Spoiler The Villain is Trying to Make Me a Stepmom / 흑막 여주가 날 새엄마로 만들려고 해

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by -NEAR-, Apr 14, 2021.

  1. kylamae

    kylamae Active Member

    Oct 15, 2021
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    Oh my! Thank you so much for the updates!
    royalrose1 likes this.
  2. royalrose1

    royalrose1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2021
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    Heyo, if you find mistakes or find funky phrasing please lmk. I may have been a little inebriated when I worked on 35-40
    Episode 39. Only the two of us

    As soon as she opened her eyes, Daisy felt completely refreshed. Her limbs were full of energy, and her head was very clear. As she pulled the curtains, the bright morning sunlight filled the room.

    I enjoyed the sun for a while and listened quietly to the chirping of birds. And after finishing the makeup by humming, I headed straight to the chestnut's room.

    I opened the door carefully, and it was still midnight inside. She walked towards the thick curtains, opening them, light came pouring in.

    "Pierta, you need to get up."

    Despite several pushes, Pierta continued to crawl farther into the duvet. It seemed like this was the aftermath of not sleeping until late yesterday.

    "Let's at least eat breakfast." I smiled and quickly grabbed the child from the bed.

    Daisy went down to the dining room with Pierta, who could hardly open her eyes. To her surprise, there was no one there. They also had been a bit later than usual, but even Dean hadn't come down yet. She worried about what was going on.

    At that moment, Pierta, who had just woken up, quickly ran to the door, noisily.

    "Daddy. Daddy!"

    Appearing one step late, he smiled and hugged Pierta in a flash. “Did you sleep well, Pierta?”

    Pierta smiled brightly at the caring voice and nodded her head. Just then, the door connected to the kitchen opened and Hadi came out.

    “Good morning Duke Henstone. Good morning.... Huh?" Hadi opened his eyes wide in surprise.

    “Where are you going today? Sorry. I didn't know that you had a schedule..." Hadi seemed a bit perplexed, urgently flipping through his pocket notebook.

    Needless to say, Dean was dressed differently than usual. The dark blue shirt worn under the vest was very elegant. What kind of jewelry is on the cuff of his sleeves? It had a bright blue color that I had never seen before. Of course, he always wore neat clothes, but I think it's the first time he's dressed like this for breakfast.

    But why does his face look so tired? His eyes were bloodshot, as if he hadn’t gotten any sleep at all.

    “I don’t have any plans today.” Dean said indifferently and sat down.

    Hadi, who had been looking at Dean's schedule in his notebook, raised his head in surprise. "Then why...?”


    "You're dressed like you're going out....”

    “Is there a law that says that we may only dress nice when we go out?” Dean's face was blunt. It was an uncomfortably cold reaction.

    “It's not like that…”Hadi mumbled, scratching the back of his head shyly.

    As I looked at the two of them, I suddenly met Dean's eyes. I said involuntarily as I put the chestnut that had come back to me, and put them back into their seats.

    “I think the dark color suits The Duke very well."

    Dean's earlobe turned red, it was just a light-hearted remark, but he stared at the plate on the table. What was so embarrassing? The red began to spread to the rest of his face. Dean worried about whether or not he had made the situation awkward.

    Just in time, a chef came out of the kitchen to greet the Duke and eagerly explain the breakfast menu. She couldn't put all of her doubts aside and stared blankly at him, when a little finger pricked my side.

    “Daisy, Daisy! Would you like to see this?”

    Turning her head, I saw Pierta proudly unfolding the scarf around her neck. It was not the usual pumpkin pattern, but printed with colorful feathers instead. Pierta glanced at Daisy and then Dean and said nonsense. "Dad, this is thanks to you!"

    "What are you talking about? Why didn't you have a pumpkin today?" I asked, puzzled, fiddling with the scarf. Even though I couldn't understand the words, the chestnut just had a proud expression on her face.

    “This is important, Daisy. My partner Hadi says that the scarf is about removing worries and granting wishes.”

    Oh, is Pumpkin graduated now? However, the children's tableware was still full of cute pumpkin pictures. A chestnut without her pumpkins is an unimaginable picture.

    At that moment, Hadi, who was standing by Dean's side and eagerly waiting for the meal, came over. She informed Pierta by refilling her empty glass with milk.

    "Today, I have set up a tea table in the courtyard greenhouse. The roses are blooming so beautifully." He paused for a moment and then smiled casually. "The weather is very nice."

    Then, as he stroked the child's head three times, Chestnut nodded her head as if waiting for him. “Oh, Hardi made it pretty.”

    "Yes. But unfortunately, I think it will be difficult to be together. I'm allergic to roses."

    "Hadi, would you like to play with me?"

    "Lady? I'm grateful. Then come with me as soon as dinner is over. Shall I read you a book?"


    Dean, who had been watching the scene quietly, smiled and asked towards the chestnuts.
    “Are you going to have juice or cocoa now?”

    Chestnuts thought seriously for a moment. Then she pouted her lips to Dean, as if she was talking.

    “Or are you going to drink with Hadi later?”

    “Didn’t you promise before not to drink anywhere else when dad was at home." He added in a stern voice that it was all because Pierta had not kept her promise.

    Judging by the appearance, it seems that she had a history of secretly obtaining more sweet treats through other employees. Because... Pierta sometimes secretly did the same to me.

    "Okay... I won't drink with Hadi." In the end, Pierta mumbled, sighing in a dead voice.
    Then she immediately proclaimed to Dean as if in triumph. “I'll drink cocoa for lunch instead with you!"

    "Great." He nodded his head softly, with a strange smile on his lips.


    A large white table was placed under a large canopy. Covered in vines with hundreds of red rose accents. There were two rattan chairs with lace upholstery. Wow... it really was an overtly romantic atmosphere.

    Dean summoned Hadi, who was about to leave the tray on which the tea was placed, and turned around. His gaze was fixed on Daisy and Pierta, who were making a small fuss at the entrance to the greenhouse.

    Pierta was running away from Daisy, holding a book tightly in her arms like a treasure. Pierta was so quick she looked like a little squirrel.

    After preparing for tea time, Hadi and Pierta said that they decided to go back to their room and read together. Daisy's eyes lit up asking to see what book it was, but she was vehemently rejected by Pierta.

    “Uh… Duke? What are you doing?” Hadi, who had been waiting for the duke to speak, scratched the back of his head.



    "Aren’t you allergic to roses?"

    As soon as he asked that question with an indifferent voice, there was silence.

    Then, a violent sneeze erupted from Hadi's mouth.

    “Etch! Ah, it used to be fine, but suddenly... it turned into this. Etch!”

    The sight of Hadi sniffling his well-behaved nose while bending at the waist forcibly made Daisy burst into laughter. Dean had a smile on his face. Hadi stopped sneezing and looked at him, seeming rather satisfied.

    "Okay. Thank you, Hadi." Then he even laughed out loud and patted Hadi on the shoulder. It's like praising her for her hard work. Hadi looked at him with a puzzled face. But Dean didn't return a glance and moved on with his stride.
    Eventually, Pierta and Hadi retreated, and he escorted Daisy to her seat.

    “Sit comfortably.”

    There were only two of them in the greenhouse. If there is no employee to serve tea, was this also part of Hadi and Pierta’s plan? A new smile escaped Dean's lips. How dare you do such a cute thing. Well, No, it's not bad at all. To be honest, he wanted to give them a compliment.

    As he was about to pour hot water into the pot, Daisy jumped up and held out her hand. “Ah, this is me.”

    "It's hot, so I'll do it."

    Soon, the sweet scent of flowers spread throughout the greenhouse. It was not known whether it was coming from the tea leaves or from the rose surrounding them . He slowly pushed the steaming teacup in front of Daisy.

    Then he took a sip of tea, suppressing his beating heart. A sweet and sour taste lingered on the tip of his tongue. Daisy followed him, taking a quick sip of tea, and then fiddled with the teacup. As she looked into her glass, Dean interjected.

    “I don’t know if this suits your taste.”


    “I was afraid it would be too dark or too light.”

    Then her gaze turned to him. “It’s fine. I'm just a little surprised that the Duke brews the tea himself." She blushed a little astonished, babbling in how wonderful her taste was. She finished speaking, the two simply sat facing each other, sipping tea without saying a word. In the meantime, the red petals that were barely holding on, fell as if they were jewels.

    Now, how do I bring this up? How can I make a natural date offer? It's a problem he had been thinking about since last night.

    He wanted to spend time alone with Daisy. There are many employees in the mansion, and Pierta is endlessly revolving around Daisy. Then there's Hadi that circles around him just as much.

    It would be easiest for them to go outside the mansion. If he could take her wherever she wanted, that would be a bonus. The question is, how can I make a proposal naturally?

    As if intentional, it would be fine to use Hadi and Pierta's scheme to his advantage.

    “Hey.” A cautious voice spoke, “What happened... are you there? Is it work?" Why haven't you said anything?"

    It was then that Dean realized that he had been staring intently with a frown, the whole time at her. Slightly embarrassed, he opened his mouth, rubbing his forehead.

    Pontipool is large, but it has a long history."

    "Oh… I See." Daisy nodded her head with a slightly confused face.

    Dean threw all sorts of swear words at himself. He tried to ask if there were any places she wanted to go to in Pontipool. Daisy rebutted “what about the size of the city, your history, your luck?”

    Had he ever felt this defeated before?

    “The Imperial Palace is very beautiful. It’s a wonderful place to visit” She accepted Dean's words with no expression.
    However, as soon as the story of the imperial palace came out, his stomach twisted slightly and his eyebrows twitched. The image of Daisy, recounting her male character with excitement, came to mind again.

    There was silence again. After emptying the teacup four times, Dean spoke up.

    "As I said before, Pontipool is so big that there are so many other places to visit. Depending on the location, there are places that rarely have visitors. If you go to the old ruins in the evening, the sunset is very beautiful, but it is not a place for a lady to go alone."


    “Also, the trail at the cliff-edge overlooking the entire coast is very steep and requires an escort, but also has a beautiful view.”

    "Oh, I see."

    "There are places where you can't get into by horse-drawn carriage, besides the roads are complicated. There are many places that people who have lived in this city for a long time can't easily navigate." The words continued as if they were forming a riddle. Daisy's eyes began to waver in confusion.

    "So, if there's a place you've always wanted to go, I'll accompany you."

    "Oh, it's okay if you don't.""

    Although Daisy struggled to say the conclusion, Daisy smiled and shook her head lightly.

    “It's enough for you to take me to the ball. You're busy, but I can't ask you to do that again. It would be nice to go to the places you mentioned together with Pierta later."

    Ah, this isn't working. In the end Dean, stomach flipped from the answer he received.

    "I'm not busy. Tomorrow I’m especially free!"

    “Wait, didn’t you have an agenda? It seems like there was something.”

    But he didn't even care about that. It's a repetitive schedule anyway, Hadi could take care of it.

    "What about you? Do you have free time tomorrow?"

    "Sure. Of course.”

    "That's a relief, if it's okay with you, I want to go out together."

    "Ah yes. Is there something special happening?"

    Although she answered bluntly, there was a stress in Daisy's eyes. She must have thought that this was also an extension of 'work'.

    "No. There is nothing special about it.”


    He was thirsty and drank the already cold tea at once. At this rate, only meaningless conversations would continue. He couldn't wait any longer.

    "I'm asking you on a date."

    Episode 40. Let's do this together.
    I stared blankly in the dark at the ceiling, then pulled the blanket over my head again.
    Everyone else in the mansion should be deep asleep, so why couldn’t I? Her eyes just fluttered. Did Dean really say it was a date?

    She had eaten dinner and spent the evening with Chestnut, drawing pictures. She had put the child to sleep, returned to her room, taken a bath, and gone to bed. All that time, his words kept running through her mind.

    “I’m asking you on a date.” Daisy could hear it clear as day in Dean's voice, she took a deep breath and kicked the blankets.

    Eventually, Daisy got out of bed. Then she paced in circles in the dark room trying to organize her complicated mind once again. All of a sudden, you're asking me on a date?

    Did you have so much fun going to the ballroom with me? So you want to mess with me...I shook my head quickly. Dean was not a child, nor this childish.

    Oh! Maybe you are curious about what the common people usually do for their leisure time...? Hmm, I don't think this is right either. There is no reason to suddenly wonder about the days of ordinary people because the Duke is usually busy.

    Then really, really purely... Because you want to go out with me?


    Suddenly, she cried out and collapsed onto the bed. She had been wandering around aimlessly, leading to her banging her shin hard against the edge of the bed.


    An indescribable pain came over me. Stars were popping out in front of my eyes, and tears came out. I lay there dazedly until the pain went away, and finally gave up on thinking. It is meaningless to keep guessing on her own what his inner thoughts were. It just makes my heart flutter with nerves.

    I stared blankly at the ceiling and said aloud. "Okay. Yeah, he must mean it as just another trip." Then, somehow, I felt a little more at ease. Dean did have a strange talent for making people misunderstand his intentions. At a banquet held at the duke's residence, the record of his use of the word 'my person' came to mind, so this time it would make just as much sense. Besides, I often ask Pierta, 'Do you want to go on a date with your dad today?'

    Feeling light as if my heart had been washed of worry. I picked up the pillow that had flown far away, shaking it off and putting it back on the bed.

    ‘So, if there's a place you'd like to go, think about it... go with it.’

    My heart pounded again when I heard his voice, but I tried to pretend I hadn’t and changed the direction of my thoughts.

    In fact, there are so many places I want to go to.... It's hard to list them all. Although I now possessed a character in my story, I always went back and forth between home and work because I had no money and no time. It was faster to count the places I've been than to the places I've never been.

    But now the situation is different, life is different. You can really do things you've always wanted to do. If so, this is not the time to reminisce!

    She got out of bed and sat down at the desk on the other side of the room. Wrestling with paper and pen as she wrote. Finally, after finishing the list, still unable to sleep, quickly opened the door to the dressing room.

    The dresses that Dean had gotten were hanging all over the place. Daisy rummaged through the clothes until she found the perfect one. She sat down and finally put her head down.

    "Oh, it's cold".....”

    My whole body was freezing, and my neck and back were aching. I fell asleep hugging a thin dress on the hard floor, so I deserved it.

    I stretched out my stiff arms and legs, and a large clock caught my eye on the wall. I screamed without realizing it.

    "Argh! There's only an hour left!""

    We promised to leave right after breakfast, but there was only an hour left until meal time.
    I haven't washed up yet, my hair is messy, and I haven't even chosen my clothes!

    "Calm down, Daisy." Calm down. We can finish everything if we prepare fast...!" I muttered quickly and shot out of the dress room
    While in a hurry, I bumped my shoulders or feet into the furniture several times, and I almost forgot to take off all my clothes because I was in a hurry, but strangely, I was fine.
    No, it's not because I'm excited.
    I didn’t want to inconvenience you by being late.


    Daisy entered the dining room with wide eyes as if she had not slept all night. And she was staring down at her plate with her tired face the whole time. After finishing their meal, Dean put down his fork and looked at her for a moment before coughing slightly.

    “Have you thought about where you want to go?” There were many places he wanted to show her, but Dean wanted to put what she wanted first. A slight worry crept into his mind. But then, something suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.


    Daisy held out a stack of papers with writing all over them. However, the thickness was as thick as a novel. ‘What is this?’ Dean accepted it with a slightly pale face.

    ‘Since when did you have time to do this?’ He looked at her complexion and didn't seem to notice what was in her hand. He glanced through the paperwork and looked up. Daisy's face, who had looked tired throughout the meal, suddenly became a little brighter.

    “I’ve put together a list.”

    “Are these all… the places you want to go?”

    "Yeah! It took me a while to figure it out." In response to her proud answer, Dean began to read the documents.

    No, the list of places she wanted to go from the first page carefully and diligently. He soon realized the fact that if you attempted to read everything like this, you would have to wait until lunch before leaving. Did she have trouble sleeping while making this?

    Finally, a laugh escaped Dean's mouth. He laughed softly for a while, then put down his wad of papers.

    “Okay, We’ll try everything from now on.”

    "Thank you!"

    Seeing her smiling brightly, his heart fluttered quickly.

    Come to think of it, her front hair was loose. He then noticed the rest of her hair was more sporadic than normal. Did she do it on purpose for today? Could it be that the day with me was special to her as well?

    With her hair sticking out like that, she was different, cute, and lovely. Dean squeezed his chin and quickly looked down at his paper. He didn't want to show a stupid face with his mouth wide open.

    “First of all... Why don't we go here and here?"

    He picked two standouts from Daisy's list. It's not very far, but it's on the outskirts of the city, so you'll have to ride a horse-drawn carriage to get there.

    Delighted with his offer, Daisy nodded her head eagerly. “I am really looking forward to it!”

    Even the scenery that passed the window was new. The carriage finally stopped at a small tea house on the outskirts of the city. There were a lot of fancy and luxurious tea salons in the center of Pontipool, but she had a special reason to visit this place.

    In front of the entrance, which was all decorated with cute flowerpots and small statues, Dean muttered as if a little startled.

    "It must be a little different from where you usually go… Ah. If you don't like it, we can go somewhere else."

    I was afraid he might have been disappointed, so I quickly added: "No way."

    But he shook his head resolutely, as if saying something.

    “You said it would be fine wherever you want to go. And it’s fun to see and learn new things in new places.”

    There was not a single unfriendly spot on his face as he looked at me with a smile.

    Then the word date came to mind again. I didn't mean to give it much thought, but if you say that, it really is a date.

    At that moment, a tall-headed man leapt out of the store as if his ass had caught fire. He seemed to be the owner.

    “Duke! I have just received your message."

    "It was sent quite quickly, but I'm glad it arrived on time. I'm sorry for burdening you."

    "No. It's an honor to find you in such a remote and shabby place. Come on in!"

    Dean nodded his head. At the same time, there was a sense of pride on the owner's face.

    The tea house boasted a fairly comfortable interior for its small size. It may not be as glamorous as a high-end tea salon in the heart of the city, but it was elegantly decorated with quite expensive ornaments.

    Well, I just did it. This is a high-end store and teahouse that only nobles can enter. A place I only dreamed of when I was a commoner. It was also a place where word of mouth spread among the nobles who liked tea and coffee.

    But why are there no customers like this today? I've heard that it's a popular place with quite a lot of waiting in line.

    After a moment's hesitation, I asked Dean in a low voice. "Hey... Did you send a message in advance?"

    He nodded his head with a casual look.

    "You said not to accept guests because I'm here?"

    “I just said that I was going to visit with a special guest.”

    Dean sighed softly as I looked at him with a bewildered face.

    “To be honest, renting a store for a day is more convenient for me.”

    "What? Uh, why...?"

    "Because I don't want you to care about other people."

    “I do? When have I..."

    “The day I cleared the Dark Guild before, when we got out of the pub……”

    He spoke up there and patted his head for a moment. Then, I saw that the owner, who had been waiting in the distance, for a moment mistook it for a signal and flinched.

    “You seem to care very much about the noise around you.”

    Rumors have been circulating since then. The absurd rumor that she was the most beautiful woman in the empire who captured the heart of Duke Henston.

    “Besides, when you come to a place like this, you always know someone.”

    Well, that's it too. Where was there a noble who didn't know the face of Duke Henstone...

    “So I didn’t want anyone to disturb us today.”

    Yeah, no matter who Dean is with, he doesn't like being disturbed, right? I hesitated for a while, not knowing what to answer, and grabbed the menu board in front of me. It felt like my face was getting hot. As if he was also hot, he drank the cool water from the goblet glass at once.

    In the end, I was the first to speak. “Hey, can I take a look around?”

    She smiled awkwardly and got up quickly. Then the owner quickly approached with a smile on his face.

    Daisy didn't think he would follow, but surprisingly he had right away. Dean suddenly followed from behind.

    “Okay, what the hell do you want to do here?"

    “Oh, coffee.”

    Seeing Dean's brightly smiling face, I stuttered involuntarily.

    Then, suddenly, I smiled after him. Somehow, it felt like my feet were floating in the air little by little. I led him to a sack full of fragrant black grains and a golden machine in front of him.

    Dean showed genuine interest at what was present.


    “I’ve just prepared for you.”

    The owner scooped out what was in the sack and handed it out. The smell of burning moist twigs and orange peel tickled his nose.

    “Coffee beans. We always insist on only the best products. I personally select and bring them in.”

    Dean slowly turned his head towards me and asked “Did you come all this way to drink coffee?”

    I nodded my head with a solemn look. Of course, you can drink as much coffee as you like at the mansion, but this is different.

    My heart was pounding indescribably.

    Not only in my previous life, but in my present life when I was poor Daisy, coffee was a very luxurious word for me. So, in my previous life, I was always dreaming. I want to study coffee properly someday. However, once you start to fall in love, it costs a lot of money and you don't have enough time to learn properly.

    Of course, I learned the basics through a part-time job at a cafe.
    During busy hours, my eyes were ringing and my hands and legs were always swollen from repeatedly washing dishes and pouring coffee, but I was happy to still be able to smell the aroma of coffee.

    White and light brown dust floated like a low cloud over the coffee that the owner carefully extracted and handed over to him. It also looked like an animal pattern.

    “It’s brewed by extracting through pressure without boiling…”

    The machine was collected directly from a distant continent that took about half a year by ship, the owner explained very proudly.

    It was the first time Dean saw the machine, and it seemed that he was also very interested. He glanced around the extractor, his eyes gleaming like a little boy.

    “Interesting. Extracting with pressure."

    "Yes. It is a method of increasing the pressure sufficiently with hot water and then lowering it at once. I struggled and learned for a long time until I got used to it .”

    People of the Lipman Empire also enjoy coffee. However, here, it was common to boil a lot of coffee powder and drink it like mud.
    This teahouse was the only one in the empire to have such a facility.
    When I was working at a Shanu restaurant, it was information I picked up from a noble customer. “I like that it has a deep scent and a clean aftertaste.”

    Even if I had to stay up all night, I decided to pour more caffeine than the standard for today. The owner bowed his head as if trying to avoid his seat. “Then, if you need anything more, please let me know.”

    “Ah. Can I ask you a favor then?”

    "Yes. Just tell me, my lady."

    “Can I get some of these things?” I smirked, my eyes lit up, and I gently held out the note in front of the owner.

    “Cold milk, sugar syrup, vanilla extract and whipped cream? Melted chocolate and cinnamon?"

    The friendly and quick-witted owner got me most of what I was told at the nearby shops. Unfortunately, they said that vanilla extract was not available, but I was very grateful that they brought everything else. Even the whipped cream was all whipped because I got it from a nearby dessert shop.

    I lined up the ingredients and filled the glass with ice. I poured freshly brewed coffee into it and began to carefully mix the ingredients.
    I thought my memory was fuzzy on the exact instructions, but my hand moved as if they remembered.

    When I mixed a lot of melted chocolate and syrup, I became reverent by itself.

    Dean stared intently at my cup. And the owner also kept his seat because of his curiosity, and his eyes lit up.

    "I'm very curious as to what Miss Heidi is trying to do. There were often people who put cream in their coffee, but…”

    The answer was to substitute the result. When I put whipped cream on it, a plausible figure came out. The cinnamon powder sprinkled on top of it is just perfect. My mouth was salivating and my heart was racing. I even took a reverent deep breath for a moment.

    Tasty! It's not a subtle flavor, but it was delicious anyway! An ecstatic groan escaped from my mouth. Yeah, that's it. The tip of her nose wrinkled as the wind rushed in like a wave of emotion. How long had she been smelling this cafe mocha topped with whipped cream?

