Question Reincarnated or Virtual Reality story

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by KidBuu, Feb 21, 2018.


Which do you prefer

  1. Reincarnated

  2. Virtual Reality

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  1. KidBuu

    KidBuu Embrace Darkness

    Oct 9, 2017
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    Alright guys so I have gotten bored enough that I am heavily considering turning my light novels ideas into actual light novels. My friends are also encouraging me on this because they have grown tired of my complaining about bad situations in stories and they hope that I will just shut up. So getting to the point there are two stories that I have put a lot of thought into and wish to hear opinions on which should be more focused on.

    The first is a modern world to fantasy world reincarnation story with your basic idiot Mc to save the world. Haha just kidding only a fool would call this main character an idiot. Some words that I would describe him as would be cold, calculating and not someone to trust being a grave guard. That kind of distrust would naturally come in the modern world with having the last name Stein. So to sum it up it would be a story about an anti-hero mc with some kingdom building elements.

    The second idea comes from Virtual Reality game novels and my hatred of them. Reasons why I hate them: Mc's has terrible goal of usually just wanting to make money off of the game and is usually a reincarnated person with some cheat like ability. Most VR novels just get old after awhile, especially after the MC gets money in the game and loses any type of motivation. Enter something Titan because I suck at names and the novel will have influence from Greek mythology. The main character who is a former Pro player who played the last Virtual Reality Game and walked away with the championship. Soon after an accident occurred damaging his nerves which resulted in his reaction time deceases. He lost his title. His army of loyal guild members leaves him. His lover and so many friends and associates leaves him and finds himself looking into the bottom of a beer bottle everyday. Time has passed and what friends he has left convinced him to join the new VR game that is coming out just for fun like in the old days but the times have changed since now an AI has control of the game systems and our fallen titan has a chance of redemption.

    FYI if you haven't noticed I have thought more along the lines of the second story then the first.
  2. Liyus

    Liyus Laksha's Desu~ Cat

    Nov 10, 2015
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    VR 90% sucks, it's either end with an OP mc or a nerfed one.....
  3. lnv

    lnv ✪ Well-Known Hypocrite

    Jan 24, 2017
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    VR is generally pretty terrible, one reason is because most people who write it were never actually anything when gaming so they assume how it is like at the top when in reality it isn't. And the real world in VR worlds tend to be even more terrible. Well I guess that is an extension of wish fulfillment.

    But if you really like both concepts, why not combine both? MC gets reincarnated in modern fantasy world but when he goes to sleep he ends up in the VR world of his old game. And have him take back stuff from the VR world to the new real modern fantasy world. (Just don't overdo it)
    immortal chu_feng likes this.
  4. immortal chu_feng

    immortal chu_feng Member

    Jul 22, 2017
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    this idea is pretty good try writing something along this line
  5. grinz

    grinz Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2017
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  6. WhiteLotus123

    WhiteLotus123 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    if you cant dicide try and take the best and leave the worst of bouth worlds
  7. Sherrynity

    Sherrynity I see no God up there… other than the chaotic void

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Why no one ever made a VRMMOBA story?
    I want to read how the MC got trapped inside an eternal battlefield where they kill each other, respawned, then start the killing again. They can only leave the game after amassing XXX victories or fame and will be given rewards or something.

    VR genre itself has quite a lot of potential, yet many author somehow mixed them with real life.
    I mean, it's Virtual Reality, so why not make another Reality that massively different from our life, with different social system and moral values? Why must we stick with the mentality of "hey it's like an alternate world" yet the player still buy something with money, sleep, eat, had sex.... like, as if it's just a copy of our reality. Go be more absurd, please. :blobsad:
  8. AkunDami

    AkunDami Neu membar

    Nov 13, 2017
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    First story is okay i guess... Your description not really intriguing but it's not bad at all.

    The second story premise seems interesting. Also it really remind of a manhwa which i forgot the name.
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