Spoiler Love letter from the future

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by mikey sane, Apr 22, 2023.

  1. mikey sane

    mikey sane Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    Name: Love Letter from the Future
    NU Link: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/love-letter-from-the-future/

    Ian Percus the main protagonist of this work is the second son of the Percus family, a country writer. Originally, he was a third-year student in the Knights Faculty from an ordinary low-ranking aristocrat who had no special talent (he had talent but it never bloomed under circumstances), but one day his life completely changed when he woke up from a strange dream and gained memories of his future self when he got a letter from the distant future. A future with only pain and regrets, a world destined to end. He chose to send his memories back to his past self.

    Book cover

    it is being uploaded on genesis site,
    link for the site : https://genesistls.com/series/a-love-letter-from-the-future/
    for further illustrations

    Anyone with spoilers on this novel ?
  2. zakuti

    zakuti Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2021
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  3. Cellan

    Cellan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
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    Can anyone spoil me who is main heroine or if harem, who are in the lead in the harem? I read up to 407 with MTL, and my favorite by far is Delphine. But from her love letter, it doesnt feel like she is a main heroine member, just a secret/backup/side lover. I'd prefer her to have a main wife status since she's my favorite, followed by Seria and the princess. I dont like Celine or Emma and i'm just kinda meh on the rest. I dont really like how he just kissed Emma and since she's a super minor side character so that tells me it'll probably just be a harem. I preferred Delphine as main and Seria as side heroine so I really wanna know how big of a heroine role Delphine has before I read another 400 chapters of MTL since I pretty much only stuck it out for Delphine

    Edit: Ok well I just found the namu wiki for the series and Im kinda disappointed if i understand it right :/
    Apparently wife is Saintess but he still cheats on her with other girls and gets his butt beat by her when she finds out. Delphine apparently is just turned into a minor character that Ian sometimes might visit... Seria apparently went into seclusion but somehow became his fiance 7 years later... man I might just quit then I might still be happy if Seria was main girl but its saintess apparently so that sucks... Delphine is best girl and she just turns into a minor character... super disappointing that i had to read through another 200+ chapters of MTL Ian beating up powerless girls only to find out none of the girls I liked became main heroine if I understand the namu spoilers correctly :/
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
  4. clarinha_167

    clarinha_167 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2023
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    So he cheats on his wife?! I'm not going to read this.
    cafe_novel likes this.
  5. Cellan

    Cellan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
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    Not sure if its really cheating since he pretty much had relationships with multiple of the girls before they got married, the getting angry at him for cheating seems like more of a comedic thing since they seem to accept he isnt limited to 1 girl. Im only stopping since Delphine doesnt seem like shes a main heroine and I think shes the best girl by far in the whole series :/
    She was the first girl he slept with and multiple times before any other girl, he also felt responsible for taking her first time but and they even joked with each other about calling each other husband and wife so Its so frustrating she isnt a main heroine...her dynamic with MC is the best and I feel robbed her role got relegated away...

    Edit: I stopped at 407 and theres apparently 800+ chapters and story still has not ended so would be nice if someone fully updated knew if Delphine has any chance of main heroine tier still in latest raw. Since I really dont care about the Saint or Elsie that much, only a fan of the Yurdina sisters and princess too :(
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
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