    Dean, who had not taken his eyes off me for a moment, came into my view. He looked at me and smiled. "You make and eat all sorts of strange things.”

    “Uh, would you like to taste it? I haven’t taken a sip yet...or I'll make another one right now." Without a word, he took the cup I held out.

    Then with the other hand he took the handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the cream off my lips.

    “Ah, thank you.”

    Maybe it was because of the sugar that my heart raced faster than ever before.

    But he remained silent for some reason. Blue eyes quietly lingering over my face. Kind eyes, as if they were looking at the person they adored.

    I was probably mistaken though...


    I hope you all have a wonderful day, stay tuned for more! Working on 41+ now!
  3. Bonzai

    Bonzai Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2020
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    thank you
    royalrose1 likes this.
  4. Kuroneko_Cat

    Kuroneko_Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2021
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    Thank you! ::blobcatsmile::
    royalrose1 likes this.
  5. your crush

    your crush Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Thank you for taking your time and sharing the mtl with us.
  6. royalrose1

    royalrose1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2021
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    Hey sorry its been a hot minute, busy schedule lately. But I'm ahead so I don't want to drop everything right away. Please enjoy, every episode is so cute ; - ; I just want to be daisy.

    Episode 41. Man of taste
    Dean, who didn’t have a palette for sweets, seemed to have had enough from a single sip.

    But the owner of the teahouse continued to shine. "I learned something really good today. I really want to develop it into a product someday."

    I muttered in a somewhat proud tone. "In that case, please name it 'Daisy Latte'."

    "What was that?" The owner opened his eyes wide, wondering if he didn't hear her properly, and asked again.
    She hurriedly waved her hand. “Oh, no. I was just talking to myself."

    Wanting to get up now, she looked to Dean. He got up from his seat with a smile on his face. Then, after paying the owner a seemingly substantial sum, he reached out.

    “Then shall we go?”

    "Oh. Duke!”

    Just as we were about to leave, the owner ran up to me and said, “Didn’t you come in through the front door entrance?”

    "Yeah, but what's going on?"

    "If it's okay, please go to the backyard this time. It's nothing compared to the garden of the duke's mansion, but there are still a lot of exotic plants, so it'll be fine to look around."

    The owner escorted us to the back door, and he kindly opened the door to us.


    At the scenery unfolding in front of my eyes, I involuntarily exclaimed. The owner said with a smile on his face as if he was proud.

    “Miss Heidi, please don’t be shy and enjoy.”

    The patronage was certainly worthy of the tea house owner's pride. As soon as I walked in, I was struck by the sweet smell of fruit and flowers.

    There are rows of trees full of luscious fruits. The shade alone made it look like a small greenhouse.

    The flat stone steps created a nice path through the garden. On the sloping ground, tall vines reaching up to the waist were neatly planted. For each coarse grape. It was like a sparkling jewel in water.

    “If you go down this road, you will find a carriage waiting there.” The owner bowed his head to greet us one last time and went back into the tea house.

    After the door was closed, Dean muttered an unfamiliar sound to himself. “I’ve been doing business with the nobles for a long time, and I’m sure he’s very smart.”

    "What? Why?"


    He just laughed without saying a word. My curiosity quickly evaporated. I am fascinated by brightly blooming flowers and colorful and mysterious fruits like jewels.

    Excitedly, I looked around and started going down the stairs, but he stopped in front of me.

    "Be careful, I’ll go down first.”
    Then he took the lead and walked down at a speed that was neither too fast nor too slow.

    She noticed that the back of his head matched chestnuts and she smiled softly.

    "Be careful not to slip. The stairs are a little slippery because of the moss."

    I nodded naively, and continued looking around. At that time, a strange fruit I saw for the first time in my life caught my attention. It looked like an apple, but the surface was thick like a lemon. Is it a breed imported from abroad?

    I was about to get closer to get a closer look, but my foot suddenly slipped.


    I thought I was going to fall, but I survived thanks to the strong arms that supported my waist and hugged me. A low voice rang in my ear.

    "It's just like Pierta, you fall as soon as I say it.”
    His blue eyes were smiling and looking at me.

    From somewhere, I heard a pounding heart that I didn't know whose it was. He slowly straightened me up. However, the hands wrapped around her waist remained the same.

    His face was too close, they were at eye level. He was standing at the bottom of the stairs. The smile faded from his face little by little. The more he did, the more she got lost in his blue eyes…

    It's not the first time they've seen each other so close, so why is she so nervous these days?

    "Shall we go?"

    He slowly loosened his arms around my waist. And he turned around again. It felt like the wind blew around the waist where the body temperature suddenly escaped.

    But then, a warm temperature touched her hand instead. Dean grabbed her hand, not too hard, and carefully guided her.

    "Uh, uh, there... Your hand..."
    "No matter how careful I tell you to be, you might fall again."

    I'm not Pierta!

    But for some reason, I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

    A cute little hummingbird flew through the flowers and followed through the garden. The blue sky broke through the green canopy above.

    I thought to myself as I continued to be conscious of his body temperature, which was holding his hand tightly.

    This is so perfect... It really feels like a date for lovers itself. But can I really do this with the lady's father?!

    “It’s a boat! There is a boat!”

    As if it was awkward at some point, she excitedly ran towards the lake shore. There was a lot of laughter in between the excited voices.
    He lost the hand he had been holding , but Dean didn't notice. It was because his gaze was taken by her smiling face.

    After another 30-minute drive from the tea house, we arrived at Lake Neudler.

    The pouring sunlight hit the water and shimmered. Small fish swam here and there under the clear green water, and small white flowers were blooming in clusters around the lake shore.

    "Is this your first time here?"

    “Yes, this is my first time!” Daisy responded vigorously as if she was just having fun, and then ran around again, bursting with exclamations.

    Dean somehow felt sorry for her. Compassion rose in the corner of his heart. He couldn’t begin to understand how great her hardships must have been. This was one of the most popular tourist destinations in the area. The natural scenery that changes every minute every month is very beautiful, and the accessibility is good.

    Therefore, this place has a reputation as a good place for rest and leisure not only for the aristocrats but also the common people. Lake Neudler was on the list, so I thought she wrote it because she had never been there this season.

    But it's the first time.

    She died, she suffered and lost her life without seeing the light. After waking up as a stranger in an unfamiliar place, she had to live a strange life pretending to be familiar.

    How hard it must be, Dean had a hard time imagining her. He clenched his fists involuntarily.

    Daisy, running back and forth again, rolled up to his feet and said,

    "Can I take a ride on that?"

    What she pointed to was a small ferry. He nodded quickly and took her hand again. And without hesitation, she hurriedly moved towards it. She will do whatever she wants, he thought.

    ....and after thirty minutes or so.

    “Are you really okay?” Daisy asked worriedly and looked at Dean.

    "It's okay." I forced a smile to answer, but it wasn't. Dean's arms were trembling to the point of being almost convulsive. Sweat was even raining down on her forehead and the nape of her neck.

    Frantic, Daisy rolled up to her sleeve and wiped his forehead with a hand.

    Every time her soft touch rubs against his skin, Dean clenched his teeth.

    I didn't want to show this ugly face.

    It's the first time he's ever done something like this, so he didn't know it would be this hard.

    Really. It was hard enough to die.

    Of course, it was perfect at first. It was good to get on her boat and watch her dip her hands in her water, lie down and look at the sky, and have fun.
    Her face shone even more in the sunlight breaking over her head, and her hair blowing in the cool breeze was beautiful. It was also lovely to see the clear water drops splattering and smiling every time it happened. It was also nice to be able to sit right across from him and monopolize the view alone.

    It was, of course, that Dean had sent a message ahead of time that the two of them were able to spend time alone on this lake Neudler. To have a date just the two of us without being disturbed by anyone.

    Yep, it was all good so far....

    The problem really was that everyone disappeared as promised. Even the workers who get paid to row the oars.

    He may have thought that he shouldn’t dare show his face in front of anyone that would spread rumors.

    Besides, nobles usually move with their servants. They may have thought that there would be plenty of people who would help out, even if they weren't themselves.

    But he had no one with him but Daisy, and he had never rowed a row in his life. He was clearly confident in his stamina. As a descendant of a prestigious family, from a very young age, he made sports such as swordsmanship, fencing, and horseback riding a daily routine. As a result of combining that with a perfect diet throughout his life, he has a great physique and strong muscles that anyone can look up to today.
    But that wasn't rowing.

    Rowing was a repetitive labor that required not only strength but also skill. Because of this, Dean was experiencing the sky turning yellow.

    “I will do it from here. Take turns with me. Yes?"

    Daisy, who had not seen him, suggested this over and over again, but he stubbornly shook his head. If you die like this, you die. it just can't be done
    The tendons of his will twitched in his temples. He squeezed out his wet strength and moved his arm, which had already lost its senses, only with his mental strength.

    A small ferry broke the current at a gentle speed. Apart from Dean's bloody battle, the lake was very peaceful. The boat managed to reach the shore on the other side.


    As soon as Dean landed on the ground, he flopped casually on the large rock beside him. He had the jacket and vest he had already taken off before, hanging casually over one shoulder.

    The driver, who was waiting nearby, saw his pale complexion, and he ran away in amazement. When he returned, there was clean water in his hand.

    Dean drank water in one breath without saying a word. And at that moment, I saw. His hand trembled uncontrollably.

    I'm so sorry. If I knew this was the outcome… I couldn't do this or that, I just stood around him. I wanted to find out if there was anything I could do to help.

    After much deliberation, he made a small awning with both hands on his forehead. As a shadow fell on his face, Dean lifted his head.

    Sweat-drenched bangs were clinging to his forehead. The buttons on his shirt, which had been neatly stuffed all the way to the end of his neck, were also in a state of undoing a couple of buttons. As I looked down with pity, he suddenly smiled broadly with an unadorned face.

    "Did you have fun?"

    With a playful voice that seemed a little shy, his smiling face was somehow friendly. And it was beautiful at the same time. Suddenly, my heart dropped with a thumping sound.
    I averted my gaze and answered in a low voice.

    "I think I was the only one who had fun."
    Then a big laugh poured out "What about me? Why did you leave me out?"
    “You looked like you had a hard time”
    “It was hard.”

    Dean raised the tip of his lips and naturally stood up.
    His poor face did not match the statement he had made. He was sweating from head to toe But he took one step closer to me and chuckled again.

    “It was really fun.”

    I was relieved inwardly, but he suddenly said in a serious and heavy voice.



    “I am very hungry.……”

    I finally burst out laughing. I laughed for a while, and finally Dean laughed and brushed his bangs up.

    "Come on, let's go eat something."

    I took his hand and led him, A warm firm hand gripped tightly back.

    It was a day where everything really went my way. What I wanted to eat, where I wanted to go, and what I wanted to do. The day I didn't want to ever end was passing quickly. I was just grateful and surprised by him for doing all of this without complaining.

    I got used to sitting down and eating in a restaurant where there was no one but us. Small conversations came and went without stopping like flowing water. After the meal, dozens of dessert menus were given. As he shook his head and was in trouble, he put down his napkin and said

    "I have a question..."

    When she looked up, he saw a rather serious face.

    “What do you mean?”

    “About.. You..”


    “It’s about having affection when writing a piece of work. First of all, you like brown hair and green eyes...”

    Quickly grasping everything, I nodded.

    Yeah, you're worried about the second prince. If so, I can understand the unusual atmosphere. Suddenly, my head was filled with the image of a crying child hiding alone that night. The child must have felt burdened to be in the spotlight as the next crown prince. It would be better if he moved away from the position of the successor. If that happens, he will be able to break free from the bondage that is difficult to bear at a young age, and it will be even more rewarding as our future ties with our chestnuts will disappear.

    However, when I think about the first prince whom I saw briefly, it seemed that the positions of the two brothers would never change suddenly.
    Is there any solution to this?

    “……Is it that hard to answer my question?”

    "What? Oh, yes?", I was startled and quickly stopped thinking.

    Dean's face somehow looked more gloomy than before. He seemed to have said something while I was pondering for a while.

    "Sorry. I was thinking about something else for a while... What did you say?"

    “I asked if there were any other tastes.”

    "Any other taste?"

    Are you asking about the taste you had as a writer? I've already said it all, so I don't have any more answers…

    As I thought again, Dean added, as if trying to help.
    “You know, a blunt personality or an impression that makes you look a little cold. I don't really show my emotions.”

    What? It sounds like something familiar...?

    But even with Dean's answer, nothing proper came to mind. Strictly speaking, the second prince, the future tyrant, was just a character I was passionate about.

    Actually, I liked a kind and warm man.

    If I had to ask, the person in front of me... just like this man.


    As I was in deep thought, my lips slowly opened without me realizing it.

    "you are?

    Heh, I must be crazy! I was awakened by the sound of an unfamiliar voice. I quickly squeezed my lips shut. A cold sweat ran down my back. In fact, I almost uttered my thoughts out loud.

    I didn't know that the eyes begging for an answer would leave my face.
    But I can't get these words out of my mouth. You can never do that.
    Every time my heart beat, my face kept getting hotter.

    Episode 42. It's good to be together. Isn't it?

    With a deep sigh, Hadi got up. He couldn't concentrate at all on the sudden thoughts while working. There was only one thing that bothered him.

    'Is the Duke doing well?'

    He was more concerned because they had been friends for a long time. He was the one who knew best how far Duke Dean Henstone was when it came to love.

    The numerous invitations that flew throughout the Duke's residence all contained a subtle temptation for Duke Henstone. Invitations to various tea parties and dinners were ridiculous. There was even a bold invitation to go to a concert with him.

    Beating them all the time was just half of Hadi’s job. Despite all the invitations, Duke Dean Henstone lived as immovable as a solid stone in his mansion. He declined all but work-related meetings, and never allowed private visits. The only pleasure he had for him was spending time with Pierta.

    That same person, just voluntarily asked for a date.

    Of course, Hadi was overjoyed, but after the two of them left, he was worried about everything. Please don't make silly mistakes. I shouldn't have said anything funny or uninteresting without notice. Preoccupied with his thoughts, he kept spinning around the room. He sometimes looked down at the setting sky with a dark face. Then, finally, Pierta, who couldn't stand it, said bluntly.

    "Hey Hadi. Stop it now."

    Pierta was in the middle of playing cat’s cradle with Rotizen on the other side of Hadi. Having two children was now a natural sight for everyone in the mansion. Rotizen’s nanny was also so used to it that she became very friendly with the maids of her duke's house.

    “Come on, drink this.”

    What Pierta brought out on the table was white milk.

    “Oh, I’m fine.”

    "Don't do that, drink it. I used to drink it when I was upset."

    "Yes? Miss, where the hell did you hear that?" But instead of answering, Pierta shook her head, rubbing her finger across her pale forehead.

    Just like Dean.

    Hadi finally smiled and took the glass.

    Then Rotizen asked, chewing on a large pumpkin-shaped cookie. "But what's the problem?"

    “Today my dad and Daisy went out to play. That’s why Hadi is doing that.”

    “Oh, that’s right! So now Daisy is Pierta's mom?"

    “Uh, not yet… but I think it will be soon!”


    Hadi spit out the milk he had been holding in his mouth at the innocent and unbelievable content of the conversation.

    “Oh, lady…?”

    He hurriedly took out a white cloth and wiped the table, looking at the two children with bewildered faces. “Don’t worry, Hadi. Rotizen is also our comrade.” Pierta said, shrugging her shoulders.

    Hadi opened his mouth, still wet with milk. When the hell did you talk like that with Rotizen? Though, now that the Duke has realized, doesn't it matter?
    Whether they noticed his shock or not, Rotizen asked again, "But why are you sighing and worrying?”

    Unlike Pierta, who easily forgets when she turns her attention, Rotizen was a meticulous child who meticulously remembered everything.

    Hadi smiled a little shyly and said. "Ah, that's... The two of them went out for the first time, and I'm worried if they're doing well."

    Then she blinked her big eyes as if she didn't understand. “Why do you have to be good? I just like being with Pierta."

    "That's right. I also draw every day, but drawing with Rotizen is much more fun than doing it alone."

    "Huh. Hadi doesn't know what." Hadi, who had listened blankly to the two little children, fell into a great shock.

    “No matter what you do, it will be fun just being the two of you.”

    Hadi grinned and scratched his temple.

    Meanwhile, Rotizen and Pierta's chatter continued.

    “Pierta, are you going to the festival the day after tomorrow?”

    “What festival?”

    "There is a thing that makes paper shiny and floats it in the sky. One of them."

    “Oh, that? But I've gone too far with it, so it's not much fun anymore."

    "Really? I've only been there once. This time, my dad said he will just take me. He always brought my brother and my younger brother with me, but this time they want to go with me!"

    Rotizen smiled brightly as if excited. The child's face was full of pride as he swung her arms around.
    "These days, my mom is nice to me, too! She makes snacks for me."
    Pierta clapped with joy as if it was her job.

    A bitter smile appeared on Hadi's lips as listened.
    He had been an assistant to the Duke for a long time, and he knew the true face of nobles better than anyone.

    The Marquis and Marquis Fransov, who had only their sons to treasure. Now, on the contrary, they must have regarded their daughter, Rotizen, as gold or jade. All because their daughter became the duke's only child’s best friend.

    They were really shameless people.

    ‘...Wait a minute. But what about a festival? Oh my gosh, that time has already come.’ Hadi's eyes, which had been sinking in darkness, gleamed.

    Once a year in Pontipool City, there is an event to light up the lanterns. In fact, it is just an ordinary event that is held every year for people who were born and raised here, but people from other regions were mesmerized by the beautiful sight they had seen for the first time. There were quite a few foreigners who flocked to Pontipool City to coincide with this event.

    Most of those foreigners are young lovers, and there was a saying that when you look at the lanterns that decorate the sky together, that love is eternal.

    After tidying up his slightly disheveled hair, Hadi meticulously rolled up her sleeves. Now it was his turn to go.


    Late in the evening, the two returned to the mansion in strangely contrasting appearances.


    “Pierta, how are you?”

    Daisy, who gave a flash of hug to Pierta, who rushed at full speed, looked really lively.

    The Duke of Henstone, on the other hand, was shady under his eyes. He looked as weak as a man who had run out of fuel.

    In this situation, I couldn't get a sense of what the date was like. In the end, Hadi turned a little and asked. "Dean... did you enjoy going out?"

    Instead of answering, the duke only nodded his head heavily. Fortunately, from that point on, seeing that his eyes had changed clearly, it didn't seem like a lie. Hadi quietly suppressed his laughter inwardly.

    'Okay, then we can make a wedge in the upcoming festival.'

    Everything was so smooth. At the news about the festival that was secretly brought out, Daisy's eyes lit up, saying that she really wanted to go, and Duke Henstone laughed and naturally suggested that we go together.

    As soon as she heard the story, Pierta was also very excited and ran around Daisy.

    Everything was going well, apparently Hadi thought so. Time passed quickly, and in the meantime, he secretly prepared.

    So the day of the festival was bright.

    Sweat poured down Hadi's forehead like rain.
    He was carefully selecting the largest and most beautiful roses under the sun in the middle of the garden. This was the best way to decorate the seat for the two of them.

    'It would not be too late to make a seat on the beach soon."
    Slowly, He began to get impatient with the work that took longer than expected. His hand was stabbed several times by rose thorns, but there was no time for pain.

    Someone suddenly came up and spoke. "If it's okay, can I help you?"
    He was a new employee who had recently entered the duke's residence.

    "No....” Hadi, who was about to shake his head saying it was okay, suddenly stopped talking. And he looked at the large sack on the side bench. It was quite large as it contained a simple chair and an awning, often used for outdoor tea parties.

    He pondered for a moment, then asked the newbie again. “I heard you’re from here, right?”

    "Yes, that's right. I'm a native of Pontipool."

    “Then do you have a good idea of the best location to watch today’s festival?”

    "Of course. The Count, whom I had previously served, went to this festival every year, and it was my job to make a seat each time.”


    A feeling of relief finally filled Hadi's heart. He chinked at his sack with a brightened face.

    “We need a total of four seats. It should be placed where it can be seen best. This is where the Duke will sit himself.”

    “Just leave it to me!” Shining eyes, the newcomer easily carried the heavy sacks on his back, and then disappeared as if flying away.

    Hadi's face flushed with astonishment. He was so embarrassed that he had to open my mouth several times.

    Needless to say, the two seats were made at the edge of the beach facing a large rock, and the other two seats were made in the center of the beach where the event started. The ambitious rookie must have concentrated on the word 'the most visible position'.

    In the center, you can enjoy the wind lanterns just rising into the sky, while at the end of the beach, you can watch the countless lights passing behind the cliffs. But only then, we would have to sit far apart from each other...

    Wait, there's no need for the four of us to sit together! Rather, couldn't the two of them be able to enjoy each other individually? Hadi's face visibly brightened again. As if he had ever resented him, he praised him out loud.

    Now we just had to think about where the two of us should sit.
    Hadi hesitated, carrying a basket full of roses.

    The rocky side of the beach was a little dark and there were few people, so it was perfect for a secret date.

    On the other hand, the center was a place that stood out more than anyone else. In other words, it means that you can make a public announcement in front of everyone.

    Duke Dean Henstone is no longer single!

    After thinking for a while, Hadi finally decided to decorate both seats.
    Having touched his central seat first, he hurried his steps to the shore.
    His hand, which spread flowers at the foot of his chair, and hung a lace curtain in the sky above the awning, was ferocious.

    As night came, twinkling lights lit the sea. Along with the loud music, the laughter of festival-goers could be heard everywhere, and the smell of sweet treats from the vendors filled the air. For some reason, there were twice as many people this year as compared to the previous year.

    Arriving at the crossroads, Dean could not go any further and got off the horse. Yesterday, because of the recklessly canceled schedule, the work that needed to be done was overdue. Daisy and Pierta had long since left the house saying they would go to the festival first.

    At that time, a new employee who had met Dean instead of Hadi from the mansion came up.

    “Duke, please wait here for a moment! He’ll come see you soon."
    "Who's coming to see me?"

    Perhaps because it was his first time performing the craft himself, the newcomer seemed somewhat proud even though he said that.
    Dean sighed as he looked at the people who had gathered like a cloud.
    “Where is your seat?”
    Two seats are set up in the center under a large rock on the east coast."

    At those words, the corners of Dean's lips rose slightly.
    Besides, it's under the eastern rock. Maybe I can see it clearly.
    It's a pity that you can't know if you don't know the intention.
    “Okay, no need to wait, I’ll go directly.”

    "Yes? However...."

    "It's okay. Because I already know the place.”

    Dean went to the restless new hire and encouraged them to enjoy the festival, and then moved on.

    There was a smile he couldn't hide on his lips. The seaside seat was almost exactly what Dean expected. Colorful petals and flowers were scattered around his chair, and even a white awning and a lace curtain hung in the sky. Seriously... it was overly romantic.

    A laugh eventually erupted from his mouth. "You're making a very public announcement." He sat down and sighed slightly. Contrary to his troublesome behavior, he had a face full of anticipation.

    It wasn't until almost the beginning of the festival that Hadi came running, drenched in sweat. “Duke! Why are you here!"

    "You're late."

    Unlike the laid-back Dean, Hadi looked very urgent. “I waited all the time at the crossroad, but I didn’t see you, so I waited for a long time!”

    He was waiting for Dean with Pierta.
    However, when he didn’t show, Daisy, who was sitting in the center, left with Pierta for a while and scoured the beach.

