Spoiler Super Gene to chapter 145

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by NoNamejustGhost, May 23, 2022.

  1. NoNamejustGhost

    NoNamejustGhost You don't know me

    Sep 7, 2018
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    Reading List:
    Warning ⚠️ this whole post is a spoiler till chapter 145.

    Okay so I am rereading this novel after reading it to 145
    Now I am starting with Chapter 145.
    So I am confused/forgot a few things.
    How much time does it take to make a sacred beast??
    Also, how is Level divided?
    And why he is collecting mutant gene points?
    And how does he get promoted?
    I mean what does he need to get promoted (how many points)
    Edited:- why is he feeding his pet gene/meat?
    Thanks in advance :)
    Ps:- I could reread from chapter 1 but I had done that before so j don't wanna reread chapter 1 a third time.