Recommendations Sadistic Warrior Princess

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by deluks917, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. deluks917

    deluks917 Lady V

    Jul 8, 2017
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    I'm looking for a story that features prominently (said character doesn't have to be the MC) a princess (or other high noble girl) that is exceptionally strong in combat and a sadist or otherwise ruthless. Bonus points if she's exceptionally competent outside combat as well.

    Detailed Breakdown
    Exceptional competence (preferably in combat and outside combat is required). Looking at the characters that fit this archetype that I'm most enamoured with, they tend to occupy the highest strata (around 1 in a million) in terms of ability (or depending on where they are in their growth) potential.

    General exceptional competence beyond combat is appealing, but I can greatly enjoy characters that only just excel in combat.

    Royalty/high nobility is a strict requirement. I prefer settings in which the aristocracy are generally substantially superior in combat ability to the protelatariat (e.g. via greater innate magic/other supernatural potential, hereditary abilities, better training, etc).

    It is crucial that they were raised in aristocracy/high nobility. I care a lot more about their pedigree than their current social status.

    I have an aristocracy fetish.

    Sadism isn't necessary, someone that is merely ruthless (willing to be merciless in pursuit of their goals) would be satisfactory. The willingness to be ruthless is the only requirement I think. I can find sadism appealing when done well.

    The sadistic examples of this archetype have been blood knights who delight and thrill in combat. That I think is what I found appealing and not mere delight from the suffering of others.

    I always love ambitious characters that are very agentic, possess an internal locus of control and proactive in pursuit of their goals. Confidence is required, cockiness is appealing when someone has the ability to back it up.

    None of the characters that come to mind have been an active romantic interest of the protagonist. I don't intrinsically have something against that, but it's very easy to reduce female characters to just an accessory to the male MC. If said character is best defined in relation to the male MC, I find that grossly off putting.

    The agentic, confident, strong princess that I find appealing is severely undermined if she's just an accessory to the protagonist.

    Some characters that fit the archetype (if not exactly featuring as prominently as I would like):
    • Princess Khun Maschenny Zahard, Tower of God
      • Fits all criteria
      • One of my all time favourite characters
    • Lady Velika Vekuavak from Delve
      • By far my favourite character in the Delve series
      • She isn't competent outside combat. My appreciation for her is what made me realise that non combat competence wasn't strictly necessary
    • Imperial Princess Elizabeth Atanaxia Evatriae von Habsburg from Dungeon Defense
      • She's exceptionally competent outside combat and is a capable fighter, but shines more outside it.
      • One of my all time favourite characters

    None of the aforementioned characters have been the protagonists of their series (all of them have been antagonists in fact). That's fine, I don't require that the character be the protagonist as long as they feature prominently in the story. A principal antagonist would work.

    Adjest Kingscrown is my favourite character from A Returner's Magic Should be Special, but I don't think she fits this archetype as well as the three I mentioned. I do like her for the same reasons I like the other three, but the bloodlust/sadism is absent with her, and I'm not sure how well she maintains her independence from the protagonist going forward.

    The above is an archetype I find that I greatly enjoy in fiction. All the other characteristics of good stories apply.

    I don't really care what medium it is as long as it's something I can read for free online.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020
  2. S4TY4

    S4TY4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2016
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  3. deluks917

    deluks917 Lady V

    Jul 8, 2017
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    Thanks, I'm enjoying it so far.