    "Isn't this... isn't it?"

    "No! It's in the Center!"

    Then Dean frowned slightly. The moonlight pouring down on the big rock was very soft and beautiful. It was the perfect scenery for a 'date alone' by anyone looking at it. Dean, who was staring blankly at the sea at night when the white waves crashed, clouded the end of his words as if embarrassed.

    "I thought it was here."

    “Ah, this is not the time for you to be here. Come on, come with me...!" Hadi rolled up to his feet, got Dean up, and turned around. They both groaned.

    It was just before the start of the festival, so the back was crowded. Even the streets were full of people.
    To make matters worse, there were a lot of nobles who noticed that Duke Henston was there. It was clear that they were aiming only for the timing to say hello. Only then, it seemed that not only Dean, but even Hadi, could easily escape.


    "With Daisy."

    As soon as he finished speaking, cheers erupted from everywhere.

    From the center of the beach in the distance, beautiful colorful lanterns were floating.

    “……Please sit down for now.”

    Hadi nodded and put his butt on the seat next to Dean. The lovely ribbon, which he had carefully hung himself, was crumpled with a rustling sound. On a chair sprinkled with ribbon, lace, and even rose petals at their feet... Two men sitting side by side. A sigh escaped from the mouths of the two people who had the same imagination.

    After that, only death-like silence continued.

    Lanterns with beautiful lights floated in the wind. It was a dazzling sight, as if large stars were moving in twinkling clusters. Even the noisy crowds became quiet as if they were immersed in the scenery. At that moment, a very small whisper reached the ears of the two bewildered people.

    “The place is very close. What kind of great man is sitting there?"

    "Oh my gosh, but those two... are gentlemen?"

    "Oh my gosh."

    Hadi couldn't take it any longer. “Duke. Shall we draw the curtains?”
    Dean hastily stopped him as he tried to lower the curled lace curtain over his head. And he said it with a smirk.

    “If you do that, it gets even weirder.”


    “…don’t talk to me until the end.”

    Hadi sat on the edge of his chair as much as possible, nailing his gaze to the lantern. Why is the wind so slow again today? The light that slowly flew towards this side was too slow even if it was slow. The two of them could not come and go, turned their backs on each other, and had to endure a hellish time. Dean's mouth, which had been tightly closed, was opened only after the backs had crossed over the cliff halfway.


    “Yes, Duke.”

    “Next time, just tell me in advance."

    ".......all right."

    Hadi nodded sheepishly. And he once again clenched his teeth, engraving today's mistakes to the bone. Wherever the lanterns passed, the remaining smoke vexed the tip of their noses.


    On the other hand,

    "Daisy! Look over there, it's flying again!"
    Pierta, who was collecting the rose petals that had fallen at her feet one by one, exclaimed with excitement.
    Daisy was immersed in emotion and looked up at the sky, unaware that her neck was sore.

    “It’s really pretty! Right, Daisy?"

    "Yeah, really! It's the first time I've seen it this close."

    "I see. Daisy is the first."

    Suddenly, Pierta, holding her hands full of petals, struggled to climb onto her chair. As Daisy quickly hugged her and lifted her up, she gently piled up her cherished petals on her skirt as if waiting for a child.
    Then she suddenly looked around her, and she said "Hadi and Dad are not coming.”

    Daisy recalled back to Hadi, who hastily turned around after leaving Pierta with her. What the hell is going on? Maybe Dean's work was unexpectedly delayed and not on time. She looked around her, stroking her child's head. Neither could be seen. Did you even want to meet each other?

    "It's okay. Hadi and Dad have seen a lot so far. But Daisy is the first." Seeing the red petals piled up on the pinkish dress, Pierta smiled proudly on her face. Daisy's concerns quickly faded away. It was because she was distracted by the lanterns floating above her head the whole time.

    Then Pierta came leaning her little body into Daisy's arms.
    "Daisy glad she saw with me for the first time, right?"


    The two tilted their heads together. The night was so beautiful that she hoped it would last forever.
  7. royalrose1

    royalrose1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2021
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    Hey howdy. Lets get it goin. Not as addicted to this story but I still am so excited to get towards the 60's because I'm really enjoying them. Each chapter takes about 2 hours to fix everything and make sure it reads alright. Have 3 today <3 Also I high key just realized in webtoons his name is Dane but I'm dyslexic so Dean it is!

    Episode 43. I can't take my eyes off you
    After the festival, a strange sight was caught in the mansion for a while.
    When Hadi and Dean met, they turned around awkwardly. The two people who met right here exchanged greetings in the morning for a while, and then immediately turned their backs as if they had made a promise.

    Why the hell are they doing that?

    As I went down the stairs holding the half-asleep chestnut's hand, I laughed quietly.

    "The Duke."

    However, Hadi soon returned to his original form. No, it even looked more resolute than usual.

    It was right after I had just finished eating. Pierta rushed out the room saying that she had to prepare something for Rotizen, who would come to play in the afternoon, and only Dean and I were left, drinking tea.

    “This has arrived for the Duke.”
    In Hadi’s hand was a pale pink envelope. I thought it was an important task and I was about to pass it on, but Hadi suddenly looked at me and said, “The same thing came for Daisy.”

    “Me too?”
    Instead of answering, Hadi held an envelope of the same color in my hand.

    I quickly checked the outside of the envelope.

    [Dear Miss Daisy, From Glenn Brenter.]

    And looking at the round handwriting, I was immersed in thought for a moment. Glenn Brenter? Where have I heard the name? Wait.. Glenn as in First Prince Glenn?

    I was startled and turned the envelope over. On the red wax that sealed the letter, the seal of the imperial family was really engraved.

    Oh My God! Truly the 1st prince!

    The day will come when she would receive a letter from the royal family. She hadn’t imagined that it would be this soon. Before I even checked what was written inside, I was stunned.

    Unlike Daisy, who was only holding the letter, Dean calmly opened the envelope with the letter knife Hadi held out. As he read the letter, a wrinkle was clearly drawn on his forehead.

    After being silent for a while, I couldn't stand it anymore and carefully opened the envelope. When I opened the letter, it was very polite and formal like a letter from the imperial family…

    [Miss Daisy, how have you been?]

    A very bright greeting caught my eye. Also, how dense is the content? However, the purpose of sending the letter was only two or three lines of the long text. As I read it, the cheerful voice of the prince came to mind, and I laughed out loud without realizing it.

    “What the hell is it?” Hadi asked quietly if he couldn't wait any longer. Instead of answering, Dean sighed quietly.

    In the end, it was up to me to answer Hadi's words. “There's going to be a party?.”

    “Prince Glenn’s?”

    Hadi’s eyes enlarged and moved closer to me. “What kind of party?”

    “They’re going to have horses to ride.” I was so excited that I couldn't even look forward to it. I like parties and I also wanted to try horseback riding. But being able to do both!

    I looked at the letter and said, “Wow, I want to go.”

    “It wouldn’t be fun.”

    It came out at the same time. I made eye contact with Dean in a determined voice as if I had made a promise. Ah, Dean must really hate it. Somehow embarrassed, I turned my gaze away. He's been to so many gatherings, so he might not be interested in this kind of thing.

    If so... would it be okay if I attend by myself? It's not perfect yet, but I've gotten the hang of etiquette after going to a ball. Actually, a party is a party, but I wanted to know more about the second prince as much as possible.

    Knowing a little more will make it easier for you to think about how to break the link with chestnuts. Coincidentally, however, the second prince was still a child, and because he was a member of the royal family, it was difficult to meet him by pretending to be natural. Even if we meet again, there will be limits to the answers we get from a seven-year-old. However, if it goes through his older brother, Prince 1, I think we can gather more detailed information.

    At that moment, I felt a gaze intently staring at me. When I looked up, Dean was looking at me with a complex expression that I had never seen before. His brows furrowed as if he had something to say. Nevertheless, the lips are rather closed in a straight line as if they will never fall off.

    Did I chew my tongue?
    Or is it because I said I wanted to go earlier?
    I opened my mouth to say something, "I....”

    “Let's go together.”

    “Oh, no. You don't have to."

    Startled by his words, she waved her hand. It was sincere. I didn't want to forcefully take people I didn't want to go.
    Besides, I don't have to go out with Dean all the time.

    “Actually, I was thinking of going alone.” I boldly added.

    He suddenly smiled brightly at my words. You obviously have a smiling face, but why do I feel the chill...? He looked me in the eye and once again put another low, very firm wedge.

    “Let's go together.”

    I nodded my head, crushed by the momentum.

    After a brief silence, Dean opened his mouth again and added.
    “Come to think of it, it wouldn’t be bad to show my face at a gathering like this after a long time.” It was an unnatural tone, as if reading a book.

    Hadi, who was standing next to me at that time, suddenly asked in a loud voice as if talking to someone else. “By the way, Daisy. Do you know how to ride a horse?”


    Dean shook his head quietly in reply. “First, I will teach you how to ride a horse.” Unlike just a moment ago, a supremely bright smile hung on his lips.


    “Ugh, oh my gosh…”

    The sound of moaning echoed through the endless green meadows. It was the sound that came out of Daisy's mouth. Her horse was much more compact than Dean's. When I first saw it, it looked so small that I was a little disappointed. But when I got back, the distance to the ground was farther away than she imagined .Moreover, when her horse moved even a little, her body shook more than I had imagined.

    Frightened, Daisy eventually held out for quite some time, unable to bend or straighten her back.

    After being a few steps ahead of her for a while, Dean turned his head with worried eyes. He turned his horse around and approached alongside her. He reached out and grabbed her reins.

    "Okay. I'll hold it for you. Shall we do it again?""

    Her upper body seemed to be heard by the words. It only took a couple seconds for her body to immediately become stiff as a board again.
    Dean waited patiently without urging.

    After groaning for a long time, Daisy's waist finally spread out.
    Of course, she only stretched her back, but her chest subsided a little as she was able to breathe much more easily than before.

    Dean smiled slightly. “When a person is nervous, the horse is also nervous.”
    As if to answer yes, she gently patted the back of the neck of her horse, and whispered in secret.


    Dean smiled slightly at a voice that seemed really sorry. "It's okay. It's natural for beginners to be scared." He encouraged her with her cheerful voice. “Well then, shall we go over there?”

    As he gently pulled the reins, the horse that had paused for a moment began to move her feet slowly. Daisy wiped the sweat from her forehead and tried to exhale her trembling breath. She was still terrified, but unlike her before, the wind through her hair felt so cool.

    Dean was a pretty good teacher. Since her childhood, her favorite sport has been horseback riding, so it was only natural that she was too adept at handling her horses.

    Under his instruction, her movements of Daisy became more natural over time. Her face, which had been hardened by her tension, suddenly overflowed with her sparkling vitality. She even burst into laughter as if she was always happy. Even when her horse moved fairly quickly, she began to enjoy rather than frighten her. "I didn't know it would be this much fun!"
    As the wind blew past her ears, her voice naturally grew louder. It seemed that she couldn't control the excitement that kept rising in her mind.
    Daisy ran like that for a while longer.

    As time passed, The horse's breathing became more and more rapid. And it was the same with Daisy.

    “Shall we take a break?”

    At Dean's suggestion, Daisy nodded her head violently, as if it was a welcome sound. He escorted her to her place where they first rode on the horse’s.

    "Wait a moment."

    And after putting Daisy on hold for a moment on her stair-stepped podium, Dean jumped off his horse. Dressed in black riding pants, his slender legs were tightly wrapped in boots reaching his knees. In addition, he was equipped with a leather vest for horseback riding, which made his strong upper body stand out even more. Dean took off his gloves and held out his hand to her.

    As the two entered the small annex in the back, the caretaker quickly brought a cool drink. Her throat was dry, and as soon as she took her first sip, she drank more than half in one breath. "Ha...."

    She exhaled her breath reluctantly. It felt like her chest, which had been blocked, had been opened.
    Dean had been watching her the whole time, and he smiled softly at her and spoke.

    “You’re getting good.”


    "Yes. Teaching was worthwhile."

    He nodded her head with a serious expression. It wasn't just for words of encouragement. In fact, Daisy had a good sense of balance, and she was easy to teach because she quickly forgets her fears once she gets past a certain hurdle. And she, above all... She didn't have time to enjoy the wind together like this in the open field. Even so, He thought it would be good to enjoy horseback riding together someday. He didn't know that the opportunity would come so soon.

    After the invitation from Prince Glenn arrived, He was so low that he could no longer hide his feelings, and all of it felt rewarded.

    Prince Glenn must be interested in Duke Henstone and Daisy Heidi. Whatever the reason, Dean didn't like the excessive attention at all.
    When he thought of Glenn for a moment, his stomach simmered again.

    ‘... I can't change the color of my eyes.'
    His expression darkened sharply again.

    Then Daisy looked at his complexion with a worried voice. "Are you okay?"

    “I’m okay." Dean cleared his expression and coughed. But she didn't seem to be able to easily get rid of her worries.

    “You look very tired.” She curled her horsetail and looked at Dean with her pitiful eyes. Dean's pride was instantly scratched at that reaction.
    Did she think that he was a weakling now? It had been his first time rowing back then, that's why he had been tired! It was impossible to come up with such an excuse now. In fact, Dean was unaware of the fact that he was the only one who cared about it.

    “Tired? No way.”

    He jumped up from his seat as if trying to shake off his stigma. Then, startled, Daisy quickly blinked her eyes and stared at him. Dean's face turned red in an instant. He just made it seem like it was more of an excuse. After a moment's restlessness, cursing himself, he quickly pretended to be calm.

    “Would you like to ride a little more?”

    The corners of his mouth were raised too high to show all the embarrassment and shame. Fortunately, Daisy smiled brightly as if she had not noticed at all.


    She must have noticed his embarrassment and deliberately tried to evoke the mood, Dean thought as he looked at her jumping forward excitedly. Her deep consideration and kindness naturally warmed his heart.

    Of course, Daisy just wanted to ride one more time, but Dean didn't know either.

    “It’s so much fun!”

    In the afternoon, the shadows of the trees stretched out. The rich, fine-grained mane attracted plenty of sunlight and reflected back.

    Dean usually prefers to run as fast and furiously as possible, but today he had been keeping pace with Daisy the whole time. She slowed her speed for a moment, then suddenly asked.

    “When will I be able to see a big horse too?”

    “Well, there’s no set time for when it’s supposed to be, but…”

    'When did I start riding?'

    When Dean was silent as he grumbled through the memories of today, Daisy opened her eyes and brought him to the point.

    “I want to ride a big horse.” Her voice was full of confidence.

    But Dean immediately shook his head. She was just a beginner learning horse riding today. If she slipped or fell, she could be seriously injured.

    “It’s still dangerous to be alone.”

    "Well. Then can't you just ride with me?"

    ...that sounded like a good idea.

    Dean immediately nodded his head.


    Daisy's back stiffened with tension. She didn't know it from the side view, but when she sat in the saddle by herself, the difference in height was staggering.

    “I will go slowly.”

    A sweet voice reassured her behind her back. His arms tight around her were also very reassuring. Daisy had enough free time to admire the scenery in the distance before the two horses could even turn one lap.

    “Can I turn a little more?”


    Noticing that she had adjusted, Dean picked up speed little by little. Daisy's long hair, reaching her back, began to flutter in her wind.
    The annex where we had rested before suddenly became the size of a fingernail.

    “Is it too fast?”

    "No!" Excitedly, Daisy exclaimed loudly.

    His horse swung its black mane vigorously and rushed towards the large fir grove. The forest was narrow and the branches could be scratched. Dean quickly pulled the reins and slowed her down.
    At the same time, Daisy smiled and turned her head back.

    “This is so much...! Whoa!"

    Dean had stopped the speed abruptly, Daisy slammed her face in Dean's arms.


    Dean quickly wrapped his arms around her waist. Her frizzy hair brushed the tip of Dean's chin.

    It was unbelievably close.

    Daisy's eyes were frozen as she turned her head to face him. Even in Dean's eyes, holding the reins firmly.

    Their lips

    The two could not take their eyes off of them as if they had made a promise. Daisy struggled to suppress her heart as it was about to pop out of her chest. I could feel his arm muscles twitching around my waist.

    Dean tightened his grip to the point where blue tendons sprouted to contain his impulses.

    After all, when it’s like this....

    Imagine kissing those lips...

    Episode 44. Are you too?
    On Prince Glenn's party day, Dean and I left the mansion a little early. Since it was the invitation of the prince and not anyone else, there was a high probability that the attendance would be light. If there are many people heading there, the road may be crowded, so he wanted to avoid it just in case.

    But surprisingly, the road was quiet.

    We arrived at the invited place much earlier than the promised time. Already there a man with two horses waiting for us. He was a servant of the royal family.

    Dean and I rode the horse and entered the forest trail. After a while enjoying the fresh air filled with the fragrance of nature, the view suddenly emerged.

    The first thing I saw was a large waterfall. It felt like my heart was being ripped open by the cool water dripping down. As we climbed the hill road behind the waterfall to the end, we saw a blue horizon. Blinking my eyes without saying a word, the attendant kindly explained to me that that was my destination for the day.

    Eventually, we reached the beach where there was no one there. It was said that this land belonged to the imperial family.

    A large white fence was encircled along the long white sandy beach, and I could see the imperial coaches waiting with their horses one by one.
    The horses were different in color and size, but they were all shiny with how well they took care of them.
    In the middle of the white sandy beach, there were tables with colorful refreshments, and chairs covered with lace.


    It's a good thing I was reincarnated to be able to attend a party held by the emperor in the land owned by the imperial family...!!

    I looked around in amazement eagerly. My heart was lifted, and even the white sand and the green leaves looked just beautiful.
    As I got off the horse, Dean held out his hand to me one step ahead of the servant who was standing next to me. Taking his hand, I carefully stepped on the ground.

    That was then.


    Someone called my name and approached me from afar. His brown hair, tied together and hanging over his left shoulder, swayed gently.

    “Thank you both for coming today.”

    “Greetings to the Prince.” Dean was the first to say hello.
    I gently grabbed one of my skirts and then quickly lowered my upper body.
    “I greet you, the 1st Prince.”

    “What's with the formality. Didn't you forget?" Glenn smiled brightly and lifted her up, gently grabbing her shoulder with his white gloved hand. For a moment, I felt Dean's arm twitching under my hand.

    "Thank you for inviting me today." And his voice somehow became even harder and colder than before. Glenn smiled brightly without paying any attention.

    “Thank you for coming. I wonder if the news that Duke Henstone would participate, or if there are a lot of guests saying that this time it will be special. I can't wait to see how much fun it will be. Right, Daisy?"

    Bewildered by the sudden question, she quickly nodded her head.

    He led me and Dean to the tea table by hand. “Come on, would you like to sit down?”

    However, unlike us, who waited for the employees to remove the chair and then sat quietly, he himself dragged the chair next to him and sat down loudly. Surprised, I hurriedly looked around. But all the servants were just calm. This seems to be familiar to them .

    "How have you been?"

    His twinkling eyes alternately stared at Dean and me.
    I hesitated for a moment not knowing what to answer, but fortunately, Dean accepted instead of me. “We’ve been good.”

    Should I ask if the prince was doing well? But before my worries could linger, Prince Glenn's questions poured nonstop.

    “Did something interesting happen?”


    This time, Dean just cut it off. Then the prince said to himself, “Oh, I’m sorry,” and he became slightly pale. A cool sea breeze blew from afar. A moment of silence lingered. Taking the opportunity, I cleared my throat slightly, gathered courage and opened my mouth.

    "I... how is uh.. Prince Edward?"

    "Huh? Oh, my brother?"

    Daisy figured the reason Edward wasn’t here was because of his age. My prediction, that it would not be easy to meet in the future, came true.
    Prince Glenn looked at me blankly instead of answering. I could feel Dean's gaze as well, but I didn't look at him because he knew better than anyone what my intentions were.

    I looked at Prince Glenn and spoke as naturally as possible. “On the day of the prom, when we met by chance, the fact that he was crying has always been on my mind.”

    "Ah. That's why."

    Prince Glenn nodded his head as if he knew what she was talking about.
    "He's still very shy, that's why he sometimes hides like that on days when there's an audience, causes the servants a lot of trouble."

    He thanked me with a bright smile. "I appreciate your concern."

    Hearing Prince Glenn's words, I felt sorry for him.
    In fact, it may be because of the fact that Prince Edward is just naturally shy when he is young. However it was more likely because the position of prince is difficult and uncomfortable.
    I couldn't even imagine how hard it would be to show dignity while dealing with only adults who didn't know what to do at an age when they wanted to play with peers. Edward's suffering probably only increased after he became the Crown Prince and then the Emperor.

    “Edward remembers Daisy’s name too.”

    “Oh, me?”

    "Yes, he said you called him a little kid.....He has a long grudge.”

    "I'm sorry for being rude." I hurriedly bowed my head. Prince Glenn laughed out loud.

    "It's okay. Because of that, He seems to be quite interested in Daisy. So, by the way, if it's okay with you, can you come visit us again with Edward later?"

    My ears fluttered open.
    Even if it hurts, Edward will like it when you come. Because I'm always bored and lonely. But other strangers won't like it, so I’ll personally invite…”

    "Prince Glenn Brenter."


    It was Dean who hastily cut off Prince Glenn's words. As Glenn and I were talking, looking at each other curiously, he coughed and continued.

    “The new mansion we are building in Bernice will be completed soon. If it's okay with you, I'd like to invite the prince to attend. How about it?"

    “To Bernice?”

    "Yes. It would be better if you came with the second prince. Because you're the only one from the imperial palace, you'll feel lonely."

    He spoke casually, but somehow Dean's complexion looked a little red. His sudden offer puzzled me. I had heard that there was a castle in Bernice where the ancestors of the Henstone family lived and that it was being repaired.

    However, it was located far from the imperial palace and the duke's residence, so it was necessary to ride a carriage for a long time. Why would you go to such a place?

    'You're trying to keep Prince Edward away from the chestnuts!'
    It may be disrespectful to continue to receive invitations from Glenn. One day we too will have to invite Prince Glenn to treat him. But that doesn't mean you can invite him to the duke's house. That was where chestnut was. Also, Dean is a cautious person.

    While protecting the chestnuts, he also secured a natural meeting with Prince Edward and was polite to Prince Glenn. I glanced at him in amazement. The 1st prince's eyes lit up with interest in Dean's offer.

    "Oh. Okay. Invite me. If it's not anyone else, but Duke Henstone's invitation, I should go. It's a rare opportunity."

    Dean nodded his head with a slightly heavy expression. After that, the prince was absent for a while to welcome the guests arriving one after another. I took the opportunity to ask Dean.

    “The repairs will be over soon, right? When will the day of the decisive battle be set?"

    If only we could meet the second prince once again, we would be able to get a real clue. With excitement, her voice kept getting higher and higher. But Dean drank tea without saying anything. Today he was, somehow... strange.

    The guests invited by the prince were all young men and women.
    Meeting people of the same age provided a different kind of fun separate from the ball. Of course, among them, there were young girls who had a sullen expression when they made eye contact with me. Still, everyone was kind and pleasant.

    They sat roundly at the ornate refreshment table and drank a cup of tea each. Several stories came and went. Among them, I was also the one who received the most inquiries.
    “Wow, Lady Daisy is in charge of Lady Pierta Henstone’s education! I think you can see how great a teacher you are without even looking at it.”

    “Yes, yes…” I nodded awkwardly at the words of a young Count.

