Novel Martial Dawn (Romance set in a Cultivation Setting)(Book One, Two, & Three Done)

Discussion in 'Community Fictions' started by Nikushimi, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Twenty-Seven:
    Mornings Apart

    The morning came quickly. Fan'Hua had been busy and I was feeling rather lonely. The Zhu Estate was larger than I had thought at first. I had been there for almost a week now. Everyone knew who I was. There wasn't a person within the estate who didn't.

    Miss Su saw to all my needs and Suyin was my guard. I trusted them enough that I was able to be comfortable despite all the other people around. They had assigned a small team to my needs. Three others who I rarely saw, but helped Miss Su with various things. Mainly seeing that my meals were prepared on time.

    Their names were Chuntao, a guardswoman in her early twenty. She was under Suyin's supervision and guidance. With dark hair and blue eyes she was slightly shorter than Suyin. A dedicated individual, she always did her best with her tasks.

    Shu'Ji Bohai, a young man also in his early twenties. He was kind and a servant of the Zhu Family. He was working here to provide for his family who have been retainers for the Zhu Family for several generations. Even gaining the Family name of Shu'Ji.

    He was lithe, slightly taller than myself. With brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin he could be considered handsome to some. He was polite and always helpful.

    Finally, there was a young girl named Liling. She was petite and shorter than me. Of the three, she had the most unique appearance. Steel blue, wavy chin length hair. Her eyes were teal with amber flecks. A rather ghostly complexion, yet held a strange purity.

    Her personality shone through quite a bit. An exuberant, happy girl who tried her best. She was in training from what I had heard. She was younger than even I was by two years. Apparently, her family sent her here to learn. They hoped she would have more opportunities in life.

    Besides meals and cleaning, they didn't do much else. Miss Su took care of everything from making sure I bathed, took care of my personal hygiene, and insured my hair was properly taken care of. She gave me privacy of course.

    Even though she had bathed me a few times when I was younger. Now that I was older, it would be awkward. Same with helping me dress for the day. She'd prepare the clothing and I would get dressed myself. She'd then come and make sure everything was done correctly. Adjusting if she needed.

    I was well taken care of and looked after. It was a bit strange. I felt like I didn't belong, but everyone was so kind. Was this how life should be? I always saw the servants of the Li'Yu Family catering to the Li'Yu children, but never once did I get that same treatment. It felt...nice.

    At the same time, I wasn't sure about it. I could dress myself and bathe myself. Now that I was older and was able to, anyways. I began my days usually walking around with Miss Su, Suyin, and Chuntao in tow. The estate was large, but I wanted to learn the layout.

    At first I stayed in my room unless Lady Zhu came to get me. After a while, I wondered if it was okay to walk around. When I asked, Miss Su lit up as she eagerly agreed. I had been a bit anxious about asking, but was relieved when I knew it was okay.

    "Young Master," Chuntao addressed me, "Are you going on a walk today as well?"

    I was eating breakfast in my room, unaware that she had addressed me. It took me a moment to realize she was referring to me. I was still unused to hearing the title they had given me. Fan'Hua was Young Miss, and I was now Young Master.

    It seemed that everyone here had accepted me as part of the family already. I felt my heart warm at the thought.

    "A-Ah, yeah...I was planning on looking around again," I answered, smiling sheepishly, "I was told there were other gardens here. I hoped you'd show me to them?"

    "Of course, Young Master," She stated, hand over her chest as she bowed slightly, "It would be my pleasure."

    "You can go after you eat," Miss Su instructed, "You've barely touched your food."

    I smiled appreciatively. I always had a habit of not eating or eating very little. A habit from back when I was with the Li'Yu Family. Even the months I was with Fan'Hua, I still held fast to that habit. She always made sure I would eat, and now that fell to Miss Su in her absence.

    "Thank you," I sighed happily, digging into the food before me.

    The morning was as dull as always. Zhu Fan'Hua sat before paperwork on the names of all the deceased. She held a responsibility to those under her. Ever since she was young, her family's businesses became hers. Not just the Zhu Family, but also the Xiao'Wu Family.

    A test was given to all children of the Xiao'Wu Family when they came of the appropriate age. At twelve to thirteen years old, they are sent out into the world with only a single retainer as their guard. The goal was for them to prove themselves and see the world firsthand. Zhu Fan'Hua was sent out early because of her condition.

    Given a head start, she was given extra conditions. Namely, she could not use the Zhu Family's fortune in addition to the funds of the Xiao'Wu Family. Everything she did, save for buying essentials like clothing, food, and shelter, had to come from her own pocket. Any business started was her own.

    Being part of the Zhu Family, however, saw her gain access to a small business around the same time. It was tradition in most noble families to give a gift to their children in the form of land, a small manor, or a business. This was to teach them how to properly handle an estate. This, of course, conflicted with the Xiao'Wu Family test.

    It gave her a distinct head start. As the test also influenced who would be the next Emperor or Empress of the Xiao'Wu Empire. Without financial support, she had to ensure that the business she was gifted remained profitable. On top of that, all Zhu children helped with the family's other businesses.

    This meant that she had to juggle her duties to both of her families. All while remaining free of their financial support. Any connections made could also not use either family's name. This made the test much harder for her, but she persevered as there was a caveat.

    Should she, at any point, begin to provide for the Zhu Family instead, then the restriction would be lifted. This meant she had to make her businesses profitable enough to support and finance the Zhu Family. By the age of fifteen, she had done just that.

    The success of the Zhu Family in recent years was because of her. They were always well off, but never like they were now. Their profits doubled and their connections multiplied. With this done, the restriction was lifted and she had full access to the Zhu Family's finances and guidance. Their fortune was now hers.

    Because of this, the people under her had worked hard. They gave their sweat, blood, and tears to her endeavors. She held a responsibility to them and to herself. She had been selfish, after all. Her thoughts turning to An'Shen and the Zhu Family.

    She had always wanted to get An'Shen away from the Li'Yu Family. She just didn't have the power. She had thought of using the Zhu Family or even the Xiao'Wu Family influence, but was denied the moment the test was presented. He was her first friend and love. She also wanted to repay the Zhu Family for all they did for her. They were her family.

    To do this she had to pass this test. She had to gain access to the Zhu Family influence and the acknowledgement of the Xiao'Wu Family. She would get what she wanted and so the test was passed. This allowed her to repay the Zhu Family for taking her in and allowed her to start planning how to get An'Shen away from the Li'Yu Family. There was just too much political red tape.

    Now, she was fully aware of her feelings for An'Shen. The people who served under her helped her achieve her goals. They had the right to a proper burial as well as compensation for their part. It was the least she could do to repay them. For this reason she was able to endure these dull mornings.
  2. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Twenty-Eight:
    All Work and No Play

    Zhu Fan'Hua had many duties to attend to. The Zhu Family and the Xiao'Wu Family held her to a high standard. She was given several responsibilities after she had proved herself. She oversaw not just her own businesses, but also the businesses of the Zhu Family. The Xiao'Wu Family have also asked her to oversee several of their endeavors. Namely crystal mines.

    Crystal mines were regarded as a highly sought-after commodity. These crystals were used for cultivation as well as creating items of importance. The Xiao'Wu Family held the most mines. Sometimes they were gifted abandoned mines or came upon them by the children in their journeys.

    Those mines and the acquisition, distribution, and overall management of them fell to Zhu Fan'Hua. So far, she had three of those mines. Gifted to her by her royal parents upon completing her test. She now had to prove she could manage them.

    There had been a collapse in one of the tunnels and an investigation was ongoing. It was ruled an accident, but sabotage was the most likely cause. Many people were greedy. Those who knew of the Xiao'Wu Family dreamed of working for them. Even if it was within the mines and other small businesses.

    This, of course, led to many who were too greedy for their own good. The structures were too well fortified to have just collapsed on their own. A report would be sent to investigate and punish the offending parties. Most likely, it was someone trying to earn some quick money. At worst case, it was someone from the Inner Courts trying to profit from her misfortune.

    There was always a bid for who would be the next Emperor or Empress. Some of the Inner Court vied for one or another of the Imperial Children to succeed. It was exhausting. Thankfully, her siblings weren't like the Inner Courts. They did not like underhanded methods.

    Those of the branch families, however...were not so honorable. They would stoop to many methods to increase their chances of not only earning a better spot within the Inner Courts, but also among the main Xiao'Wu Family. Zhu Fan'Hua detested it. If she had it her way, they would be cut out like the rot they were.

    "Young Miss?" A servant of the Zhu Family intoned, "Your food is getting cold."

    She gazed over at the plate she barely touched. There had been so much work to do that she had completely forgotten to eat. Sighing, she pulled the plate to her and began to eat.

    "Thank you," She responded to the young maid.

    She had always been worried about An'Shen not eating, and now she wasn't. She could just imagine what he would say if he knew. For that reason, she made sure to clean the entire plate. Even asking for more.

    With the maid gone to get more food, she returned to the paperwork at hand. Of the fifty three that had died, half of them were related in some way. Siblings, lovers, and even married partners. Some didn't have family at all.

    This narrowed down the number of families she had to visit to just thirteen. Still, it was too many. Her people died. There would be many who would miss them and the world, while it would carry on, would never be the same. She had constantly been providing vigil in the family shrine every day for their souls.

    She prayed for them to be reborn in a better life. She prepared to have a proper send off as well. All of their families were invited, expenses for the journey paid for by her. The letters had been sent, and all she could do was wait.

    Some of the names she even recognized. She had made it a point to tour all of her facilities and meet every single worker. They were her people after all, and she had to show them they weren't just workers. They were her workers.

    An'Shen was sitting in the garden as Zhu Xiaoli approached him. He was reading a book with Miss Su. She had heard he had trouble with reading, but for it to be true was heartbreaking. She watched from a distance, not wanting to disturb him.

    The way his face focused in on the words was endearing. Miss Su patiently helped him even as he grew frustrated, but he never got angry at her. It was anger at himself. As he rubbed the back of his neck, furrowing his brow she thought it was time for him to have a break.

    Miss Su seemed to be of the same mind as she closed the book, patting him comfortingly on his back. He smiled slightly, nodding as he stretched. It was then that she approached them.

    "Afternoon, An'Shen," She greeted, "And to you as well Miss Su. Is Suyin not around?"

    "Good afternoon, Lady Zhu," Miss Su greeted, standing to bow, "Suyin is helping the other three prepare An'Shen's meal."

    "Is that so?" She replied, slightly disheartened, "Is it possible to belay that?"

    "I will see what I can do," Miss Su replied with a smile.

    She watched as Miss Su took out her TCC and contacted Suyin. However, her focused turned to An'Shen as he was staring at it rather curiously. It then occurred to her that he may not have ever seen one used.

    "An'Shen," She asked, "Is this your first time seeing one?"

    "No..." He shook his head, reaching into his own pocket, "I have one myself, is the first time I've seen it used."

    He pulled out his own TCC. A red, flat crystal. She immediately had to sync hers up with his as Miss Su informed Suyin to cancel his meal.

    "I've been...afraid to use it," He admitted, "My condition doesn't exactly interfere with them, but I'm always worried it might."

    "Nonsense!" Zhu Xiaoli exclaimed, syncing their TCC's together, "These are absolutely a necessity! It's unfortunate that they're only short distance though..."

    "I heard about that," He told her, "When I met Bai'Li Lu'Zhou at the academy, her and Fan'Hua talked about it. They're supposed to be building something to make it easier to communicate?"

    "Yes!" She nodded happily, "It's really amazing. To think, there will be a day when letters aren't needed anymore! To talk with someone instantly across long's amazing."

    "It definitely sounds like it..." He laughed nervously, "But...Lady Zhu, what brings you here? You wanted them to cancel my meal?"

    He seemed sad, disheartened even.

    "Ah! No, no," She waved her hands up before her, "Don't misunderstand. You'll still eat. Just not here."

    His face twisted in confusion as she simply smiled secretively.

    "Everyone is welcome to join, of course," She looked towards Miss Su who relayed it to Suyin.

    With that said, she grabbed An'Shen by the hands and began to pull him along the corridors of the estate. He had been here for a while now, but never left the estate. She wondered why he never went out, and could only assume it was because of her daughter.

    He didn't want to leave while she was so busy, but also it would get rather stuffy just staying inside all the time. Even the gardens could be a bit stifling after a while. For this reason, she took it upon herself to get him out of the house. A young boy his age needed fresh air.

    She had a duty to fulfill, after all. Her daughter, who rarely asked for anything, had asked for her to watch over him. So, she would make sure he was taken care of. She definitely wasn't using this as an excuse to get out of her own work. Zhu Gen could handle it.

    "Honestly, that woman..." Zhu Gen sighed, watching as his wife absconded with An'Shen, "Will he be alright?"

    He was concerned for the young boy. He had at first been hesitant on meeting him, but after hearing his story and meeting him several times, this had disappeared. His daughter took a liking to him, and she wasn't one to be fooled. He was a good kid, but fragile.

    "...Mother knows to behave," His daughter Fan'Hua stated as she looked up from the paperwork, "But, I know she can be a bit overzealous."

    "How are you holding up?" He asked her, knowing she was a bit impatient.

    "I admit, I miss him," She sighed, shuffling the paper to the next page, "But, I have a duty to perform. These people need to be taken care of."

    "...And your condition," He turned from the window, looking at her, "When he's not near, your pain returns, right?"

    She nodded, not saying anything. Her eyes scanning the work before her. She was dedicated. She always had been. After a moment, she spoke up.

    "Father," She addressed him coolly, "An'Shen is more than just a cure for my condition. Do remember that."

    He winced at her words. Not because they were cruel, but because they were true.

    "You're right, I'm sorry," He apologized, feeling ashamed.

    "...Take a look at these," She dismissed his apology as she pushed several pages towards him, "The numbers are inconsistent. Someone is funneling funds."

    He took the pages from the desk, and sure enough she was right. It was something he had overlooked. Sighing to himself, he sat down as servants served them refreshments. It would be a long day. Yet, he knew it would have been much longer if it wasn't for Fan'Hua.

    After all, she had a promise to keep with that boy. So, settling in he began to work diligently. She couldn't be the only one to work hard. As her father, he would make sure to help in any way he could.
  3. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Twenty-Nine:
    Happiness Shaken

    The day that Lady Zhu took me out of the manor was a day I'd not soon forget. There were many who knew of Lady Zhu. Greeting her at every step of the way. She politely waved and greeted them in turn, but her attention was all on me.

    She asked me a myriad of questions from my favorite food to what animal I liked best. I couldn't answer most of them. After all, I never really gave it much thought and there was a lot I still didn't know. There were some things I liked and others I disliked, but overall I never had the luxury to even choose favorites.

    However, that was in the past. Fan'Hua had told me that I could now be picky. Even Lady Zhu had told me those exactly same words. So, while I couldn't answer all of them, I could answer some of them.

    My favorite food were those small, fried balls of mushrooms and cheese that I had with Fan'Hua that day at the restaurant. I came to find out they were called croquettes. This, along with lemon squares, were my favorite things to eat.

    As for my favorite animal, I didn't know many, but I was rather fond of Taixu. That being the case, cats would most likely fall under my favorite types of animals. Dogs were another I enjoyed. During my time at the Bestial Studies Compound, I came to have quite the affinity with some of them.

    They were playful and friendly once they got to know me. Youshan helped me a lot in that regard. They were all scared of me at first, but with her help they overcame that fear and were insatiable in wanting my attention afterwards. I love them. The way they would run over and lick my face, or run around me was always fun.

    When asked my favorite color I could only think of one thing. Midnight Blue. Lady Zhu teased me the moment I said it. I was embarrassed to even admit to it. After all, the color was that of Fan'Hua's hair. I had been captivated by it ever since she saved me from Liu Chao.

    When she came in to rescue me, it seemed to float before my vision. Illuminated by the light of the sun. A beacon of safety. Like the night sky manifested. Every time I saw her hair, I couldn't help but admire it. One might mistake it for ebony hair, but for those who looked could see the deep, beautiful hues of blue shining through. Like she did for me in my darkest hours.

    Lady Zhu's face when I said it was extremely amused. I knew I would never hear the end of it, and in fact she brought it up at least three more times before we returned to the manor. I was a bit worried though. I had been out with Fan'Hua several times at the academy, but never like this.

    Lady Zhu stood out a lot. Everywhere we went people knew her. It made sense as she was the Head of the Zhu Family. She owned this town. Ruled over it and saw to its people on the daily. The attention we received was high and so was my worry.

    That worry revolved around the Li'Yu Family. Ever since Li'Yu Wang told me to leave for the academy, I didn't think much of it. I was finally leaving them. Hopefully, I would never return. Yet, one thing lingered in my mind. They never officially released me.

    They had told me to leave and even said they would not help me while I was at the academy. However, they never said I was no longer a member of the Li'Yu Family. Now that I was here with Fan'Hua and her family, I was being exposed a lot more to the world. Eventually, Li'Yu Wang would have to hear about me.

