Story Telling

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by Alexander Valdimir, Dec 15, 2018.

  1. Alexander Valdimir

    Alexander Valdimir Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Title says it all, Telling a realistic event that happened to you once. I used to play this game with my comrades in Afghanistan, It helps connect and bond with each other. Stories varies, It can range from perverted, personal, funny , or anything that we simply wanted to talk on that day. There will be a little tweaking though compare to my days as a ex military personnel. Also that you may imagine, But i barely used this forum so the rules below are bound to have some loop holes.

    • Story cannot be longer than a thousand word, it must be summaries into a short story. I'm not going to literally check your story for the word count but i can tell if i'm going to spend ten minute for one.
    • While I cannot control whatever you say nor can i be willing to verify such claims, do keep your stories realistic. You may exaggerate your tales a bit but do keep it at a modest level.
    • Any type of story are permitted, I have the moderator approval for that.
    • Picture can be used to your discretion.
    Examples of my stories that you can structural around to imitate.
    When I was in second-third grade, My stepbrother was temporary living with me at the time. I was all alone in the house and i was very curious one day so i went into his room. I found his porno collection but since i was so young i didn't know what to make of it. I thought that this was some depressing story since the woman were all naked. I put it in the DVD to watch it, while confuse the whole time why they were taking their clothes off on a cold winter evening. But since i was so young, There wasn't any reaction from below, Still thinking that they were homeless for only having one set of clothes and they were trying to get hugging each other for warm. That was never the case.

    During Afghanistan, Me and my company were situated on a hotspot that serve as a important supply route to one of the major province capital. Due to that we regularly received assault on it during a weekly basis. To which Me and a few other lads somehow gotten shot in the ass. Not a literal bullet to the ass but a shrapnel that ricochet into our anus. Probably a damn tradition to get shot in the ass in our company as a rite of ceremony to join.

    One Day I woke up on a winter evening after a year of leaving the military. It was Five o clock and i decided to take a jog with only my boxers. It felt very refreshing, only ran a mile but the freezing tingling feeling up my scrotum felt nice.

    so the story you can basically tell can varies depending on the individual and it can even be a nonsensical useless event. But it's acceptable to simply write anything if you so desire, Personally I'm a open guy so while i'm currently busy, I'll most likely discuss some personal topics since I find it funny.

    This is the internet, and if any of you are wondering why i'm doing this. It's cause I do hope that some of you can just vent out story that made you angry while also discussing funny stories at the same time under the mask of anonymity. When I had done this with my comrades, It definitely release some of our stress whenever we had done time. Never Really done it on the internet, Only person i actually did it on the internet was @LNOnlineOtaku , @WildBill49 was a interesting experience.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
    AHKoT and SummerForest like this.
  2. Alexander Valdimir

    Alexander Valdimir Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Reserved For yours Truly.
  3. LNOnlineOtaku

    LNOnlineOtaku Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Do Grenzoocoon as well....................actually...............
    Edit: Much Better
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  4. Alexander Valdimir

    Alexander Valdimir Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I still have the roleplaying story, You sure you don't want people to know? It's nothing to be embarassed about, I show it to my mate and he thought it was interesting.
  5. LNOnlineOtaku

    LNOnlineOtaku Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    No show
  6. Alexander Valdimir

    Alexander Valdimir Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Why Not? You want me to send you a copy though? I forgot to give you one.
  7. Arcadia Blade

    Arcadia Blade ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!

    Feb 11, 2016
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    (Strip wars) During 3rd grade, one of my classmates accidentally pulled down a girl's pants(it was Physical Education time) and i thought of a game where me and my male classmates started to pull the girl's pants. It ended with me pulling the teacher's pants and recieving a jab to the face. Worth it.

    (A small story about me and a bread)Me and my brothers once lived at my grandma's house during school break. At the dining table, we sat around and ate our breakfast there and my second bro had dropped a loaf of bread onto a small plate which had vinegar in it. Disgusted by it, we ignored the loaf as our grandma scolded us and took the loaf unto her mouth as she chew the bread in delight. We as children, were grossed out since we could even smell the vinegar on the bread while she chew and swallow thr bread like it was nothing.

    (Me and injections) This was about the time where i had an allergic reaction to tap water as my dad sent me to a hospital to get checked up. I did some small time test on me(urine test and all) and when its about the blood test, i was sent into a room where there was a hot nurse was cheerfully welcomed me. I was ready to recieved the blood test when she pulled out a syringe with a long needle. To this day, i never or just terrified of nurses...