    Actually, the only thing I taught chestnuts was to fold a pumpkin out of paper…

    “Actually, my older sister also graduated from a professional education academy last year and immediately joined her post-writer tutor as a tutor. She was given a good offer by the Marquis herself.” continued the count.

    I murmured in my mind again. ‘I'm from Dasom Kindergarten part-time…’
    I couldn't open my mouth prematurely, so I shed an awkward laugh for a while.

    I was getting... hungry. But no one touched the refreshments and smiled, so she couldn't reach out her hand first. I swallowed my saliva while looking at the beautifully decorated refreshments without any flaws, and suddenly I saw someone stretching out their hand.

    It was Dean.

    He put the cakes and sweets that were neatly laid out, one by one, without omission.... right on my plate. Everyone's eyes turned to his hand, and there was a moment's silence. Then Prince Glenn, who was sitting opposite him, laughed out loud.

    “I still want to keep talking, but my mouth is itching. The imperial pastry chef has baked cakes and sweets since dawn on purpose, so why is everyone just looking at them?"

    Then someone asked in a voice full of anticipation.
    “Oh my God, could I possibly try that famous lemon pie too?”
    "Of course. They baked it first."
    People laughed as they were waiting.

    As if the spring breeze had blown, the atmosphere melted again.
    With a sigh of relief, I cut a large pie into small pieces and put it in my mouth.
    An urgent message came from the Duke's residence, and Dean was absent for a short time. All the others had left to prepare for their upcoming coastal horseback ride. While waiting for Dean alone, I looked around and got up. I stretched out as much as I could, and then I felt like I was going to live a little.

    Then I found something that caught my eye and was startled. All kinds of pies, sweets, and bread were scattered on the tables other than ours. Why did they leave it so messy? I looked around, but all the attendee’s seemed to be busy putting saddles on their horses. The attendants would take care of it anyway, but I kept looking at the messy table while thinking about just turning off the attention.

    It's a new bread that hasn't been touched yet.... Oh, I want to clear things up. I want to organize it! I want to organize it! After arguing inside my mind, I finally picked up the wooden tongs placed next to it. I started to arrange the bread and cookies on the 3-tier dessert tray. The upside down sweets were stacked neatly in one direction, and the pieces of cakes that were sparsely empty as if they were missing teeth were carefully put together.
    These sweet breads should be arranged with the sugared side facing forward.

    “Puha!” Then, suddenly, I heard laughter right next to me. I was startled and looked around. Prince Glenn was smiling while holding his stomach.
    “The more I watch you, the more interesting you become. Why are you organizing it so hard?"

    I was speechless. What should I say? Because I like to organize? Or is it because I worked part-time in a bakery for a long time in my previous life.....?
    “It’s the first time I’ve seen a Lady doing something like this. It looks really good though. I’d love to see you at another party.”

    The emerald-colored eyes that gave me a warm feeling were twinkling towards me.

    Yes, the bakeries boss at the time saw me and always gave me a thumbs up saying he was a master of organizing. I didn't know how to react, so I just smiled awkwardly.
    Apparently my expression was funny, so the first prince laughed out loud again. Eventually, a laugh escaped my mouth.

    Fortunately, Dean rejoined the group when everyone was on their horses.

    "Are you okay?"

    He was riding along with me, and he came close to the side. He seemed to think that I might not be accustomed to riding a horse by myself.

    "Yeah. I’m okay."

    I answered bravely. In fact, I was more than just okay, I was ecstatic. I was having so much fun that I wanted to ride all day.

    It was good to run in the meadow, but it was very enjoyable to ride a horse next to the gentle waves. It was nice to hear the sound of water clattering whenever the horse moved. I hadn’t know it, but I guess I have a knack for horseback riding. With that thought in mind, I drove the horse closer to the beach. Behind me, horseshoe marks continued to form on the sand and washed away by the waves.

    “Be careful."

    Dean looked at her with concern. I nodded my head broadly. Contrary to his concerns, however, it was clear that horses were delighted. If you look at the repeated act of dipping your ankles in the sea water on purpose delightful.

    At that moment, a large horse crept into the side. The small horse I was riding on was slightly pushed aside by the sudden interruption. The owner of the large horse was Lady, who had not spoken much to me since the tea party.

    “Hello, Duke.”

    "Ah. Yes" Dean bowed lightly.

    "It's the first time we've seen each other outside of the ball." A beautiful laugh followed.

    I don't know how many times already. The women, who used the small size of my horse against me, were the ones who had sullen faces towards me from the beginning.

    She was about to say more, but Dean had already run slightly forward. Then he slowed down again a little bit ahead and waited for me.

    “It’s dangerous if the horses stick together too much, so could you please keep them apart?”

    It was a calm voice, but Dean's eyes were so cold that onlookers shudder. Unsurprisingly, the lady's shoulders twitched for a moment. Pouting her lips, she moved away.

    The 1st prince, riding a horse just a little taller than me, approached from behind.

    “Wow, this is great. Are you doing okay?"


    “You’re being very blunt.”

    Instead of answering, I just smiled shyly. I knew right away that he was a man who would get a lot of courtship letters if he only seriously attended a prom. I thought it was only natural because I was around a very similar situation. It's kind of uncomfortable, but I didn't even care about those cute women or their jealousy.

    Every time I see Dean approaching me if I lag a little behind. I remember the day I first learned to ride horses. To be precise, the moment I almost touched his lips.

    “You seem to have something really special. No, in this case, it would be more accurate to call it great."
    The first prince smiled and said. And he looked at me with admiration.
    She leaned back a little more to ask what that meant. But then, with a crashing sound, a fairly large wave came out and drowned out my words.


    The frightened horse twisted in the opposite direction from what I had pulled and wept loudly. I tightened my grip on the reins to hold on, but as soon as the horse raised up, I lost my balance.

    There was a big splash of water.

    Water ran down my face.

    The water was shallow and the sand was soft, so fortunately there were no injuries. But I was soaked from head to toe.

    As I tried to get up, I tripped and fell again. I couldn't even begin to think about how messy my appearance would be.
    Seeing me floundering in the sea that didn't even reach her knees.

    Dean hurriedly got off his horse and ran towards me.


    Everyone's eyes were on me.

    "Oh no..”

    There were also young girls who were sitting on horses and giggled as they looked at me. I couldn't raise my head in embarrassment. Even though it couldn't be, the whispers of the people seemed to be heard very loudly in my ears. In my mind, I just wanted to drown my face in the water again...

    "Ah! Ow!"
    With an awkward chime, someone slid down from their horse.

    Plunge once more! With a sound, white spray rose up right next to me.

    "Wow! It's really cold, isn't it?" The sound of unadorned laughter resounded with joy.

    “You too?” It was Prince Glenn, drenched like me. Green eyes full of laughter and playfulness were shining softly towards me, seaweed on his head.

    Episode 45. Face to face
    In an instant, the surroundings became quiet. The eyes that had been focused on Daisy fell onto Prince Glenn.
    Her words were more astonishing than when she fell a moment ago. “Haha, I've always wanted to dive into the sea at least once, and I'm finally doing it." Glenn whispered in Daisy's ear with a voice full of laughter.

    Then a loud scream was heard in the distance. The servants of the imperial family left everything behind and ran violently.

    One of them was so embarrassed that when he called Prince Glenn around his neck, there was a bad note. Then, in the end, he fell down and rolled over on the sandy beach.

    Laughter erupted among the people at the ridiculous sight.
    But Daisy didn't laugh. No, she couldn't laugh. I just wanted to take advantage of this break and get up quickly. Her burning face did not subside. I was about to get up, grabbing my heavy clothes that had been soaked in water, but long legs just splashed in the water towards her. His leather boots up to his knees were all wet, but his pace only accelerated.
    Suddenly, a large black cloak fluttered and landed on Daisy's body. It was a cloak embroidered with the duke's pattern.

    "Are you okay? Where are you hurt?” His urgent, worried, young gaze scrutinized her.
    He knelt down on one knee to get a closer look. Just then, the waves crashed once more. Seeing him wet to the waist in an instant, Daisy was startled.

    “Hold on a little bit. I've sent someone to find a change of clothes." He stated, completely unbothered by the waves.

    Long, strong arms and warm, large hands rested behind Daisy's knees and back. Her body flew into the air with a surprised yelp.


    Unwittingly, Daisy wrapped her arms around Dean's neck with the sudden heightened gaze. Cold drops of water from the hem of her robe drank from her water and splashed onto Prince Glenn's face. But he didn't even think to wipe the dripping water off. However, He looked up at Dean, who was standing holding Daisy. The two's eyes met for a moment.

    “…are you okay?” Dean stood still and asked in a low voice towards him.
    Glenn looked at Dean and Daisy for a moment, then grinned.
    At that time, the servants of the imperial family rushed into the water with blankets.

    “Prince! Are you okay?"
    "Are you hurt anywhere?"
    “Come on, Prince, hurry up and put on this blanket. The water is cold!”`

    A large blanket wrapped around Daisy's body, who was shivering with Dean's thin, smooth cloak.

    "Ha....." She exhaled her breath, which she had held back with her trembling lips. It seemed to help since the cold had stopped to some extent.
    But Dean didn't let her go.

    “Change her wet clothes first.”

    With her stiff face, she hugged him tightly and turned her body into him.
    Countless eyes followed the two people walking out to the white sandy beach. There were certainly some dazzling aspects, but most of them gleamed with interest. A small exclamation was heard.

    Daisy couldn't even raise her head or ask to be put down. The end of her blunt mistake was even more embarrassing, and she wanted to hide in a mouse hole.

    Dean led her to a small cottage near the waterfront. Fortunately, there was a dress that fit Daisy in a place that belonged to the imperial family. The clothes were left behind by Princess Izel, the older cousin of Prince Glenn.
    Daisy dried her wet body and changed her clothes.

    When she went out to her parlor, Dean was also waiting, changing into her neat shirt and trousers. Her attendant approached, took the wet clothes and disappeared.

    “Come here and sit down.”

    Dean said, pointing to the sofa. As Daisy approached, he handed him hot tea.

    “Drink before you catch a cold.”

    She nodded her head and took a sip of the red tea, which had a strong scent of her cherry. The warm energy and sweet taste enveloped her mouth. At that moment, all the tension was released, and she leaned back on the sofa with a huff.

    She covered her hot face with her hands again. The sound of shame escaped from Daisy's mouth over and over again. It was because the events of the past would not leave her mind.

    "... Are you really okay? Is there any pain?" Dean asked again anxiously. Daisy shook her head, covering her face with her hands.

    Then a warm warmth touched her face. His long fingers gently pulled her own from her face one by one.

    "Sometimes you only find out about your injuries later, so if you find something odd, tell me right away."

    It was a friendly hand that seemed to say it was okay. Suddenly, Daisy's face was revealed. When Dean saw her face that was ripe for red, he straightened his frown and smirked. "It seems to be fine for now."

    Daisy, who felt more at ease with him, nodded her head shyly. His fingertips carefully ran over her soft, supple cheeks once. The sound of her burning bonfire rang for a while. Dean withdrew her hand as if it was a pity. “Let's not think about it. Yes, it's easier to forget!”

    But it could not be easily forgotten.

    As I took the second teacup that Dean handed me, I was screaming hundreds of times in my mind.

    I remember the anecdote of a young lady, at the ball, stepping on her dress and fell into a pond. Because of that, the imperial family had ordered the pond to be filled, but this was the sea. It’s not something that can be eliminated like a pond, so from now on, people over there will think of me when they see the dazzling white sandy beach and the crashing white waves…I bit my lip and bowed my head.

    Then, a knock was heard outside.

    “Can I come in for a second?” It was Prince Glenn. He opened the door and came in, still drenched in water.

    It was the same for the servants standing behind him. Those who handed me the blanket earlier. Glenn laughed, brushing his wet bangs down in front of him.

    “Oh, you’ve already changed your clothes. That was fast.”

    "Prince... Sir. Before you catch a cold... put on dry clothes." One of the oldest-looking servants clenched his teeth and pushed him away. He seemed to be holding out his anger.

    Prince Glenn replied dryly ’okay, okay’ and strode into the room inside.
    As soon as he disappeared, a deep sigh escaped the servants' mouths.
    While Dean asked them to bring back the hot tea, I couldn't contain my curiosity and asked them.

    “Why did you all get wet?”
    Then the employee answered me as if he was telling me.

    The reason they had such a mess was that Prince Glenn was holding on for a long time, splashing water on his servants and people around him.

    After the people greeted each other one by one, they got on their carriages. After leaving even the nobles who greeted me for the last time, I carefully opened my mouth.

    “Prince.” Glenn looked back at her and smiled softly.
    Now, the only guests left were Dean and I. It took some time for the wet clothes to be washed and delivered again, so the preparation was delayed. But now our wagon is also ready to leave.

    Prince Glenn looked at my face with a genuinely saddened expression on his face. “Are you going already?

    “Yeah. Today I really… thank you in many ways.” It wasn't empty words, it was just a heartfelt thank you. But he shook his head.
    "What. I am so grateful."

    "What?" I lost my train of thought. Then, unadorned, playful laughter poured out like flowers towards me.

    “Because you came.”

    The memories of our first meeting flooded again.
    If there's one thing that's different from back then... Now, seeing that smooth smile makes me feel at ease.

    “Thank you for the invitation today.”

    But Dean's voice was just plain. "Goodbye then." He greeted Prince Glenn in a very polite but a little blunt tone, He blinked at me.

    I did not try to follow Dean onto the carriage, but looked back at Prince Glenn.



    To be honest, I lived thanks to the prince. I am really sorry and thank you again.”

    “Thanks to me? I don't know what you're talking about."

    “You fell into the water on purpose.'
    People all laughed and said that Prince Glenn had another ridiculous accident. I knew he was usually very playful, but I knew that he wouldn’t play carelessly on horseback. It was definitely because of me that he fell. It was right after I poked my tongue out at the behavior of other people who were sneaking around on me.

    He must have seen the vicious glances at me, drenched in water. Moreover, it was even more so considering the tremendous foot performance he showed at the moment he fell. He just waved his hand.

    “On purpose? Hmm. That's not.. No way.'

    “How can you even lie like that?” I laughed out loud.

    Then he scratched the back of the head in embarrassment and said “Chivalry of a knight.” It was still a playful tone.


    When I woke up in the morning, it felt like I had slept for a very long time.
    By the time I came back from the party, it was already late at night, and Pierta had also fallen asleep from waiting.
    I woke up in the carriage and returned to her bedroom and stretched out again. That's why my whole body ached and throbbed. I turned my shoulders and stretched a few times.

    Today, Pierta is sure to have her eyes shining and she will beg me to tell her everything. With a small smile, I quickly got ready and left the room.

    But what really came out of Pierta's room was a loud cry.

    "Pierta, why?" I was surprised and quickly opened the door.

    “Whoa, whoa!” I wasn't the only one surprised by the sound, but Dean also ran in with his face white as a ghost.”

    "Daisyyy. What do I do? Waaaaa! It fell!"

    “Did you fall out of bed while sleeping?!”

    When I asked to see if there were any injuries, the chestnut cried and held out something. It was a pumpkin headband that I gave as a present before.

    "Ugh, this... heh, it fell..."

    One of the pumpkin decorations that had been on the headband had fallen off.

    Dean's and my eyes met, we both let out a sigh of relief.
    However, the chestnut’s sorrow was not over.

    “I fell asleep with it yesterday… Waaaaaaa”

    Tears welled up in her big eyes, and then they fell down plump cheeks.
    Dean scolded the child in a stern voice.

    “The more valuable it is, the more carefully it should be handled."

    The chestnuts began to cry loudly again.

    Feeling a little wretched in fear of being so sad, I quickly approached the child and sat down stroking her soft hair.

    "It’s okay, I'll fix it."

    "Huh, really...?"

    "Yep. I can go and ask them to fix it."

    “Can you really fix it?”


    When I bought this headband, the clerk told me to bring it whenever I needed repairs. Hearing this, the chestnut tree hugged me in my arms and wept bitterly again.

    "Heh heh... Daisy is the best..."

    I smiled and patted her child on the back. After the crying ceased, she hurriedly lifted her child up. Dean looked at us and smiled softly and spoke harshly to the chestnut.

    “Pierta, did you say thank you?”

    Then the chestnut tree lifted her head tightly. “Thanks for the fix! Daisy, thank you!"

    I just looked at her with joy and met Dean's eyes. He looked at me with a wink, I stifled a laugh.

    Without delay, after breakfast Daisy got ready and headed for town. As I opened the door of the shop in the middle of the city, I was greeted with a familiar face.

    "Welcome Lady Daisy."

    I briefly explained the business to her and then quickly held out the headband. Not long after that, another clerk came and greeted me. It was said that she was the person who managed the mending of goods and so on.

    "I'm going to have to re-sew the whole thing, including where it fell off," she said.

    He said as he looked at her braids. When I looked at it together, I saw that it was a little bit different here and there. After all, when I had time, I bit the pumpkin on her headband like that, so it's amazing that it's fallen now. I laughed and asked him to do it.

    “I think it will take three or four days to fix it, is that okay?”

    "Yes, that's fine. Thank you."

    “I will fix it very firmly so that it does not fall again. I'll send someone to contact you when the repairs are done, so rest assured. The staff were really polite and kind. I said thank you again and left the store in a good mood.

    The square outside the store was filled with a mouth-watering smell. It seemed that lunch time was quickly approaching. The doors of the many restaurants that lined the streets were wide open. The waiters who spread out tables and chairs on the outside terrace seemed very busy.
    I understood how busy this time could be. I've lived it countless times at Shanu's restaurant.

    In fact, it hasn't been that long, but working there felt like a distant past.
    After thinking for a while, I turned to the square again.

    It was thanks to the memory of Pierta, which was crying until the moment I left the house. The headband she loved was broken and it will take a few days to repair, so buy something that will make your child feel better. What would be good? Pumpkin Cookies? Or orange jelly in the shape of a pumpkin?

    It was at that time when I was walking down the street in serious trouble.
    Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder and shouted. “Ah!"

    “Ahhhh!!” I was so startled that I almost fell to the ground.
    "Oh, are you very surprised? Oh I'm, sorry, sorry."

    She grabbed her chest and looked back. Then, a wide smile appeared in front of her.

    A familiar smile..?

    "Wow, it's different and nice to meet you here." It was a voice full of joy, as if meeting a close friend.

    "Oh right. Is your body okay? I was worried that I might have caught a cold." His way of saying hello first without giving me a chance to answer was probably his purgatory.
  8. Bonzai

    Bonzai Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2020
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    No worries, on the official translation in Webtoons it is Dane, but on the unofficial scanlation teams, on various aggregator sites some says Dean, I even saw one with Deone. Plus the previous MTL's as well.go with Dean, so don't worry about it.
    Bella94 likes this.
  9. royalrose1

    royalrose1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2021
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    Hey homies. It's been a busy time. But I will start posting more consistently. I'm having a harder time as a site I used to use has decided to no longer work with me. Either way. Enjoy ♥️

    if you are looking for comics ahead of most sites lmk. We just got the beach scene. Just DM me and I will send you to it ♥️

    Episode 46. Are you close with him?
    I doubted my eyes.
    Am I being mistaken for someone now? Why is the man who should be in the Imperial Palace here?


    He waved his hand in front of me a few times.

    At that moment, my mind flashed and I quickly bowed my head.
    "Wow, I greet you, Prince...

    "SHHHH! Wait, wait.” A large hand quickly covered my mouth. He whispered to me quickly with a bewildered look on his face. “If nobles hear it, they will get upset. Please."

    As I nodded, he pulled his hand from his mouth and smiled awkwardly.
    Indifferent footsteps rushed past us as we stood in the middle of the square. Most were civilians. To my surprise, no one cared about Glenn.
    Maybe they didn’t know that the man here is the prince of this country...?

    Well, if you think about it a little, it was a plausible thing. I didn't know much about him until the prom either. It is natural for ordinary people to never see the prince's face, Besides, there was a lot of talk about the second prince, but no one paid much attention to the first prince.

    I glanced again at the prince whose eyes were twinkling. Rather than accompany by an attendant, he was alone. He was dressed in much more frugal and modest attire. Just that, he really looked like an ordinary young man. Just a little... No, he's just very handsome. To be precise, he was wearing a boring shirt with no decorations and an old cloak...
    Even though he was dressed like that, he had an aristocratic feeling he could.

    “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Prince Glenn smiled lightly, wondering if I had died as he stood with his mouth wide open. I quickly shut my mouth and shook my head.

    "I never dreamed of seeing you here."

    "Haha, me too. But where was Daisy going?"

    “I came out because I had some business to do, but now I was on my way in.”

    Then Prince Glenn's face turned pale in an instant. "Already? Do you have any other appointments?"

    “It’s not like that……”

    Before she could finish answering, his droopy eyes lit up again. “Then it isn't a coincidence that we met like this, let’s have lunch together.”

    “What?” I hurriedly asked. “Are you saying that we should go to the Imperial Palace?”

    Then he burst out laughing as if he couldn't stand it. "Daisy! What are you talking about? I’ve escaped, and you want me to go back right away?"

    "It's an escape.?”

    I suddenly became nervous and swallowed dry saliva. I realized both of these brothers were specialized in running away.

    "Do not worry. Even if you get caught, I’ll tell them that Daisy met by chance.”

    "We met by chance!" Unbeknownst to me, a loud voice came out of me. He laughed, saying it was a joke, but she didn't know if it was really a joke.

    “Oh, I’m so hungry. Let's hurry."

    Glenn urged me. As I hesitated, he said with a sullen face, as if striking a wedge. "I... Eat lunch? With me. Huh?"

    As I looked at him, I felt like I was committing a crime. Eventually I gave in and followed him.

    It was difficult to ask for the royal family's refusal, but there was no place around here where he could freely eat alone. Can we find food that suits the taste of royalty, not just aristocrats...? Does such a thing exist?

    I felt uncomfortable at the time, even as I quickly rolled my head. Then Prince Glenn stretched out his chest and said triumphantly.

    “I know a really good place, let's go there. You will like it too.”
    Contrary to my belief, he seemed to know the geography of his surroundings very well. His skill in finding shortcuts was comparable to mine, who had worked in this area for a long time. The doubts in my mind grew bigger and bigger.

    How often did he escape from the Imperial Palace? A person who only lived in the Imperial Palace shouldn’t be this natural…

    At that moment, Prince Glenn looked back at me and smiled brightly.
    “Come on, here it is. Have you been Daisy?"
    He pointed to the signboard in the distance that somehow it felt familiar...

    It was Shanu’s restaurant!

    I quickly turned to the other side like a guilty person. And I ran as fast as I could. It was a big deal if I met someone I knew while wandering around this area. In particular, it is only a matter of time before the employees who work at Shanu see me.

    I hurriedly walked away from the store, and Prince Glenn hurriedly followed me.

    "What's the matter?"

    "There's no better place than over there! I'll get you there!"
    If I ever let him know that I was a commoner working at a Shanu restaurant, that would be the end.

    I didn't know if I would be condemned by the imperial family, and if I was, sparks would ignite even with Dean, who created my identity.

    "Better place? Daisy?"

    “Yes, yes.”

    “Do you usually go out here often? Actually, I thought this street was a place where noble girls wouldn't come often. There are not many high-end tea salons…”

    While walking quickly with me, I quickly shouted at him, who looked puzzled the whole time. “My hobby is exploring restaurants!”

