Spoiler Untouchable Lady/ 접근 불가 레이디

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Deleted member 262282, Nov 5, 2020.

  1. ZodiacTemplar

    ZodiacTemplar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    Hi, I have a question about Gabrielle. After reading chapter 45 of the manhwa, It feels like
    the universe (artist) is giving her a chance to get her happy ending with Parvenon’s aide.
    Does this happen in the novel as well? Can someone confirm if she gets Ctrl+Alt+Del in the novel? From what I read in the spoilers it seems like she just doesn’t show up in the new timeline. So no ending for her?

    I don’t know about novel Gabrielle, but Manhwa Gabrielle is just an immature child. She lacks that maliciousness that I look for in villains while reading. The brother and father can go fuck themselves, but I don’t think she deserves a bad ending right now.
    Mikaa likes this.
  2. springtimes

    springtimes Active Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    I’m quite sure the novel actually made a point that Lenoch didn’t really care about Gabrielle. When he reassured her, it was because he was concerned that it would involve Christian, his master, into a scandal with her especially since their breakup engagement was beginning to spread little by little.

    Gabrielle even tried to return his handkerchief with a new one but all he thought was that he needed to throw it away in order not to cause a scandal. I don’t quite remember any details ahead of this, but I think he did attend to her once when she stayed at Parvenon because Christian told him to due to some circumstances.

    I think it’s more that Hilise willed for her to not enter the family? Since even her father and Ricardo changed, it’s likely Diego didn’t even remarry at all.

    Also if you’re curious!

    I don’t think he even lived until the end? Christian had tried to bring a king’s breath relic to her but I’m pretty sure she was in a trance-like state that one of her vines pierced Lenoch and killed him before she got to touch the relic.
  3. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I want Gabriel to get a bad ending, idgf. She knows she's being shitty to fl, the only thing why sum of y'all think she doesn't rlly deserve a bad ending int his timeline is because she acts cute and shit. It would rlly suck if she she ends up with that assistant dude. Ugh, CNA anyone spoil me if she ever gets with that assistant? If she does, I'm dropping this shit. I came for her to get a bad ending, not a chance.
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  4. springtimes

    springtimes Active Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Honestly I hate her too lmao, a lot of people say she’s ‘ok’ even though she’s basically a standby watcher to Hilise’s abuse and belittled her too but oh well. Anyways, to answer your question!

    She doesn’t from what i know. After Hilise banished the whole family, she kind of went around aimlessly before staying alone in a big abandoned mansion I think she found by coincidence by herself, where she had to tend to herself on her own before she got found by Axion. Even then, Axion was basically the most hostile person she could ever be around and he could’ve killed her at any second if he wasn’t restraining himself to.

    Axion did tell of her existence to Hilise, but as she is before, she really didn’t care of the outcome of her family anymore. So she visited her once, and told her that she’s not going to take her back anymore and lets Axion do whatever he wants with her. Axion just tells Suleiman to discard her wherever and because of it, she ends up going to the Parvenons. Even then, I believe it’s described that she looked like a beggar so she was most likely implied to be heavily suffering before she got there. Christian only takes her in because he thinks Hilise is looking for her (she isn’t) and from what I recall, she’s basically treated like a nuisance there since the Parvenons don’t really like her either.

    It’s not a very fitting end either for her imo, but Hilise really didn’t care about her or the rest of her ‘family’ so I can see why she’s just like that. Though I do feel like it’s somewhat of a good thing too, because for her whole life she was treated like somebody important. But then one day the only person who could ever mess up her long-life plan of being Inoaden’s only princess just up and became the head and suddenly she was just a nobody. She ends up as being what she kinda just basically belittled what Hilise used to be— a shadow. Suddenly Christian didn’t like her anymore, suddenly her father and brother who are the sole reasons she’s able to be what she is are both powerless, suddenly she has to lick up to her only sister who she always believed to be below her.

    I’m not saying she had a very satisfying end, but I think it’s a somewhat good blow to her whole character to basically rub it in her face that her whole life would’ve not been like so if not for the fact that Hilise was too forgiving and loving at the start and Gabrielle just so happened to have a mother who looks like Hilise’s.
  5. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Thanks for the spoiler!! And yeah, I can kinda agree that what happens to her here is better than any punishment. It's better for her to taste the pain of being a nobody for as long as until she dies rather than putting her in jail and quickly die. Not rlly satisfying but it's okay.
    Free Ocean likes this.
  6. springtimes

    springtimes Active Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Yep yep, no problem !!
  7. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    Thank you so much for this! From what you explain in this spoiler, Gabrielle doesn't grow as a character. Yes she learns what it is like to be ignored and neglected, but it doesn't seem that she 1. reflects on it 2. Does something about it. She doesn't take matters in her own hands apparently. She just seems to be waiting for somebody to take care of her. Up to chapter 45 of the Manwha, you can see that her reactions are childish (she keep yelling all the time, throwing tantrums) and totally clueless about the situation. But that is also because of the education she received, being coddled, spoiled rotten, and always treated like a child with no responsabilities to speak of. It is hinted that she isn't very bright to start with. Chris, her ex-fiancé, basically says so in Chapter 37 (manwha) when she learns from him that their engagement had been annuled he calls her empty headed. I can't say for sure that her being an idiot is due to the lack of education provided by her family or, if she really is an airhead with nothing but wool between her ears at this stage of the manwha.
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  8. springtimes

    springtimes Active Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Right right. Personally I believe that it is mostly due to Ricardo and Diego themselves constantly spoiling her which made her this way. Honestly in that way I feel like I should not hate her as much as them but I really can’t seeing how she can’t be nice at all to anyone even if it’s just a little bit.
    Thamalasca likes this.
  9. Kuraiko0503