    I was worried he'd drag me back home. Saying that I was disgracing him by being seen with such prestigious people. Since I was technically still his "child", it was a possibility and no one could stop it. At least, that's what I thought.

    As Lady Zhu introduced me to anyone who was curious, she told them that I was her daughters' lover. When asking which one, the number of shocked faces were many. More than that, they were happy. It was overwhelming in a good way, but Lady Zhu saw the worry on my face.

    "An'Shen," She had said, pulling me away from the crowds, "Is everything alright?"

    I shook my head in response and explained my worries. I knew that Fan'Hua would never let me go, but under pretense of him being my "father", even Fan'Hua could not stop him. She was strong, but to fight him would cause serious harm to the Zhu Family. I didn't want to cause any problems for them.

    This was when my entire perspective shifted. Lady Zhu laughed. Actually laughed. As if my worry was the littlest thing in the world. Of course, I had been upset. Pouting quite a bit, but she reassured me.

    She wasn't laughing at me. She was laughing because the worry was ridiculous. Li'Yu Wang would never raise a finger, and if they did the Zhu Family would meet them. That's when she said something that has stayed in my heart since.

    "An'Shen," She smiled so serenely and confidently, "You are my daughters' lover. That daughter of mine. You are already our family. We protect our family."

    She believed me to be family. Her family. Even though I had only been with Fan'Hua for barely a few months, and only at their home for a couple weeks. I was family to her. It brought me to tears, as I am known to do.

    "Besides," She smiled gently, "He doesn't know you have a name. Anyone talking will be using An'Shen, not"

    She shivered, disgusted by the old name the Li'Yu Family gave me. She comforted me, drying my tears as I had the most amazing feast of a lunch. The restaurant had spared no expense. I had my fill that day. The worry didn't leave me, but I felt confident that they had some sort of plan.

    Since that day, I had a lot of adjusting to do. I was already called Young Master in the Zhu Household, but even the people of the town began to call me it. I was the talk of Rivalia. An'Shen, the lover of Zhu Fan'Hua, the Flower of the Zhu Family.

    I settled into life at the Zhu Family's home. It was more than I could ever dream of. I became more confident in asking for things. Even greeted the servants a bit more happily. I walked with my head a bit higher, and I felt like I finally belonged somewhere, if only a little.

    Today, that all crumbled away. The fear I had came true. A letter trembling in my hand. The words upon the page I read over and over again just to make sure I understood them. Miss Su held me protectively.

    Suyin was tense as she reached for the letter. Taking it from me as my arms just fell. I could only stare into the distance as I felt the fear returning. Everything I had was falling apart. Everything I had was...

    "An'Shen," The voice of a light I thought distant entered my ears.

    Fan'Hua strode into the room, her father and mother behind her. They looked regal yet deadly as they made their way towards me. Suyin handing the note to Lady Zhu and Lord Zhu. Fan'Hua made her way straight to me.

    Miss Su released me as I embraced Fan'Hua. I held her like my life depended on it. Her embrace was firm, warm. I felt safe, yet I could only shake like a leaf.

    "Th-They want me..." I could barely say the words, but taking a breath, I pressed on, "H-He says I need to return..."

    Fan'Hua was quiet for a while, the only response was her arms around me tightening.

    "...So, they finally made a move," She finally muttered, her voice cold, "Mother, Father, is it prepared?"

    I could only look up at her in confusion. Prepared? What was prepared?

    "F-Fan'Hua?" I asked, trying to control my voice, "W-What's going on?"

    Looking down at me, she smiled softly. Her hand cupping my cheek.

    "Do you want to go back?" She asked me directly.

    I immediately began to tear up as I shook my head. If I were to go back there was no telling what they'd do. I had a feeling they wouldn't listen to the rules Lord Yi'Dao put in place either. It had been several months since I left. The home of Lord Yi'Dao may not even be there anymore.

    "Then..." Fan'Hua stated, her gaze unwavering, "You will not. At least...not how he expects."

    "W-What do you mean?" I wondered, my hands gripping her robes tighter, "I don't...I can't go back."

    Her hand caressed my cheek in response, comforting me as she looked towards her parents. They were looking over the letter again. Lord Zhu for the first time. When the messenger came, they said who the letter was from. Lady Zhu read it first, and when I asked for it she reluctantly gave it to me.

    "Honestly..." Lady Zhu clicked her tongue, "He claims he's his son, but doesn't even use the family name..."

    She looked towards me, a empathetic look upon her face. The letter claimed I was a liar and deceiving the Zhu Family. Even saying that An'Shen was a fake name I was using, and my real name was Aban. It sent shivers throughout my body.

    They requested me be returned, and even gave permission for the Zhu Family to punish me as well. Just what was I going to do?
  4. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Thirty:
    Her Plan

    Zhu Fan'Hua embraced An'Shen the moment she entered to room. He was shaking like a leaf and scared out of his mind. He did not want to go back, and there was no way she would allow that. She did not work for all these years for nothing. The Eyes were ever vigilant.

    She had been working on this plan for a long time. Ever since she realized he was her friend and the Li'Yu Family was abusing him. So, literally for the past 8 years. Not all of her time was spent on this, but she had put it into motion.

    When she met up with him again, the feelings inside of her stirred once more. She realized her love for him and how he had to be freed from the Li'Yu Family. He could not do it himself. As long as he was a member of the Li'Yu Family, he could not escape them.

    There was, however, a very easy way to do so. He just had to be ready. He had to have people behind him. Those who would support him...along with the supporting documents. Someone like An'Shen would never know about such a thing.

    "Mother, Father," Zhu Fan'Hua addressed, "Send Lord Li'Yu Wang a polite refusal. State in it that An'Shen does not wish to return home, and in fact that the Li'Yu Family is no longer his home."

    "Of course," Her mother smiled, "Do you think I was just playing all this time?"

    "I mean, honestly..." Her father responded skeptically.

    "Oh, hush you!" Her mother retorted, playfully pushing him.

    Looking back to An'Shen, she saw that he was rightfully confused. Everyone seemed quite relaxed while he was anxious and afraid.

    "An'Shen," Zhu Fan'Hua addressed him, "You are sixteen years old, right?"

    "H-Huh?" He looked up at her, his face completely confused, "Y-yeah...why?"

    "It means," She smiled, satisfied, "That you are considered an adult within the Xiao'Wu Empire."

    "...Yeah?" He questioned, unsure of what she meant.

    "An'Shen," Zhu Fan'Hua looked him in the eye, bending down so she was face to face with him, "You are only beholden to them...if you were a child. Even then, you have a right to refuse."

    A sudden dawning came over his face. She relished the light returning to his eyes. He looked around for confirmation from everyone who nodded. There was, of course, more to it than this.

    One could cut ties to their family if they so desire. So long as they were able. An'Shen, however, never knew about this. How could he? He was always kept in the dark.

    When one cuts ties with their family they were on their own. They had to survive and fend for themselves. Often using their connections or friends to help them. An'Shen had none of that, and at the time Zhu Fan'Hua was unfortunately too busy with the test she was given.

    She could not trust someone else to take care of him, and he could not do so on his own. It had always weighed heavily on her. He had to suffer because she could not help him. The Eyes, however, could.

    Before the test even started and she lost access to the Eyes, she had given them a simple mission. Look into An'Shen's origins. The legitimacy of the Li'Yu Family's claim to him. They claimed to have officially adopted him, but the way they had said it was always suspicious to her.

    Even Lord Yi'Dao had been fooled. Yet, the news of the truth reached her ears a while ago. Before they ever returned to her family's home. Upon arrival, she had been working nonstop to provide the right evidence to present to the Eyes and Lord Li'Yu.

    After all, it was easy to get An'Shen away from them and keep him away. It was destroying the Li'Yu Family that proved a bit more difficult. That's where the legitimacy of his adoption came into play. If they had lied about adopting him, that meant they kept him against his will.

    In other words, they kidnapped, imprisoned, and held a minor without consent. A grievous crime. The Eyes found the proof. There were no official documents of adoption. They were all forged.

    "An'Shen," Zhu Fan'Hua looked towards him as she stood back up, "Do you trust me?"

    "Of course!" He immediately responded, to which he blushed.

    The suddenness of his response must have been embarrassing for him. It was rather cute.

    "Then, I have a question for you," She grew serious as she asked him, "What do you want to do with the Li'Yu Family?"

    He was confused for a moment, thinking. His body shaking slightly. She held him as best she could while still looking at him, waiting. After a while, he spoke softly.

    "...What would you do?" He asked simply.

    Without hesitation, she answered.

    "I'd crush them where they stood," She was confident in her answer, "I will not let them have you."

    He heard her, looking down in thought for another moment. Once that moment passed, he looked up at her with determined eyes.

    "Then, please," He looked up at her with pleading eyes, "Don't let them. I trust you."

    "Then...?" She raised an eyebrow, insinuating her meaning.

    He thought for only a second as her meaning washed over him.

    "...Yes," He muttered softly, "Crush them."

    "As you wish, my dear," She responded, kissing him upon the top of his head.

    The Li'Yu Family had no time to react, plan, or retreat. Zhu Fan'Hua had everything planned for the last 8 years. The Eyes were constantly watching. Gathering evidence and making the right moves. It was no easy feat to completely crush an entire family. Not without repercussions.

    For her, it would be as easy as using her name. She cared naught for what the world thought of her. They would talk no matter what. There were injustices being committed on the daily within the Xiao'Wu Empire despite the Imperial Edicts. Loopholes always existed.

    Why should she care about neutrality? What use was it to have the power they had if they never used it? Some would say it was to temper them. To allow the world to flourish. For Zhu Fan'Hua, how could the world flourish when there were weeds choking at the flowers yet to bloom?

    Power came with a responsibility. She could not continue to sit back against the injustices in the world. Some may come to say that it was only because it hit close to her. That it was only because of An'Shen that she made her moves, but there was more to her motivations than that. Though she would never deny he was a large part of it.

    Suyin was her guard and friend since she was a baby. She was her nursemaid, confidant, protector, friend, and was like a big sister to her. Yet, she had to treat her like a servant. Anytime she got friendly with her, there would be whispers among the Inner Court.

    Many came to harass her. She was once attacked for "overstepping her position". Suyin was nineteen at the time. Zhu Fan'Hua, still under the name Xiao'Wu Shui, was five years old. She witnessed this attack. She saw the results.

    Those who committed the attack were injured by Xiao'Wu Shui who lashed out in anger. The mana around her obeying her command. Even the Inner Court members could not withstand the full might of a Xiao'Wu, even one that was a child.

    Unabated, her cultivation stage did not matter. The blood in her veins had activated and the Inner Court members took the hit. However, so did she. When she awoke from her own injuries, she found Suyin back to nursing her. She acted as if nothing had ever happened.

    Yet, Xiao'Wu Shui knew. She knew that Suyin wasn't okay. She asked what had happened and was appalled to hear that the Inner Court members were not punished. Even her mother and father did nothing. A loophole in the Imperial Edicts saved them.

    They were not neglecting Suyin. They were not sexually assaulting her. She was not Royalty, and so an attack on her was not protected. Even being the nursemaid of the Second Princess did not save her.

    Even Imperial Edict One did not punish them. The Royal Imperial Family is Law. Her parents, and the other family members, were too timid to use their voice for a single, simple nursemaid. To do so would be considered showing favorites and would create turmoil.

    The most that happened was that they were fined and forbidden from ever touching Suyin again. Yet, that did nothing to them. They had the money to compensate and keeping their distance did not stop them from sending anyone else, so long as they hid that they bought hired thugs.

    Only after this attack did they realize how important Suyin was to her. This, along with her condition, were the real reasons she was sent to the Zhu Family. Ever since she has seen so many instances of misconduct. There was nothing protecting people from being killed, beaten, or starved.

    So long as the whole of the people weren't neglected, they could get away with anything. Even the Eyes were getting tired of it. Many she had won over to her side. An'Shen was the final straw on the metaphorical camel's back.

    She would start there. She now had the power to move. The Li'Yu Family was her first steppingstone in creating a better world. She loved her family. Both of them, but even the Xiao'Wu Family was stuck. Too afraid to offend the Inner Courts.

    Peace has reigned over the lands for so long that the Xiao'Wu Family forgot who they were. The Martial Dawn was waning. She would see it rise again. Unafraid of reprisal. Should any rise against her, then her family would be reminded of who they were. They were the Martial Dawn.

    Their voice was law. Even if this land was plunged into chaos, everything would be hers. Now, as she looked towards the sleeping An'Shen in the carriage, she had another precious reason to make it so. Her plans were finally being realized.

    The world had to decide. Fall in line, or fall completely.
  5. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Thirty-One:
    Return to Plum City

    Zhu Fan'Hua and her family made their way to the Li'Yu Estate. A letter had been sent ahead by her mother. She wasn't the Head of the Zhu Family for nothing. With foresight, she had sent it ahead and with the right timing they would arrive just as the letter did.

    An'Shen was nervous, but held fast to Zhu Fan'Hua. He was placing all of his trust into her. She could hardly let that go to waste. She would not betray the trust he placed in her.

    The Zhu Family was in full movement. The orders had been sent and their warriors were in place. All their holdings were being watched, protected, and safe. Those who could move fast made their way to Plum City.

    The Eyes were called and sent to "mediate" this interaction. This would be the last time An'Shen returned to the Li'Yu Estate. In the distance, Plum City could be seen. An'Shen was shaking as he put on a brave face. Only her hand upon his head calmed him just a little.

    "W-What if something goes wrong?" He muttered, anxious.

    "If it does," She responded, "I will protect you."

    "But then-" He began to worry.

    "But nothing, my dear," She interrupted, "I am not afraid of a fight."

    He was silent, his only response was his hand tightening around hers. His body pressing closer to her as she held him close. She wasn't afraid of the fight. Suyin was well above anyone in the Li'Yu Family. Even after An'Shen's departure the head of the family could not break through. He was still stuck within the Awakened Stage.

    Her Father, Zhu Gen, was in the Ascended Stage. Her Mother, Zhu Xiaoli, was even above him at the Ascended Stage. Many of their warriors were within the Crystalized and Awakened Stage. Zhu Fan'Hua herself could exert power far beyond that due to her bloodline and condition.

    For all those years the mana assaulted her, it had gathered an immense amount. Far beyond that of a typical cultivator. Using that built up mana along with her bloodline could overwhelm even those two stages ahead of her.

    As a child, she had gone even further beyond that when Suyin was attacked. Though it took a toll upon her. For the Li'Yu Family, that would not be needed. She was also quite close to breaking through again. The Awakened Stage wasn't far away.

    When it came to small gaps in stages, or levels, it could be overcome by skill. Zhu Fan'Hua had the skill. The Li'Yu have grown lazy. They do not train. They waste the days drinking, eating, and having parties to increase their connections. A very lavish lifestyle for such a small family.

    The people stared at the passing carriages. The crest of the Zhu Family emblazoned on the side of the pristine white and gold carriages. Pulled by only the best horses. It was a regal entourage that people of such a town have not seen in their lives.

    With the carriages coming to a stop before the Li'Yu Family estate. As they stepped out, she saw a messenger just leaving. As they did, a look of recognition crossed their face. A smile crept across it as they stopped, bowing to them all.

    "My Masters," They greeted, "The letter has been delivered."

    "Did they read it?" Zhu Fan'Hua asked, looking around the area.

    "Not yet," They responded, "But they looked pleased. I only wish I could be there when they read it."

    Zhu Fan'Hua nodded, motioning for their warriors to get into place. None were leaving the Li'Yu Family. The messenger moved along as she made her way, with An'Shen and her parents in tow, inside the Li'Yu Family's compound.

    The servants who were there immediately reacted with surprise. They had not been expecting guests. They bowed, running off to most likely inform the Head Maid, Lady Dan. As they entered the main building, they were stopped by a guard. Zhu Fan'Hua recognized him, as did An'Shen. Guard Captain Mo'Fan.

    In the years since she last saw him, he had gotten fatter. Yet, his strength seemed to be the same. He lived well while An'Shen suffered. How much did this man gorge? How often did An'Shen starve while they ate plenty?

    "Stop!" He ordered, hand on his sword, "Who are you to intrude upon the Li'Yu Family! This house is guarded by me, Mo'Fan! You are not...Aban? Ha!"

    His eyes narrowed in on An'Shen. Zhu Fan'Hua's anger continued to rise. This man was ignoring everyone else and was simply watching An'Shen.

    "So, you've come crawling back, have you?" He sneered, finally looking at all the people with him, "I see you continue to be a burden to people. Your father has asked for you to return. It's time you go back to your room."

    The moment he said that word Zhu Fan'Hua felt it. The Room. Something that An'Shen had told her about. His entire body froze up. An'Shen clung to her desperately. His eyes fixated in fear upon Mo'Fan.

    "Did you not hear me?" Mo'Fan growled, stepping towards him, "I said, it's time to go back to your room, Aban."