    The place she went to was an ordinary, small bistro that was everywhere.
    A restaurant that sells snacks that you can simply enjoy with wine even in broad daylight, and wrap up sandwiches for busy people.

    It was a small place, but it had a reputation for taste. And above all, it was on the street opposite the Shanu restaurant.

    Glenn looked around her, his green eyes gleaming. He looked very excited as she kept moving her body with a face full of anticipation.
    And indeed ...... she was natural. There was no sense of incongruity compared to the atmosphere of the restaurant as well as to the guests around her. Should I say that there was no uprightness characteristic of a high-status person?

    In fact, only the shell is the royal family, and the kernel is not commoners. I wondered if he was a reincarnated person like me, I even looked at him with blasphemous thoughts.

    But Glenn, who had no way of knowing what was inside, said in an excited voice. “I never thought Daisy would like a place like this. Do you like to visit restaurants? It's a restaurant. Are you referring to a place where the food is delicious?"

    “Ah, ha ha… yes. that's right. It’s a secret hobby I keep secretly.”

    “It’s just like me! I like it too!" Prince Glenn smiled really happily. "Actually, taste is important not only to food, but also to feeling the atmosphere! But, the atmosphere in our house is always the same. It doesn't feel like this. That's why Daisy came out too, right?"

    As if he had finally met his comrade, he excitedly shook his shoulder. I was just rambling around to avoid a momentary crisis, but I regretted that I had said something useless.

    "Shall we try it right away? Daisy recommends it, so I'm really looking forward to it." Glenn opened the menu board.

    Looking at the recommended dishes on the back page first, instead of looking at appetizers like salads and soups like other nobles, it seems like he’d been to restaurants quite often.

    "Today's recommended menu includes beef dishes. How about this?"

    At that, I asked cautiously. “Do you want to eat beef?”

    "Ah, it's not like that, but it's the chef's recommendation for today's menu."

    Indeed, no matter how well he assimilated with his surroundings, he was still a beginner. I caught this fish fluttering with the most common technique. I carefully shook my head towards the prince.

    “If that’s the case, I don’t think ordering that dish is a very good idea.”


    “Not always, but often they recommended it because they have to get rid of the remaining inventory quickly.”


    “Yes, in this case, the freshness may be rather poor.”

    He blinked his eyes for a moment as if surprised by my words. "How does Daisy know all this?"
    She got to know naturally because he had worked. Of course she couldn't say that. I smiled quietly and quickly changed the topic.

    “This is actually a good place to cook pork. It's not greasy and it's very soft. Would you like to taste it?"

    "Is there any reason to refuse?" he laughed out loud. It was a clean and pleasant laugh whenever I heard it.

    The food was served in cheap cheap tableware. Compared to the luxurious silverware of the imperial palace, it was clear that it would look so poor that it could be called a lump of earth. But Prince Glenn doesn't seem to care at all. As soon as the food came out, my eyes lit up and I ate it deliciously. Don't forget to praise it and say it's delicious. Seeing him emptying the plates one by one made me feel good and shrugged.

    And I ordered a bottle of 'Cider' for him. The wine made from apples grown by the owner himself was a specialty known only to regulars. The fragrant flavor was excellent, so it went well with pork dishes. Prince Glenn, who tasted the drink, was almost moved to tears. We had a lot of conversations with the food we had ordered to burst out of the table.

    The conversation with him continued like a flowing stream without interruption, to the point of not even realizing that time had passed. Of course, it was only possible because he naturally kept asking questions, but I also learned a lot about him through this time. Including that his most cherished hobby is to escape the imperial palace and secretly explore the city.

    “Then you use the stage name ‘Ren’ every time you come out?”

    "Yeah. Is that ok? Is it plausible?"

    He looked around quietly and whispered to me in a secret voice.

    It was a clever idea, I smiled and nodded. He, too, laughed at my reaction.
    The conversation continued like that for a while longer, and Prince Glenn and I nodded our heads seriously and burst out laughing countless times.
    Then at some point, he suddenly looked at my face for a long time without saying a word.

    When the person who seemed happy for a while suddenly changed color, I felt a little strange. Then he opened his mouth.


    "I have a question. It's very private, can I ask?"

    “Yes, yes.”

    “……Are you, Duke Henston, closely related?”

    At the sudden question, Cidre, which was taken by sips, got caught in her throat. Sour alcohol was several times more painful than sardine water. As she continued to croak and cry, Prince Glenn hurriedly handed me a napkin and water.

    You’ve always shown your faces together at meetings. I didn’t find out until yesterday that you were living in the same place."

    Having barely calmed down, I was a little perplexed. As I pondered what to answer, I opened my mouth.

    “No, so I…”

    Serious eyes hovered over my face.

    "I'm in charge of the Duke's overall education... It's more effective to teach them the general etiquette of living together."

    I recite the words of the young girls I met at the meeting. I believe this would have been an appropriate answer,

    "Ah, so it's just a business relationship?"

    “Well I…”

    This was a much more difficult question to answer than the previous questions. I was on a date a while ago, but whenever I see Dean, my heart races and my face turns red. But anyway, it's not like that at all...

    No answer could be given to Prince Glenn. Anyway, I'm not the only one talking about it, so it could be an excuse for Dean. After I moaned for a while, he smiled kindly and filled my glass.

    "I'm sorry. I must have asked a difficult question, right?"

    But I looked at him blankly, not even thinking of lifting the refilled cup. My head was full of other thoughts and I was confused.



    I had arrived at the mansion just when the sun was setting. The chestnut came running towards me.

    “Why are you so late, huh? Did you fix my headband? Did you make it the same again? Huh?"

    I smiled and stroked Pierta's head.

    "Yep, they are repairing it. Do not worry."

    "Oh, I'm glad!" As if relieved just then, the chestnuts let out a sigh with a small mouth.

    “Oh, Daisy! Come here. I have something to show Daisy!"

    As the worries in her heart disappeared, she seemed to have gained strength. The hand holding was quite energetic.

    The child headed towards Dean's study. When I opened the door Hadi and Dean were moaning with their heads in between with their hands. Hadi, who had the pretense of being first, quickly looked at me and greeted me. "Oh, are you here? You're late."

    “Ah, the time has come. Did something happen downtown?" Dean also asked me with a welcome glance at me. Instead of answering, I quickly moved closer to the two of them. Curiosity took precedence over answers.

    “Wow, what is this?”

    A nice model mansion was placed on a large plate. The brown walls that look appetizing, the white roof covered in sugar, and the tangy, smooth-looking grass.

    It was a house made entirely of sweets.

    “This was made by Me and Daddy and Hadi while Daisy was away!”

    “Wow, that’s cool!” I also responded quickly to the proud chestnuts. Then, Hadi and Dean laughed as if they were shocked.

    "Lady, did you move in the order of the person who contributed the most?"

    "Yeah. Even if you can't put a roof on it, you're really good at putting a name on it."

    But the chestnuts didn't care and stomped her feet. “Now just stick this chocolate door and you’re done! Dad, put it on quickly!" Then she held the square cookie to Dean. It was the only piece covered in delicious chocolate.

    Now, as if liberated, Hadi stretched out his back with the sound of a grunt. "She wouldn’t stop crying because she believed you were home late, because you wouldn’t be able to fix the broken headband."

    “Ah." Regret filled my heart. Looking back, chestnut's eyes were more swollen than usual. The house made of these cookies seems to have been a means to appease Pierta.

    “I’m sorry, Piera. Actually, I was late because I met someone.”

    "Yeah? Daisy busy today too?" Chestnut naturally nodded her head as if she understood. I smiled softly at that adult pretending.

    Then a low voice came from behind. “...... meet you? Who?"

    “Ah, I met Prince Glenn by chance in town.”

    Daisy took off the shawl she wore for going out on her shoulders and began to fold it.


    She turned to the sound of something breaking

    The source of the sound was Dean's hand.

    For some reason, the chocolate door that had been fine until a while ago was split in two. Silence passed.

    The chestnut's face turned red in an instant.

    “My door...”

    Not only that, but the corners of her mouth began to wrinkled.

    “Daddy……that was my door….. just stick it on and you’re done……”

    This is a very dangerous sign.


    Eventually, a loud cry erupted from the chestnut's mouth. “My door! My house... is all ruined! Waaaaaaa!" The child sat down on the floor and began to cry bitterly, stomping her feet. It was as if all the days sadness exploded all at once. Hadi hurriedly tried to soothe the chestnuts, but to no avail.

    But Dean simply stared at the broken door, as hard as a stone.
    His expression looked a bit like the chestnut who was scattering tears.

    Episode 47. Steps that don't fall
    A suffocating silence passed.

    To cool down the hot tea Hadi brought, Duke Hennstone remained silent throughout. In that heavy atmosphere, Hadi waited patiently with his eyes slightly lowered.

    As he expected, Dean remained silent and quietly devoted to work after dinner, without saying a word. No, to be more precise, it started after the cookie door was broken in two. The door was covered with melted chocolate and attached, but Dean's inner feelings must still be broken.

    Hadi secretly bit his lips while managing his facial expression. Although we had been together for a long time, he never imagined that he would see the Duke Dean Henston suffer from the fever of unrequited love like this.

    Hadi felt sorry for him because he couldn't speak openly to anyone. He also wanted to help.

    "Daisy had said the prince didn't come out for official duties. His hobby is to sneak out of the imperial palace and look around the streets. ...to be honest, it sounds fun.”

    "What?" Pretending not to listen, Dean raised his head with a frown on his face. Then, when his eyes met Hadi, he slowly turned his gaze and corrected it. "... so strange”

    Where else can you see the Duke like this! Hadi looked at the nape of his neck, which was slowly turning red, clenched his teeth and tightened his chin.

    "I didn’t think it would be possible for someone in the Imperial family. Isn’t it amazing?"

    “Yeah, that’s great. Especially the idea of walking around the city casually pretending to be a commoner." Dean seemed to have found his composure. However, his hand gestures to sign the papers seemed rougher and faster than before.

    'You can't fool my eyes even if no one else knows.' Hadi held back a smile and naturally opened his mouth again.

    'It meant that it was great that he was so easy-going even though he was from an imperial family. In fact, being famous for wanting to be treated without formality.”

    He paused for a moment and sighed lightly as if to listen. And he deliberately looked towards Dean.

    “Daisy must have admired that kindness. How comfortable and friendly Glenn must be towards her. It would have been much more comfortable than always standing there expressionless without a word."

    Dean's hand trembled. It was a sign that he was shocked. But it wasn't even that hard yet. Hadi still had one more powerful shot left.

    “"It seemed like they had a lot of conversations together. She said they laughed so much that her stomach hurt, but it's the first time I've seen Daisy looking so happy."

    Of course, they were exaggerations. Daisy had just told Hadi that they had a lot of conversations and was surprised to be able to talk more comfortably to him than she thought. Hadi looked at Dean, or to be more precise, the luxurious feather pen in his hand.

    He hoped it wouldn't break this time, right?

    Of course the pen was safe. Hadi glanced at Dean once more and added.
    “Actually, it makes the other person feel much more comfortable when you show your inner feelings. Oh, of course, you think it's more comfortable not to show the inside. It's fun to guess the idea from the expressionless face. So my job satisfaction is high, but….Not everyone thinks like me. Unfortunately." After finishing his words, there was a mischievous smile on Hadi's lips.

    Dean stiffened and didn't even budge.

    “Anyway, Prince Glenn is very attractive even to a man. I mean he’s in his prime right now, I understand why Daisy likes him.."


    Dean's words cut Hadi off like ice. For a moment, Hadi's shoulders twitched.


    In fact, Hadi had come to see Dean with a purpose. To push back, and to tease as an old friend in the meantime. But when he was in love like this, Hadi was very nervous no matter how hard he was being.

    “Am I that blunt?”, Dean said in a heavy voice. He sat and rubbed his chin once more. Hadi saw it and called for joy in his heart.

    Finally, the fish bit the bait.

    “When being blunt, it’s hard to understand what’s inside. That's the problem."

    “Is it that difficult to understand what’s inside?”

    "Yes. If it's good, it's good, if it's happy, it's happy. If it's lovely, it's lovely. If you don't like it, don't! You have to express it like this, otherwise the other person won’t know.” Hadi, who was voicing his enthusiasm as he seized the opportunity, stopped for a moment, then he added softly. "Aren't there a lot of aristocrats who freeze up when they stand in front of the Duke?"

    There will never be anything to feel lovely about other nobles, but first of all, Hadi had to deal with what he was so desperately trying to get across.

    'Calm down. Calm down.'

    Dean was silent for a moment, as if choosing his words, and asked with a slightly hardened face.

    “...do I really have to put it into words?"

    The promise to stay calm disappeared in an instant. Hadi finally made his face glow in frustration. 'You're good at everything else, but why can't you just love like that?'



    “How do I feel right now?”

    "Well. You look a little frustrated."

    “I'm not just frustrated! I feel like my chest is tight and my throat is stuffed! I want to run to the wine cellar right now and sip a bottle of bubbly champagne! I want to throw the bottle out the window as hard as I can! You wouldn’t know that if I hadn’t told you!"

    Dean's eyebrows twitched in response to a rather violent reaction. It was clear what he was thinking.

    Hadi eventually closed his eyes and called out his name.


    It was possible because they were like friends.


    “As someone who has been with me for a long time and as an old friend, I must tell you today.” Hadi's expression darkened. "...What if Daisy falls in love with Prince Glenn?"


    Dean's pupils shook violently.
    "Prince Glenn has a cheerful and unpretentious personality. That's his strength. It's something that you don't have. Besides, he's very good at expressing what he likes…” Hadi mumbled and glanced at Dean's face.

    Dean became more and more agitated. As usual, it was all revealed on his face. The strongly crumpled forehead, raised eyebrows, a bright red face, and even tendons stood out near the temple.

    'Okay, that should be enough to make sure the embers have lit.' Hadi sighed in relief as he struggled to press down the corners of his lips that were about to go up. He gently pushed the teacup in front of Dean once more. It had already cooled off, but it will be more helpful in extinguishing the fire of the active mind.

    To make matters even worse. Later that night, a red-marked letter arrived to the Duke of Henstone. It meant a very urgent message. Upon confirming that there was a problem with the castle, which was being repaired, Dean buried himself deeply in the chair.

    He rubbed his face and let out a deep, deep sigh.
    While resenting the reality of not being so lucky. He called Hadi back again and even had an emergency meeting, and it was concluded that he had to go to Bernice himself.

    As long as he personally promised to invite the 1st Prince, he could not stop the construction work indefinitely. Dean, who had been unable to sleep all night, ended up getting ready to go out for a long time without being able to sleep.

    Still early in the morning, Pierta came up to Dean and hugged him, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
    On days when he left for a long time, she would always wake up like this at dawn and say hello.

    “Goodbye… I kiss my dad…”
    As he picked up the child, her moist, plump lips touched and fell on his cheek as if they were waiting.

    "Should I be well while Daddy's gone?"

    “Don’t be too childish for Hadi and Daisy.”

    “Yeah.” He smiled and patted Pierta on the back a few times before handing over the still-sleeping child to Daisy's arms.
    Hadi, who was standing next to her then, came up to her and embraced Pierta in her place.

    Dean stood for a moment and looked at him. "Hadi" Then, soon after, he spoke in a heavy voice. "I'm counting on you."

    "Of course. You don't have to worry about anything here." It was an ordinary greeting with a close friend, but the expression on his face was very determined.

    “Then please be careful, Duke.”

    Hadi held Pierta and bowed back to greet him. And instead of following Dean as usual, He took a step back. The employees who greeted each other stood for a moment and fell into silence. This is because they used to follow the duke as Hadi usually did. Hadi quickly closed the door before their judgment was over. In the end, there was only one who followed him.

    "Have a safe trip."

    The morning air was chilly. Daisy pulled her shawl tight, looking at the saddleless coachman in front of her. She thought about something for a moment, then opened her mouth carefully.

    "It's a very distant future for Pierta to get entangled with the second prince, but you aren't relieved at all? I'll try to figure out a way until the two princes are officially invited."

    Daisy couldn't help but feel sorry for Dean having to leave at such an early hour. It was because she knew he had only invited the two princes to change the future with the second prince. She wanted to add a little bit of her hand to struggling Dean. But he looked at her softly and shook her head.

    “Actually, it doesn’t matter if they meet.”


    “If the original work is changed, wouldn’t it be more welcome?"

    Daisy was silent in thought. That's... true. Actually, the problem is that after seeing Pierta dancing in the Debutante, Edward fell in love at first sight.
    On the contrary, if you twist the original by meeting the male lead in advance, you may get different results. After pondering for a moment, she suddenly shook her head and interrupted her thoughts.

    She seemed to be trying to hold onto the man that had to leave for a while.

    But instead of leaving her right away, Dean was staring at her. Did he have anything to say? Daisy looked at his face with her puzzled eyes.

    Then, his mouth suddenly opened. “Shall we go together?”

    "What?" Daisy, unable to understand his words, blinked her eyes. "Where...?"

    “To Bernice.”

    "What?" She was so startled that her voice turned slightly. “Right now?”

    Dean didn't answer. No way. It can't be. All of a sudden?

    "Ha. But..." Daisy couldn't hide her embarrassment. It was so sudden that I thought it must have been a joke. But his face is too serious to be a joke.

    'But yesterday he said he had to go to Bernice, so I was asked to take care of Pierta…’

    She paused for a moment, unable to find anything to say back.
    Her confusion was clearly visible to Dean's eyes. He finally sighed and shook his head slightly.

    "... If I went now, it would only be painful."

    It was good to recall Hadi's advice to express his inner feelings, but his face burned hot as it seemed to have been implemented in a very unexpected situation.

    “The water supply and heating are not working properly, so I will have to stay at a dormitory in a nearby village until the construction is finished.”

    Daisy's eyebrows, which had been slightly wrinkled from worrying about the outrageous words, opened up just then.

    “You must be in trouble.” Her pretty eyes filled with worry looked carefully at his face.

    Dean sighed again inwardly.

    In fact, it's not like they've been away that long. In addition, such long-term outings have been occasional. Going out for this long wasn't a big deal.
    Even though he knew all of that… he didn’t dare to step down. Her cheeks reddened by the morning sun were lovely. It was hard to take his eyes off her wet, rosy lips. He didn’t want to go. Damn it, but he couldn’t say it out loud

    “Dean?" Daisy tilted her head as he only stared and didn't say anything.

    Dean couldn't take it any longer. He strode up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

    "Oh."Her body was pulled into his.

    His hot lips touched her soft cheek. Daisy's eyes widened in surprise.

    In fact, it was extremely impulsive. She knew the coachman was behind her, but it didn't seem to matter.

    Yet he was still thirsty. His gaze shifted to her slightly trembling lips. He whispered in her ear, still holding her in his arms.

    “I’ll be back soon.”

    A large beating pounded inside her body.

    “...I’ll miss you." It was a soft and gentle voice.
    She nodded her head, unable to lift her blushing face.

    He then released the arm that was holding her, suppressing his regretful heart. Suddenly, a chill hit me.

    Even when he took a step back, Daisy didn't raise her head. But her face, which was dyed red, and her wiggling fingertips reassured him, at least a little.

    Thanks to her, he was able to forcibly move steps that he did not wish to take.

    Daisy couldn't move from the spot she stood, not until the wagon departed and eventually went out of sight.

    Even though he was sitting in the carriage, he didn't move. The touch of the soft light on her lips and her red ears continued to hover before his eyes.

    Hadi's advice seemed quite helpful.

    A bright smile hung on the corner of his lips.

    Episode 47. Steps that don't fall
    A suffocating silence passed.

    To cool down the hot tea Hadi brought, Duke Hennstone remained silent throughout. In that heavy atmosphere, Hadi waited patiently with his eyes slightly lowered.

    As he expected, Dean remained silent and quietly devoted to work after dinner, without saying a word. No, to be more precise, it started after the cookie door was broken in two. The door was covered with melted chocolate and attached, but Dean's inner feelings must still be broken.

    Hadi secretly bit his lips while managing his facial expression. Although we had been together for a long time, he never imagined that he would see the Duke Dean Henston suffer from the fever of unrequited love like this.

    Hadi felt sorry for him because he couldn't speak openly to anyone. He also wanted to help.

    "Daisy had said the prince didn't come out for official duties. His hobby is to sneak out of the imperial palace and look around the streets. ...to be honest, it sounds fun.”

    "What?" Pretending not to listen, Dean raised his head with a frown on his face. Then, when his eyes met Hadi, he slowly turned his gaze and corrected it. "... so strange”

    Where else can you see the Duke like this! Hadi looked at the nape of his neck, which was slowly turning red, clenched his teeth and tightened his chin.

    "I didn’t think it would be possible for someone in the Imperial family. Isn’t it amazing?"

    “Yeah, that’s great. Especially the idea of walking around the city casually pretending to be a commoner." Dean seemed to have found his composure. However, his hand gestures to sign the papers seemed rougher and faster than before.

    'You can't fool my eyes even if no one else knows.' Hadi held back a smile and naturally opened his mouth again.

    'It meant that it was great that he was so easy-going even though he was from an imperial family. In fact, being famous for wanting to be treated without formality.”

    He paused for a moment and sighed lightly as if to listen. And he deliberately looked towards Dean.

    “Daisy must have admired that kindness. How comfortable and friendly Glenn must be towards her. It would have been much more comfortable than always standing there expressionless without a word."

    Dean's hand trembled. It was a sign that he was shocked. But it wasn't even that hard yet. Hadi still had one more powerful shot left.

    “"It seemed like they had a lot of conversations together. She said they laughed so much that her stomach hurt, but it's the first time I've seen Daisy looking so happy."

    Of course, they were exaggerations. Daisy had just told Hadi that they had a lot of conversations and was surprised to be able to talk more comfortably to him than she thought. Hadi looked at Dean, or to be more precise, the luxurious feather pen in his hand.

    He hoped it wouldn't break this time, right?

    Of course the pen was safe. Hadi glanced at Dean once more and added.
    “Actually, it makes the other person feel much more comfortable when you show your inner feelings. Oh, of course, you think it's more comfortable not to show the inside. It's fun to guess the idea from the expressionless face. So my job satisfaction is high, but….Not everyone thinks like me. Unfortunately." After finishing his words, there was a mischievous smile on Hadi's lips.

    Dean stiffened and didn't even budge.

    “Anyway, Prince Glenn is very attractive even to a man. I mean he’s in his prime right now, I understand why Daisy likes him.."


    Dean's words cut Hadi off like ice. For a moment, Hadi's shoulders twitched.


    In fact, Hadi had come to see Dean with a purpose. To push back, and to tease as an old friend in the meantime. But when he was in love like this, Hadi was very nervous no matter how hard he was being.

    “Am I that blunt?”, Dean said in a heavy voice. He sat and rubbed his chin once more. Hadi saw it and called for joy in his heart.

    Finally, the fish bit the bait.

    “When being blunt, it’s hard to understand what’s inside. That's the problem."

    “Is it that difficult to understand what’s inside?”

    "Yes. If it's good, it's good, if it's happy, it's happy. If it's lovely, it's lovely. If you don't like it, don't! You have to express it like this, otherwise the other person won’t know.” Hadi, who was voicing his enthusiasm as he seized the opportunity, stopped for a moment, then he added softly. "Aren't there a lot of aristocrats who freeze up when they stand in front of the Duke?"

    There will never be anything to feel lovely about other nobles, but first of all, Hadi had to deal with what he was so desperately trying to get across.

    'Calm down. Calm down.'