    Kuraiko0503 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    What happens to Hilises Stepmother? Is she even mentioned?
  10. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    Well she is like this because the only thing she has been "taught" is to use the Inoaden name to get what she wants and that being an Inoaden (even if she isn't one by birth which bars her from Hilises' head of House ceremony in Chap 45) makes most people subserviant to her, thus she can treat them like her father and brother treat people, which isn't the best example as we all know.
    If she is really is none too bright on top of it, in a way you can see her as a victim of her father and brother as well. Plus she seems to have a tsundere character as you witness in chap 45 where the aid gives her his hankerchief. A mix of traits that make her more the butt of jokes and pityfull in my view. She almost feels like a comic relief compared to the gravitas of all the other characters of the novel and the manwha. Actually she already has been in the very beginning when Hilise has woken up her powers and is sleeping in the Garden. Gabrielle comes to bother her and she finishes upside down, flailling and screaming in a bunch of roses with her skirts up in front of Chris her fiancé, who does absolutely nothing to help her and goes straight to Hilise whom he finds immediately more interesting than his "fiancée". In that scene, you have Gabrielle's role in a nutshell: laughable, clueless and pityfull.
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  11. springtimes

    springtimes Active Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Right, she’s more of a comic relief character in the manhwa I feel. I think she’ll be less of that in the future chapters especially knowing how she’s gonna be after Hilise kicks her out but I do think right now her character is kinda just to be that in the manhwa. At the very least, she can somewhat read the situation and understands that Hilise is above her now so she has to just suck up to her and not get in her way too much. Perhaps the artstyle is also a reason for it? I really love how Mingsung draws them but I’ve heard for some people it does downplay how serious the events are sometimes. Sometimes I wonder what she’d be like if she wasn’t spoiled by them but who knows really TT

    I think she died? After her intro with Gabrielle in the manhwa she wasn’t mentioned again and I don’t recall seeing her but apparently someone said she was mentioned in a passage somewhere among the lines of ‘it seems all the ladies of Inoaden suffer the same curse’ and Hilise’s mother had died, so it’s likely not long after she entered, she suffered the same fate(?) I’m not too sure, because I only started reading the novel after Amelie’s party incident because before that I was caught up by the manhwa. But since she never appeared after, it’s likely she did die too.
  12. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    It is the very old Nature vs Nurture idea. Are people inherintly bad and learn not to be or are people good and let their worst instincts take over making them bad?
    Hilise has been a long suffering victim and it took a long time for her to become what she is the story. It is her 8th life. For 7 lifetimes she was good and victimised and still wanted her family's love. In her last life, she has hardened towards all those that have wronged her in any way, whether intentionaly like her father and brother or just by ignoring her suffering and finding it normal like Gabrielle. But even then, she isn't cruel, when anyone would have found it normal for her to be after all she went through. Her "Nature" is caring and kind, the "Nuturing" she suffered made her indifferent, seemingly cold and very TIRED of everything (she suffers from severe depression imo).
    Gabrielle's Nature is also sweet but very suggestable. She is caring and loving to her father, mother and brother. She also cares for her fiancé and her friends. The "Nurturing" she got made her spoilt, selfish and self centered, and her suggestable trait made her copy her father and brothers' behaviours instead of thinking for herself, (or maybe she is just that stupid). She copies their behaviours towards the people they meet and know. Thus she ignores Hilises' plight and treats those the Inoaden males judge as beneath them the same way. And maybe....just maybe, she acts this way as a survival mechanism, unconsciously knowing that if she doesn't stay in her adoptive father and brothers' good graces, she could finish like Hilise or be thrown out.
    xyxy6409, seabuckthorn, Mikaa and 3 others like this.
  13. springtimes

    springtimes Active Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    You definitely have a point there! I still can’t excuse or just look past the fact that she

    killed Margot and had it pinned on Hilise

    But I do see what you’re trying to point at. Side note I just really liked the way you explained this :0 ! So thank you !!
    Ice_Rose, xyxy6409, Mikaa and 2 others like this.
  14. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    Thanks! I didn't know that tidbit. But it does correspond to what I was explaining in my previous post, (glad you like it btw @springtimes!) Why does Gabriel pin her murder on Hilise in the 7th life? Because Hilise is used and abused by her father and brother and she is copying their behaviour and also most probably her survival instincts coupled with her "education", or more lack thereof, make it for her an obvious choice. Why does she murder Margot in the 7th life? I'm quite sure the motive for murder was something childish and petty. Plus we all know that Gabrielle has quite the temper on her. She does not know (because she was never taught) how to control herself.
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  15. springtimes

    springtimes Active Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    It basically just so happened that Hilise was there when she murdered him. Before that, she has a tantrum because Hilise was so ‘cold-blooded’ and ‘didn’t care about her family’. Keep in mind that she was more assertive here, but not so assertive that she still wasn’t able to immediately become the head. I don’t think she was even the head at the end of her 7th life when she was imprisoned as a. Diego refused to give her the mark of the head and b. She was still weaker in terms of power despite being able to be more free in this life. Because of this, Margot wanted to give her his tears in order for her to be able to usurp her father’s position.