    As he took a step forward, Zhu Fan'Hua's eyes narrowed. Mana circulating as she froze his arm in place. He cried out in pain as it instantly became frost bitten. He would not touch An'Shen.

    "His name," Zhu Fan'Hua responded coolly, "Is An'Shen, and you will not touch him."

    "Y-You!" He exclaimed angrily, taking his arm back, "You attack the guard captain of the Li'Yu Family! Do you have any idea what-"

    "Stop!" The voice of Li'Yu Wang exclaimed.

    He was out of breath as he came into the room. He wore powder blue robes, his hair well kept, but he looked disheveled. As if he just read some horrible news. A cruel smirk crossed Zhu Fan'Hua's face.

    "Stop?" She asked, tilting her head, "Why should I? He raised his hand against one of mine. Against me."

    "And? You're nothing to the Li'Yu-" Mo'Fan raged.

    "Mo'Fan!" Li'Yu Wang yelled, "Know your place! Do not speak so easily for the Li'Yu Family when you know not the faces you speak to!"

    Mo'Fan looked back at Li'Yu Wang in confusion, and perhaps even arrogance. Zhu Fan'Hua almost felt pity for him. His servants so full of themselves that they dare to be arrogant even to their master. That pity soon faded.

    "Li'Yu Wang," Zhu Fan'Hua addressed him coolly, "I take it you've read the letter."

    He winced, gritting his teeth. He strode forward, glaring down at An'Shen.

    "Young Miss Zhu," He smiled like a snake, "Please don't be fooled by my idiot son, Aban. He's-"

    Before he could finish that sentence, White Snow was to his throat. Her eyes narrowed in on him.

    "His name, as I've told your incompetent guard," She informed him, her anger rising, "Is An'Shen. Do not forget it. There is no one that lives at this house. There has never been someone living here by that name."

    "W-What are you talking about?" He swallowed hard, "You raise a weapon against me in my own home, and claim that he isn't my son? Aban, tell her. Stop this foolishness and-"

    Before he could get another word out, several people appeared around them. They wore cloaks of dark brown with wide brimmed straw hats dyed the same color. Their faces were veiled and upon the cloak was a single symbol. That of an eye.

    "Lady Zhu," One of them said, "Allow us to handle this. We are here to mediate."

    An'Shen clung to her tightly, looking up at her with pleading eyes. He trusted her, and this was all according to her plan. Get Li'Yu Wang to become arrogant. After all, he had just been threatened by her. He would use that against her in these "negotiations".

    "...Very well," She responded, dismissing White Snow, "Let's...discuss."
  6. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Thirty-Two:

    They were sat in a large room. A circular table before them. Li'Yu Wang and his wife, Li'Yu Changying, sat opposite them. Zhu Fan'Hua sat with An'Shen to her right with her father to her left, and her mother to An'Shen's right.

    Suyin took up position behind An'Shen along with Miss Su. Li'Yu Wang could only glare at them both. Miss Su used to be his servant, but now served An'Shen. An'Shen he still believed to be his "son". He was still going with the lie that An'Shen was deceitful and lying to the Zhu Family.

    Lady Dan and Mo'Fan were situated behind Li'Yu Wang. Mo'Fan openly glaring at Zhu Fan'Hua. The Eyes were situated on either side of the table between the two parties. There were ten in total, but there were more around. There always were.

    "We are here today to discuss a rather grievous accusation," A female voice spoke up from the Eyes, "I, the Third Eye, shall oversee this meeting with the Fifth Eye. The other Eyes shall observe."

    "I am Fifth Eye," A male voice spoke up opposite the Third Eye, "Before we begin, I ask that the two parties inform the other of their grievances and why we are here today."

    "Why?" Li'Yu Wang exclaimed immediately, "You saw her! She pulled her weapon on me! That's definitely inciting war!"

    "Sir," Fifth Eye cautioned, "Lower your voice. Pulling a blade does not mean they are inciting a war. Do not list Imperial Edicts so flippantly."

    Li'Yu Wang winced, retreating back into his chair.

    "She came into my home unannounced," He continued, his voice lower but still angry, "And pulled a weapon on me. All I want is my son back. She has no right to interfere!"

    An'Shen held Zhu Fan'Hua's hand. His grip tightening. She reassuringly held it in return.

    "No right?" Zhu Fan'Hua spoke up calmly, "He is sixteen years old, is he not?"

    Li'Yu Wang flinched, nodded.

    "Then, you are aware he is an adult," She continued, "He has the right to choose. An'Shen, what do you want to do?"

    He looked up at her nervously, then looked around at everyone else. She watched as he took a breath, closing his eyes. As he finished his breath, he opened his eyes. A fierceness to them that she took great pleasure in. It was good to see him standing firmly. Even if she was holding him up. Sometimes, you needed the support.

    "I don't want to return," He spoke clearly, though his voice slightly shook, "I...I want to cut ties with the Li'Yu Family."

    The moment the words left his lips, his body relaxed. As if he's been waiting to say that all his life. At the same time, Li'Yu Wang fumed.

    "You're my child!" He exclaimed loudly, "Even if you are an adult, you're still under my care! You're sick and need help. You've even lied to them all about your name, you are Aba-"

    Before he got another word out, a knife sliced across his cheek. Through the veil over his face, the Fifth Eye glared at him.

    "I asked you before to remain calm," He warned, "This is the last time I will tell you. The name of this child is An'Shen."

    "He's my child," Li'Yu Wang seethed, yet quieter, "His name is mine to give."

    "He is an adult, and has the right to choose should he desire," The Third Eye intoned, "You have no right to dictate that. You claim he is sick. Do you have proof?"

    Li'Yu Wang smiled for the first time. Motioning to the side, Lady Dan produced some documents. Zhu Fan'Hua raised an eyebrow. Did they have those on hand? It didn't matter, but it was amusing to see.

    Sliding the documents over, the Third Eye read them. Everyone remained quiet. After a moment, Third Eye sighed, laying down the documents.

    "As you can see, esteemed Third Eye," Li'Yu Wang explained, "The documents show he has a very frail condition, and is prone to delusions of grandeur. Like now. He must be reprimanded back to his family, and-"

    "Lord Li'Yu Wang," Third Eye interrupted, "...Who forged these for you?"

    He winced under her gaze as she looked towards him.

    "W-What are you talking about?" He flustered, "Those are real! Lord Yi'Dao even signed off on it!"

    "Yes, that's why I'm asking who forged it," She replied simply, sighing, "Lord Yi'Dao has not worked her for over eight years. These documents are dated rather recently..."

    Li'Yu Wang clenched his jaw, looking away nervously.

    "Lord Li'Yu Wang," Third Eye continued, "Can you explain this?"

    "I...I was told that he signed off on it," He stammered, angrily looking over at Lady Dan, "You told me you had them signed by him!"

    She flinched, looking quite offended.

    "I thought they were!" She exclaimed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "I should never have delegated it to someone think they'd forge a signature of Lord Yi'Dao."

    "Even though he hasn't worked here," Li'Yu Changying finally spoke up, hiding her face behind her fan, "It is possible that the one who got them signed had sent the documents to him. It would explain why they are so recent."

    The Third Eye looked towards Li'Yu Changying. A sense of pressure filled the room.

    "That may be," The Third Eye responded, "However, Lord Yi'Dao has never signed these documents."

    "You may be an Eye," Li'Yu Changying intoned, rather full of herself, "But to say you know Lord Yi'Dao's signature is a bit much, isn't it?"

    The entire room grew silent. Even Li'Yu Wang looked at his wife in horror. She was questioning the integrity of the Eyes.

    "Lady Li'Yu," The Third Eye replied, rather amused, "I will ignore your blatant disregard of the Eye's integrity, and give you proof."

    From the folds of her clothing, she produced a single piece of paper. It looked a bit warn, but otherwise was in good condition. Placing the piece of paper next to the other documents, she pointed to the two signatures upon them.

    "This document was signed by Lord Yi'Dao," She explained, "As I personally saw him sign it...when he treated me."

    Li'Yu Changying gripped her fan tightly.

    "Surely, signatures aren't always-" She began to explain.

    "Accurate?" The Third Eye interrupted, finishing her sentence, "You're correct, but there are always consistencies. Such as how Lord Yi'Dao always makes quite the fanciful flourish upon the a in his name."

    "I suggest," The Fifth Eye warned, "To not try and lie to us. You do know who we are, correct?"

    Li'Yu Changying tensed up, nodding.

    "Forgive me," She stated through clenched teeth, "I did not mean to offend the esteemed Eyes of the Empire."

    "Do remember that," The Fifth Eye sighed, "Get rid of the documents. They are false, and as we can see, An'Shen appears to be rather healthy, if a little underweight."

    Zhu Fan'Hua was growing impatient. This farce had gone on for far too long. She had enjoyed seeing them squirm, but it was time to get to the real problem at hand. An'Shen's adoption and how legitimate it was.

    "His health aside," Zhu Fan'Hua spoke up, "I believe it's time we addressed something more important."

    "What's more important than my child's health?" Li'Yu Wang growled.

    "...The fact of if he is your child or not," Zhu Fan'Hua responded, a venomous smile on her face, "Suyin, the documents please."
  7. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Thirty-Three:
    Fall of the Li'Yu

    "This has gone on for too long," Zhu Fan'Hua explained, "I am impatient and will get straight to it. An'Shen was never your child. You have never adopted him. You kept him confined to your home unlawfully and against his wishes."

    The documents were passed to everyone. Several copies had been made.

    "There has been evidence of abuse," Zhu Fan'Hua turned towards An'Shen, "With your permission..."

    She spoke softly, he understood. Standing up, he removed the upper layer of his clothing to reveal the old scars upon his body. Some were still healing, but the ones from years ago were still there.

    "H-He was always clumsy," Li'Yu Wang explained, "He'd do things even when we told him not to..."

    "Like playing with blades?" Zhu Fan'Hua asked, motioning to one of the scars, "This type of scar is only done with a blade. My father can confirm."

    Her father smiled, standing suddenly, proudly as he revealed his own body. Her mother smiled, "Oh my, dear. Have some dignity."

    Zhu Gen, a warrior of some renown had seen many battles. Small conflicts here and there against bandits and other cultivators. He had his fair share of scars.

    "As you can see," Zhu Fan'Hua looked towards Li'Yu Wang, "The scars are rather similar, are they not?"

    "Th-That...yes, he got into the guards supplies one day, and-" Li'Yu Wang tried to explain.

    "And cut himself?" The Fifth Eye asked, glaring towards Li'Yu Wang, "A child did that and no one stopped him? Are you not his father? Are you not his mother? Are you not the guard captain and head maid? Where were any of you when this happened?"

    They all went silent as none could really answer. There were several scars upon An'Shen's body. Zhu Fan'Hua knew where it was from. The Li'Yu siblings would use him as practice. They would fight him so they would learn how it felt to "cut a human".

    With the evidence presented, both An'Shen and her father covered back up. An'Shen hugging himself out of both embarrassment and shame. Doing his best to hide himself against her. If her heart didn't ache for him in this moment, she'd think it was cute. However, right now it was difficult for her to think so when he was in pain.

    "As you can see," She continued, "Parents who let their children get hurt like this...could hardly be considered parents, but you were never his parents to begin with."

    "That's a blatant lie!" Li'Yu Wang raged, but quieted down the moment all Eyes glared at him, "I-I mean, I have to documents to prove it!"

    "Then please, provide them," The Third Eye instructed, "We would like to see them."

    "Ah...that's, I didn't really have time to prepare them," He stated nervously, "They're...up in my safe."

    "Then, have someone retrieve them," The Fifth Eye instructed, but then held up a hand, "Ah, that's right. We already have them,"

    It was in this moment that Li'Yu Wang became completely silent. His face became as white as a ghost. His body went entirely limp as he just stared at the Fifth Eye.

    "W-What do you mean...You already have them?" He asked quietly, "That' shouldn' couldn't have?"

    "Why not? They were in your safe, right?" The Fifth Eye asked, "As an Eye, I have the right to investigate. We did just that."

    " When?" He asked as Zhu Fan'Hua saw his brain working.

    The wheels were spinning. Li'Yu Wang wasn't a dumb man, but he was a simple man. If his status was threatened, then he would break. There was a reason An'Shen had been held here. He never wanted to release An'Shen, and for someone who hated him, he sure kept him around despite everything.

    "Li'Yu Wang," Zhu Fan'Hua addressed him, "You've kept An'Shen against his will for years. You are beginning to've been under investigation for a long time."

    He simply stared at her, his face completely blank. It was rather satisfying.

    "The documents we received," The Fifth Eye continued, "Show that An'Shen has never, and was never adopted by you. We have interviewed every single one of your servants. They have all said the same thing."

    "Please, come in now," The Third Eye called out.

    The door to the room opened and in walked a young man. Roughly in his mid-twenties. He had dark hair and clear brown eyes. An'Shen immediately recognized him. He wore the armor of the Li'Yu Family that fit his athletic build well.

    "Guard Xu..." An'Shen whispered.

    "It's good to see you well, child," He replied, a kind smile on his face, "Ah, I suppose your name is An'Shen now. I'm finally have a proper name."

    "Y-You!" Mo'Fan fumed as he saw the young guardsman, "You sold us out!"

    "Me...among others," Xu replied, glaring at the man, "Did you really think we'd all keep silent forever? You treated him like nothing. Why? He was just a child."

    "He's a waste!" Mo'Fan raged, "He is a blight upon this family!"

    The Eyes went to move, but Zhu Fan'Hua held up her hand and they obeyed. This did not go unnoticed by Li'Yu Wang who simply laughed.

    "They...told me to keep him," He answered, much to his wifes surprise.

    "Dear don't! You know what they'll do!" She exclaimed, worried.

    "Didn't you see it?" He looked to his wife, motioning to Zhu Fan'Hua, "The Eyes listened to her. Don't you get it?"

    A sudden dawning arose across her face. Li'Yu Changying stared in horror at Zhu Fan'Hua.

    "Y-You are-" Before she could saw a word, the Third Eye was to her.

    "Not another word," She threatened, a knife to her throat.

    "Now, you were saying?" The Fifth Eye asked Li'Yu Wang.

    "I was told..." He began, his face defeated, "To keep that boy here..."

    "Why? Who told you?" The Fifth Eye questioned.

    The evidence was clear. Their crimes were open to everyone. Fraud, kidnapping, confinement against ones will, child abuse, child neglect, lying to an empire official, and much more. Li'Yu Wang knew he couldn't escape.

    "Crimson robes of golden accent," He muttered, "They gave their name as Xiao'Wu Shang. Green eyes and dark hair. A scar across his lip..."

    The name and description instantly pricked Zhu Fan'Hua's ears. It was a name she was familiar with, but to think he'd use the name of her family. Shang was not a part of the Xiao'Wu Family, though he would like to be. He was part of the Inner Court. Considered a branch family of the Xiao'Wu, but given the family name of Gao.

    Gao Shang was of the Gao Family. A powerful Inner Court Family who stood above even the major families. All Inner Court Members were part of families that stood above even the major families. They were close to the Xiao'Wu Family, and often were branch families.

    They always vied for power and influence over the current Emperor or Empress of the Xiao'Wu Empire. Yet, why would they have an interest in An'Shen? She needed answers.

    "Detain them," Zhu Fan'Hua ordered, "I'll question them later."

    One by one they were all arrested. Chains put upon their wrists and ankles. Zhu Fan'Hua stood with An'Shen as they were escorted out. Their faces defeated. The Li'Yu Family would be no more. However, one decided to be foolish.

    As they were escorted out, Mo'Fan glared at An'Shen. In a fit of rage he broke free from the Eyes and lunged towards him. He was shackled, but could still pose a threat. Zhu Fan'Hua placed an arm before An'Shen protectively, but she was not worried.

    Xu made a move at the same time. Without hesitation his sword plunged into Mo'Fan's chest. She attempted to shield An'Shen from the sight, but he refused. Moving her arm out of the way. Even as he clung to her, he watched Mo'Fan with unwavering eyes.

    "Y-You..." Mo'Fan reached for him, "Why...couldn't you obey..."

    "...Why couldn't you treat me better?" An'Shen responded, his tone almost sad.

    "Ha...cause, you're a waste," Mo'Fan sneered as he fell upon the floor, the life leaving his eyes.

    "No, Mo'Fan," An'Shen whispered, "You were."

    Zhu Fan'Hua felt both pride and concern for An'Shen. Despite all his posturing, he was shaking ever so slightly against her.

    "Suyin, Miss Su," Zhu Fan'Hua ordered, "Take An'Shen out of here. I'll clean this up."

    "But-!" An'Shen began to protest, but a single finger to his lips stopped him.

    "Let me clean this up," She told him gently, "I know you may want to see this, but...please. Trust me."

    His eyes were pleading, but an understanding washed over them. He nodded, hugging her tightly as he whispered in her ear.

    "Don't make it easy..." He told her, " safe."

