Discussion Q: Have you ever fainted? Or seen someone faint?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Donutmindme, Feb 12, 2020.



  1. Yes, I have.

    44 vote(s)
  2. No, never have.

    8 vote(s)
  3. No, but I seen someone else faint

    17 vote(s)
  1. joey183

    joey183 The Mysterious Entity

    Aug 29, 2018
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    Yeah, me too. I haven't faint before. I think the closes I got to fainting would be in my high school, when after running a long distance school marathon, I climbed a flight of steps to my classroom located on the 2nd floor, to get my water bottle from my bag. When I reached the top of the stairs (non-stop climbing btw), my legs sway a bit and for a split second, I felt a little dizzy but I was alright again after I blinked a few times. There was no one in my class as I finished the run quite early, so had I fainted, no one would have known, or discover me anyway, so maybe it's good I didn't end up fainting.
  2. Kadmos1

    Kadmos1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I am surprised that I have not fainted yet from this thread!
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  3. userunfriendly

    userunfriendly A Wild Userunfriendly Appears!

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Or farted?:p
  4. GoneGretel

    GoneGretel Sequence 8: Student of Ratiocination

    Jan 27, 2019
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    Yep, back in gradeschool staying in the sunlight far too long
  5. PomeloCloud

    PomeloCloud 蝶のようにここまで

    Apr 30, 2020
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    I could clearly remember fainting while in the middle of dissecting a large toad... Like everything went black but I was still sitting inside the lab @_@
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  6. Shirayuki..

    Shirayuki.. 〖13th Princess Of Chaos♡〗〖Your Oneesan :3〗

    Jun 23, 2020
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    yes..my friend fainted during an assembly and i slipped off the stairs during childhood and fainted a lot..a natural klutz
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  7. susanty.smile

    susanty.smile [Insomniac]

    Jan 16, 2019
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    i have. 3 times.
    the first time is when i smell suffocating smell from the kitchen (don't know whatever my mom cooked), i wanted to get away by walking up the stairs, then i blacked out, fortunately i was only get 2 steps up. Before i fainted, my vision slowly turned dark, so i still have time to walk, but before you realized it, the more you blinked the more likely you lost consciousness...

    therefore the second time i already recognize the pattern,
    it happened at outdoor morning assemble at school. i'm a bit lethargic at that time, but i still went for it...the teachers are lined up the students row, so i took my place at the back, in case i need the teacher's assist. As i predicted, half way through the pattern started, i'm feeling weak and my vision slowly darken, i know i couldn't stay standing up any longer so i went to my homeroom teacher to get permission to rest inside. i am certain that i was pale too. This time i didn't lost conscious, i went inside and just rest my head, still aware of my surrounding

    the third time was when i was sick, kinda heavily sick, took me two week to get better.
    same feeling, same pattern. i was at home at that time, this time, i did what i had to do first, get medicine and plenty of water nearby, then went to tell my parents, then rest.

    can be said that as soon as your vision slowly go dark, don't stand up anymore. Sit or lie down, i prefer sitting tho...i'm afraid i'll puke if i lie down...
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
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  8. Fulminata

    Fulminata Typo-ist | Officer of Heavenly Inc. |

    Jul 4, 2018
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    When i was in elementary school, a friend of mine passed out when we're attending weekly flag ceremony. This person fell backward, right into me, with my feet managed to cushioned her head from the hard concrete. Her body temperature was so cold, i lowkey thought that she died :sweating_profusely:.

    And long ago, i used to overextert myself when training martial arts. Often, to the point where i experienced shortness of breath followed with black spots dancing in my sights. Whenever that happens, i'll meditate and call it a day. Yet, i never managed to truly faint :blobtaco:
  9. Vanidor

    Vanidor Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2015
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    I never fainted but I remember once coming very close, working out on a stationary bike in the summer in an room without air-conditioning. I took a step off and was standing with one hand on the bike and started going down. Vision went black a moment and it took a good 5+ seconds before my vision wasn't blurry, and a couple minutes to feel coordinated.

    Btw, one of my coworkers has a condition where they can pass out while peeing standing up. It started when he was in his early 30's I think.
  10. Shirayuki..

    Shirayuki.. 〖13th Princess Of Chaos♡〗〖Your Oneesan :3〗

    Jun 23, 2020
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    Wow I can imagine that pretty well lol
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  11. Jeiyiii

    Jeiyiii Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I want to dissect again hehe Missing highschool days

    Almost because it was too hot

    But last year my classmate fainted, after I drew blood into her vein (We're taking Medical degree)
    She didn't ate breakfast, I also didn't eat breakfast
    Still a mystery lol
  12. Miserys_End

    Miserys_End 「Lv1 Pretend Person」I'm the preson i pretend to be

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I've fainted a total of four times. Three due to concussions and once just standing up.

