Spoiler Tate no Yuusha LN and WN

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by EnuoFH, Apr 25, 2019.

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  1. EnuoFH

    EnuoFH Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Can someone up to date with the raw LN of tate tell me whats the main changes of the plot and where it seems the history its aiming to? I saw some people saying that naofumi and raphtalia might not end being gods and i even saw that medea was already defeated or something? I tried searching for more info but i didn't found it so i came here hoping someone that its following the raw LN can answer me, since i really liked the ending fight and how the WN ended with Naofumi being that pimpy and going together with raphatlia and filo in new adventure after they become gods so it kinda makes me afraid they might pull a different ending and mess with a ending i really liked
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  2. Sabruness

    Sabruness Cultured Yuri Connoisseur

    Apr 5, 2016
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    i'm not up to date with the LN but even so far, the changes are huge. Like, way too many to easily list.
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  3. Ubik

    Ubik Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    From what I saw and read ( V16 of LN) it still unknown not only how will story of LN ends but even when. It's because of lot of added filler/side arks that wasn't in main story. Main points of WN are still the same, split and gathering of cursed heroes. Fights with bosses. Fate of Atlas. Kiel is still a girl and so on.
    Story became to deviate after second battle with Glass. Especially about V7 of LN with fight with another hero from Glass world.
    From then things became strange.
    V8-V9 - is about Glass world where he first rescue another isekai hero girl. In WN Glass was still waiting for her at the end. Raphtalia became katana hero (star type) of that world and Raph-chan emerged from there as shikigami. Feud with heroes of parallel world ended.
    V10-V12 mostly back to same WN with additions. Naofumi was fighting in Colliseum against Sadina. She was gathering back former slaves of village. Still there are new faces, comes Sein/Sain (sorry was reading LN not in english don't know exact name). Another hero from destroyed world that mostly took role of Imya. She is on the cover of V11 at right side.
    V13-V14 - story moves Raphtalia country of origin with stop in Shieldwielt. Another ark that wasn't in WN still there are new companions ... Sadina sister for example and yeah, Naofumi still brought in drinking contest with her.
    V15-V16 - Atlas death ark still the same, still bad, still tearful.

    There wasn't real translation but from covers
    V17-V18 back to Glass world ark and Naofumi becomes double hero
    V19-looks like back to main world
    V20-V21 another parallel world with looks like alive small Atlas
    Something like that, if I'm wrong feel free to correct.
  4. EnuoFH

    EnuoFH Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    You seem to have read at least the translated ones, do you think so far the LN its worth reading? Tate no yuusha in the WN wasn't a masterpiece but for me was still a really good and i don't want to read the novel if they are going to butcher it
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  5. Sabruness

    Sabruness Cultured Yuri Connoisseur

    Apr 5, 2016
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    As someone who's read the LN, i do think iit's worth it. the new stuff and side arcs are better than the random and sometimes nonsensical parts of the WN
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  6. Ubik

    Ubik Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    If you liked original WN then you will like LN. Aneko Usagi was always saying in author afterwords that in comparison to WN LN is like New Game+ on higher difficulty. But more good one explanation that LN is like Game of the Year edition with all DLC and quest packs. LN contains a lot of explanations and completion of loose ends of WN and don't drag story as much as was in WN.
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  7. Ubik

    Ubik Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Sorry for double post, I forgot main thing in early arks, in WN Queen clearly states that she pushed Raptalia through slave traders to Naofumi. In LN and manga that was not mentioned or skipped entirely.
    76 chapter of WN
    Queen:"And yet, I even told you not to discriminate against the Hero of the shield! do you understand that those actions could have caused a war!?"
    Queen:"And during the end of the second wave, you intentionally tried to take away Hero of the shield's slave, which I had to arrange through a lot of trouble!"
    What did she just say?
    Naofumi:" Wait a minute, you set up my meeting with Raphtalia?"
    Queen:"I'll explain later. Right now I'm dealing with this guy."
    Uwa.....she snapped.

    78 chapter
    Naofumi:"Then next, Raphtalia...... did you have the slave trader show me her?"
    Queen:"The more correct answer would be I gave instructions to a shadow.
    I do not know what kind of person this slave trader is."
    That reminds me, that fellow didn't talk to me like it was our first meeting.
    Slave Trader:"There was a customer who wanted to enslave a hero. So I intended to approach Hero-sama with that open possibility, but I've changed my mind. Yup."
    Those were the words that guy said on our first meeting.
    Wanting a hero as a slave. It's funny that such a person exists in this country.
    Queen:" I heard the details. Please recall and think carefully. Do you think you can buy a slave with merely 20 pieces of silver?"
    Naofumi:"Well......I don't think so."
    considering the condition she was in I was not suspicious about the price, though I didn't actually check the price of any other slaves.
    It is doubtful that the wolf-man's would have been sold to me for its actual price.
    It seems compared to other shops it was remarkably cheap.
    Seriously, that slave trader, what an outrageous fellow.
    To help me and not talk about it.
    Raphtalia:" Regardless of the circumstances in which I met Naofumi-sama, I am still grateful."
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
  8. EnuoFH

    EnuoFH Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    I wonder why they removed or skipped it although i don't think its something necessary for the history i don't remember if they say the price of other slaves through the story so i can't say if it becames a plothole in the LN

    It seems the novel doesnt seem to be bad so i will probably give it a try
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  9. Ubik

    Ubik Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    In retrospective she [author] remove those parts to not create all farseeing Queen. She was already done enough in background to not cause wars and others cataclysms to her country. Queen was one of most underestimated character in WN.
    Slave and village/town/country restoration parts change greatly between WN and LN. Main points were the same. But population of town become very different.
    And you should, if you can. LN is very good ride so you can enjoy it while it last.
    And if you are in anime, you should check current animelization based on LN. It stays true to it mostly.
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