    She smiled slightly. Even though he knew she'd be fine, he still worried about her. Kissing him softly upon the forehead, he was then escorted from the room.

    "Now then," She took a breath, turning towards everyone, "I believe it's time you give me answers."
  8. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Thirty-Four:
    Revelation and The Return Home

    The Li'Yu Family was destroyed. Their name struck from the List of Families. Those who held titles within the Xiao'Wu Empire. Zhu Fan'Hua interrogated Li'Yu Wang and his wife, getting the answers she required. Her identity had been revealed to them. They realized the moment she ordered the Eyes. Even the Guard named Xu understood.

    He knew she was keeping it a secret from An'Shen. He wished to stay and serve, but he also knew that he was complicit in the actions of An'Shen's abuse. Zhu Fan'Hua did not hold him responsible, but he wished to be punished for it. Hard work in the mines for a while was what he requested. A request she granted.

    Afterwards, she informed him to report back. She had a use for those who would protect An'Shen. He gladly accepted and left with the Eyes to be put to work under watch. The rest of the servants were rounded up. They were complicit as well, but for most of them they were pardoned. Those who helped gather the evidence against the family.

    They were then given some compensation and a recommendation to other homes to work at. Those who were active in his abuse were arrested and would be punished. The entire manor was searched, and The Room was found. An'Shen visited it with Zhu Fan'Hua at his side.

    He wanted to face it, and she believed him brave to do so. He would never return to such a place. Everyone was horrified to see just how small that room had been. It was barely a cellar. So small that there was no way he could have stood up in it, even as a child. He would have had to curl up, or sit in order to be comfortable at all, if you could call that comfort.

    A room that was barely four feet on each side. With her orders, the entire manor was stripped and destroyed. Including that room. The crimes of the Li'Yu Family were plastered for all to see. Plum City was no longer under the Li'Yu Family's rule.

    What was most important was the information Li'Yu Wang gave her about Gao Shang. The Li'Yu Family had indeed found An'Shen in a forest. Surrounded by dead and covered by some of them. Most likely, these were his parents. A saddening thing to hear.

    They took the child and raised him normally for a while, but that changed as he grew older. He was abused and hated for his condition. As the years went on, however, that's when Gao Shang found them. He had happened upon the Li'Yu Family in his travels and noticed An'Shen.

    He requested that they keep him there, for they were going to get rid of him. Send him to an orphanage. However, with the money sent from Gao Shang, they listened. He simply told them to keep him alive. It didn't matter what else they did to the child.

    Gao Shang had given them permission to abuse An'Shen using the Xiao'Wu Family's name. Her family name. The absolute gall of it. He was impersonating royalty. This admission would see him executed, but she wanted answers before then.

    Answers that Li'Yu Wang gave her. Gao Shang had been someone who tried treating her condition. He was also someone who she had injured. One of them who had attacked Suyin. He had told the Li'Yu Family that he needed An'Shen. That he was the key to his fortune.

    It was easy to piece together everything. Gao Shang had planned to use An'Shen to cure her. He knew about both their conditions, and had planned to swoop in and "save" An'Shen from the Li'Yu family. Ingratiate himself with An'Shen so he'd listen to him. Using him as a pawn to get on the good side of her and her family.

    It was the ruined when Zhu Fan'Hua found him first. Gao Shang had apparently raged at the Li'Yu Family. They were informed to keep him away from Zhu Fan'Hua. They were not told why, but that if they didn't they would be destroyed.

    It explained why they were so adamant about keeping him, and about trying to prevent him from being close to Zhu Fan'Hua. Gao Shang had not made a move against the Li'Yu Family because the Eyes had been watching them. If he made a move, it would reveal his hand, but now it was all out in the open.

    It all began to make sense to her. What didn't, is why they forged documents. Why not officially adopt An'Shen? Li'Yu Wang's reasoning was sickening. He truly believed that An'Shen was a waste. A disgusting child who would taint the Li'Yu Family name if made official.

    She left the rest up to the Eyes. She was done with the Li'Yu Family. They were finished. All that mattered now was that An'Shen was free, and Gao Shang would soon meet the headsman's axe.

    The information spread fast. The Eyes were everywhere and their information was solid. The Gao Family was raided and the information found. Word of An'Shen's existence reached even her parent's ears. The Empress and Emperor.

    Their wrath was unlike any other when they heard that the lover of their daughter had been treated so badly. Not only that, but to keep vital information that would help their daughters condition was unforgiveable. Finally, they were remembering just who they were. The Martial Dawn.

    Not only did the Gao Family keep a child confined in a lesser family, but they endorsed it. The correspondence between the two families were held as blackmail for the other. A hubris among nobility. You could never truly wash your hands of your crimes. They always had to hold onto something.

    Her parents kept the activities quiet. Silencing any who would spread the word. An'Shen wasn't ready to hear that she was part of the Royal Imperial Family just yet. He had to recover from the ordeal with the Li'Yu Family.

    He had put on a brave face, but he was shaken. The reality not quite sinking in yet. They had returned to Rivalia. It had been an exhausting journey for him, yet he did so quite bravely. He slept a lot. As if all the stress and tension in his body had finally released.

    There would still be a lot of work to do, but at the very least he was free of the Li'Yu, and the Xiao'Wu were finally remembering who they were. He would be safe, and she would enjoy every moment of her life with him. Still, her work was not quite done.

    Upon their return to Rivalia, Zhu Fan'Hua had several duties to attend to. Namely, the funerals for those lost under her command. The ones lost from the Liu Family's attack on her trade. By the time they returned, those of the deceased were already there.

    The festivities were somber as she made an appearance. An'Shen by her side. One by one they visited the families who could make it. Thankfully, all of them could make it. Some blamed her, but others were more lenient.

    Those who blamed her came to apologize in the coming days. She forgave them as she understood. The loss of loved ones were never easy. She made sure everything was taken care of for them. She had put in extensive effort to retrieve the bodies of the deceased. Even those lost on the trading ships.

    Relief efforts were made and a large sendoff was had. Spirit Callers came to summon prayers of safe passage into the next life. Spirit Callers were those cultivators who had an affinity with what some believed to be the true gods. The very nature of the world and what governs rebirth and the cycle of life.

    They would call upon the mana and perform great rites of wonder and awe. It was said to appears the souls of the departed so they could move on to the next life. It was held upon the shores of the Great Southern Sea. One of many as the Southern Sea was made of up many individual bodies of water.

    A fire was held to appease the night and the spirits woes. Family mourned and cried into the night. Fifty-three people were killed. Fifty-three lives no longer able to see their families. There were those among the deceased who were even starting a family. So, in reality, there were more lives lost. An unfortunate addition of five other lives yet to be born. A total of fifty-eight.

    How cruel were the Liu Family that they even ordered the death of pregnant women? They were working the stores that had been ransacked. A supposedly easy job for them, but it ended with not only their deaths, but the death of their children.

    The Li'Yu Family was the first steppingstone. Next were those who ordered such an atrocity. The Liu Family would answer for the crimes committed.
  9. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Thirty-Five:
    The Meaning of a Name

    The previous events were put behind them. Zhu Fan'Hua saw the families off who came for the funerals. The remains of their loved ones transported under an honorary guard. The Li'Yu Family was destroyed, and the Gao Family fell from grace. The Inner Courts were now more cautious than ever.

    Zhu Fan'Hua landed a heavy blow the last couple of months. Now, she could only wait and see how everyone else would react. For now, she could finally spend time with An'Shen. He had been so incredibly patient since he arrived at her childhood home a couple months ago.

    Everything had been so busy she did not have time to truly spend with him. The time she did spend with him was time working. The ugly business with the Li'Yu Family and the funeral proceedings for those lost. Still, he remained by her side and encouraged her.

    He always told her to do her best and to just be safe. He spent most of his time with her mother while Zhu Fan'Hua was busy. It was the only way to keep him cheered up, if only a little. After the Li'Yu Family business, he seemed to be quite distant. As if his mind just wasn't there.

    He should be happy, but instead he has been rather melancholic. Her mother explained it to her simply. He was drained. All the weight from his past suddenly just disappeared, but now he had no idea what to do.

    The Li'Yu children were still out in the world. Protected by sects or academies that took them in. Even Taixu seemed worried about him. She was told that he knew he had a place here, but should that ever disappear, he had nowhere.

    This was a ridiculous notion to Zhu Fan'Hua. All the times she has reassured him and made him understand, he still felt this way? Though, it's not like she didn't understand. The Li'Yu Family had been a huge part of his life, even if it wasn't that great of a part. With that gone, there would be an emptiness. One that she intended to fill.

    "An'Shen," She called to him, draping her arms around his neck.

    He was reading with Miss Su when she approached him from behind. He jumped, turning around with wide eyes. His face immediately lit up as he embraced her.

    "Fan'Hua!" He exclaimed rather happily, "I've missed you..."

    He muttered into her neck as he held on tightly.

    "I've missed you too, my dear," She responded softly, "How have you been? I've been told you've not been feeling so great."

    His embrace loosened as he wilted a bit.

    "...No," He answered softly, "I...I just feel strange. I should be happy, but I just...I feel nothing."

    Zhu Fan'Hua was right. There was an emptiness in him. Revenge was often never what you expected. Even when justice was given, there would be a sense of emptiness. A sense of what now?

    It was a question that Zhu Fan'Hua had constantly dealt with. Scooping him up in her arms, she held him close to her. She took in his scent, a very subtle smell of fresh pine and flowers. The soap she gifted him was coming in use.

    "Then, perhaps," She whispered, "We should fill that emptiness?"

    He blushed, flustered at her suddenly picking him up. He was still rather light, but that was fine. He was finally eating properly and healthily. The three servants she handpicked for him would make sure he was taken care of.

    "Chuntao," Zhu Fan'Hua addressed, "Inform the guards to clear the Azure Tower. Liling and Bohai, make sure the Azure Tower is clean and prepared. Oh, and don't do anything too extravagant. Keep it simple, but sweet."

    Everyone immediately began to buzz with energy. Everyone except An'Shen who did not know the meaning of the Azure Tower. There had been a long tradition in the Zhu Family. The Azure Tower was said to bind lovers before the eyes of the heavens. In other words, she was making it clear who she was going to spend her life with.

    "Azure Tower?" An'Shen asked quietly, "What's that?"

    "Don't worry about it for now," Zhu Fan'Hua told him, "I will explain it all later. For now...would you care to go out with me?"

    She watched as his face lit up. A smile so bright she was almost blinded as he nodded vigorously. Without another word, she carried him out of the room and even most of the way outside before he was too embarrassed and asked to be put down. The way he covered his face with his hands was always adorable.

    She had planned this for a few days. A festival was being held in town today. It was in celebration of the start of Fall. There were always a festival held at the turn of each season. Food stalls and other vendors were plying their wares. As they walked through town, the people would stare, whispering about them.

    None of the talk was bad, and she wondered what they'd say by tomorrow. Tonight would be a night to remember, for the both of them. For now, she would make sure the day went well for An'Shen. As she looked down at him, she could see he was finally smiling again.

    "Fan'Hua..." An'Shen asked, "Thank you...for today. I really needed this."

    He bit down into a sweet treat on a stick. It was a dough like substance with a fruit and chocolate filling. They called them Sweet Rolls on a Stick. It was a common street food in many festivals.

    They were sitting upon a bench on the banks of a river that ran through town. Late afternoon and they were resting after walking most of the day. He enjoyed his treat as Zhu Fan'Hua watched him.

    "I'm glad you enjoyed it," She told him, wiping away some of the fruit that got on his face.

    As he watched her, she licked the fruit from her finger. His shy smile warmed her heart.

    "Y-Yeah..." He looked up at the river before them, "I've been feeling really down, because...I just don't know what to do."

    "What do you want to do?" Zhu Fan'Hua asked him softly, "Anything you wish to do, I'm sure you can do it. If you can't, I'll make it possible."

    He smiled warmly, looking back down at the ground.

    "That's what I mean..." He answered quietly, "I don't know what to do about...this."

    He aimed at his heart. Pointing with his thumb.

    'Every time I see you, I get so happy," He explained, "Yet, when you're away I get so incredibly sad."

    He sighed, leaning back against the bench.

    "I know that it may sound ridiculous," He laughed lightly, "But it's the truth. I don't know if I can live without this anymore...if something were to happen, then-"

    "Nothing will happen," Zhu Fan'Hua interjected gently, "And it's not ridiculous."

    He smiled softly as he shrugged.

    "I know you're strong," He told her, "That's I really the one you want?"

    She figured this was the case. He had so much trauma built up that he may never believe things to be true. Steeling herself, she turned towards him. Placing her hand under his chin, she turned his face towards her. Their eyes looking into each other's.

    She had forgot just how pretty his eyes were. Like the forests meeting the water. She realized his eyes reminded her of Rivalia. His golden-brown, near blonde hair was like the sun setting upon her home. A beautiful sight. One she would drink in every morning from now on.

    "An'Shen, do you know who gave you your name?" She asked him softly.

    "L-Lord Yi'Dao?" He answered, but he was unsure.

    "No," She shook her head, "I gave you that name. It is a word in the language of ancients."

    His eyes widened as he looked at her. She smiled lightly as he moved a bit closer to her.

    "Y-You!? You gave it to me?" He asked in bewilderment, "But Lord Yi'Dao...I mean, it's from the ancients?"

    "Yes," She nodded, "Do you want to know what it means?"

    He vigorously nodded his head, his eyes filled with stars. A pleading, a hope that drew her in.

    "There are two meanings," She explained, "The first, is to soothe. To relieve tension in one's body."

    He listened, his mind wrapping around her words.

    " I ease the pain of your condition?" He smiled lightly, happy, "I see...and what's the other meaning?"

    Zhu Fan'Hua pulled him close, gazing into his eyes. His face becoming flustered.

    "The second meaning," She answered him, "Is to make one's home. In other words...wherever you are, is my home."

    That was when she kissed him. The sweetness of his treat still fresh on his lips. She tasted the fruit and the chocolate, and also him. She felt the warm tears from his cheeks. His arms wrapping themselves around her. As they moved away from each other's lips, she placed her forehead against his.

    "D-Do you really mean that?" He breathed.

    "Am I one to just say something?" She responded, a teasing smile upon her lips.

    He shook his head as he hugged her again.

    "I'm keep having to remind me," He whispered, "But...I'm so glad that you do. Please, take good care of me..."

    "Oh, my dear," She whispered back, "I hope you don't regret saying that. I will definitely take good care of you."

    She could feel, even through their clothing, the beat of his heart. It wasn't long before they returned to the Zhu Manor. The Azure Tower awaited.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2022
  10. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Thirty-Six:
    The Azure Tower

    Zhu Fan'Hua returned to the manor with An'Shen as the sun was setting. The festival noises quieting down as they returned. The manor was quiet for most of the servants and guards were away at the festival. It was also the request of Zhu Fan'Hua.

    She wanted this night to be uninterrupted as much as possible. Even her parents were out on the town. Her siblings as well, who had returned for the festival. They had not yet been able to meet An'Shen, but they would be able to tomorrow. If he was available.

    The walk through the halls was long, but every step of the way she held An'Shen's hand. He was curious where they were going, but it was all a secret. He was rather giddy as he wondered at what the surprise was. She didn't want to completely overwhelm him though.

    "An'Shen, my little rabbit," She called him affectionately, "We've been together for a while now, right?"

    "'s been a while," He responded, smiling fondly, "Ever since I arrived at the academy. About half a year now..."

    "In that time, we've grown quite close," She stopped, turning towards him.

    To emphasize her point, she pinned him against the wall. Her eyes sultry as she looked upon him. He held his hands to his chest, looking away anxiously.

    "Y-Yeah..." He nodded, glancing at her, "W-What's this about?"

    His face became a bit worried, but she couldn't have that. Gripping him by the chin, she kissed him gently then looked him in the eyes.

    "It's about us...growing closer," She smiled, and before he could say another word, lifted him in her arms.

    He let out quite a delightful yelp as she did. He covered his mouth in embarrassment, but otherwise rested himself into her embrace. With purposeful strides, she made her way out into a courtyard and across it. A pond, split in two by a bridge, led to a tower with a deep blue entrance.

    Rocks and plants of many kinds decorated the courtyard as the sun continued to set. It was getting darker now and the moon could be seen. His eyes took in the large tower before them. The double door was painted blue with spears carved into them. The tips of the spears met where the doors connected. A rose flower blooming where they touched.

    As they got closer, the doors opened to reveal Miss Su and Suyin who greeted them.

    "Young Miss, Young Master," They both intoned.

    "The Azure Tower is ready," Miss Su informed them.

    She was almost getting choked up as she smiled towards An'Shen. Miss Su really cared about him. Zhu Fan'Hua was glad to have taken her in. Suyin was quite happy with her as well.

    "Thank you," Zhu Fan'Hua responded, "You two may enjoy the festival now."

    "As you wish," Suyin bowed.

