Discussion Sort of a rant, sort of a vent, definitely a story.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Mr. Tired, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    *long deep inhale*
    So. Okay. Long thread time.

    I'm so fucking close to snapping. It's like, people are purposely trying my patience. And I'm pretty well-rounded in the area of being calm, collected, and patient with others. I wake up and don't choose violence but I'm so on edge these days and I feel like slapping all these stupid kids since their parents aren't doing anything. (And then that's sad, because sometimes it really isn't the parents fault, but just bad influence from others on their kids).

    1. The tiktok 'trend'. First of all, it's...stupid. Why. There's no thought process at all. It's just for views and 'clout', and it's a crime because it's vandalism/destruction of property and stealing. What is so cool about breaking a toilet or throwing soap out of the window? I hope all these kids get caught and have to pay for it somehow.
    "YOOO I just tossed that soap in the trash and obliterated this sink, aha I'm so cool now~ Watch me steal this toilet too."


    2. That being said (and I graduated school FYI), something happened at the school I went to.
    My little sisters came home, talking rather enthusiastically to one another. I ask them how their day was, and the oldest says, "R got beat up today!" and I was confused.

    I asked what happened, and why R got beat up. (She was a Sophomore when I was a Senior in high school before graduating, so I know her, and this year that makes her a Junior). She's a really nice girl, so I couldn't think of any reasons why'd she'd get in a fight.
    Oldest shows me the TikTok of her getting pummeled by this other girl in front of the class. The class is sitting, recording, or doing nothing, or just laughing as she kids her ribs kicks, punched, head slammed into the wall, and hair pulled.

    Shocked, I ask again why this happened, and she says, "R snitched on somebody."
    I'm still confused. "Snitched?"
    She nods, and explains "She snitched on So-And-So of him throwing soap into the trash, so everyone has been attacking her for snitching on him and getting him in trouble."

    . . . .

    This dude, who was wrong and destroyed school property, which means the school cameras caught him doing it anyway, and then posted it on social media for all to see, had made the Junior class gang up on R for 'snitching' on him.

    Ha. WOw. Fffffking. What?? I'm so...mindblown about this situation. So disappointed and sad. And I feel terrible for R, she didn't do anything wrong. I hope she's doing okay.

    I was especially pissed that no one in the class did anything. Where was the teacher even? Not that the teacher is at fault, but even greater, why didn't the STUDENTS do anything? She was getting beat up real bad (and even if not, she was still being physically harassed), but no. They just sat there doing nothing.

    Do people not have morals or common sense anymore? Or basic respect? They all should have stopped the girl beating R up.
    Being a decent human being is the bare minimum, so the bar is damn low. It isn't that hard to be respectful, or at least pretend to be nice. So if people aren't even doing the bare minimum of what's expected anymore, they're pathetic. It's such a trashy way of life to live. And I pity those like that.
    I'm so pissed off.

    Also, it's raining a lot and I am very cold right now. Hmph.
    Have a good day. Remember, do more than the bare minimum. And a lesson we all learned in kindergarten:
    "If you can't say something nice, shut the hell up".

    Thank you. Sorry if some of this was hard to understand/lacking clarity in text.
  2. BigBadBoi

    BigBadBoi Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2018
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    we truly do live in a society
  3. Owl1412

    Owl1412 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Tell R to sue their asses. Or you know, sue the school. She got physically assaulted. Also download the video as evidence before they delete it
  4. Deleted member 369806

    Deleted member 369806 Guest

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    1. Tiktok isn't a place for those with stable reason and logic XD
    2. The world is tolerating people with weird demands and political agenda, so that says alot about the modern morality and ethics XD
    3. Poor Gen Z
  5. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    Sadly, I'm pretty sure the best a school can do is give R and the assaulter 3 weeks of suspension both. It's so stupid.
  6. Wrath444

    Wrath444 Life is such a glorious trauma, is it not?

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Call police on them you have video proof
    OechineunAlex, Ddraig, Lissi and 4 others like this.
  7. anotherAniket

    anotherAniket Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2019
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    wtf. Can you send that video to the school authorities and her parents. Hope someone acts right ffs.
  8. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    I'm waiting to calm down so I can assess the situation, yeah. I am not a student anymore, so my concern might be 'out of line' in their eyes, but I do want to do something.

    The principal, as I've said before, isn't the best either. She's pretty biased and ridiculous. So I'm not sure.
    Starfox Stellar likes this.
  9. ludagad

    ludagad Addicted to escapist novels

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Have any girls ever shot up a school? Haven't heard of it. Sorry, I know that's insensitive to say. But they always try to blame it on violent games, satanic music, mental health, anything other than the school environment itself. I do hope her parents sue the school and the girl who was beating her.
  10. Wrath444

    Wrath444 Life is such a glorious trauma, is it not?

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Dafuq out of line your sisters go to that school you are a concerned family member worried about the environment at the school you family members go to you have right go make it a big deal get other adults involved saying you are worried for the safety of the kids make it as big of a deal as you can do so school is forced to do something
  11. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    *Takes notes on this* I'm going to use that.
    Wrath444 likes this.
  12. Starfox Stellar

    Starfox Stellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2020
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    ^ what they said. Also your concerns make sense. I also agree, I feel like morals are getting lower. Like damn, 4th graders wearing cup bras and dating, people getting into fights for nothing....it's def getting worse
  13. Wrath444

    Wrath444 Life is such a glorious trauma, is it not?