    Dean was silent for a moment, as if choosing his words, and asked with a slightly hardened face.

    “...do I really have to put it into words?"

    The promise to stay calm disappeared in an instant. Hadi finally made his face glow in frustration. 'You're good at everything else, but why can't you just love like that?'



    “How do I feel right now?”

    "Well. You look a little frustrated."

    “I'm not just frustrated! I feel like my chest is tight and my throat is stuffed! I want to run to the wine cellar right now and sip a bottle of bubbly champagne! I want to throw the bottle out the window as hard as I can! You wouldn’t know that if I hadn’t told you!"

    Dean's eyebrows twitched in response to a rather violent reaction. It was clear what he was thinking.

    Hadi eventually closed his eyes and called out his name.


    It was possible because they were like friends.


    “As someone who has been with me for a long time and as an old friend, I must tell you today.” Hadi's expression darkened. "...What if Daisy falls in love with Prince Glenn?"


    Dean's pupils shook violently.
    "Prince Glenn has a cheerful and unpretentious personality. That's his strength. It's something that you don't have. Besides, he's very good at expressing what he likes…” Hadi mumbled and glanced at Dean's face.

    Dean became more and more agitated. As usual, it was all revealed on his face. The strongly crumpled forehead, raised eyebrows, a bright red face, and even tendons stood out near the temple.

    'Okay, that should be enough to make sure the embers have lit.' Hadi sighed in relief as he struggled to press down the corners of his lips that were about to go up. He gently pushed the teacup in front of Dean once more. It had already cooled off, but it will be more helpful in extinguishing the fire of the active mind.

    To make matters even worse. Later that night, a red-marked letter arrived to the Duke of Henstone. It meant a very urgent message. Upon confirming that there was a problem with the castle, which was being repaired, Dean buried himself deeply in the chair.

    He rubbed his face and let out a deep, deep sigh.
    While resenting the reality of not being so lucky. He called Hadi back again and even had an emergency meeting, and it was concluded that he had to go to Bernice himself.

    As long as he personally promised to invite the 1st Prince, he could not stop the construction work indefinitely. Dean, who had been unable to sleep all night, ended up getting ready to go out for a long time without being able to sleep.

    Still early in the morning, Pierta came up to Dean and hugged him, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
    On days when he left for a long time, she would always wake up like this at dawn and say hello.

    “Goodbye… I kiss my dad…”
    As he picked up the child, her moist, plump lips touched and fell on his cheek as if they were waiting.

    "Should I be well while Daddy's gone?"

    “Don’t be too childish for Hadi and Daisy.”

    “Yeah.” He smiled and patted Pierta on the back a few times before handing over the still-sleeping child to Daisy's arms.
    Hadi, who was standing next to her then, came up to her and embraced Pierta in her place.

    Dean stood for a moment and looked at him. "Hadi" Then, soon after, he spoke in a heavy voice. "I'm counting on you."

    "Of course. You don't have to worry about anything here." It was an ordinary greeting with a close friend, but the expression on his face was very determined.

    “Then please be careful, Duke.”

    Hadi held Pierta and bowed back to greet him. And instead of following Dean as usual, He took a step back. The employees who greeted each other stood for a moment and fell into silence. This is because they used to follow the duke as Hadi usually did. Hadi quickly closed the door before their judgment was over. In the end, there was only one who followed him.

    "Have a safe trip."

    The morning air was chilly. Daisy pulled her shawl tight, looking at the saddleless coachman in front of her. She thought about something for a moment, then opened her mouth carefully.

    "It's a very distant future for Pierta to get entangled with the second prince, but you aren't relieved at all? I'll try to figure out a way until the two princes are officially invited."

    Daisy couldn't help but feel sorry for Dean having to leave at such an early hour. It was because she knew he had only invited the two princes to change the future with the second prince. She wanted to add a little bit of her hand to struggling Dean. But he looked at her softly and shook her head.

    “Actually, it doesn’t matter if they meet.”


    “If the original work is changed, wouldn’t it be more welcome?"

    Daisy was silent in thought. That's... true. Actually, the problem is that after seeing Pierta dancing in the Debutante, Edward fell in love at first sight.
    On the contrary, if you twist the original by meeting the male lead in advance, you may get different results. After pondering for a moment, she suddenly shook her head and interrupted her thoughts.

    She seemed to be trying to hold onto the man that had to leave for a while.

    But instead of leaving her right away, Dean was staring at her. Did he have anything to say? Daisy looked at his face with her puzzled eyes.

    Then, his mouth suddenly opened. “Shall we go together?”

    "What?" Daisy, unable to understand his words, blinked her eyes. "Where...?"

    “To Bernice.”

    "What?" She was so startled that her voice turned slightly. “Right now?”

    Dean didn't answer. No way. It can't be. All of a sudden?

    "Ha. But..." Daisy couldn't hide her embarrassment. It was so sudden that I thought it must have been a joke. But his face is too serious to be a joke.

    'But yesterday he said he had to go to Bernice, so I was asked to take care of Pierta…’

    She paused for a moment, unable to find anything to say back.
    Her confusion was clearly visible to Dean's eyes. He finally sighed and shook his head slightly.

    "... If I went now, it would only be painful."

    It was good to recall Hadi's advice to express his inner feelings, but his face burned hot as it seemed to have been implemented in a very unexpected situation.

    “The water supply and heating are not working properly, so I will have to stay at a dormitory in a nearby village until the construction is finished.”

    Daisy's eyebrows, which had been slightly wrinkled from worrying about the outrageous words, opened up just then.

    “You must be in trouble.” Her pretty eyes filled with worry looked carefully at his face.

    Dean sighed again inwardly.

    In fact, it's not like they've been away that long. In addition, such long-term outings have been occasional. Going out for this long wasn't a big deal.
    Even though he knew all of that… he didn’t dare to step down. Her cheeks reddened by the morning sun were lovely. It was hard to take his eyes off her wet, rosy lips. He didn’t want to go. Damn it, but he couldn’t say it out loud

    “Dean?" Daisy tilted her head as he only stared and didn't say anything.

    Dean couldn't take it any longer. He strode up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

    "Oh."Her body was pulled into his.

    His hot lips touched her soft cheek. Daisy's eyes widened in surprise.

    In fact, it was extremely impulsive. She knew the coachman was behind her, but it didn't seem to matter.

    Yet he was still thirsty. His gaze shifted to her slightly trembling lips. He whispered in her ear, still holding her in his arms.

    “I’ll be back soon.”

    A large beating pounded inside her body.

    “...I’ll miss you." It was a soft and gentle voice.
    She nodded her head, unable to lift her blushing face.

    He then released the arm that was holding her, suppressing his regretful heart. Suddenly, a chill hit me.

    Even when he took a step back, Daisy didn't raise her head. But her face, which was dyed red, and her wiggling fingertips reassured him, at least a little.

    Thanks to her, he was able to forcibly move steps that he did not wish to take.

    Daisy couldn't move from the spot she stood, not until the wagon departed and eventually went out of sight.

    Even though he was sitting in the carriage, he didn't move. The touch of the soft light on her lips and her red ears continued to hover before his eyes.

    Hadi's advice seemed quite helpful.

    A bright smile hung on the corner of his lips.

    Episode 48. Really... are you okay?

    "Daisy, Daisy?"

    “Daisy hey!”

    I felt a small hand grab my arm and shake wildly. I woke up abruptly at that moment, and quickly blinked my eyes. I saw the face of a chestnut staring at me with a worried face.

    "Daisy, why are you doing this?"

    “Uh, huh? What am I...?"

    "Why is your face red?"

    "Oh yeah?" I quickly checked myself in the mirror hanging on the wall.

    As the chestnuts said, my face turned into a sweet potato.

    “Daisy, are you okay? After a while, I have a runny nose and sneeze. It's a big deal if you're sick...!" |

    Pierta, who climbed up on the chair, whimpered, and placed a tiny hand on my forehead.

    "uh? Oh no.”

    I hurriedly tried to erase a thought that had been filling my head a little while ago. But when I consciously tried to erase it, the memory only became more vivid.
    It was hot all the way to the nape of my neck. She knew how she must look without needing a mirror.

    “Hadi, Hadi!”

    In the end, her worry reached its peak, and chestnut released her neck and called out to Hadi.

    "Hadi, come quickly! Daisy is weird!"

    “No, Pierta! It’s not like that!”

    Hadi, who was nearby in our hustle and bustle, ran over to us.

    “Hadi, look where Daisy is sick.”

    Hadi's gaze was also fixed on me as Pierta moved up to her feet. And he asked anxiously. "Well.....? Are you unwell?"

    "No. I'm not sick!"

    “But her face is very red . . . do you think she really has a fever?”

    I had to take a long break to stop the two of them trembling about leaving a healthy person and calling a doctor. The quarrel was over only after the condition was attached that she would speak immediately if her condition deteriorated even a little. After I was finally released, I sighed and walked endlessly down the hallway.

    It was a very cold windy day. But I wanted to go out and cool off a bit.
    It's not painful, but it's true that I keep getting hot. I went down to the first floor and bravely opened the door. But the moment I saw the stairs leading to the garden, that voice echoed in my ears again.

    'I'll come soon.'

    Besides, I can't help but remember how close I was to standing right here and saying hello to him.

    No, why is it so hot today?
    She took off the shawl that had been wrapped around her shoulders and draped it over her arms. At the same time, a strong wind blew from the front.

    "Ahh, I think I'll live a little now." I said to myself and rolled up my sleeves.

    At that time, a maid, who was ready to go out on an errand, came out.
    As soon as she came out, she wrapped her arms around herself with her slightly startled face.

    “Oh my gosh, why is the wind so windy today……”

    Then, tying her collar, she approached Daisy and spoke softly. "The temperature has suddenly dropped, and it's really chilly. I'll have to go get some more to wear over it."

    Then she looked at my rolled up blouse sleeves and said in amazement. "Oh, Daisy, isn't it cold? Rolling up your sleeves in this kind of weather......"

    "No, it's just fine, isn't it?"

    “Oh, yes... If it's cold, can I borrow this shawl? It’s cumbersome to go back inside and bring it back.”

    A shawl wrapped around the maids shoulders. She look at Daisy with relieved eyes. And after giving her a light greeting, she stretched out her relaxed hands and moved on to her steps.

    “Don’t catch a cold…!” A worried voice came from behind. I smiled and waved one hand.

    "I won't!!" As she fanned her face with her other hand. After taking a walk in the wind with her whole body, her heart was refreshed. Although her hair was sporadic.


    As soon as I entered the mansion, the sounds of chestnut’s little pitter patters echoed towards me.

    We had tea time in the study room on the first floor. Just like Dean has always done around this time. Daisy worried that Pierta would feel lonely if she suddenly skipped the routine. Bamsoni started drinking more of her milk than before, probably because she wanted to be a little taller.
    She grabbed her cup and looked at the chestnut swallowing her milk, then gently stroked her hair.

    The child laughed out loud, “Daisy, you’re just like dad.”


    “Yeah, but what is Dad doing now?”

    Oh no At least it calmed her heart. I just smiled awkwardly without answering. I wanted to turn around, but Pierta was one step faster.
    “Dad said he would send me a letter when he arrives,” she said.”Did Daisy get it?”

    "No, not yet. It should be on it’s way soon.”

    As the topic of discussion about Dean gathered, my heart raced again without restraint.

    Chestnut continued to talk, "That's right. Hey, Dad always writes letters to me wherever he goes! He's sent over thirty so far!" She couldn't even stop the child who spoke proudly with her fingers spread out. I nodded awkwardly, and said yes, that's good, and replied back. At that moment, with a knock, Hadi entered the study with hasty steps. His face was somehow reddened. Just like me before.

    "A letter has arrived for Daisy."


    In an instant, her heart plummeted.

    No, there's no way you've already arrived… However, as they were talking about the letter, she started to feel a bit of anticipation.

    It was even more so because of Pierta, who was clapping hands to help, “Wow, is it Dad?”

    But the sender was Prince Glenn, not Dean.
    For a moment, I let out a low-pitched exclamation, "Ah....”


    "No. Pierta.”

    “Ah, no.”

    Chestnuts pouted her lips in disappointment. Hadi looked at us for a moment, then asked, with her eyes shining.

    “What the hell does the Prince want?”

    Ah. right. I swallowed my embarrassment and quickly opened her envelope.
    You didn't even think to check the contents. It's a great disrespect for the person who sent the letter. As I eagerly read the letter, I looked up at Hadi in shock.

    “What?” He asked, a little nervous.

    “Uh, that’s… the prince wants to visit…”

    "What? Where... Is it this mansion?"

    Hadi's eyes widened as if they were about to pop out. Watching him jump, I nodded my head without saying a word.

    Although it was written, [If I don't have to go to town again, can I go see Daisy myself?] To be exact....

    I quickly asked Hadi to write a response. It was because I thought he would be more proficient than me in welcoming guests.

    “It sounds like they are going to pass by here on business. Tomorrow too...”
    It was Hadi, who always had a smile on his face, but his lips were distorted as if in trouble.

    He even mumbled to himself and pressed his forehead tight.
    “Why should it be like this... But you can’t tell the prince not to come, haha, this is true. The timing is really…”

    It seemed that it was not common for the royal family to visit. It was the first time I had seen Hadi in such distress since she came to this mansion.
    I thought it was because he was nervous, so I opened his mouth to calm my mind. "Do not worry too much."

    In fact, I don't know how to welcome guests of the same size as the imperial family when they visit the mansion, and what formality to follow. However, it's Prince Glenn. I had a firm belief that he wouldn't mind too much about frivolity and pretentiousness. On the contrary, they are more likely to wave their hands not to do this. When I thought about it, I felt so relieved that my laughter leaked out again.

    "Prince Glenn will certainly not mind even if it's a bit off-topic. I'll explain it well so that it doesn't cause any major problems."

    "Ah. That's fine. I know how to serve the royal family.”

    “Oh, well. That's right? That’s, uh……that’s good.”
    On the contrary, I was embarrassed. Then why is Hadi so embarrassed?
    Then he looked at me with a serious face.



    "You're stopping by during official duties, so you won't be able to stay long, right?" Instead of answering the random question, I tilted my head. I was wondering if it might be possible to stop by on the way home from work.

    But Hadi once again said firmly. "You must be very busy. It's official business, isn't the duke always busy, too?"

    "No, that's it, but..."

    “You must be so busy that you don't even have time to sit down to eat.” He nodded his head as he made his own conclusions with a worried look on his face.

    "So, so as not to cause trouble to the Prince, how about serving him a cup of tea in a very short time?"

    “Just one drink?”

    “Yeah, just one drink.” Hadi looked assertive, like he had solidified his point.

    Wouldn't that be rude? No matter how formal it is, it's a bit… I felt deeply troubled.


    The next day, the sun shining from the blue sky was quite stinging. It was like a lie that it was so windy and cloudy yesterday. Two large carriages crossed the Duke's garden and stopped in front of the gate.

    One, two, three, four, five, six… The servants got off endlessly from the two carriages. My mouth was wide open at the sight I saw for the first time in my life. Oh my gosh. Do the imperial nobles go out like this whenever they have official duties?

    One of the men, who appeared to be of the highest rank, bent his left arm 90 degrees, lowered his chest, and opened his mouth in a dignified voice.

    “The Prince has arrived.”

    At the signal of that horse, the carriage's door began to open.
    For a moment, I remembered Prince Glenn, who was walking around the city like an ordinary young man. I can't imagine riding a carriage like that. Maybe someone else got off?
    But it was the Prince Glenn I knew who stepped down lightly and overshadowed by that brief doubt. The red cloak that was wrapped around his shoulders flew dignifiedly. His splendid epaulettes and elegant uniforms were dazzling. The gold buttons on his clothes were elaborately engraved with the imperial design. He would have been really unrecognizable if it weren't for his well-groomed brown hair and green eyes in a ponytail.

    How can the atmosphere really change depending on the clothes? When he first met him at the imperial palace, he was surprised again even though he was wearing formal clothes. Then he smiled brightly. When I finally came to my senses, I quickly formally bowed my head.

    “I greet you, Prince. It's an honor to have you come here."

    Then, Hadi and all the waiting employees bowed politely. Prince Glenn walked gracefully in front of me. He looked at the tip of his shoe and thought. Surely he will protest fiercely in a friendly tone, saying he doesn't like formality? But he completely broke my expectations.

    “I don’t know if it’s been a problem for you to come so suddenly, Miss Heidi.”

    No, why are you talking like this again all of a sudden? I was so perplexed that I stuttered slightly.

    “Ah! No, it was not Prince.”

    “By the way, if I embarrassed you, please forgive me.”

    “I wasn’t embarrassed at all, so please stop saying that.”

    When he comes out like this, I have no choice but to do my best to be formal. But my voice was already filled with a trembling that couldn't be hidden. At that moment, a light laughter poured out from overhead.


    When she lifted his head in surprise, Prince Glenn was smiling with a smile on his face. Eyes full of playfulness. It was his eyes that I knew.

    "Hey, are you really okay?"


    “What's up with you? Did you forget already?"

    “Actually…” I was confused.
    ‘Are you kidding me...? You played a joke on me..’ I whispered softly enough that only him could hear it without losing.

    “But if you get a letter a day in advance, it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t think that way.”


    Then he scratched the back of his head as if humbly and laughed. Then he lowered his voice and asked playfully. "By the way, how was my tone of voice a while ago? I deliberately acted like royalty, was it perfect?"

    No, even if you don't do that on purpose, you're royalty anyway....... I couldn't help it so I laughed

    “It was a little awkward…” She said this on purpose and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Of course it was a joke.

    “Hey, I’ll practice more.” Glenn smiled brightly again. Perhaps the casual laugh was quite loud, and the servant who announced her arrival earlier coughed lowly from behind.

    Hadi, who approached us at that time, led us inside.

    "Ah! long time no see. Hadi.”

    I greet you, Prince. I deeply apologize for the elegant atmosphere. Today, the Duke of Henson is out of office due to unavoidable circumstances, but please stay comfortable."

    At that, Prince Glenn asked without stepping away from her.
    "I wondered why I didn’t see him. Where is he now?"

    “Yes, he went to Bernice.”

    “If it’s Bernice… it’s the place we talked about a while ago. Is it because of the promise to invite me?" Instead of answering, I smiled slightly. The prince had a genuinely sorry face. “Oh, I’m sorry that I felt burdened for nothing. I'll have to apologize later." It was then that he was about to move with a light sigh.

    “Pu-ha! That was hard!"

    A voice came from behind the carriage, which stood in the front of the two carriages.

    .... Is this voice a kid?

    Everyone's eyes turned to him. And screams erupted all at once from the mouths of the servants who were lined up.

    “Oh, my god.”

    "Ugh! How are you here?!"

    But it was me who was more astonishing than anyone else.
    Oh, my. Why is he… Someone sprinted towards us, breaking through the crowds of people in shock.


    With his short, soft brown hair fluttering back and forth.
  10. your crush

    your crush Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Really appreciate your hard work.
    With love~:bloblove:
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  11. HappyGnome

    HappyGnome Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2021
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    Hello! If you girls are looking for more discussions about manwhas and novels + anime and k-dramas with friendly people and cozy enviroment, PM me!
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
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  12. royalrose1

    royalrose1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2021
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    Hey howdy ho! I have been doing a lot better recently and more free time has come up so imma try to crank as many out as I can.

    Episode 49. meeting of the century

    I grabbed hold of the distant mind and hurriedly looked up at Pierta's room.

    No. Absolutely no, our chestnut!

    What a catastrophe this is!

    I quickly shook my head and thought about the current situation and countermeasures. Prince Glenn also had a look of surprise. No, he seemed more shocked than surprised.

    "Edward?! Where the hell did you come from...?" "

    “I was riding over there when you left, and no one found me!”

    The child exclaimed excitedly, pointing to the luggage compartment behind the carriage. It was as if all the luggage had been loaded and then he had sneaked in and was never found.

    “Hey, this…”

    Glenn, who was unable to speak for a moment at Edwards absurdity, gave a loud command to the servants, who all seemed to have seen a ghost.

    “Come on, take Edward. The imperial palace must have been turned over by now!"

    “Yes, I will serve the second prince!”
    He always acts lightly, but as expected, the prince was the prince. The servants, who were in a hurry, began to move quickly as if they had finally regained their senses.

    Yeah, it'll be fine if we go back like this. I thought so. But things didn't go as planned.

    “No, let it go! I won't go!" Edward started holding on to the large tree that stood tall in the garden.

    "Woah, Prince. You shouldn't do this. Please come back with us...! Your Majesty the Emperor and Your Majesty the Empress must both be in shock by now!"

    But Edward was immovable. He even yelled at the restless servants, who could neither do this nor do that, and only sighed loudly.

    Finally, Glenn came along.


    “Hurry back to the Imperial Palace.”

    “But today, you aren’t there, and I keep learning only difficult etiquettes since the morning…. I want to quit…”

    Edward's eyes widened as he looked at Glenn. It was very unfair and sad, and his lips were pouting as if he was about to cry.

    “Why do you make such a fuss?”

    Edward sobbed as he put his forehead to the tree. Then, suddenly, he turned his head as if he had a very good idea. His eyes, which had been brimming with tears, were gleaming.

    “Brother, can’t I go back with you then?”

    But Glenn was as cold as a knife. As much as he cared for his younger brother, he seemed merciless when he was strict. When he tried to force Edward to stand up, the boy grabbed the tree and held on with all his might.

    Glenn sighed. “…are you really doing this to see His Majesty dispatch the Imperial Knights? That’ll get you to stop being so stubborn, right?" His voice was rarely quiet.

    In the end, the shoulder of the second prince shook without a sound. Because there were so many people, he couldn't even cry out loud, and he seemed to shed only tears.
    Looking at that made me feel sad somehow. He is only seven years old and is called a prince. How difficult and frustrating would it have been to have done something like this alone in the Imperial Palace? But pity is pity, and in fact, it was chestnut’s that I had to pay attention to the most.

    There's nothing I can do about imperial life... I wondered how I could help Prince Glenn and get this stubborn future man back safely.

    Then, Hadi, who had cast a lot of shade under his eyes, opened his mouth. “Prince, please forgive me for daring to go too presumptuous. Wouldn't it be better to send someone to the imperial palace to inform the whereabouts of the second prince? I am very concerned about how worried Your Majesty will be by now."

    Then he looked at me desperately as if asking for consent, “And since you have come this way, will you not give me the honor of having you two together in our mansion?”

    After finishing his words, Hadi finally closed his eyes tightly. Judging from the fact that he has such an unusual expression, is he worried that the knights of the Imperial Palace might attack the duke's residence?

    No, wait.

    At that moment, I was faced with the biggest problem and concern again. This would mean putting Prince Edward too close to Pierta… But now I can't think of any way out of this.

    What kind of method is there in the yard where the 2nd prince refuses to go even if he dies? However, I am not able to pick up the royal family and put them in the wagon. Glenn finally sighed and nodded his head reluctantly.

    “Yes, I’m really sorry. First, send someone to the imperial palace and let them know what we are doing. Edward is with me, and that I will take him back."

    The two waitresses, who were waiting, got on the carriage backwards as if they were waiting. The wagon's wheel broke, and it ran wildly. There was white dust on the way.

    A cold sweat broke out when I saw it. Now she really had no choice but to bring Prince Edward into the mansion. Prince Glenn came up to her and apologized as if he was truly sorry. "I'm sorry. Are you surprised, Daisy? I'm really sorry.