    As they stepped over the threshold of the building, the double door closed behind them. It was warmer inside and smelled of subtle incense. The first floor was nothing special, but was still cozy. A circular rug of intricate design and many colors decorated the floor. The walls were painted a warm red. The lighting was dim and stairs wrapped around upwards.

    "I-I can walk..." An'Shen told her.

    "Nonsense," She shook her head, "You'll be in my arms...all night."

    He blushed, and she wasn't sure if he understood the implications. Ascending the stairs till they reached their destination. The entire tower was painted a deep, warm red. The lighting was dim and the soft smell of incense permeated the entire place.

    An'Shen felt warm against her. Eventually, they reached the final floor. The stairs led to a landing upon which there was a similar door as the entrance to the tower. Expect this one was a deep maroon in color.

    Opening the door to the room, An'Shen began to realize where they were. As the door closed behind them, he took in everything. A bed, fit for two, was set against the opposite wall. An oval window with a lattice work wooden design over the opening looked out over the town. A balcony ran all along the outside with a door in the room leading to it.

    A table where two people could eat, and a sitting area existed as well. Incense burned away in here in multiple locations. The lightning gave the entire place a warm glow. Upon the table in the room was a well-crafted, flat wooden box. As Zhu Fan'Hua walked in, An'Shen clung to her robes.

    "Th-This is..." He muttered, his eyes wide, "Are we...?"

    "An'Shen," She relaxed herself, now that they were alone, "This is the Azure Tower. It is a tradition in the Zhu Family to spend the night with their lover here. To devote oneself to the other..."

    She set him down in a chair at the table. He watched as she opened the box, and within was a singular, long ribbon. A deep, midnight blue trimmed in a dark gold. She took it out delicately. Her mother helped to pick this out. Apparently, An'Shen's favorite color was a deep, midnight blue. Just like her hair.

    "My mother told me...this was your favorite color," She told him softly, "And this, you may be an engagement ribbon."

    His eyes widened as he looked upon her. His gaze going between her and the ribbon.

    "E-Engagement?" He exclaimed, breathless, "That...then this tower? Everything today was..."

    "Planned by me, yes," She nodded, smiling as she knelt down before him, "This is your choice, of course. I do hope you'll except, however. You are mine, no matter what your choice."

    He looked at her as if what she said was silly. A smile unlike any other came over him. It was both touched, but also amused. It was happy, yet also sad. His face was a bundle of emotions, and she was here to see it.

    "O-Of course I accept!" He let out a gasp as tears filled his eyes, "You, of all people...I love you, Fan'Hua."

    "...An'Shen," She felt a bit of pain from his words, "Fan' not my real name. Not exactly. My real name is Xi-"

    She felt his hand touch her cheek. Catching her words in her throat. As she looked up at him, he was smiling, shaking his head.

    "It doesn't matter what your name is," He told her, his words kind, "What matters is that you are the one who dragged me from the darkness and continues to do so. So, you-"

    "All the more reason," She interrupted him, cupping his hand against her cheek, "I want you to know...Who I really am."

    He was silent for a moment, but after some thought he nodded.

    "Very well," He told her, "No matter who you are...I will love you regardless."

    They were the words she wanted to hear. She had thought to wait on this, but the more she thought of it over the day, the more she was sure. Now was the time he had to know. She didn't want to be together with him while he believed her someone else.

    "You know I was adopted," She stated as he nodded, "It wasn't because I was an orphan, but because of politics..."

    He listened to her story. Of how back at home, there were many trying to vie for power. They would use any sort of trick to do so. Even utilizing her position as one of the children in the family to do so. As she held the ribbon, she was nervous. What would he think when he found out?

    "An'Shen, my little rabbit..." She affectionately called him, "I am both Zhu Fan'Hua of the Zhu Family, and....Xiao'Wu Shui, Second Princess of the Xiao'Wu Empire."

    He was silent as she confessed to her identity. She worried about his response, but as she looked up into his face all the worry melted away.

    Xiao'Wu Shui, the Second Princess of the Xiao'Wu Empire. It was definitely a shock, but not one I wasn't entirely prepared for. I always had a suspicion about her being someone more. She had been adopted and held an air of untouchable nature that I began to wonder.

    Just who was Zhu Fan'Hua? She was strong, beautiful, and fearless. She had many secrets, but I never pressed. She would tell me in her own time. I did a lot of research into the world when I arrived at the academy. I learned about the Xiao'Wu Empire, if only a little.

    I had been curious about the men and women with an Eye on their capes. They came to the Li'Yu Family that day I left. I thought Lord Yi'Dao sent them. Perhaps they worked for him, but no. The symbol of the Yi'Dao Family was not an Eye, but an alchemist's flask surrounded by five circles.

    The Eye, on the other hand, were for the Watchers of the Empire. I learned a little about them. They listened and obeyed the Royal Imperial Family. The Xiao'Wu Family. Zhu Fan'Hua had commanded them that day. Li'Yu Changying had even been about to say something before she was stopped. Most likely she realized.

    It was the moment I had my biggest suspicion. Zhu Fan'Hua was of the Xiao'Wu Family. She was royalty. I could hardly believe it even as she told me. I found my hand reaching out to her. I saw the pain upon her face. She had told me such a story.

    "...How hard it must have been," I told her, my heart feeling incredibly warm, "You went through so much...and now, you want me in your life? Me?"

    "An'Shen...I would have no other man in my life than you," She stated confidently, "With every fiber of my being, I love you."

    I could hear it in her voice. I could see it in her eyes. The words of truth. I didn't think I deserves such a woman, but she wanted me. Even if I never lived up to the standards of others, I knew I was hers.

    "Zhu Fan'Hua...Xiao'Wu Shui," I played with the names in my mouth, "Either way, you are my love."

    Those were all the words she needed to hear. Whether she was Zhu Fan'Hua, or Xiao'Wu Shui, An'Shen loved her. As he held out his left arm, she wrapped the ribbon around his wrist, and then upon her own.

    "It may be barbaric, but..." She reached into the box for what was a ceremonial knife, "It requires a bit of blood."

    "Heh, I hear all the best rituals do," He laughed lightly, holding out his other hand.

    He was smart. He studied hard and did his best. Even though he couldn't cultivate, he always had her. He also had-

    "Mao!" The voice of Taixu sounded, their paw placed upon the ribbon connecting them.

    "Taixu!" An'Shen exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

    Taixu looked rather pleased with itself.

    "I think...they're giving their blessing," She told him, smiling lightly at Taixu.

    "Mao!" Taixu nodded in response.

    "...Thank you," An'Shen said softly.

    With that, Taixu stepped back into their realm from which they resided. Xiao'Wu Shui couldn't help but laugh lightly. This caused An'Shen to also laugh. It was a beautiful sound.

    As their laughter died down, she finished the ritual. With a single drop of each of their blood, the enchantment upon the ribbon reacted. The ribbon tightened upon both their wrists, just enough to be snug. The connection between the two ribbons glowed with a glyph hovering over it.

    As they watched, the ribbon broke and the remaining part of the ribbon began to wrap itself around their wrists even more. An intricate wrapping that no indicated they were engaged. A bond that would not be broken until the day their wedding was held.

    "I-Is it done?" An'Shen asked, looking up at her.

    "Yes, my love," She nodded, "You're now my fiancé."

    "Fiancé...ha," He laughed lightly, "I never thought this was possible..."

    " is," She leaned up to kiss him.

    Their lips meeting in a heated passion as the start of the fireworks began. All festivals had fireworks and she had her own. She held nothing back anymore. She couldn't. Everything about her was laid bare before him.
  11. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Reading List:
    WARNING: The following chapter is an explicit sex scene.
    You have been warned. If you do not wish to read, consider Chapter Thirty-Six to be the end of Book Two. Thank you.

    Chapter Thirty-Seven:
    As One

    An'Shen understood what was going to happen. He was shy, but receptive. Her lips found their way from his lips to his neck. His soft moans urging her on. He was shivering from the nerves, but as she carried him to the bed, he was able to relax a bit more.

    She leaned over top of him, his small frame illuminated by not just the lighting of the room, but that of the fireworks outside. His robes were half undone, revealing the skin around his collarbone, along with it. He looked up at her with nervous eyes.

    "...Shui," He whispered, "Fan'Hua...please, take care of me."

    Her heart couldn't take his cuteness anymore. As he reached his arms up to her, she moved in. Her lips upon his neck as he let out a soft moan. His fingers digging into her back only served to urge her on. Her hands running themselves along his sides, much to his gasps and her pleasure.

    He was putty in her hands, but she too melted at his touch. Being unable to wait, she pulled away his robes, revealing his chest. He shyly, and instinctively covered himself.

    "S-Sorry, it's just...embarrassing..." He responded, looking away.

    "It's alright," She breathed, "I'll take care of you."

    With one hand, she held his arms above his head. His body was warm against her lips. Her hand running down along his skin. The scars of his past did not detract from his beauty. Even if no one else thought he was handsome or cute, she did. He was, perhaps, more feminine than most, but it could not be denied he was a man.

    He grew slight hair upon his abdomen, of which she felt as her hand made their way downwards. Slipping under his pants, the belt untying itself as she did. He gasped and convulsed as her hand found it. His manhood. It was slightly soft but growing harder.

    It fit perfectly in her hand as she began to stroke it. He was sensitive, moaning and gasping at her touch. Her lips upon his neck as she gently licked his skin. His arousal was obvious to her as he grew harder in her hand.

    She was mainly going on instinct, as this was her first time ever being with anyone. It was also his first time, but she knew he would be too anxious and unsure to take the lead. That was perfectly fine by her. She enjoyed taking the lead.

    There was research she had to do, and embarrassing questions she had to ask of those she trusted, but the result was different than she expected. Everything she asked was leaving her. The information she had didn't matter. She knew just what she wanted to do and would do it.

    She wanted to see more of his expressions, and one thing came to mind. She wanted to taste him. She released his arms as she moved her lips down. Her entire body shifting till she was before his lower half.

    He looked down at her, his face completely flush and red. His lip quivered as she began to take off his pants. He hid his face as she smiled lustfully. His erection in full view of her. Her eyes making contact with him as she brought her lips to its tip.

    "W-Wait, that's-" He had no time to protest as her lips wrapped around him.

    He gasped, his arms locking up as he hands reached for her. Yet, they were shaking in pleasure. There was a bit of sweetness to it. A liquid, of which she was told was precum, coated the tip of his cock. It was what she believed the taste came from.

    She worked it around her tongue, wanting to lick every inch of him. Each time he shook and moaned. His breathing came in heavy. She couldn't get enough of it. His reactions, his taste, she wanted more. Soon, she would have a lot more.

    As she continued to suck and lick him, his hands suddenly grabbed her head. They held her mouth down on his erection as it convulsed. His back arched as a warm liquid entered her mouth. She could barely breath, but she didn't mind.

    After a brief moment, An'Shen fell back. His breathing was extremely heavy. Slowly, she removed his member from her mouth. The liquid filling it up, but as she tasted the bittersweetness of it, she swallowed. It was An'Shen's, after all. Couldn't let it go to waste.

    She sat up, her body on fire. It was incredibly warm. His manhood was slightly moving as he hid his face. He was quite cute.

    "I-I'm sorry, I just reacted, I-" He apologized, but she didn't mind.

    "Relax," She told him, "I said I'd take care of you, but..."

    He looked through his hands at her. She began to pull away at her own robes. Revealing her body to him. His reaction was incredibly. His eyes staring at her was embarrassing, yet exciting. She wanted him to see. To see everything.

    "I feel...warm, down here," She pushed her pants down, revealing her womanhood to him.

    He gulped, his arousal returning as he grew hard one more. With her beckoning, he sat up, embracing her. His hands upon her skin felt more intense than ever. Every touch felt more stimulating than the last. His lips found her chest, kissing upon it.

    As if on instinct, his lips found her breasts. Kissing and sucking upon her nipple sent waves of pleasure over her body. It was the first time she ever gasped in pleasure. It seemed to have spurned An'Shen on, for he began to do so with more zeal.

    His hand in the small of her back as he pulled her to him. She let him as his lips felt amazing upon her skin. Falling back down, she found herself almost sitting upon his face. She went to move, but his hand upon her rear prevented her.

    "A-An'Shen?" She asked, looking down at him.

    He was flustered and blushing, but he simply smiled.

    "I-I want to return the favor..." He looked away shyly, "I...think I can do that, right?"

    She had never thought about it before, but if he could she wondered what it would feel like. It wasn't a place she ever thought to put his mouth, but she didn't care. Positioning herself over him, her slit in full view. His eyes gazing upon her. He uttered one word.

    "...Beautiful," He whispered, looking up at it.

    She had never felt so flustered than in that moment.

    "Sh-Shut up..." She ordered, much to his amusement.

    With his hands on her thighs, she felt him pull her down. The moment she let him; his lips found the warmth between her legs. It felt strange, but as he began to kiss it, his tongue began to lick her. She felt extremely wet, but he licked it all. The pleasure ran through her body, causing her to shake slightly at the sudden sensation. She even let out a little quiver of a moan.

    Feeling invigorated by her sounds, An'Shen's tongue seemed to move on its own. She felt like it hit every single inch of her. That's when he found it. Her clit.

    The moment his tongue passed over it, she felt her entire body lurch forward. A pleasure unlike any she ever felt shot through her system. Like painless electricity. It seemed he didn't miss her reaction either.

    His hands move along to her behind, gripping it as he began to work his tongue even more. Her hands grasped his head, pushing his face firmly in-between her legs. Whatever he was doing, she didn't want him to stop. Her arousal grew as she felt herself become more wet.

    Her breathing quickened as she felt like something was rising. As if she was reaching the peak of a cliff and suddenly, she fell. Her hands held his head firmly, tighter than before. The pleasure radiating across her body as she shook. The tension in her body being released all at once.

    As she caught her breath, she realized that An'Shen was also quite tired. Removing herself from him, she rolled over onto her back. That was what an orgasm felt like. Was it the same way for An'Shen?

    "," He breathed, looking over at her, "Are you...alright?"

    She smiled wistfully, "More than alright..."

    She glanced down to see he was still fully erect. The night still wasn't over, and she wanted more. She had been told it often hurts the first time, but her mother assured her that as long as she was aroused, it would be fine. She was definitely aroused.

    Her hand on his chest, she had finally recovered her breath. Turning to him, she leaned up on her side.

    "An'Shen...are you ready?" She asked gently.

    "R-Ready?" He wondered, but then he realized, "O-Oh! I...uhm..."

    As he thought about it, she pushed herself up and straddled him. She felt the warmth of his body beneath her. His breathing was quickened as he looked up at her. He was so shy. Everything in her was screaming to take him.

    "I want you..." She breathed, a firework going off immediately after.

    The firework lit her up. Illuminating her body. The curves and the shadows accentuated just how amazing she was. Her body was well toned and incredibly supple. It was hard, yet soft to my touch. I could still taste her upon my lips. I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if it wasn't her. There was a sweetness to it, but also a bit salty.

    She had held me for so long I felt like I couldn't breath, but luckily I was able to. Her hand upon my chest now, I wondered if she could feel the beating of my heart. She was absolutely stunning.

    "I...want you to," I told her, feeling the embarrassment run through my body.

    We had already gone this far, so it would be bad if we didn't continue. I wanted to continue. I wanted to be with her. She smiled, moving herself down over me. I was fully hard and felt the blood rushing down there. It was incredibly hard to think.

    The air felt heavy, and the noise outside set the atmosphere. I couldn't have asked for a better night. With her hand wrapped around my erection, she guided it into herself. She winced slightly at first, but with that insatiable look on her face, she pushed me the rest of the way inside of her.

    Immediately, I felt the warmth of her. It was hot, but not so hot that it burned. Perhaps it was because of that, and the way she moaned, but I almost immediately released myself inside of her. Gripping her thighs, I felt myself shake. She smiled that devious smile.

    "Was it...that good?" She teased me, leaning down towards me, "I haven't even...begun yet."

    Her whispers kept me aroused as she began to move. Despite my embarrassment, I held onto her. Gripping her hips as she moved. Slowly at first so she could get used to it, but I felt as if she was going slow for my own sake.

    I was incredibly sensitive, and each movement caused me to gasp, much to her amusement. My hands moving to grip her behind, and as I did, she took that as a que to start moving faster. She was absolutely insatiable. Her breathing heavy in my ear as she moaned in pleasure, matching my own gasps.

    Sitting up, she fully rode me. Her chest exposed with one hand on my chest to balance herself, and the other running itself through her hair. Firework after firework lit her body up. The most beautiful sight I could have ever seen. Her moans rose in the air as she no longer cared to be quiet.

    Soon, I found us both reaching climax. Holding her down as she herself pushed herself down on top of me. I felt my cock release its cum inside of her. Breathless, I fell back onto the bed. We stayed like that for a while. Catching my breath.

    I could only stare up at her. Every curve of her toned body covered in sweat, yet the look of satisfaction upon her face was alluring. She looked at me as if she wanted more, and if she asked...I would gladly give it to her.