    But before she’s able to, somehow Gabrielle gets to Margot and kills him first, probably still due to the tantrum. Hilise finds them and Margot was right beside some of his tears, so she was able to pin it on her saying that she wanted his tears so badly when Hilise didn’t even ask for them. Gabrielle’s damsel in distress vibe probably helped in this part, seeing how Hilise was the one imprisoned and all. Violetta could’ve testified to her innocence because they were together before that happened and a lot of people saw them, but due to spoilery reasons she was unconscious at the time. Some people then started to wonder if Hilise actually killed him too, and I think it was around then Ricardo asked her to die.

    Now I know that she is heavily influenced by her father’s ways but I really cannot, even looking at it through several points, see how she thought it was okay to do this. I mean yes, her nurturing probably played a part but I think that even someone like her would know better than to just up and kill someone. Especially when they’re basically royalty. Yes, she most likely felt shock post-murder and I see how that shock made her pin it on Hilise. Like yes, she was probably dazed from her tantrum and she’s very impulsive but I still firmly believe that does not excuse the fact that she literally murdered someone. The fact that enrages me the most about her is that I doubt she even remotely felt guilty, as Axion had to threaten to kill her if she didn’t confess if Hilise died in her place. Even then, I don’t think she considered it because this part was barely discussed in a tiny flashback when Axion found her in that mansion, and if she did it was most likely more out of fear than guilt.

    She probably believed that ‘oh, Hilise will do it anyways if no one comes forward’ and that her family will protect her from him seeing how Ricardo even begged Hilise to die. I know that she’s been basically brainwashed her whole life. But I think that even her should know what she did was wrong and should’ve felt guilty at the very least. Maybe she did, but her actions were just too unbearable and vile even for someone like her.
  16. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    Thanks for explaining the situation in detail. It does put things into perspective whilst still being connected to my own theory regarding her upbringing. Her actions are condemnable and there is no excuse for killing someone, except in self-defense. If Gabrielle, as you wrote, killed Margot because she was enraged and throwing a tantrum as usual, she was most probably totally blinded by it and killed Margot without even having a single thought about the consequences or even forethought that killing is bad. I wonder, seeing that her rages and tantrums are numerous and go off as soon as there is any type of frustration if she actually suffers from IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder). It usually starts in childhood and gets worse without help as you get older. The triggers also become more and more numerous and tenuous as the rage episodes increase over time.
    The chemicals released when you are angry are epinephrine and non-epinephrine which can be translated as adrenaline (epinephrine) and adrenaline rush (non epinephrine). These chemicals are usually used in the fight or flight response. Basically one of our lizard brain (primal) fonctions. The more you use it, the more the paths for it become predominant in the brain. (Makes for a vicious circle). The non-epinephrine is actually the one that will cause the agressive behaviour. The epinephrine enhances strength and reflexes for a short time. The chemicals also have a nasty side effect, they narrow your thought process. Your mind shuts everything out except for the task at hand (survival and/or agression), effectively rendering you unable to think properly. You just react until the threat or cause of your anger disappears. Does that not sound like Gabrielle's typical behaviour? If so, it still does not excuse her behaviour, but it explains it. Add to this mental disorder parents whose morals are very questionable and you have a recipe for disaster....i.e. Margots' death.
  17. springtimes

    springtimes Active Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    No problem ! It’s been some time since I’ve really talked about the series with anyone so it’s been fun for me so far ^^ ! And I see, I’ve never heard of IED so far so this is quite new to me— but yeah, that does quite sound a lot like her. Though, at the end of the day her actions are condemnable and because of that I really cannot see myself liking her at all even though I know it’s due to the nurturing that turned her into like this. It’s been a nice discussion though, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me!
    Thamalasca likes this.
  18. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

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  19. ZodiacTemplar

    ZodiacTemplar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    Holly shit that Lenoch's spoiler hahahaha. Thank you for answering my questions! Adding your answer to the rest of the spoilers I have little hope for her character now :(. It’s a shame. I’m a fan of characters who go through some kind of redemption arch but I guess that this story is way too dark for those kind of things.
  20. HIGH SKY

    HIGH SKY Active Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    the story is great . the same go for the plot and characters . but i do not like the ending and side chapters . she did not get complete death .she is just repeating for 9th time with some alternations.like a doll house , she is setting everyone to act in certain way then she got her happily ever after
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021