    Jun 15, 2021
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    You probably aren’t the only one concerned about it bring it up with other parents
    Deleted member 348269 likes this.
  14. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    1. We're obviously not dealing with the brightest bunch of people. First rule of committing felonies is not to post video evidence of said felonies to social media
    2. This behavior is sadly nothing new and has been going on for generations. "Snitches" has always been a reason to ostracize a fellow student. However posting actual actionable evidence for the world to see... while not new per se is still horribly stupid.
    3. At this point if you're taking physical harm at school, it's pretty much all over if the school is doing nothing. You don't bother negotiating with the school at this point. You file a criminal police report with said video evidence and get the girl the hell out of the school permanently.
  15. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    at the very least show it to her parents. while it may be out of line for you to act, it won't for her parents, not sure they can do much apart go kick up a fuss to the headmaster so he report it to the bully's parent (hoping they are decent enough to give a bad time to the child).

    and they could prob go to lawyer for image rights (which should make any parent quite mad even if they don't care about the child, bcz no one like losing money for shit)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
  16. IceLight303

    IceLight303 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Well I'm angry just reading. Destruction of public property isn't funny. Throwing soap around isn't funny either. Why should the cleaning staff have to deal with this? Not only that the girl did nothing wrong. If you see someone doing something wrong you either stop then or tell someone who can handle the situation. That was no reason to beat her and the whole class did nothing? They deserve punishment, I would go to the police and make a big deal out of it. It's mentality like this that let people commit crimes while people just watch. Sometimes being a bystander is just as bad as the person committing the crime.

    This isn't new though, making paper wads with toilet paper and water then throwing it on the ceiling happened when I was in school. I got mad yelled at the person and told staff.

    I would get the police involved. The family might have to contact a lawyer because it sounds like the principal is biased in might not do anything. Also see if you can get the video, this stupid tiktok trend has been on the news so send an anonymous tip to a local news station, they have sites for that. Just explain the situation and send the video. You have every right to be worried, you have siblings that attend the school and personally know the victim.

    On a side note I know of a school that is now having to use port potties due to this trend. The bathrooms were destroyed and will take a while to fix. To anyone wondering they are screwed down to prevent tipping.
  17. Bachingchung

    Bachingchung Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    What trend? I'm pretty sure that's not a trend rn. That's more of a felony.
  18. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I know your piss, but if you want anything done. You have to work the system.
    First being a past student. Is grounds enough for an intervention. Having family, friends or other students involved. Makes it your concern. You don’t even need a reason to get involved.
    Hit this as professionally as possible. As soon as possible. Write a serious professional letter (you can find pretty good examples online), but make it seem your not attacking anyone. The one thing to point out is the concern for safety. That other kids could be hurt or even killed. Lay it on thick. Make it clear if they need more information you would be happy to give them evidence.
    The main thing you need to keep in mind in this email and that is who is getting it. What you need to do is send it to the teacher, but. And this is the main thing. CC everyone. Send this to the other teachers, the principal, the chairman, the board, the PTA, the super intendant and go as high as you can. You can usually find this information from the school website.
    This is what I recommend. They can not take it lightly when safety is concern. As to the principle. That’s why you CC everyone. They can’t just rug sweep it. Otherwise they’ll get their ass chewed out by their boss.
    At least that’s what I would do
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
  19. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    this brings me back and reminds me why I hated high school. It almost makes me miss laughing about how the school was wasting money painting over grafitti instead of updating textbooks that were 40 years old when the walls would just be grafittied againt half an hour after the workers finished painting it. When I graduated, i was so relieved I didn't even bother sticking around to celebrate with my friends. Wanted to get out of that shithole ASAP.

    Anyways, talk to her parents, and maybe have them goto a lawyer for legal advice. Then they'll know how to react if more of such things happen at the school and you'll actually have legal grounds for a proper lawsuit. It's kinda like how when you first call the cops for a neighborhood distubance, you're not really expecting them to fix the problem. It's so there's a legal record of precidence when you go for the throat later.
    Mr. Tired likes this.
  20. Deleted member 348269

    Deleted member 348269 Guest

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    Its a crime. Those kids are assholes for beating a kid up for telling the truth. Damaged property, and assaulted someone. Regardless or not they're minors, its a crime. They're juniors, I'm pretty sure a late teens would know the basic right and wrong by now. Where are their brains and morals?

    Some may be afraid to speak up in fear of also getting beaten but those who just record and laugh...that sickens me. Finding joy in watching someone innocent get miserably beaten up and applauding the person that did shit. There is no excuse for whatever lame half ass-apology those kids probably come up after this. Where is the teacher?

    Like the others said. Email all teachers. Parents. Anyone higher. Professional email so it can be taken seriously. Keep the evidence and attach it to email. That way they can't turn a blind eye since these kids are so stupid in recording themselves beating up a kid and getting caught on camera damaging stuff. And you got evidence if the adults or higher up do turn a blind eye since you have proof you emailed them if they still hardly did anything after. Stupid bullies and the fact that they're re showing their faces on media; in this day and age, one day it'll catch up to them for doing something so stupid and cruel.

    Reach out to the person that got hurt if you can and console them and be their ear if need be. Inform parents, sometimes they don't know what happens to their kids at school until its too late. I hope she recovers soon, cause that beatup sounds like its could produce severe injuries.

    It reminds me of two teens years ago. Separate cases, but they got harassed and bullied til they took up suicide. And their bullies still laugh after they die. One case some got charged for manslaughter, idk about the other.

    Hope she recovers soon and find a safe place. Hopefully someone will be able help and stand up for her and get those bullies their just deserts. Those lil shit better not get a light slap on the wrist for what they've done.
    Mr. Tired and Starfox Stellar like this.