    The finale of the fireworks exploded outside. Tonight would be a night I'd not soon forget.

    It didn't hurt as bad as she believed it would. As she lowered herself down onto his erection, she felt him enter her. With all of him inside her, she let out a gasp of pleasure. They were finally one. After so long, they were together, truly.

    In that same moment, she felt it. The convulsing of An'Shen as he moaned and gasped in pleasure. She felt his warm seed pour into her as she smiled rather ravenously. She teased him, leaning forward to get him going again.

    He was too adorable. There was no way she was wasting this chance. She began to move slowly. With each movement it began to feel even better as his cock moved inside of her. Her hips moving on their own after a while as she simply gave into the pleasure.

    Sitting up on him, she felt herself begin to move closer to orgasm. She felt his chest with one hand. His heart beating rapidly in it. Her looks of pleasure driving her on. More and more, faster and faster. She didn't want to stop, but she was close.

    It was even more intense than the last time when he licked her pussy. She wasn't caring anymore. She let her moans reach into the night. She was finally one with the person she loved. She felt the rising of pleasure as her body tensed up. As if the heavens decreed it, they both reached climax together.

    His warm liquid pouring into her as she pushed down on top of him. Shivering from the pleasure, the fall of ecstasy. It was intoxicating. She stayed like that for quite a while, looking down upon his breathless, sweaty body.

    He held one hand up to his mouth, catching his breath. His face completely red as he blushed. His other arm lay across his stomach, moving with each breath. His effeminate body was rather...erotic.

    The finale of the fireworks shooting off in the distance. Tonight would be a night she'd not soon forget.

    Thank you all for those who have read this far! I hope you have enjoyed the story.
    I hope to hear your thoughts. Especially if you have any favorite moments.
    Leaving a like on chapters you've enjoyed will help me to know what you've enjoyed best as well!
    No pressure of course, I'm just happy people have read this.
    I did my best to ensure a nice story without being too cringe, and I hope I've succeeded.

    I will most likely be writing Book Three, but I am unsure as of right now how long it will be.
    It will definitely be posted here. Thank you all once again for reading. ^_^
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2022
  12. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Martial Dawn Book Three
    Here is the first chapter of Book Three. Thank you for reading.

    Chapter One:
    The Day After

    The night they spent together would stay in their minds for a long time. Their bodies pressed against each other. The feeling of warmth and closeness. Their lips finding places they never thought of before. It was a night of love and pleasure.

    Zhu Fan'Hua indulged herself of An'Shen, and he of her. The reactions and faces he showed her were among the best she had ever seen. By the time morning poked through the windows of the Azure Tower, An'Shen was fast asleep against her.

    She watched as the sun lit up his face. It was peaceful, relaxed. A stark contrast to the throes of pleasure he had been in last night. His felt so fragile, but held out for quite a while. He deserved his rest. She stayed holding him for quite a while, just enjoying his presence.

    Their bare bodies against one another felt natural. As if this was meant to be. She no longer felt shame in showing him any part of her. She wondered how she would use that to her advantage in the future. His reactions would be quite delectable.

    Unfortunately, it was time for them to wake up. A soft kiss upon his forehead caused him to stir. His arms snuggled against his chest, he woke ever so slightly. As he did, his face told her he remembered everything. A blush ran across his cheeks and nose. He hid within his hands as she smiled.

    "Goodmorning, lover boy," She teased him, "Sleep well?"

    He squealed softly at her teasing, then pouted before nodding.

    "D-Did you?" He wondered, looking up at her.

    "Very," She smiled mischievously, "We should have another night like that...and soon."

    He blushed and hid his face as she removed the covers from them. She knew he watched her as she rose from the bed. His every gaze moving along her body. As she stretched, he made a rather cute noise before silencing himself.

    Glancing over her shoulder at him, she smirked. His body half covered by the covers, he looked quite tantalizing himself. With some convincing, she got him out of bed. Pulling him along, he followed bashfully. The Azure Tower was theirs to use, and one of the rooms within it was a bath.

    He did his best to hide himself, but she had seen all of him already, and she wasn't as shy anymore. She proudly showed herself off to him as she beckoned him into the bath.

    "Come, An'Shen," She called, "We should wash up. After last night we're both a bit...sticky."

    He pouted slightly at her, but his smile betrayed him. He joined her in the bath. The warm water washing over both of their bodies. It was large enough for two people, plus room to move. She had thought of having some fun in the bath, but sufficed with just caressing him. He felt just right in her hands.

    His body and his manhood were hers now to play with as she saw fit, and of course he could as well with her. He was a bit too timid, but his hand lightly caressed her thigh. His back leaning against her as they relaxed in the water.

    "So...what do we do now?" He asked, running his hand along the water and her thigh, "Last night was...amazing, but I don't know if I can do that every night."

    "Heh, I suppose it would be a lot to do every night," She responded, running her hands through his hair, "At least to that extent."

    "Yeah..." He nodded, his body relaxing against her, "Still...I'm really happy. Thank you, Shui...Fan'Hua. Ha, I don't know what to call you now..."

    Zhu Fan'Hua understood. It was difficult to know that the one you loved had two names. One you've used for so long. In truth, Zhu Fan'Hua preferred the name the Zhu Family gave her. Yet, every time she heard An'Shen say Shui, she felt her heart beat fast. To her, it didn't matter what he called her, but for now it would be best to use the same name.

    "Either works," She told him softly, "However, I am trying to hide my identity. It would cause a fuss if people knew. So, for now you can keep calling me Fan'Hua."

    He was silent for a moment, but after that moment passed, he said something that made her want to take him again right then and there.

    "Well, I love you no matter what name you go by," He rested his head back against her, "But to'll always be my light. So, can I call you that? My Light love?"

    He asked so innocently, and in such a way that her heart seemed to lurch from her chest. She would absolutely love for him to call her either of those. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close to her.

    "You may call me as you wish, my dear," She told him, her heart pounding in her chest, "I would be honored if you call me any of those from now on. And not just in private."

    He seemed to understand as his arms held hers tightly.

    "Of love," He whispered, and she could feel herself wanting him even more.

    What could one more time before they leave hurt? Turning him towards her, she kissed him firmly on the lips. Their bodies became entangled with one another. He was already aroused by the time she reached down. Placing him between her, he entered her as they both moaned.

    The water moved to their rhythm, making quite the mess. However, the pleasure outweighed the consequences. Her fingers dug into his back as she pulled him into her. Her back against the tub as he breathed heavily in her ear.

    His hands grasping her ass, his body flush with hers. Her breasts rubbed against his chest as they both tensed, the pleasure reaching a climax as they came together once more. He collapsed against her, his breathing heavy. Her hand caressing the back of his head.

    "At least...we're still in the bath," He laughed lightly.

    After they embraced as one again, the time to actually clean up and get dressed came. An'Shen clung to her side, much to her amusement and desire. She loved how attached he was to her. Not minding it one bit.
  13. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Two:
    Meeting the Family

    An'Shen and Zhu Fan'Hua finally became one. They were more than happy with each other and the day they left the Azure Tower was a day of celebration. The first ones to create them were Miss Su and Suyin. The atmosphere was ripe with euphoria.

    The Zhu Manor were the first to know of the engagement. An'Shen was positively glowing, and it was the first time that the people in the manor truly saw Zhu Fan'Hua smile so much. It was a time that would last for an entire week. With the people of Rivalia learning of the engagement, another festival was held.

    Before any of the festivities, there were some who had come a long way to meet An'Shen. They had only seen him a little bit before, but were never introduced. Zhu Fan'Hua's siblings. They had traveled fast from the academy via flight in order to make it on time.

    There were two others that made an appearance as well. The Zhu Family was incredibly large. With both a grandfather and grandmother who held their own holdings in another city. They were looking after the two youngest of the Zhu Family. Zhu Ling and Zhu Shenshao.

    Altogether, Zhu Fan'Hua's mother and father had five children, including Zhu Fan'Hua, with Zhu Shenshao technically being the sixth. He was her mother's nephew. Her brother and his wife had passed away years ago, leaving their son without parents. Without a second thought, they had adopted him. This brought their children up to six.

    Except for Zhu Fan'Hua, they all held the trademark dark orange, almost red hair. Her grandparent's hair was graying, but they still held some of their original color. Her grandmother's orange hair and her grandfather's auburn. Their eyes were all amber with the exception of her grandfather. His hazel blue eyes still clear and strong.

    Zhu Meng was the oldest of all the siblings, and eldest daughter. A rather strong woman with a well-built physique. She was extremely friendly and more than willing to pick An'Shen up in a big bear hug. She had to be told to be careful, because he was extremely fragile. A bit bashful at her own strength, she made sure to take it easy on him.

    Then, there was Zhu Yang. The second oldest and eldest son. He was a well-kept man with a sophisticated air about him. He greeted An'Shen politely, happy to finally be introduced to him after all this time. He had many admirers both in the city and at the academy.

    Zhu Shan was the second son of the Zhu Family and the same age as Zhu Fan'Hua. He was an outgoing young man, handsome and lithe. A bit forceful, but well-meaning. He greeted An'Shen with a healthy slap on the back, much to Zhu Meng's reprisal. He laughed it off as An'Shen smiled awkwardly.

    Zhu Ling was the second daughter and youngest of the Zhu Family before Zhu Shenshao. She was the same age as An'Shen and a bit like him. She was reserved and intelligent. A bit timid, but wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She greeted him politely, a bit embarrassed to meet him.

    Finally came the shyest of them all, and the youngest. Zhu Shenshao was only ten years old. He clung to his grandmother's skirt as he looked at An'Shen. It only took a single, caring smile from An'Shen to break the barrier around his shyness. Zhu Shenshao walked over timidly and greeted him.

    After he found out how nice An'Shen was, it was difficult to peel him away. That was, of course, only if Zhu Ling was nearby. He was their little brother despite technically being their cousin. He was attached to Zhu Ling as they were raised together and had spent their time with their grandparents. Zhu Ling looked after him and he was most comfortable around her.

    Zhu Fan'Hua couldn't have been happier to see her family getting along with An'Shen. It was her grandparents she was a bit worried about. Zhu Guang, her grandmother, and Zhu Zha'Shi, her grandfather. They were both a bit wary of this child, as they said, but the moment they met him that all melted away.

    They were intelligent people and realized just how genuine An'Shen was. They heard his story and it took both Zhu Fan'Hua and her parents to stop them from going to find the Li'Yu Family again. To say An'Shen was spoiled would be an understatement.

    There was one day that Zhu Fan'Hua found him buried, literally, under the presents that her grandparents sent him. Boxes piled high with many fabrics as well. He had apparently tried to take one of the boxes, but it fell on top of him. He was unharmed, thanks to Taixu's quick intervention.

    The sight itself, after she realized he was unharmed, was rather amusing. His head barely poking above the many boxes and fabrics caused her to laugh, much to his dismay as he pouted. He didn't talk to her for a good half hour afterwards. It took several kisses for him to accept her apology.

    Overall, meeting the family went well. She was so glad to see An'Shen's smiling, bright face. He was actually able to be free. At least, that's what it seemed like. Zhu Fan'Hua could finally breath with relief as her family took him in. He was one of them now. There would be very few who could go after him now.
  14. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Three:
    Engagement Celebration

    With the Ribbon of Engagement upon their wrists, the proceedings to plan the festival were under way. Rivalia held an entire week of celebration, with one of the days being a parade for the engaged couple. An'Shen was incredibly nervous, but with Zhu Fan'Hua by his side, he held up admirably.

    Many seamstresses and tailors made their way to the Zhu Manor to create a wonderful outfit for them both. Their goal was to create matching outfits for them. As they were revealed to each other, An'Shen could not stop staring upon Zhu Fan'Hua.

    She smiled at his looks. She knew she looked good. White robes with golden stitching and accents. It flowed around her as it hugged every curve, but still held a modesty to it. An'Shen's eyes told her all she needed to know.

    Yet, he also looked quite dashing in his own outfit. His was less flowy and more form fitting in nature and design. With a robe that clung to his body, accentuating it. A long skirt, but with room to move, covered his legs. Like her outfit, it was white with gold stitching and accents.

    Everyone in her family was taller than him, but as he stood next to her, there was no one that missed him. He held her hand, a bit anxious and nervous at his own appearance. With his body being a bit more feminine than most men, there may be some who made comments about him, and of course they did.

    Thankfully, they were all kind. Often just mentioning how adorable he looked, or how he looked amazing in the outfit they picked out. There were a few who wondered if he was a man, any who took a moment would realize he was. Zhu Fan'Hua did admit though, he was a bit androgynous in appearance, but leaned more towards boyish than anything.

    The parade began with them stepping onto an open carriage. There was a place to sit, and a place to stand. The people lined the streets as they were moved through the city. Pulled by beautiful white horses, the entire thing was a spectacle to behold. It was as if they were already married, as a similar celebration would be had at that time as well.

    An'Shen held onto Zhu Fan'Hua's hand, his gaze up at her felt like fire. The intensity with which his eyes shown his love was beginning to make even her embarrassed.

    "...You look amazing," He whispered, smiling lovingly, "Honestly, how did I get so lucky?"

    "Perhaps it is I who got lucky," She smiled, squeezing his hand, "Don't sell yourself short."

    "Ha, I don't have to," He laughed lightly, "Next to all of you, I am short."

    Zhu Fan'Hua stifled a laughter. He was much more confident and able to joke around. She was quite happy. Seeing him able to be like this warmed her heart and gave the people quite the scene. In the middle of thousands of people, Zhu Fan'Hua leaned down, cupping his cheek as she kissed him. He blushed but returned the loving kiss back.

    This provoked the crowd into an uproar of cheers. The sight of them that day would live on in the memories of the people of Rivalia for generations. For today, however, it was burned into their hearts. The sight of two young people in love brought them hope for the future.

    "An'Shen," Zhu Fan'Hua called affectionately, "Are you uncomfortable?"

    An'Shen was sat next to her at the table set for them. A few other tables decorated the courtyard, lining the side of it. The tables were covered with red cloth and food was being served. Her family and several prominent people within Rivalia sat at them. Talking and eating as the festivities continued.

    One by one people of the city came up to offer their congratulations on their engagement. This event was to have a more personal touch to the people. Everyone was able to come to greet them. From the richest in the city to the poorest. All were welcome.

    It was, unfortunately, also a lot of posturing by the wealthy. They made promises and offered gifts so that when they were officially married, they'd "not be forgotten". An'Shen seemed to be shifting quite a bit as the day wore on.

    "I...I'm alright," He reassured her, hand over hers, "I just feel a bit dizzy..."

    He pulled at the collar of his clothing. It was getting a lot cooler now that Fall was rolling around, so it couldn't be the heat.

    "Is it a bit too much?" She asked quietly, "I know you're not quite used to all of this."

    "Maybe?" He smiled awkwardly, "I guess I do feel a bit overwhelmed. All of this is much."

    "I understand..." She gave him a soft smile, "Just bear with it a little longer."

    "For you? Anything," He squeezed her hand, which hit right to her heart, "These clothes are just a bit..."

    "Stuffy?" She laughed lightly, leaning in close to his ear, "Don't worry, dear. Those clothes will come off tonight, I assure you."

    He blushed, shrinking in on himself shyly. A bashful smile on his face.

    "L-Love, please..." He admonished her, glancing up at her with his innocent eyes.

    Of course, they weren't quite so innocent anymore.

    "Oh? Already begging?" She teased him, causing his blush to increase.

    She offered him a glass of water to relax. He pouted, but still smiled lovingly at her. The guests were winding down and soon the evening was upon them. True to her word, his clothes were the first thing to go once they got back to their room.
  15. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Four:
    Quiet Embrace

    An'Shen spent the morning sleeping in. His body half-covered by the blankets. The morning sun cast a soft glow over him. Ever since their night together in the Azure Tower, Zhu Fan'Hua and An'Shen had been sharing a room.

    Zhu Fan'Hua gazed upon his lovely form. His sleeping face peaceful and free from worry. The morning was calm as she lounged on a chaise couch nearby. There were documents she had yet to go over, and reports she had left to read for later.

    Mostly, it was information about the Liu Family efforts to appease her anger. She was amused to find that Liu Dao'Ma had severed ties with his family. So, he was only Dao'Ma now. The Liu Family had split between two factions. Those who defended the ones who attacked her businesses, and those who wished to turn them over.

    The struggle culminated in the apprehension of the offending members. They were now being held until her return. The Eyes reported that the Liu Family was quiet now. It had been bloody, with several members of the family dying in the process. Now, they waited on bated breath for her return.

    Liu Chao had secluded himself after his brother Dao'Ma cut ties with the family. She would keep an eye on Dao'Ma. He had appeared arrogant, but she knew there were always those who wished to defend their family. She could not begrudge him too much for that. What mattered is if they learned.