    Seeing him restless, I tried to calm my breathing. But the anxious and chaotic mind showed no sign of calming down. What do we do?
    Should I have Hadi take the chestnuts to another place? Or do I have to plan something special to prevent the second prince from leaving the drawing room? She was on the verge of getting a cramp on her head.
    The biggest problem was that this happened even without Dean.
    If so, what would you do? If you love your daughter more than anyone else....

    At that moment, the conversation we had on the day Dean left came to mind.

    ‘In fact, it doesn't matter if we meet.'
    'If the original work is changed, wouldn't it be more welcome?’

    It was as if a ray of light was shining down on my burning black heart. I even felt like my eyes were clearing up. The important thing is to change the original, not to hide Pierta from the male protagonists. Because the present unfolds completely differently, the future cannot be the same.

    She didn't even think about what it would be like to get all the male actors to meet in advance and twist the original. If that's the case, I am the only one who will protect the chestnut right now! Even if you are bitten in a tiger's den, you can survive if you keep your mind...! Courage arose in my heart.


    “Yes, Daisy.”

    I politely bowed my head and said, "Let's both eat inside. I'm sorry to keep you standing."

    Even Prince Glenn, as well as the remaining attendants from the uproar, were still standing in the garden. Hadi seemed to be distracted by the added guests, so I had to do my best to be polite. I can't tarnish Dean's reputation. Glenn smiled softly, a little embarrassed.

    “Are you sure Daisy?"

    “Yes, of course.”

    Just then, a short tongue click was heard from below her. It was Edward who was hiding behind Glenn. As if he was used the swarm, the boy looked like he was sorry that I didn't pretend to know.

    “I greet the second prince.”

    The child quickly accepted my formal greeting, even though his lips were pouting. Then he looked around with his twinkling eyes.

    “Is this Duke Henston’s residence? Brother?"

    “Edward.” Glenn sighed softly and said sternly. “Are you so excited right now? Have you ever thought how surprised your majesty and everyone in the palace would be if the prince disappeared?"


    "I'm going to tell His Majesty to put your heart into this matter." Edward sighed, bit his lip and nodded his head. He seemed to like his older brother the most, but was also quite afraid. Glenn, who severely scolds his future tyrant brother. It was something Daisy couldn't even imagine.


    There was a pair of little pupils who clung to her window and watched out.

    It was Pierta.

    “Who is he?” Pierta asked with a surprised look, pointing to a child who had suddenly jumped out of her carriage.

    Instead of Daisy, the maid who took on the role of a temporary nanny for the day took her seat next to Pierta, wide-eyed. And she looked carefully out the window.

    "The prince?"

    “Yes, is he very tall?”

    “Tall? It's not. Are you very small? Are you smaller than me?”

    “Oh, you can’t say things like that. Maybe one day he will become His Majesty the Emperor."

    The maid continued to say things about the prince after that, but Pierta's eyes were fixed on the outside.

    But who is the guest who came to see Daisy? big guy? Or, a little kid?

    Numerous question marks appeared in Piera's mind.

    Pierta watched the little child walking with their head down behind her, slowly reaching out and grabbing the hem of Daisy's skirt.

    Pierta jumped up from her seat like a dog that had been attacked by its tail.


    In the parlor, where Hadi had escorted, Edward quickly regained his energy. Because he was overjoyed when he found a fencing sword hanging on the wall.

    “Is this what Duke Henston is using?”

    Hadi immediately nodded his head. "That's right. Prince.”

    “Wow, what a wonderful person.”

    "Thank you for the compliment. I thank you on behalf of the Duke.”

    I quickly succeeded in Hadi's footsteps. “Try some of this too, Prince Edward.” As she suggested in a gentle voice, Edward pretended not to be eager and stretched out his hand to the cookie.

    Actually, Hadi and I were a fantastic pair. There would be no one else like us to raise the mood of a child who had been so subdued. There is also another stubborn kid in this mansion.

    “Do you like it?”, I asked cautiously as Edward cut the cookie in half and put it in his mouth.

    “It’s not bad… it’s not.” As soon as the words were finished, the other half disappeared into their mouths again.

    "Do you want one more"?

    "I want to refuse, but I'll take one more from your sincerity."

    Besides, how funny is the way this little tyrant speaks every time he opens his mouth. I had to bite my lip and swallow my laughter inwardly. And each time Prince Glenn smiled shyly and scratched his temple.

    When the situation was roughly settled, Hadi poured tea and milk into each glass. Somehow, his eyes seemed to be getting sharper like a hawk.
    But I have a lot more peace of mind than before. It was thanks to the realization that there are many ways to change the future of chestnuts.
    Besides, Chestnut is a child who hates seeing her guests stroking her hair as she pleases. She will never show up in this drawing room.

    So, if we keep going like this, won't this peace be maintained...?

    But then Glenn sighed and said, “I came here today to talk to Daisy, but I guess it’s not the day.”

    “With me? Is something wrong?"

    “No, it’s not that…” He looked at me for a moment and then confided in me as if he was a heavy loader.

    “Actually, it was a lot of fun when we met in the city. But looking at today's schedule, it was just passing nearby. That's why I came here with Daisy's recommendation for a 'restaurant' as well." Glenn deliberately pronounced the word 'restaurant' and laughed. It was such a bright smile that his white, straight teeth were exposed.

    It reminded me of him eating so deliciously and cleanly the food of the common people's restaurant, which cannot even be compared to the dinner at the royal palace. I couldn't hold back the laughter that leaked out.

    “Then I will pass on a special secret list.”

    Glenn's expression brightened as she spoke as if she was sarcastic. In fact, I had a list of restaurants that was as long as a list of things I wanted to do. It would not be an exaggeration to say that everyone knows about cheap and delicious houses.

    “Oh, really?”

    "Sure. In the beginning, I didn’t tell anyone about this.”

    "Wow! Thanks, Daisy. Really, really.” Prince Glenn pulled closer to me and sat down. Dark brown eyelashes, similar to her fine hair, moved softly.

    “Then, would you like to go one by one together? It's better to eat something delicious together." His beautiful emerald eyes twinkled.

    “Uh-huh!” Before I could say anything, Hadi suddenly started snorting and coughing from behind.

    “Hadi, What?. Are you okay?"

    “I’m sorry…… all of a sudden…I’m choking, choking, choking!” I quickly got up and offered him a drink. However, even after drinking water in succession, the cough did not subside easily. After a while, the coughing stopped, and the atmosphere became a little awkward to continue the conversation.

    Glenn slowly got his body up from his seat. “Anyway, I’m really sorry today and thank you.”

    "Ah, no. It's okay, Prince. Really, really." When I deliberately followed Glenn's tone in a similar way, a fresh smile poured out again.

    “Are you impersonating me now? You’re good."

    "I found an unexpected talent”

    As the two of them smiled softly, Edward, holding the cookie in his hand, asked with a sullen face. “Now… are you going back? Brother?"

    “We should be.” Then, suddenly, something grabbed my clothes. Edward, who had put the cookies down, was crying and holding onto the hem of my skirt. “Let’s go to the Imperial Palace together…. It is an order.”

    "Yes? Me? Woah, Prince. That's......" I blinked both eyes.

    No, what kind of development is this again?

    “Brother, can’t we invite Daisy to the Imperial Palace?” Edward began to swarm again. When he said he was going back, he seemed afraid of being rebuked by His Majesty. The child's misconception that if there were guests, he would be less scolded seemed to be the same in this world or the other world.

    “Not now. It's too sudden. We will formally invite her later, and let’s go today.”

    “Then why can’t my brother invite her instead? He's wearing formal attire too...!"

    At that moment, a loud voice was heard in front of the door. "No!"

    For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to it.

    I... almost passed out.

    “Daisy is not going with you!”

    Oh my God, my God, this isn't it!

    It was none other than chestnuts that stood boldly in front of the door.

    “You go alone!”

    Chestnut came closer with a thump with her feet, and then spread her arms to block me off. Edward's hand, which was holding the hem of her skirt, fell.

    We met. She finally met you.

    A huge vibration pounded inside my body. It was as if a tsunami, an earthquake, and a storm were raging all at once. I was sweating profusely, and I was also chilling. Symptoms that could never be together were coming together.

    Because there are people who shouldn't be with us right now!

    "Miss!" Soon after, a contemplative maid ran in. He was the one who decided to look after the child for me. "sorry. I'm really sorry!"
    It seems that the attempt to prevent the escape of chestnuts has failed.

    Glenn looked at the chestnuts with the most startled look she had ever seen. Be that as it may or not, chestnuts roared loudly with her very angry face. "Who are you? Why are you here? Go to your house quickly!"

    "Ah, miss. No! To the prince...!"

    When the maid once again shook her body and stopped her, the chestnut became very angry.

    “What is he?”


    oh my god No........

    “Uh-huh...!" Edward, who had been standing blankly, finally burst into tears.

    As Edward cried out loudly, Chestnuts spread her shoulders. Then she exclaimed triumphantly, pointing her chubby finger at Edward, who was wet with tears. “This little kid!”

    “Ah, miss! Well, that's a bit...!"

    Hadi, who had been observing her situation until then, quickly wrapped her hand around her child's hand so that her fingers could not be seen.
    But nevertheless, Pierta seemed unwilling to unravel her fighting stance.

    “Who are you trying to take Daisy with? You go to your house alone I mean, go quickly!”

    “Huh! Ughhhhhh...!” Edward's cries grew louder and louder to Pierta’s response.

    "Oh, my God. Prince, I'm so sorry... Pierta, stop it, huh?"

    "Hey! Don't stop me today, Daisy!"

    I was on the verge of losing my mind trying to stop the vigorous Pierta or to appease Edward, who could hardly stop crying. In the end, not only the maids of the duke's house, but also the servants of the imperial family, who were taking a break elsewhere, ran to and comforted the two children.
    There are all sorts of things the kids will love. Sweets, milk, toys, origami games…

    And the maids and attendants quickly moved in opposite directions, each holding the children. It was meant to keep the two apart. After the commotion was over, it was only me and Glenn left in the drawing room.
    I was still stunned, so I bowed my head in haste in front of him, who only blinked.

    "I’m so sorry Prince!”

    After all, Edward is the prince of this country. It was no exaggeration to say that he was different from other people he had ever met. What if this story leaks into the imperial family and angers His Majesty? Sweat dripped from my palms just thinking about it.

    “I am so sorry that I committed such a disrespect. I’m so sorry!”

    “It’s okay, it’s okay. It's like that with children, huh?" Glenn's voice seemed to be mixed with laughter, but she still couldn't raise her head. In fact, regardless of the seniority, my child made another child cry, so it was also something that deserved an apology. I bowed my head even more.

    “Ah, even if it’s proper. If you keep doing this, it makes me even more embarrassed. Besides, it was Edward who committed disrespect first."

    “Nevertheless.....” At his gentleness, I hesitated for a moment, then gently lifted my head. As her eyes met, Glenn gave a sad smile to the still restless day. Then she spoke in a very casual voice, and she quickly changed the subject. “By the way, is that kid Pierta Henston? That famous?"

    ".......Yes." I replied hesitantly with a shy face.

    In fact, I couldn't tell whether our chestnuts were famous or not, or if so, for what reason. However, one thing is certain: she will become more famous in the future.

    Then she heard Glenn's small laugh.
    "She seems to like Daisy so much. She was so angry that you might have been taken away to the royal palace?" I smiled awkwardly.

    My relationship with chestnut was very different from that of a normal nanny and aristocratic child. I was also worried that that part might look a little odd.

    Silence ensued for some time. I carefully lifted my eyes upwards and then hurriedly lowered them again. Glenn's eyes were still on me. His eyes were still smiling softly, he seemed to shine strangely.

    “The more I see it, the more interesting it gets and the more I want to know.”

    "Ah yes. I hear that a lot. It's not normal to have short hair and wear pumpkin pants every day.”

    Then Glenn firmly shook his head. "No, not little Henstone, but you."

    “I, me?” I bit my lip slightly in embarrassment.

    “Why are you so surprised?”

    "that is.........."

    “I was very happy to see Daisy in various ways today.” Again, a bright smile that could not be found even a wrinkle was poured out. I didn't know what to answer, I was just confused. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't figure it out.
    The only thing I did when I met Glenn was to have a cup of tea together... just like Hadi said nailing it. While I was in trouble, Glenn brought up a slightly out-of-the-ordinary story.

    “Looking at it earlier, Daisy seemed to be pretty close with Hadi. Not only did she get along well with Hadi, but she also got along well with the other servants.”

    "Ah yes. It's kind of like that." I answered meekly. It's true that I'm friendly with Hadi and other employees of this mansion. It was thanks to her that, when she had just arrived at the mansion, she was put into service as a maid at a banquet and helped her. Since then, I have been deeply engraved in people's minds as 'Daisy who does a good job'.

    “Besides, seeing the young Henstone follow like that, it is understandable that Edward has a special memory of his meeting with Daisy.” Glenn said and she took a step closer to me. The splendid cloak that only the royal family could wear fluttered slightly.

    “Why, there are no bad people among the people who are popular with children.” At his praise, I suddenly became embarrassed. “It’s not like that… Anyway, thank you.”

    “So, when will you come to the Imperial Palace to play?”

    "What?" It was a sudden offer. A voice that was startled came out even when I heard it myself. I couldn't hide my feelings at all.

    He looked at me with hopeful eyes, but his eyes looked very serious.
    “Of course, today will be difficult, so next time. When would be a good date?"

    What should I do? I didn't know what to say in denial. Of course, it's not that I don't have time.

    "Oh, there's no need to go to an audience with His Majesty. That would be burdensome. Not everyone who visits the Imperial Palace necessarily visits His Majesty."

    As if reading my mind that first thought of His Majesty the Emperor at the word imperial palace, he quickly added an explanation.

    “There’s a separate palace where I and Edward usually stay when it’s raining. I feel like I'm bragging with my mouth, but... it's a beautiful place for a siege. So I'm sure Daisy will like it too."

    “A separate palace?”

    "Yes. If Daisy would come, Edward would wait with his neck decapitated every day." His words reminded me of the face of the child who had burst out crying earlier.

    Glenn was still staring intently at me, lost in thought for a moment.

    “And so will I.”

    He didn't even blink. Light brown hair neatly tied together and flawless emerald-colored eyes came into view. It was a picture I had in my mind. To be precise, the face she had imagined the second prince as an adult was right in front of her.

    “Will you come?”

    The earnest requests poured in again. I ended up saying nothing. To be precise, I couldn't bring out the words of refusal.

    On the way back after seeing off the carriage carrying Prince Glenn and Prince Edward. Someone ran up to me and hugged me.


    Unsurprisingly, it was Pierta.

    “Is he gone? You are finally here!”

    Until the moment the carriage left, Edward could hardly stop crying. It seemed that he was very afraid of the chestnuts. For such a brother, Glenn returned without delay. It was for that reason that his goodbye was short.

    “Pierta, why did you do that earlier?” I asked, patting the small back of the chestnut, which was giggling in my arms.

    “That little kid is going to go with Daisy!

    "I wasn’t going anyways. Prince Edward is the son of His Majesty,you cannot make him cry like that."

    In my words, Piertha asked, except for her head. "Then do I have to be close to her?"”


    I was speechless for a moment at the question. The further away the two children went, the better they got along. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't ever be friendly, so what? After contemplating for a moment, Pierta exclaimed triumphantly again.
    “But I hate him so much. Because, I have to protect Daisy!"

    “Who is protecting whom?”

    Giving up on drawing conclusions, I smiled and patted the chestnuts on the head. Suddenly, the time she struggled to protect her child flashed through her mind.


    At that moment, Hadi approached from the inside with a bright smile. Then he held out his hand to Pierta. I released the arm holding the child. The two then held each other's hands tightly.

    “Hadi, where have you been?”

    “To the chef. After dinner today, I asked him to make pumpkin cream bread for dessert."

    “That’s my favorite!” Chestnuts were excited and rolled her feet. Pumpkin Cream Bread was a dessert that was only eaten on very special occasions. It was because the cream inside was so sweet that Dean would not normally allow it.

    “What day is it today, Hadi?”

    "No, not the day. It's just like this sometimes."

    Unlike before, where he was hardened, he seemed to be very relieved of something. Hadi looked at the chestnuts as he tilted his head and laughed out loud. He seemed somehow proud.


    Dean was sitting in his study in Bernice's castle. This was where he ordered the first repairs, just in case he came to Bernice without a plan. It wasn't a big and wonderful room like it was in a mansion, but it was still very luxurious as much as the furniture inside.

    In particular, the desk he is sitting on now is a very expensive antique product that has endured 200 years. Across the desk stood a man carrying a heavy bag. He was a letterman hired by the Duke of Henstone. In addition to the actual letter, he was also the bearer of several other messages.

    “Oh, and I received a letter from the 1st Prince asking if it would be okay to visit.”


    Dean's hand stopped as he was about to pull out the two letters he had stored in the desk drawer.

    He raised his head and asked again. “What did you say now?”

    The delivery man pulled the overcoat that was wrapped around his shoulder and trembled involuntarily. It felt as if the temperature in the room had suddenly dropped. The delivery man, who was worried that a spark would pop, recited it clearly without a single letter wrong.


    "Today... No, it must have come yesterday."

    He glanced at the clock on the wall behind Dean's back and quickly corrected his words. At that moment, I heard the sound of something knocking on the window outside. Suddenly, the sound of rain resounded throughout the quiet study. The delivery man sighed quietly inwardly. He has to go back to Pontipool again with the Duke's letter, because the rain would mess up the road.

    But Duke Dean Henstone was somehow dumbfounded, and he stood still and said nothing. The delivery man remained silent for a while. ‘I had to run for more than a day, so I wanted to leave as soon as possible, but I couldn't dare rush the Duke.’

    A long time has passed. However, no matter how much he waited, Duke Henston was immovable. Eventually, the delivery man coughed a little and then called him. “Duke Henstone?”


    Then his eyes turned to me. I don't know why, but his eyes seemed to have subsided, unlike before.

    “Are you okay?”

    Instead of answering, he suddenly jumped to his feet. “Let's go.”

    "What? Uh, where are you going?"

    Still no answer came back. The delivery man stares blankly at the duke who opens the large closet. He asked again. “What letter should I deliver…?”
    “There's nothing this time.”

    "What?" The delivery man pricked his ears as much as possible and asked again, wondering if he had heard something wrong.
    "You don't have any"?


    However, until he had just arrived here, he had been told two important letters should be delivered to the mansion. He was ready to go on that path… "It's late at night, so go rest."

    The neat head of the Duke of Henstone was already scattered over his forehead.
    In his hand, leaving the stiff delivery man behind, he was holding a cloak from the closet.


    "Why didn't you get a letter from Dad?" Pierta, who had come down to the dining room for breakfast, whined at Hadi, who was pouring milk.

    “It will be here soon.”

    “I don’t… I mean, the letter came the next day from where Dad went.”

    “It normally does, yes. But this time he went to a very distant place, miss."

    Daisy was quietly listening to Hadi's conversation with Pierta, but she was curious and sneaked in.

    "Is Bernice that far away?" Hadi nodded his head at the question. "Yes. Even if you run a horse all the time without eating or sleeping, it will take a day. This is also the case with delivery men who travel across the country or coaches who are good at driving horses. It usually takes a lot longer."

    "Wow, that's a long way away."

    As I listened to him, I stuck out my tongue. After saying goodbye to me at dawn, I remembered Dean getting into the carriage. He said it would take a day to drive a horse fast, so it would have taken much longer with a wagon.
    Did it go well? Did you take a break as soon as you arrived? Are you eating well? Somehow, I kept getting worried.

    I continued stroking Pierta's hair, who was still whining, and stared silently for a moment at the garden outside the window. Even without Dean, the day passed quickly. As night fell, chestnut was restless again.

    “You didn’t even get a letter from Dad in the evening, Daisy.” The child said so with a worried face and came up to me and hugged me.

    “Did Daddy forgot to write me a letter? Huh?"

    "No. He would never forget.” To reassure chestnut, I slowly explained the story that Hadi had told me earlier.

    “Up until now, Pierta was too young for Dad to leave for very long, but now that she has grown a lot, he can go farther.” To add more, it was said that Dean also trusted and reassured me because the child followed me well.

    “Am I like that when I’m all grown up?”

    "Yep. If you wait well at home with me, the letter will come soon.”

    "I see!" Pierta nodded, hugging my neck to see if she felt a little relieved at that moment.

    “I’m all grown up, and now I’m with Daisy, so it’s okay.”


    "Yay!" Sending her happy smile to Pierta, who had grown up again, I laid her child on her bed. “The letter will definitely come tomorrow. So let's go to sleep tonight, okay?"

    "Yeah, I got it! Sleep well, Daisy.” Saying so, Pierta closed her eyes tightly. The twitching of her lips was like counting sheep to thirty inside her. The child fell asleep quickly, but I stayed by the bedside for a long time.. Only after confirming that he had fallen into a very deep sleep did he finally wake up.

    Time had passed quite a bit. It was late at night when the employees of the mansion went back to their rooms to rest. But somehow I couldn't sleep.
    I got a cup of hot tea and headed to the drawing room on the first floor where no one was there. The place was very quiet. From time to time, only the sound of the wind could be heard.

    But then, I felt a presence outside.

    Who is it at this late hour? Is that Hadi? I remembered Hadi, who had to check many times throughout the day to see if letters had arrived. Sometimes the delivery man arrives very late because there was a problem on the way or something was missing in the middle. At that time, Hadi didn't sleep until late at night.

    I thought that this might be the case again, so I set the teacup down on the glass table. As I poked my head out of the drawing room, I saw the silhouette of someone striding towards me from the middle of the dark hallway. “Did you get a letter?”

    He came closer and suddenly answered. A voice with an unusually low tone landed in my ear. It was a very familiar voice. “Letter? What letter?”
  13. April91

    April91 Active Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Please, pleasr send us more... thank you sooooo much for your hard work.
    royalrose1 likes this.
  14. Purplepuppy

    Purplepuppy New Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Thank you so much! I’m studying to take my boards soon and this is the only happiness in my life! :cry::LOL:. I signed up for an account just to tell you thank you, you do an awesome job!
    royalrose1 and layyu like this.
  15. April91

    April91 Active Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    The same goes for me. Right bow thus is my only happimess and fun. Please continue the good work.❤️
  16. royalrose1

    royalrose1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2021
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    Omg ; - ; U guys are so sweet. I appreciate you, I'm doing my best to get ahead so I can post multiple at once. I'm glad to know my efforts help your days <3 I'm struggling mentally so it can be hard to find motivation to continue editing but I promise I'm working on it!

    Episode 51. Unexpectedly, the two of us
    "Uh.....?" Her whole body stiffened.

    ...Did I get it wrong? Am I dreaming?


    Why is the Duke here?

    As I stared blankly, he took off the hood he was wearing. His tangled, bright blonde hair was peeking out in the dark.

    It was a real Dean.

    "Uh, what's going on? That... weren’t you in Bernice?"

    "... I was." He rubbed the back of the head with a shy face.

    Did anything happen? Anxiety overtook happy feelings. Unless something serious had happened, there was no way he could have run so late at night. I quickly brought him into the drawing room. He strode in and pulled off his cloak without a word. Under the soft light that illuminates the drawing room, the whole figure was revealed.


    Once again, I was surprised by his outfit. As if he came out of the study upstairs, it was still his level of class. He was wearing riding boots, but his shoes were covered with clumped mud.

    “Here, please.”

