum Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2019
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    Girls are have a higher standard. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been told “you’re a girl” followed by a standard my brother isn’t held to.