    With the Liu Family matter handled, the rest of what she had was from her other family. The Xiao'Wu. Her parents wrote to her asking after the "Child who dares steal our daughter's heart". Sighing to herself, she glanced over at An'Shen who roused slightly before returning to sleep.

    He hugged her pillow to him, an adorable act. Setting the paperwork down for now, she walked over to him. Leaning down, a soft kiss planted upon his forehead.

    "My dear..." She whispered, "Would it not be better if it was the real deal?"

    He slowly opened his eyes to come face to face with her. Noticing he was holding her pillow to him as if it were her, and hearing her words caused him to blush. Flustered, he hid his face in the pillow.

    "That's..." He glanced up at her, "Of course it would...."

    She smiled, brushing his hair from his face. It would not be so bad to be lazy today. Moving him over, she sat in the bed with him cuddled up next to her. His arms around her.

    "Are there any plans for today?" He muttered, asking her.

    "Not unless you wish there to be," She replied, playing with his hair.

    He shook his head, and she agreed with his sentiment. With her businesses and rebuilding what was lost, they had to cherish these moments. So, the morning passed as they lazed around in each other's embrace.

    "Are you leaving already?" Her mother asked.

    Zhu Fan'Hua and An'Shen were preparing to leave. They had classes to attend, and Zhu Fan'Hua had to deal with the Liu Family.

    "Yes," She told her, "There are things I still must do."

    "Always so busy," Her mother sighed, "Just don't forget to set some time aside for some fun."

    She teased her daughter, giving her a sly smile while glancing at An'Shen.

    "Mother..." Zhu Fan'Hua stated coolly, glancing at her, "You know I will."

    Her mother gave her a knowing look before walking over to An'Shen. He was saying goodbye to everyone else. Her siblings were also returning to the academy, but at a later date. Zhu Shenshao was giving him a hug and not letting go.

    It took Zhu Ling to pry him from his side. Zhu Fan'Hua was happy to see her family love An'Shen. They promised to return again. After all, they were to be family. They were family.

    As the carriage rolled away, An'Shen glanced back at the manor. A forlorn look upon his face.

    "We'll see them again," Zhu Fan'Hua comforted, patting his head.

    "I know..." He told her, "It still just feels so surreal."

    Smiling to herself, she moved close to him. Her hand pressed against his chest.

    "Does this..." She whispered in his ear, "Feel surreal?"

    She lightly bit his earlobe, causing a half-yelp, half-moan to escape his lips. His hand covering his mouth as he looked at her. His face was inviting, aroused.

    "Y-You..." He admonished half-heartedly, "That's...dangerous."

    "Is it?" She raised an eyebrow, pressing him down onto the seat of the carriage, "How dangerous?"

    The look in his eyes told her just how dangerous. She could feel his arousal against her thigh. Miss Su and Suyin were outside, driving the carriage, but with the curtains drawn closed, no one could see inside.

    Her hand moved down along his body, reaching under his pants to grab his hard manhood. It was warm in her hand. She kissed him to hide his moans as she began to move her hand. His body was hers to play with as he became quite receptive.

    His moans became more difficult to hide. To counter this, he bit into his finger lightly. Stifling his own moans as she moved down on him. Her mouth taking him inside of her. The sweet, salty mixture was exhilarating as he came from her efforts.

    His breathing heavy as she licked up what was left. She felt hot, wanting him.

    "L-Love...they'll hear..." He breathed as she began to move aside her clothing.

    "Then, you'll have to make sure I'm quiet," She smiled, straddling him.

    Before she could insert him into her, he did something quite surprising. He switched positions with her, putting her against the seat of the carriage. She moved with him, making it easier for him to maneuver. His erection hard against her warmth.

    She smiled at his boldness. His arm holding one of her legs. He was looking quite determined.

    "Oh? And what are you-Ah!" She gasped as he thrust into her.

    His entire length entering her in one motion. His lips finding hers to silence her. Her fingers dug into his back as she pulled him to her. His hips thrusting steadily, yet firmly. Each movement caused pleasure to run through her body.

    "A-An'Shen..." She breathed, trying to control her moans.

    "F-Fan'Hua..." He whispered into her ear before locking lips with her once more.

    Several moments of blissful pleasure was enjoyed silently between them. Their bodies against one another as the carriage moved along. Their passion rising over time. Finally, his hands tightened around her thighs as they began to reach climax. Her entire body shuddered as he released inside of her. His weight upon her as they settled from the sudden release.

    "So...was that surreal?" She teased.

    "Sh-Shut up..." He blushed, hiding his face against her neck.

    Smiling to herself, she brushed the back of his head affectionately with her fingers.
  16. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Five:
    Academy Return

    The trip back to the academy was a bit shorter than the trip to Rivalia. With the weather getting a bit chillier, the nights grew longer. Though they hurried back, there were many moments by an open fire where Zhu Fan'Hua and An'Shen curled up with each other. Miss Su and Suyin as well enjoyed time together.

    The days were spent traveling while the night was spent in each other's arms. They were a bit more reserved on their way back after their first tryst within the carriage. Yet, they still found time to be alone, especially Zhu Fan'Hua who made it a point to tease An'Shen when she could.

    Zhu Fan'Hua had a lot of held back emotions, and An'Shen was quite receptive. His flustered sounds and gasps from her touch were always welcome. There were a few times where An'Shen grew bold. He'd sneak his hand under her robes, playing with her while she held in her moans.

    The look on his face when he realized just what he had started was priceless. Twice, she had to tell Miss Su and Suyin that he was "resting" in the carriage. Too exhausted and limp to move at the moment. She made sure, of course, that he was comfortable.

    As they drew closer to the academy, Zhu Fan'Hua began to think of all that had to be done. She had to deal with the Liu Family as soon as she was able. Then, there was the matter with Youshan. Zhu Fan'Hua and An'Shen were as close as ever now. If Youshan still wished it, the possibility was there.

    An'Shen, however, she wasn't sure about. He was devoted to her completely. Did he even like Youshan in that way? The last she asked him, he had said she was a good friend. Zhu Fan'Hua had eyes only for An'Shen, but she didn't mind the idea of Youshan joining them.

    An except that even Zhu Fan'Hua had not anticipated. As the carriage rolled along, she pushed the idea aside for now. Right now, they had to focus on getting settled back into the academy.

    Starlight City was as beautiful as always. They arrived at night when the city lights illuminated the area. An'Shen gazed upon it with wonder in his eyes. As if this was the first time he has seen it.

    "It's always so...beautiful," He muttered, smiling shyly, "I know, that must be a bit ridiculous...I've seen it so many times, but..."

    "No, it's not ridiculous," Zhu Fan'Hua told him, wrapping her arms around him from behind, "You can gaze upon something a thousand times, and it can be like the first time."

    She took in An'Shen, bathed in the light of the moon and city. A sight she would never tire of. Her words were for her as much as they were for him.

    "...Yeah," He looked down, smiling, "I know what you mean."

    "Oh?" She raised an eyebrow, looking down at him, "Do you?"

    "Yeah, it's like whenever I look at you," He spoke smoothly, "It's like the first time all over again. I never get tired of it. Looking at you..."

    Her heart beat in her chest as she tightened her arms around him. It was good to hear he thought and felt the same as her.

    "Dangerous words, my dear," She whispered in his ear.

    "Are they?" He glanced up at her, his eyes playful.

    Closing the curtain to the carriage, she kissed him deeply. After a few, breathless moments she let him go. His face was red, his hand held to his mouth. His lips parted, he breathed heavily with a blush to his face. His eyes slightly vacant from the stimulation.

    "Th-That's not...fair," He muttered, touching his lips slightly.

    "You can't just say such things," She told him, her hand caressing his cheek, "And expect me not to react."

    He smirked, quite pleased with the results. She laughed lightly, leaning into his ear.

    "Now, behave," She told him, "And I'll reward you later."

    "...I always behave," He pouted playfully.

    "Of course you do," She mused.

    The look he gave her told her everything she needed to know. She was definitely the one who played the most. He accused her without even saying a word. Of course, she wouldn't deny it.

    The carriage came to a stop before her compound in the academy. With the night waning on, they retired early. For the next morning, everyone would know they've returned.
  17. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Six:
    Youshan's Determination

    The news of their return spread quickly. Sima Ai'Li and her brother Sima Chen showed up to greet them followed by several members of the An'Hua Fanclub. The only one who didn't show up was Youshan. An'Shen seemed a bit down when he didn't spot her. He was quite fond of her, one of the reasons Zhu Fan'Hua made an exception.

    When asking after her, they were told she had been a bit out of it and had thrown herself into her studies. Locking herself away in the Bestial Studies Compound. An'Shen tried to put on a brave face throughout the greetings and celebration of their return with the others, but the dejected look did not escape her.

    A day passed and An'Shen went back to his studies with Miss Su. Zhu Fan'Hua, on the other hand, made her way directly to the Bestial Studies Compound. It was out of curiosity, frustration, and because An'Shen was sad. She wondered at just what was going on with Youshan.

    A tightness began to form in her chest as she made her way over. Those who saw her coming knew she was on a mission. They told her where Youshan was before getting out of her way. The Bestial Studies Library. She had apparently stuck herself inside for quite some time. Not even coming out for meals.

    "Youshan!" Zhu Fan'Hua called out as she entered the library.

    In the distance was a small squeak. As she made her way among the many rows of tomes and scrolls, she saw her. Half-buried in books and scrolls as she glanced up. Her glasses lopsided upon her face. Her emerald green eyes shone with bewilderment.

    "Z-Zhu Fan'Hua!" She exclaimed, adjusting herself, "I didn't know you had returned..."

    The way she looked away told Zhu Fan'Hua she was lying, but more than that she found herself moving over to her. In a mere moment she had lifted her from the books and set her down. A light pink entered Youshan's cheeks. Silently, Zhu Fan'Hua began to pick up the books one by one.

    After a while, she glanced at Youshan while picking up.

    "...An'Shen was sad you didn't show," She told her, seeing her wince.

    "W-Was he?" She scratched her cheek awkwardly, "I'm sorry...I didn't know that you were-"

    "Youshan," Zhu Fan'Hua interrupted, "What's going on?"

    "What do you mean?" She questioned, shifting slightly, "I'm just...reading."

    Youshan was an incredibly bad liar. For someone like Zhu Fan'Hua who deals with merchants and other nobles, this was child's play. However, Youshan wouldn't do anything without a reason. The books Zhu Fan'Hua was picking up were on magical beasts, but rare discoveries. One of them titled "Mysteries of the Mao Long".

    "This book..." Zhu Fan'Hua held it up to her, "Is this what you were doing?"

    Youshan sighed, knowing she had been caught. She nodded in response.

    "...Yeah," She told her, defeated, "I just...Ever since you two left, I've felt a bit restless."

    Youshan took the book from her, walking over to the table she had been at.

    "What you asked me back then," She spoke softly, "I don't know if..."

    She trailed off, and Zhu Fan'Hua stayed silent. This was something Youshan had to speak of. She couldn't push it. After a moment, she continued.

    "You're amazing," She told her, glancing down at the book, "I'm...not. I know one thing. Bestial Studies. It's the only thing I can take pride in, but..."

    Setting the book down, she fell into a nearby chair. Leaning back into it.

    "I suppose what I'm saying is..." Her eyes passed over to Zhu Fan'Hua, "Am I I heard you two are now engaged."

    Her eyes moved to her left wrist where the Engagement Ribbon was. A bittersweet smile on her face. Zhu Fan'Hua was beginning to piece everything together, but was patient. She walked over and took a chair opposite Youshan.

    "I know what you've said," Youshan continued, "It was...unexpected, and I was happy. However, the more I thought of it the more I wondered if it was appropriate. I mean...why? Why are you okay with it?"

    Zhu Fan'Hua was silent for a while. The truth was, she wasn't okay with it at first. She would usually have no issue with defending what was hers. To mark her territory so to speak. She had thought of doing that many times with Youshan, but there was something that changed.

    "...An'Shen was happy with you," Zhu Fan'Hua finally told her quietly, "I wasn't okay at first. I was jealous. Yet, you were respectful, perhaps too much."

    Youshan went to say something, but remained silent as Zhu Fan'Hua held up a hand.

    "At the time, I had yet to make a move," She explained, "We were close, but we had been close even before I realized my feelings for him. In other words, you had every right to make a move before me, but you didn't."

    "And that makes this okay?" Youshan asked before she could be silenced, "I could see you loved him right away. I have rather keen senses."

    She laughed lightly.

    "Honestly, even before you confessed, I liked him," She gazed up at the books around her, "But, he seemed so fragile, and how I saw you defend him...I could do nothing. My mana, it-"

    "That's not your fault," Zhu Fan'Hua interrupted, "You know of his...condition now. Yet, you still used your voice for him. You saw his distress, and you took initiative."

    She spoke of the time, and many times after, where she spoke to the beasts. Using her voice to help An'Shen get closer with them. To make them calm when around him.

    "That...Yeah," She smiled softly, "I guess I did. I didn't know him at the time, but I felt like I had to help him. That I wanted to help him."

    "And that, right there, Youshan," Zhu Fan'Hua told her, "That is one of many reasons why."

    "Even so..." Youshan shook her head, uncertain, "The fact remains, you two deserve each other. You've changed each other, I..."

    Youshan looked into the distance at nothing in particular. Zhu Fan'Hua looked around at all the books and scrolls.

    " threw yourself into your studies," Zhu Fan'Hua's words caused her to pre-emptively wince, "You wanted to do something, anything for him, even if you couldn't be with him. You still wanted to give something. So, you used the one thing you're good at."

    Youshan recoiled at the truth in her words.

    "Perhaps, if you helped him, you could remain close," Zhu Fan'Hua leaned forward, resting her head on her hands, "That, at the very least you could do something. Am I correct?"

    Youshan nodded, looking at the floor, dejected.

    "That's admirable, but wrong," Zhu Fan'Hua told her sharply.

    "But that's the only thing that I-" Youshan exclaimed as she looked at Zhu Fan'Hua, pain in her eyes.

    "Wrong," Zhu Fan'Hua interrupted, her word like a dagger, "Or do you think his happiness is not important?"

    "Of course it is!" Youshan immediately replied.

    "Then, Youshan, you do more than you understand," Zhu Fan'Hua's words held weight, "I told you. An'Shen is happy with you. Let me explain..."

    Youshan was quiet as Zhu Fan'Hua explained to her the way she came to her conclusion. As she explained things, Zhu Fan'Hua picked up one of the books.

    "You are his friend, as I was," Zhu Fan'Hua flipped leisurely through the book, "You taught him. You've helped him. You care for him. When he is with you, he smiles brilliantly."

    Each flip of the page was like a punctuation to each sentence. As if to emphasize her words.

    "You became irreplaceable to him before you, or I, knew it," Her voice was calm, measured, "He has been through too much to lose precious friends. You'd be spending time together. Your love unrequited. It would hurt. Eventually, that pain will turn to bitterness. Soon, you'd distance yourself. An'Shen would be incredibly sad."

    Youshan wanted to protest. Zhu Fan'Hua saw it. Yet, she didn't. Youshan was intelligent and her senses, as she said, were keen. The words she was being told weren't far from the truth. It was why she threw herself into her studies. To give him something before that time came.

    "He would lose someone important to him, " Zhu Fan'Hua reasoned, smiling slightly, "It was hard, coming to that conclusion. I love him with all my being, and I am rather possessive. I will do anything to get what I want. So long as it doesn't hurt him. The pain he's been through has been enough."

    She stopped upon a particular page. Placing it on the table, she slid it over and turned the book for her to read. Symbiotic Relationships.

    "It is mutually beneficial," Zhu Fan'Hua explained, "I am often logical. Yet, in this my emotions were tangled. The more I thought, the more I struggled. It wasn't easy, but I came to like you. You are irreplaceable to him, and thus, you are irreplaceable to me."

    "...That's unfair," Youshan smirked, shaking her head, "I see why you're so good at negotiations."

    Youshan became more relaxed. Zhu Fan'Hua had gotten through to her. The truth was simple, and the more Zhu Fan'Hua thought of it the more it made sense. She was a logical person. She had to be. The world of politics was ruthless.

    Even as her emotions drove her, she thought logically. Though An'Shen threw a wrench in how she operated. It was mutually beneficial for all involved. There was just one simple problem.

    "An'Shen...does he know?" Youshan asked her.

    "No," She shook her head, leaning back in her chair, "But, that's where you come in."

    Youshan tilted her head in curiosity, but caution. A devilish smile crept across Zhu Fan'Hua's face, sending shivers through Youshan.

    "Continue as you are," Zhu Fan'Hua told her, "Spend time with him."

    "...What's the catch?" Youshan asked suspiciously.

    The smile grew more devious on Zhu Fan'Hua's face. She loved seeing people squirm. An'Shen being at the top, but she wondered how Youshan would react. She wanted to see it.

    "It's simple," She watched Youshan closely, "Make him fall for you, if only a little."