    (To be continued)
  8. SummerForest

    SummerForest Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2018
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    A good way to connect to others also. People bond well when they reminisce over childhood days together.
    Another thing. Is the nickname of Alexander Sasha in Russian?
  9. Jigoku Shounen

    Jigoku Shounen An Envoy From Hell

    Jul 21, 2016
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    For random purpose, I will not disclose the name of the game
    So few years back, when online computer games were just a bit of common here, there was this game that I liked to play because it was the 1st game I ever played. As that time, I spurred quite a bit of money into that game, around 1000$ at the time. But overtime, when more games appeared, my feelings for the game dropped, but I still sometimes came back to it to play for a bit. During that time, there was this guy of mine that I knew as a random place and we became friends, particularly because I knew that that guy also played the game. So, one day, when the feeling of bored toward the game came to me, I allowed that guy my account to the game. And that day was the 1st time I realized my foolishness on my own privacy and belongings, and how I began to distrust the word "trust" itself, even now is still the same.

    So few years back, back when I was still playing that online game, there was still small ad about some random cartoon character or something, don't really remember what it was anymore, but because the art was beautiful, so I looked into it, and that's my 1st exposure to "Anime".

    During the time when my suicide urge kept on rising, I "cut" and "killed" myself,that was the easiest way I could thought of as the time since just need to use something sharp, only "to die" and "died" again in vain. In one of those times, I stumbled upon a vocaloid song or Hatsune Miku song when I was searching for sad japanese song, cause I like those melancholy melody and stuffs. For the 1st time, I actually felt better, and felt like I'm being cheered up when hearing that song, and so, I became a Hatsune Miku fan, and the only "idol" I actually respect, even if she's just virtual(lol).

    Well, that's some stories about my own private life. If I ever think about it, I will write some stories about random encounters or something. Will just edit this same post if I ever feel like it.(Since the OP wrote 3 stories, so I also wrote 3 stories)
    Alexander Valdimir likes this.
  10. BigBadBoi

    BigBadBoi Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2018
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    Childhood Stupidity
    There was that one time in elementary that I fucked up because of my stupidity. It was that time when my teacher was calling us and asking an example of a verb and with the dumbass I am, said to the teacher,"(Blank) is masturbating." And you can guess the rest.
    A Legend
    Last year, my classmate brought a packet of vinegar to school. The reason is stupid, to fucking drink it directly and making us smell his breath. He is a fucking a legend.
    Cheating In A Test
    Have you ever cheated on a test, nope, ok.
    There was an upcoming test that absolutely no one have reviewed for, and did you know how we passed? We literally took out our phones, took pics of the answers on the books and answers from the other class who already took the test. We were literally hiding our phones and when we lacked answers we just passed each other files via bluetooth. We passed the test
    Alexander Valdimir likes this.
  11. Chronos Bee

    Chronos Bee Descendant of Sloth

    Aug 24, 2016
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    When i was young i lived in a village outside of the city. My family had a pond, a garden with lots of tree, a front and back yard ( we were poor btw, since it was so many years ago and the fact that we lived in a village meant the land price was almost nothing). As a countryside kid, i spent my days flying kite, tending to the trees, catching fish or playing with the animals ( we kept 2 dogs and a cat, as well as some birds). One time a huge storm came and as a result, it rained for 3 days and nights straigh. The water flooded our entire garden and yard. Since the water level rised, it created a small "sea" and the fish could swim up from the pond and into the yard and garden. As a kid, that was a magical sight to me, seeing fishes swimming in the garden, below the trees. Me and my granpa had to catch them using nets and waited for the water to drop before releasing them into the pond again. It was fun.
    I'm a working adult living in the city right now and sometimes I can't help but remember that life in the countryside, living with nature, stress free, without the hustle and bustle of the city.
  12. SummerForest

    SummerForest Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2018
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    It's not surname. It's a nickname. Like Vanya for Ivan.
  13. Alexander Valdimir

    Alexander Valdimir Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    That Jab was definitely worth it, Only a champion can have the balls to attempt that. I did something similar to that but with the naturo Thousand years of pain to a girl when i was around 7. I kept attempting to do that cause her reaction was funny, I didn't actually understand what it meant to stab someone in the anus.
    By Any Chance was that Game called Runescape, Maplestory or WOW?
    Yeah I feel you, Sometimes i reminiscent about the time when i was young. Or the time I was In Afghanistan, When I was there, It wasn't that i enjoy killing people. No but rather It was because everything felt simple, All i had to do was wait for the enemy to show up than shoot. Life felt so simple at those moments where you didn't have to deal with everything. Sometimes I just want to relax like a old man by the countryside. Didn't really have to think about and wanna deal with Society, financial problems, Bills to pay, My Job, and just shit in general. I Like the days when everything felt so simple, I'm not such a man who pursue the most extravagant lifestyle to enjoy himself, Just some peace is enough for my soul.
    Yeah I never heard of that nickname unfortunately.
    Chronos Bee likes this.
  14. Arcadia Blade

    Arcadia Blade ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!

    Feb 11, 2016
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    I have an experience of that but in the opposite. It looks gun doing it but it actually hurts when you get stab in the butt...
    Alexander Valdimir likes this.