    First concussion was around the age of 5. We were playing hide and go seek. The spot I found was a good one, as they didnt find me for a number of hours after I "hid". In any case they found me in a pool of my own blood under the pile of stuff that fell on my head. Woke in the hospital with a reverse mohawk, getting stitches.

    The second concussion was less dramatic, as I just fell out of a tree backwards onto a flat rock. Dont remember much about this one, just know I was fairly young.

    The third instance of concussion was at my grade school. lunch time and was heading out to play. Wasnt watching where I was going and ran forehead first into a concrete fill metal pillar what held up the roof of the outdoor walkway. Woke up in time to head home.

    The last instance of fainting I was when I was a teen. I was watching TV in the livingroom and stood up to get something to eat during the commercials. My vision tunneled and then woke with my face buried in the side of the couch. The commercials ended and the show came back on so just sat back down till the next commercial break...
    Donutmindme and ViburnumDraco like this.
  13. ViburnumDraco

    ViburnumDraco Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    Fainted a couple of times...

    First one was when my mother was in hospital and I did not feel like taking care of myself. My diet was manly cheese and OJ. So one morning my grandma was calling me from downstairs, I get up quickly and feel nauseous, I was like: "Wait a minute, I'm just gonna open a window". Then it was all dark and I hear my grandma screaming my name. And I was like why are you waking me up? It just felt like I was sleeping.

    The second time I was feeling weak and was calling for my brother, but before he got to me I was lying flat on the floor.

    Most interesting thing was, both of the times nothing hurt after I crashed.
    Donutmindme likes this.
  14. Satan

    Satan Yes

    Oct 20, 2015
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  15. Ruyi

    Ruyi translator at CG

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Yes, during dance class. We had to lean back and grab our back leg and I probably held my breath too hard, because suddenly my body felt heavy like a ton of bricks and my vision began to turn black around the edges.

    I remember thinking, “wait no, don’t fall don’t fall” because the weight of my body was dragging me down and desperately trying to hold onto the barre. Then I kinda just crashed to the ground.

    Apparently I was only out for a few seconds but it felt like hours. The hardest part was fighting to claw my way up when I kept “sinking” in my senses.

    I hit my arm against the wall so that hurt, but otherwise I was okay.
  16. Kogal Koi

    Kogal Koi Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2017
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    In my highschool days i have seen a lot of fainted people, its the ceremony fault!!!
    The headmaster gives too many speeches! Dont torture us! give us less speech and less homework!
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  17. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    once when i was giving blood- was painfully slow process of fainting, black splotches in my eyes and shit
    second was when i pussied out watching torture scene in ajin
  18. SerialBeggar

    SerialBeggar Hate your family? Got no friends? Gimme your stuff

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I've fainted twice, ie from whoa... to waking with someone holding me. The fainting sequence for both were the same:

    1) suddenly feel like crap, ie hot flash with heavy sweat breaking out
    2) my peripheral vision (sides, top, bottom, all around) started to darken
    3) sparks appear in my vision (entire view), ie like fireflies flashing, you know the "I see stars" in cartoons
    4) my peripheral vision narrows quickly, ie sudden rapid tunnel vision closing my view to a central point
    5) and then I'm out

    The first time was when I was at my first ever mandatory drug screening as part of a job admission (I retired from that company after 30 years). I think the cause was nervousness along with low blood sugar. It was a drug test so I hadn't eaten since the previous night and my appointment was (I think) 10 am, but they didn't get around to me for quite a while. I got up when called and made it out of the waiting room. The faint started while walking the corridor following the med tech. I remember wondering what was going on and had to put my hand on the wall while I staggered along, then I dropped. The med tech didn't make a deal about it, so I assume it happens enough there.

    The second time was at home. I got up from the toilet after finishing a poop. Luckily I had my shorts pulled up before I fainted. I woke up to my mom holding my up, she had heard the loud bang when I dropped. So I guess this time was just getting up "too fast" after sitting too long (while reading as usual), so the blood and, consequently oxygen, drained from my brain due to gravity. That said, I don't think I got up any faster than usual.

    There have been other times when I got up "too fast" and started getting the fainting symptoms. So with experience now, once I see the sparks, I immediately start to take deep breaths quickly to boost my oxygen intake and also sit my butt back down. I'll also try to lean back so if I do faint, I don't fall forwards and smash my face (and glasses).
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
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  19. blues86

    blues86 [Pickle's numba wan follower]

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Yes, I fainted a few times. Two of them after I accidently cut my finger. It was just a small cut. I stared at it and thought, 'oh, it hurt a little' then the next moment I already woke up with a pain on my forehead cuz I fell head first. :sweating_profusely:
    Donutmindme likes this.
  20. PomeloCloud

    PomeloCloud 蝶のようにここまで

    Apr 30, 2020
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    For why reason did Satan faint? @_@