    She quickly took the cloak in his hand. He was all wet from the night dew.

    "Oh my gosh. What happened? Oh no. Wait. Are you going to your room first? I'm going to go to Hadi..."

    I was desperately trying to get out of the drawing room, holding the cloak tight. Then he hurriedly grabbed my arm. He looked down at me and said. “No, nothing happened.”

    "What? then why....”

    Suddenly like a ghost in the middle of the night.......? Daisy waited for Dean to explain what was going on. He looked at me quietly and sighed softly.

    "I need to wash up first. Wait here."

    He began to walk towards the bathroom but he hesitated mid step and turned to look at her. “Don’t wake anyone up."

    Even after Dean disappeared, she stood there for a while. She felt like this was all one crazy dream.

    My mind came back after a while. I first decided what to do with this cloak and moved quickly. Now that I see, there was a lot of dry mud on the end of the cloak. I rolled it up as much as possible so that the soil did not fall on the floor, wrapped it around me, and left the drawing room. I put it in the laundry basket so that the maid in charge can wash it well tomorrow. I also left a note asking to be extra careful as there is dirt on it just in case.

    On the way back to the drawing room, the mansion was as quiet as a mouse. I pondered for a moment in front of the stairs leading to the second floor. Still, I thought I might have to wake up Hadi. But he said not to wake anyone up, so I decided to wait for now.

    What should I do next? As I waited for him, I fell deep in thought.

    Dean came home wet and sifted through the cold night air, so I was worried that he might catch a cold. A fire was lit in the living room downstairs. I put a lot of firewood in it and it quickly became hot enough to get a little hot.

    Then, sitting right in front of him, he took a blanket and spread it out so that he could comfortably warm himself up. I put several large cushions and cushions there, and it still looked quite cozy. The floor of the drawing room is covered with an exceptionally soft carpet, so it's a place where chestnuts almost every day draw while lying on their stomach.

    “Ah, hot tea!” I remembered the tea he had prepared when I fell into the sea a while ago. I hurriedly headed to the kitchen.

    On the way back with the tea, I ran into Dean who was about to enter the drawing room. Drops of water were dripping from his hair, which had become clearer.

    “What if you catch a cold?”

    Daisy quickly led Dean to the fireplace. Then, sitting on the cushion, she held out the teacup she had prepared. He took the teacup without saying a word, nodding his head to thank me. They sat next to each other and gently hugged my knees.

    Silence lingered for a while. In the end, I was the first to speak. "Are you sure you're okay?"

    "What do you mean by okay?"

    "Nothing happened, right?"

    For some reason, the area of Dean's neck seemed to have turned a little red. He seemed to be a little shy.

    “Yeah, nothing really happened.”

    “Then… why did you come so late?”

    Then, after a long silence without speaking, he slowly opened his mouth.
    "......just." Dean sighed deeply with a frustrated look on his face, as if something was not going her way, and added.

    “Because I’m worried.”

    What do you mean worry? It hasn't been long since you left the mansion. She was a little startled, but thinking about it, she thought she could do it.
    No matter how many other people there are in the mansion, he said it was the first time he had gone so far away with a young Pierta.

    Dean gulped the tea, even though it was still hot. The orange light from the fireplace revealed his handsome side face. A dark shadow fell under his straight and sharp nose.

    After the embarrassment had subsided to some extent, looking at his face, I was filled with joy in my heart. And... again, my heart started to churn.
    The day he left, the lips that touched my cheeks and fell off caught my eye.
    I quickly asked another question in order not to lose my gaze and my heart.

    “When did you leave?”

    He thought for a moment, and then he answered. “About midnight yesterday?”

    Let's just sit still, it's about one in the morning, so if it was midnight yesterday… “Did you come by horseback?”

    "Yeah?" He shrugged at me in surprise.

    It was only then that I understood why his boots and cloak were all covered in dirt. Hadi's explanation of the distance that it would take a full day without eating or sleeping hit my head.
    Surprised, I let go of my knees and suddenly approached him. His curious gaze touched me.

    “Did you keep running without stopping? Have you even slept?"


    My mouth widened in embarrassment. Did someone even spread the rumor that the mansion was on fire?

    After Daisy was speechless and paused for a moment, Dean asked quickly. "What about you?"

    "What? Me?"

    "Yeah, you're... How have you been?"

    "Oh, of course. I've been well.”

    Silence passed for a moment. Dean coughed a little and then spoke softly.
    “You said there were guests in the mansion?”

    "Ah!" I groaned and nodded my head sullenly. Surprised by the sudden appearance, I forgot all about it. It was not enough just that Pierta faced the second prince, it was an incident that made him cry loudly. He must have heard. If so, it's well worth the Duke's worry.

    "That's right. The prince has come and gone."

    “I heard. You said it was a sudden visit?" He had a strangely uncomfortable face. Seemed that my suspicions were true.

    "Yes, that's right. When Prince Edward, who had been hiding in the wagon luggage compartment, came out, I was so amazed that my heart almost jumped. But even when Pierta ran to the drawing room, it was really..."

    "What?" Dean, who was listening, was startled and cut off my words. "Prince Edward. You mean that the second prince also came?"

    "Yes? Yes....”

    No, he didn't hear everything, did he? Something was strange, but first, I told Dean, who was hardened, about what he was doing. After listening to me for a long time with his brows wrinkled, he gently relaxed his expression and nodded his head.

    "okay. It happened.”


    “More than anything else, you must have been very surprised.”

    “I was probably surprised. But above all else, I don't know if this is a good thing or not..."

    “Pierta will be fine.” It was a firm voice. The firewood, which had turned into red charcoal, collapsed slightly with a crackling sound.

    “Thank you so much for looking after her.” After listening to his words, I felt more comfortable as if I could breathe.

    “Oh, no. Of course, that's what we have to do." I gently rubbed the back of the head.

    Then her eyes met with a gentle smile as he looked at me. His lips twitched slightly, and then shut tight, as if he had something more to say. Taking a moment of silence, she looked at his face. His jawline seemed sharper than before he left.

    Maybe the work was too hard. I asked quietly. “How is your place? Are you very busy?”

    “It’s alright. Even if it's a job, it's just a matter of deciding whether to allow the process or not."

    "I see." I nodded.

    However, since the time required to obtain permission by letter has been greatly reduced, work must have progressed much faster than before. Especially since it's a remote area.

    Then I suddenly remembered what happened during the day. To be precise, Pierta, who had been rolling her feet all day waiting for her father's letter. “Pierta will be very happy to know that you are here. We’ve been waiting for the letter the whole time, Hadi too.”

    "Pierta would do that, but Hadi... I don't know." Seeing him with a slightly exaggerated and ridiculous expression made me laugh out loud. I laughed for a while, then wiped the corners of my eyes and said.

    “"Pierta waited all day for your letter that Hadi had a hard time comforting her. Today, we sat head-to-head and looked at the window all day, and it was so much fun watching that... ".

    “……Early tomorrow morning, I have to go back.”

    I was startled by his low voice. “So soon?!”

    There were only a few hours left until dawn. He must be very tired from running all day, but to have to go again like this. There was a big worry in my mind.

    “Are you okay? You can't even sleep properly..."

    "It's okay." Dean smiled and said, but I wasn't okay.

    “I didn’t even know that and I’m sorry for wasting my time with useless stories. It would be better if you close your eyes right now.” As she began to get up, he reached out for her. The force of his grip on my wrist made me fall back. A place closer to him than before, a place where each other's shoulders can reach.

    He smiled softly as he held my wrist. "I'm okay."


    “Just stay here a little longer.” A low voice rang in my ears. The heat spread from the tip of the crown. As the beating of my heart grew stronger, my mouth dried up. I couldn't say anything, as if what I had been chirping about a while ago was a lie.

    I stared awkwardly for a while at only the burning wood fire. Then, with a light sigh, a light weight fell on my shoulder. His golden hair, with a subtle scent, tickled her chin.

    I felt him exhaling slowly. I was startled, but I looked forward again, trying not to shake my shoulders as much as possible.
    How much time has passed 'If I do this, my neck and shoulders will hurt."

    "I... aren't you uncomfortable?", She asked carefully.

    But there was no reply from him. Only the sound of deep, even breathing was heard. It was a very comfortable and quiet time. I laughed quietly.
    I slowly closed my eyes as I gazed into the bright orange fireplace that was beautifully heated.


    Above the two sleeping people, chestnut-like heads suddenly poked in.

    "Dad and Daisy, are you still sleeping?"

    "Yes. So hurry up and come here, lady."

    “Hey, but…”

    "Shh. Then you will wake up.” Hadi patted the whispering Pierta and quickly led her to the door.

    Despite the small disturbance, the two did not even move. Even Duke Henstone was in such a deep sleep that it seemed nothing would ever wake him.

    Oh my God, you've been running horses all night long… It was an unbelievable sight even looking at Dean in front of him. Is this successful enough?

    “Ha, maybe I am a genius?”

    "Huh? What are you talking about, Hadi?

    “It’s nothing, miss.” Hadi shook his head and glanced seriously at Pierta.

    “Lady, it seems that our goal is not far off.”

    "What are you talking about?"

    “I mean, let’s become more hardworking comrades.”

    "great! I agree!”

    At that moment, Daisy twitched slightly as if she had felt the presence.

    Hadi hissed and warned Pierta, who was excited and was about to become loud again.

    He took the child's hand, tried to close the door quietly, and glanced back into the drawing room. The two were still asleep. Their faces were so close that their noses almost touched. How long had they been like this?


    A shrill scream rang out from inside the drawing room.

    "Oh! Daisy!” Pierta, who had been spinning around the hallway all the time, abruptly got up and her eyes lit up. "I guess Daisy has finally woken up!" Hadi said 30 times not to wake them up, but would it be okay if they had already woken up?

    Having reached the conclusion, Pierta quickly ran to the drawing room.

    “Daisy, are you awake? Yes? You woke up, right?"

    The first thing Pierta saw as soon as she opened the door, shouting energetically, was her father. He raised his upper body and was rubbing his red face with one hand.

    Daisy was also fanning her face with her head turned away from her father.

    "Daisy! Dad!" She didn't even have time to think about why they were doing that. Because it was more urgent for Pierta to jump into the arms of the two of them. She was somehow blushing like the blush that both of them occasionally serve for breakfast, but Pierta was very happy.

    Episode 52. Welcome, Dear Heidi.
    The days of the Imperial Palace were very peaceful. It was thanks to the fact that Prince Edward had significantly reduced herding and thrashing. It was only natural that he almost mobilized a huge number of soldiers because of an incident where he had recently sneaked into a wagon.

    “Whew” The boring and long morning class is over. Edward put his forehead on his desk and let out a childish sigh.

    Just then, the door opened and a welcome voice was heard.
    “Edward. Why are you doing that?"

    He looked up and saw a man smiling brightly. "Brother!"

    Edward frowned and ran. Then he smiled brightly and lifted his child up.
    His tall stature that makes all his servants look up to him, his gentle and wonderful smile, and his long hair that wiggles behind his back when he steps forward.

    Glenn was Edward's idol.

    "I can't believe you're taking classes so willingly. Your Majesty's scolding must have worked really well, right?"

    The child grew pale at the sound of his playful voice and shook his head.
    Glenn put Edward back down at the desk and dragged a chair across from him. He then shoved something of her into her brother's mouth.

    It was sweet candy. Edward's favorite.

    After a little bit, the sweet taste spreads in his mouth. At the same time, Edward's expression softened a little. As he ate the candy, something came to mind. Delicious cookies he ate at the Duke Henstone's house.



    “When are you going back to Henstone’s residence?” He was already salivating because he wanted to eat cookies again.

    Glenn paused for a moment at Edward's question. Then he slowly put his hand on his chin and smiled at his brother.


    “Just, I just wondered…”

    Edward shook his shoulders without realizing it while talking.
    It was because one very disgraceful person came to mind.
    It's the weird guy who dared to yell at me in weird clothes with his hair cut tightly and short!

    "Edward, do you want to visit the Duke's house again?"

    "No! I don't want to go out to play again!" Edward waved his hand violently. Of course it was sincere.

    Then Glenn asked back, a little curious. "Really?"”


    I'm not scared of that weird kid! Edward pretended to be fine and complained.

    “First of all, Duke Hestone’s garden has so many flowers that there are a lot of bugs, and, uh… the drawing room is unnecessarily large. And the people who live there are so rude...”

    But he couldn't hide the truth. Edward quickly confessed his true intentions.

    Glenn laughed slightly mischievously. "Okay? I like that everyone is friendly. I guess Edward has a different opinion.”

    "Yes! Some people are very unkind! They scream!" Edward jumped up to his feet as if in anger.

    At the same time, Glenn asked. “Then how about Daisy?”

    "Yes? De, Daisy...?"

    Edward thought seriously for a moment. Of course, she is also very rude. But after thinking about it for a bit, she doesn't seem to be that serious… Besides, when he returned to the palace, she even packed delicious cookies. And I even stopped when that weird guy yelled at me. Is he a good person by any chance?

    Glenn helped, as if trying to save Edward from the swamp of chaos. “Edward, I think Daisy is a really fun and nice person.”

    “I think so too. Brother." Edward nodded his head seriously. Then, as if waiting, a bright laugh poured out
    “Then, shall we send another letter saying that we are waiting for her to come to the palace as soon as possible?”

    "Great. Brother! Please write that I am waiting too!"

    Anyway, he was indebted to Daisy in many ways. And as an imperial family, it is impossible not to repay the favor.

    "great. I will write it down tonight.”

    His expression somehow seemed very satisfied. Edward shrugged his shoulders with a proud smile as his brother was delighted.

    Even in the afternoon, Edward couldn't escape the boring class. This time it was a life etiquette class. He was even more bored as the teacher, who had a short impression, proceeded with a soft and blunt tone of voice.

    "...and the imperial descendants must also show respect to the emperor. This is the imperial rule of the imperial family, and the same goes for the queens.”

    “The Empress?” Edward, who was sitting there with a bored expression on his face, raised his head tightly.

    “What is the Empress Dowager?”

    “It means the prince’s spouse. Put simply, the Emperor is the husband of the Empress, and the Empress is the wife of the Emperor."

    The teacher of etiquette kindly explained with a smile on his face.

    “Then when will the Crown Prince have one?”

    “Prince Edward is not an adult yet, so you have to wait a little longer. But Prince Glenn will soon. In that case, Prince Edward must treat Prince Glenn's spouse with respect and courtesy."

    “Why should I do that?”

    “Because she is a precious match for the first prince. Besides, you'll be staying together in the Imperial Palace, so it's very important to be polite to each other."

    “Wow, calling her to the Imperial Palace?!” Prince Edward looked very surprised for some reason. The teacher was a little puzzled, but answered steadily. Anyway, it had been a long time since the 2nd Prince came to her class with such zealous questions.

    “It is normal for her to enter the palace unless it is a special case. Any more questions?"

    Edward shook his head at her question.

    “Okay then, let’s continue the class. This time, there is a right that must be observed between the immediate descendants of the imperial family…” But her words came in through one ear of Edward and out the other. The child's mind was already buzzing with other thoughts.

    ‘I see.......! That's why brother is trying to invite Daisy to the palace as soon as possible!!’ He would have jumped up and clapped his hands if it weren't for his teacher. It is because he is very proud of himself, who understands her brother's great will.

    Edward poked the ink-stained nib on the paper, thinking about what his brother had said before.
    'Then, shall we send a letter again saying that Edward is waiting for her to come to the palace as soon as possible?'

    My brother is... a real genius!

    Edward shook his butt. Then the teacher, who noticed this like a ghost, warned him with a harsh voice. "Prince, please concentrate on class."

    But there was nothing to disturb the child. His thoughts began to spread out in her head.

    That's why my brother said to welcome Daisy as the empress.


    Not knowing the teacher's sighs grew, Edward drew a large circle on his piece of paper.


    Meanwhile, the Duchess of Henstone was louder than usual for a while.

    After Dean's return, Pierta teased that they were both sleepyheads. But what was even more entertaining was Daisy's reaction each time. She would be startled when Pierta talked about it, and her face would burst red. Of course, she thought Daisy was doing it because she was embarrassed that she overslept.

    Daisy got ready to go out after a long time. It was Dean's first outing after leaving the house.

    “Make sure to not come back so late.”

    "Of course. I don’t think I’ll have to stay late."

    "I'm not doing anything and I'll be waiting for your return." At Hadi's words, Daisy laughed out loud.

    At her smile, Hadi's face hardened more and more. His words were full of meaning, but Daisy was only taking it as a joke.

    Hadi's reaction was interpreted differently by Daisy.

    'I'm afraid I might make a mistake in the Imperial Palace.'
    Thinking like that, I stood upright in tension.

    Prince Glenn has been steadily sending her correspondence since visiting the Duke. There were many stories written about her, but most of the time he ended up asking her to visit her beautiful detached palace at least once. Edward also added that he was waiting for Daisy.

    Hadi said that it would be better to visit with the Duke later. The problem was that the prince continued to send her letters even as she waited.
    It wasn't that he wanted her to give him an answer right away, or that he was constantly forcing it. Because he occasionally sent letters to tell her stories…

    She laughed out loud several times as she read the varied and amusing stories that Glenn had written. Each time, Hadi was nervous inside. 'What if Daisy waits for the first prince's letter?'

    Even a letter from the Imperial Palace could arrive any number of times on the same day. It meant that he could come much more often and faster than the Duke's, who barely arrived after crossing the remote mountains.

    Hadi decided to change his strategy, which included eating his words.

    Rather than getting close by exchanging correspondence, he thought it might be better for Daisy to just visit the Imperial Palace quickly. She listened intently to his opinion, which changed like flipping her palm. After she and she thought deeply, she decided to visit the detached palace.
    The thought that delaying or refusing to answer any more would be a great rude thought also seemed to play a part.

    Today was the long-awaited day.

    A servant ran and informed her that the carriage from her imperial family had arrived. Daisy nodded her head and hurriedly headed to the shoe room.

    Today she wore a youthful yellow dress. Her finely spread hem and lace points were lovely, so it was suitable for her outing. While she put on the matching shoes for her dress, Hadi went out to greet her carriage.

    As he looked at the colorful carriage, he was deeply immersed in worry. It was then that Pierta snuck up next to Hadi.

    “Where is Daisy going today?”

    "Ah yes. Just…She’s going somewhere for a bit tonight.”

    Hadi couldn't bear to say that it was the Imperial Palace. He remembered how angry Pierta got in front of the 2nd prince a while ago. If she finds out where Daisy’s going, she might lie down in front of Daisy and protest against going.

    To be honest, Hadi wanted to prevent Daisy from going out even if he himself lay down.

    "Okay? Daisy coming back soon?"

    “Yeah, she should.”

    Hadi couldn't stand it anymore and let out a big sigh in front of Piera.

    “Hmm.” Pierta seemed to ponder for a moment, and then she circled back and forth with her back behind Hadi. Then she came again and grabbed his hand and began to squeal.

    “Hadi! Play hide and seek with me. I want to do that!"

    "What? Now?"

    “Yeah, now!”

    "Sorry. miss. I'm too busy right now. Can't we do it later?"

    "No no. now!"

    I'm going to die of confusion, but why is the young lady always not paying attention to things like this?

    Hadi sighed inwardly and calmed the child. “Let me at least see off Daisy and then play.”

    "OK got it! Then Hadi is hide! Should I give time to hide?"

    Pierta hurriedly shouted and ran straight up to her room on the second floor. In the meantime, she didn't forget to say goodbye to Daisy, who just came out. But soon, near the stairs to the second floor, her tiny feet cautiously patted. A small, round face came out through the railing. Beaded eyes twinkled under the hooded hood.

    Daisy and Hadi's voices were heard from the first floor.

    “Oh, right. I almost forgot the cookie I had wrapped.”


    "Yes. Prince Edward likes it so much... it's a blue box."

    "Oh, I saw it in the kitchen. I'll bring it to you, so please wait a minute."

    “Yes please. Thank you. Oh, then I'll bring some shawls."

    The sound of two footsteps hurriedly moved away in different directions. The large eyes in the hood looked around quickly. Fortunately, no one was watching.

    Pierta laid flat on her stomach on the glistening marble stair railing, her body straightened out. She was very agile and skillful in sliding down as it was.


    Daisy got out of the carriage and stood there for a moment. Surprised, she forgot to blink. Prince Glenn's words that the detached palace was very beautiful were all true.

    At the end of a long road lined with trees and statues, there was a fountain designed in steps. It was a very beautiful fountain with swans carved out of white jade and with golden roses. Behind the powerful stream of water there, a pale emerald-colored building could be seen. It was a small castle built by itself.

    I never imagined there would be a place like this near the ball. The imperial palace was also wide in shape.

    Suddenly, attendants lined up on both sides of Daisy. Someone was approaching through the passage. It was Prince Glenn and Prince Edward, who were full of friendly smiles.

    Glenn opened his mouth first. "Welcome, Daisy. Was it an alright trip? You really don't know how long I've waited."

    Daisy smiled and greeted the Princes. As she was about to say hello, his playful grunting continued. “Ha, but isn’t it hard to see your face? Makes me consider moving to Pontipool."

    In the moment, she forgot to say hello and slightly blushed with embarrassment. “I’m sorry I couldn’t answer you right away, Prince. I was a little worried because I thought I might be bothering you.” Hearing his grumbling, Daisy wasn't as nervous as before.

    Prince Glenn grabbed the collar near his neck and laughed, stretching it out. "See? My neck got longer because I waited too long, right?""

    Eventually, a small laugh burst out of her mouth. "Then didn't you get taller?""

    "Oh, you're right. That's a benefit."

    Once again, I burst into laughter. Daisy slowly raised her head and looked at him. He was looking right back at her with her affectionate eyes. Then she suddenly frowned.

    "Wait a moment."


    “If arms and legs are the same, but if the neck is stretched..”
    Daisy thought about it for a moment and then laughed out loud.

    But then, Prince Edward, who had been standing behind him all along, stepped forward. He quickly grabbed the hem of her skirt with a sense of urgency.

    "I greet the second prince."

    "Welcome, Lady Heidi. Thank you for coming a long way.."


    What with the compliments and honorifics all of a sudden? Daisy doubted her ears. It didn't even end there, Edward added with a very serious face. “Please don’t be shy and have a good time.”


    She was so startled that she opened her mouth wide, forgetting to be polite. “Eh, Prince Edward?”

    “Yes, Lady Heidi. Did you call?"

    Glenn opened his mouth wide and burst out a bright smile, Daisy was just stunned. Why is he doing this all of a sudden? Every day, he shouted out loud and made a fuss with nonsense, but this was different.

    Maybe you... are you someone else who possesses Prince Edward?
  17. your crush

    your crush Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Now the title of this novel should be "Eminence Grise Male Lead Is Trying To Make Me Sister-in-law"
  18. Purplepuppy

    Purplepuppy New Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Well don’t work too hard! I super appreciate it but really your mental health is much more important! So if you feel like doing something else that’ll make you feel better, do that.
    Emma626, royalrose1 and bochucha like this.
  19. April91

    April91 Active Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Thank you so much for the new episodes. Please know that your work is helpful to so many people who are dealing with hard stuff in life and reading this type of romaric novels spirit them up... such as myself❤️❤️
    Emma626 likes this.
  20. Emma626

    Emma626 626 flavors of love, none for you~

    Apr 26, 2021
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    That's true
    I laughed at prince Edward suddenly being polite..
    Bella94 and your crush like this.