    Youshan stared in disbelief. Zhu Fan'Hua set a task for her, but it may as well have been impossible. An'Shen was completely in love with Zhu Fan'Hua. However, she watched as Youshan's eyes changed.

    She had felt defeated for so long. Yet, Zhu Fan'Hua herself sought her out. Was pulling her from her depression. She was testing her and Youshan knew it. The fire of determination was lit inside of her.

    "Heh, is that all?" Youshan laughed, smiling as she shook her head.
  18. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

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    Chapter Seven:
    Time Apart

    Zhu Fan'Hua left Youshan to pick herself up. She had been given her task, but with a simple condition. Should An'Shen, at any time, question her or mention Zhu Fan'Hua, then she was to bring him to her. Then, everything would be discussed in the open.

    The same would happen if she succeeded. For now, she would return to being friends with him. She had to not hide herself away. An'Shen missed her. There was a lot that they had to do before he left with Zhu Fan'Hua to her family.

    There was no rush for her. She had all the time she needed. In the meantime, Zhu Fan'Hua would partake of her lover and also deal with what needed to be done. That being the Liu Family. She would be leaving An'Shen behind for that, and it tore at her.

    "Watch over him," She told Youshan, "He'll need someone here for him."

    He needed to get caught up on his studies, and what she was going for would be unpleasant. Miss Su and Suyin would be staying behind as well, but even so it would be lonely for him. She even told her she could stay at her home should she wish. Sima Ai'Li and Sima Chen already promised to visit every so often.

    She departed within the week. An'Shen clung to her, not wanting to let go, but reluctantly he did. Youshan was there to see her off. She held him by the shoulders comfortingly. He clenched his fists, putting on a brave face.

    Her heart felt heavy as she left. No carriage this time. She wanted to be quick. Breathing deeply, she tapped into the power within herself. She felt the mana course through her, surging through her legs as she stepped away.

    Disappearing from their sight, she appeared upon the outskirts of Starlight City. Several Eyes were awaiting her. They immediately went to one knee.

    "Your Highness," They greeted her.

    "Let's hurry," She ordered, and with that, they were gone.

    "...So, what should we do?" An'Shen asked Youshan.

    Her heart raced anxiously. She had no idea what to do. Zhu Fan'Hua had given her an enormous task, and now she was to watch after An'Shen. Her hands upon his shoulders, he felt so small. So fragile.

    "Well, what do you want to do?" She asked him, smiling her best.

    "I can prepare lunch for the two of you," Miss Su, An'Shen and Zhu Fan'Hua's personal maid spoke up.

    An'Shen smiled, nodding but his eyes were forlorn. Youshan knew he missed her already. Did she really have a right to be here? Was it really okay for her to-

    Before the thought could finish, she felt a gentle hand upon hers. It was An'Shen. He held her hand on his shoulder, smiling up at her.

    "Thank you," He told her, his words shooting straight to her heart, "I'm glad you're here. I think it would be more difficult otherwise."

    His words were confusing, but they made her happy. Was he really glad she was there? Did it truly make it better? Zhu Fan'Hua's words rang through her head. How An'Shen is happy whenever he's around her. Perhaps they were true.

    "Of course!" She exclaimed, "I'm glad you feel that way."

    "...I do," He nodded, letting out a deep breath, "Really, it's helpful. I've missed you, and was sad when you didn't show up before. There's a lot I'd like to talk with you about."

    Her heart beat quickly, her body feeling warm at his words. She was incredibly happy to hear he missed her. Zhu Fan'Hua did not lie when she told her that he had been sad. Part of her felt guilty for not showing up when they returned, but now she was here.

    "Your words are too kind," Youshan told him softly, "Now, how about that food? I'm famished."

    He laughed lightly, a pure sound as he nodded. Together, they walked back with Miss Su and Suyin to eat lunch. A moment that seemed to relieve them both of the stress of recent events.

    Zhu Fan'Hua arrived within a few days to the territory of the Liu Family. Willow Grove. Sharing borders with the Jadestone Territory to the south. Willow Grove received its name from the willow trees which grew in the area.

    A rather peaceful territory, but underneath were the crimes of the Liu Family. At one time they were a very honorable and peaceful family. They took care of the people in their land. Ruling them with a fair, yet firm hand. However, even in the most fertile fields, weeds could grow.

    Corruption was an infection that was hard to spot. It started small, but often grew to choke the lands which gave it birth. That was the Liu Family. A once fair, kind family now ruined by the arrogance that grew from years of power. Unchecked and unabated, the rot grew from the inside.

    It now fell to Zhu Fan'Hua to remove that rot. They redeemed themselves, if only a little, by the blood they spilled in securing those who corrupted the family. From now on they'd have to work hard to earn back what was lost.

    With the Eyes at her back, the identity of Zhu Fan'Hua was shed. The Liu Family now faced Xiao'Wu Shui, the Second Princess of the Xiao'Wu Empire.
  19. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    Chapter Eight:

    Willow Grove was a peaceful, quiet land. Those who knew nothing of the crimes of the Liu Family looked upon the entourage with awe and wonder. They believed that the Liu Family must have done something grand, but the truth was grave.

    Xiao'Wu Shui wore the robes of her family. Crimson gold material of the finest make. A wide brimmed hat with a veil to cover her face, like the rest of the Eyes who followed her. They surrounded her in a ceremonial escort. Her identity was still a secret, and should her face be seen by others, it would quickly spread.

    She could disguise her face, but that would give falsity to who she was. Right now, she had to be exactly who she was. Anything less would be a disservice.

    The smell of fresh cherry blossoms from weeping cherry trees filled the air. Even as Fall was approaching, these trees would bloom until winter. The falling of the leaves only added to the scent. Many perfumes were made from it.

    A manor, three stories tall, with sweeping eaves and a high wall around the complex came into view. Two guards stood at the entrance. They became alert as one of them attempted to run into the compound. Stopped by the firm hand of an Eye that appeared as if from thin air.

    It was then they realized the entire compound was surrounded. The Eyes who had been watching the Liu Family made themselves known. Each and every one of them bowed to the Second Princess, Xiao'Wu Shui.

    With the guards detained, she walked unabated into the Liu Estate. The sound of her footsteps could be heard echoing among the quiet of the courtyard. She could feel them. Sensing every member of the Liu Family.

    They were being quiet, cautious. Some food was being prepared, but everyone spoke not a word. There was only one place she was interested in. The main sitting room. She sensed three people there. The sliding doors closed.

    Two Eyes went to the doors, opening them as she grew closer. Her presence was instantly noted as Lord Liu looked up from the tea being served to him and his wife. A singular servant who gasped at the sudden entrance.

    "Y-You! You dare to-" The servant began to speak, flustered.

    An Eye appeared by their side, hand over their mouth with a knife to their throat. A look of fear replaced the outrage. Xiao'Wu Shui did not care for formality. She walked in like any owner would. The land upon which this place was built was hers. Everything in the Xiao'Wu Empire was hers.

    The Lord and Lady Liu watched her. They knew exactly who was before them. Before she even reached halfway into the room, they moved. Prostrating themselves before her.

    "I, Lord Liu-" Lord Liu began.

    "I, Lady Liu-" Lady Liu intoned.

    "Silence," Her words cut through them, "I do not care for your names. Even your family name is too good for you."

    "O-Of course, Your Highness," Lord Liu stuttered, "I meant no disrespect. We greet the Martial Dawn."

    The servant finally realized their mistake and was released. They prostrated before her for forgiveness. This servant was innocent, but disrespect would not be tolerated. A motion of her hand saw them dragged away. They pleaded, but she did not hear them.

    It would only be a simple punishment. Holding a jug of water upon their head and knees as they squated. They would stay that way until she left. Should they drop, break, or otherwise fail the task, more water would be added.

    Walking past the Lord and Lady, she made herself comfortable in one of the few chairs in this room. They were meant for the Lord and Lady, along with their children, but they were not here, and it was hers to take. With a signal from her, they were lifted up by the eyes and placed before her.

    "You know who I am," She spoke coolly, "Your sons know me by one name, but you know me by another. I am Xiao'Wu Shui, Second Princess of the Xiao'Wu Empire. You and your family have committed crimes against me."

    "P-Please, have mer-" Lord Liu begged, but a blade to his throat silenced him.

    "Do not interrupt Her Highness," The Eye whose blade was held against their throat warned.

    He nodded vigorously, sweat beginning to form on his face.

    "...These crimes were done under the Liu Family name," She continued, ignoring the outburst, "I realize not all of you were involved, and so have given you a mercy already."

    She tapped her finger upon the armrest of the chair. A chill growing in the air.

    "Should this have been a simple business mishap, I'd not have bothered," She explained, watching for any signs of protest, "Instead, fifty-eight people were killed. Eleven were injured. Even I was personally attacked on my journey."

    Their faces went pale at the fact she was also attacked. Attack an Imperial was as good as a death sentence. Of course, for fairness in the world of cultivation, this was waived in the case of duels or if it was in self-defense. An Imperial was not always above reproach.

    Many Imperials would use their status to bully others without consequences. This was to prevent that, but should one attack an Imperial for no reason, that was a different story.

    "Y-Your Highness," Lady Liu spoke up, "I-If I may?"

    "...Speak," She ordered, eyes narrowing in on her.

    "You said...fifty-eight people were killed?" She swallowed hard, nervously looking around, "But...our reports say that fifty-three were killed. W-Who were the others?"

    Xiao'Wu Shui watched the woman with keen eyes. There was no harm in telling her, and she could judge her reaction.

    "Among those killed," Xiao'Wu Shui told her, "There were several pregnant women among them. The other five who lost their lives were their unborn children."

    Her words were cold, matter-of-fact. Yet, no one there would say she didn't care for the lives lost. They could see in her voice that she was angry. Xiao'Wu Shui watched Lady Liu.

    Her reaction was roughly what she expected. Her face dropped as a sudden realization dawned on her. Her arms wrapping around her own stomach. Xiao'Wu Shui had done her investigating. Lady Liu had lost a child once. It was a miscarriage suffered by an attack on her.

    "Th-That bastard..." Lady Liu's rage began to rise to the surface, "He even had pregnant women killed..."

    "D-Dear?" Lord Liu tried to calm her down, "Please, calm down. We have him and-"

    "Calm down!?" Lady Liu slapped his hand away, "That bastard had children killed! Children! Just like..."

    The tears swelled in her eyes. Her legs no longer able to support her, she fell to the floor. They allowed Lord Liu to go to her, catching his wife before she completely fell.

    "You said, him," Xiao'Wu Shui confronted them, "Who?"

    "I'm sure you are aware, Your Highness, but he's-" Lord Liu tried to play it casually.

    "Oh stop!" Lady Liu exclaimed, glaring at her husband, "That bastard is your brother! Just bring him here already! All his followers! They deserve worse than death, they...they..."

    Lord Liu comforted her again, but her rage would not be placated. A smile curled upon Xiao'Wu Shui's face behind her veil. The Liu Family was done. Lord Liu still tried to defend his brother, while Lady Liu wanted nothing more than to be done with them.

    "Bring them to me," Xiao'Wu Shui ordered, "Lady Liu...would you wish to watch?"

    She looked up at Xiao'Wu Shui, her hands falling to reveal her tearstained face. It twisted in anger and rage.

    "If you would allow it, Your Highness," She shrugged off her husband's hands, glaring at him, "He killed our son...and you still defend him? Are you even the man I once married?"

    Lord Liu flinched; his eyes downcast as he contemplated the events. The apprehension of his brother and his followers did not come without a cost. The Liu Family shed blood over it. Their oldest, Liu Huang, died at his uncle's hands. Lady Liu has lost too much.

    "...Why couldn't he just stay quiet?" Lord Liu muttered, his eyes changing, "That bastard brother of mine. All he had to do was remain silent, but...he was just too proud."

    Lady Liu stared in horror at her husband. Understanding forming in her head. Xiao'Wu Shui had known for some time. Yet, to see it unfold like this. So easy it was for a man to break in the face of destruction.

    "You..." Lady Liu whispered, "You knew?"

    "...Of course I knew!" Lord Liu seethed, "That bastard brother of mine was always a pain in my ass. I'm always cleaning up his mess, and now when he has a chance to pay me back, he kills my oldest son and ruins the entire family!"

    "Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you stop him?" Lady Liu was backing away from him now, "If you did then..."

    Lord Liu looked away from her, he couldn't bear to see the sight of his wife's face. The look of disdain buried deep into his heart. He knew there was no going back now.

    "If I did...then what?" He asked, "I tried hiding it to preserve the family, but I never knew that..."

    His eyes turned towards Xiao'Wu Shui. The look of contempt and anger burned deep into his eyes.

    "Yes, if it wasn't for me," Xiao'Wu Shui rested herself on one arm, "Then it would have all been fine? You are a fool."

    The Eyes apprehended him, and with Lady Liu at her side, Xiao'Wu Shui began the judgement of those responsible.
  20. Nikushimi

    Nikushimi Member

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    Chapter Nine:

    Lady Liu stood with Xiao'Wu Shui before her husband and brother-in-law. There were several others all chained and tied together. The entirety of the Liu Family stood to bear witness. Those who were not captured, of course.

    Xiao'Wu Shui had done a thorough investigation into the family before making her move. In the time that they fought each other to find the culprits, the Eyes made their own moves. Finding the lies within the lies.

    Lord Liu's brother was a grinning as he was placed next to him. He was ecstatic he was caught as well. They bickered back and forth. Blaming the other. It was tiring, and soon they were gagged.

    "As the Eyes are witness," An Eye announced, "We oversee this judgement with Her Highness, the Second Princess of the Xiao'Wu Empire. Xiao'Wu Shui. Her word is law, and the judgement shall be swift."

    Those who were free of bindings were the only ones true to the Liu Family. They would have a choice today. The Liu Family would be no more.

    "Lady Liu, no...Lady Fen," Xiao'Wu Shui forsook her family name, "You are hereby no longer tied to the Liu Family. Your marriage is annulled in the eyes of the Martial Dawn."

    Lady Fen was silent for a moment before a smile crept over her face.

    "Thank you, Your Highness," She turned to her, bowing, "I appreciate your mercy."

    "It is not a mercy, but a new beginning," She told her, "You must struggle to rise again. The Liu Family is no more, but this land still requires a ruler. I appoint you, Lady Fen, and those who will serve you. You may choose a new family name, or have one appointed."

    Lady Fen looked on with shock, but understanding as she nodded.

    "The Liu Family I married into," She explained, looking back at her ex-husband, "I will take it as a reminder, but this land needs something new. A breath of fresh air. If it pleases Your Highness, I will take the name Qi'Liu."

    Xiao'Wu Shui was rather impressed. This woman did not completely forsake the name Liu, but took it as a lesson. A warning of what not to become. Qi'Liu is an ancient word for a breath of fresh air. Reversed, Liu'Qi meant Willow. A breath of fresh air for Willow Grove.

    "Very well, Qi'Liu Fen," Xiao'Wu Shui stood, "I appoint you as the new master of Willow Grove."

    One of the Eyes stepped forward, producing a ceremonial sword. Drawing it, she placed the tip of the blade against Qi'Liu Fen's forehead. She did not flinch, but simply waited. A slight trickle of blood fell. Upon which the sword was withdrawn and tapped upon her shoulders once.

    The wound healed as the blood was wiped away. The ceremony done, she turned towards those before her.

    "Lady Qi'Liu," Xiao'Wu Shui addressed her, returning the blade to its sheath, "Your first order as master of Willow Grove is to decide their punishment."

    "Ah, that's a cruel duty," Lady Qi'Liu responded, sighing, "But, I understand."

    She smiled in understanding. Xiao'Wu Shui was testing her. This was to see her resolve. It was cruel, but necessary.

    Her ex-husband, of whose name Xiao'Wu Shui cared not to remember, mumbled through his gag. He was trying to plead with her, while the others resigned their fate.

    "I, Qi'Liu Fen, do hereby order the death of my ex-husband and his brother," Her voice echoed out before them all, "Their heads are to be placed upon pikes for a week, as a warning. Their crimes listed for all to see."

    Her gaze passed over their accomplices, her eyes hardened.

    "Those who helped them in this are to be placed next to them," She ordered coldly, "The new Qi'Liu Family does not need those who would feud among themselves when justice needed to be served."

    The sentence was decreed and overseen by everyone. Though they tried to fight back, they were quickly put down. Lady Qi'Liu having to even put to death her own ex-husband. Their fight told the people of Willow Grove that the crimes were true. Many were concerned with the future, but with Lady Qi'Liu's charisma, they were quelled and held some hope for the future.

    "Lady Qi'Liu," Xiao'Wu Shui approached her, "After you clean up, I'd like a moment of your time."

    "Of course, Your Highness," Qi'Liu Fen bowed, "You need not even ask."

    She had lit a fire under Qi'Liu Fen that would be tempered in the hardships to come. She'd have to build the Qi'Liu Family up from the ground. It would not be easy, but Qi'Liu Fen was determined. A woman like this would be useful to her. There were many plans to make for the future.