Discussion Your thoughts on death penalty

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ninish, Feb 1, 2018.


Do you support it?

  1. Yes, some people are better off dead

    57 vote(s)
  2. Yes, it serves as a warning to other criminals.

    29 vote(s)
  3. Yes, we need to free up space in jails.

    19 vote(s)
  4. No, they should pay for their crimes through suffering while alive.

    19 vote(s)
  5. No, no person has the right to end another's life.

    15 vote(s)
  6. No, they should be given the chance to seek repentance.

    12 vote(s)
  7. Yes, I'd volunteer to kill them myself to satisfy my inner serial killer through legal means.

    22 vote(s)
  8. No, they should pay for their crimes through labor.

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. ninish

    ninish ✿Fujoshi✿ [#224~] [Dʀᴀɢᴏɴɪsᴛ] [Lᴜʀᴋᴇʀ Lᴇᴇᴄʜ]

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Discretion is advised.

    Okay, so something terrible happened in my city the other day. You don't have to read it though, I'll put it in a spoiler. The story itself and my thoughts and actions are not part of the discussion, and are in cursive. You may skip them.

    A man is suspected of having abused and beaten his little daughter, who was 1y11m old, for several hours (7-8 hours, according to the autopsy). She died from the damage to her organs.

    The mother's involvement/fail to rescue her/fail to request help, is being investigated.

    Anyway, after the deed was done the couple (yes, both the mother and the father) took the baby to a small public Heath center, claiming she had fallen and hit her head, and was unconscious, when in fact she was already dead. (Whether they hadn't noticed the baby girl had died or not is part of the investigation.)

    The baby girl also had old marks indicating she was under physical violence in other occasions.

    Well, the man has been arrested. He will probably be given life imprisonment (in this country that is a max of 40 years in jail. Sentences are not cumulative over here, so he'll only have to go through the longest one). People are asking for death penalty, but that sentence can't be applied since 2001.

    Anyway, I went to downtown today, and was met with a group of people gathering signatures to create a new law which will harden sentences for children/minor abusers/killers, and that could even give way to applying death sentence in extreme cases. Such as this one. This all is being done with the aim that this sentence can be applied to the man in this case, too.

    There was a small queue to sign the notebooks. 5k signatures are needed, they said. The street where the stand was located was decorated with pink and white balloons, for the little girl.

    I added my signature to the petition.

    I hesitated for a bit, but still did it.

    This means, that if this man is sentenced to die, I'll hold part of the responsibility for his death.

    I'll be one of his killers.

    And from here on, I'll also be responsible for the death of every person who receives this sentence. Even for the people who may be fasely accused and get killed in the end.

    Of that, I'm aware. I felt the psychological pressure of it after I signed. Am I thinking too much? Probably yes. But I'd still go back and sign it if given another chance to. It is not like if someone calls me a murderer after this man dies, I'd deny it. Nope, I wouldn't. I did it because I agree that this man should not be set free under any circumstances, but over here it is so fuckin easy to gain freedom it seems like a joke.

    Recently another rapist was set free after just ten years of imprisonment because of good behaviour.
    What he did:
    he beat a girl and raped her. He buried her while she was unconscious. That's right, she was alive when buried.
    Like, if this other man was set free early because he was all docile in jail, what can be expected for this other one?

    Now, for death penalty to be restituted in here seems difficult, because international human rights associations and blahblah. But there's still a chance it will be. Also probably the church will oppose (especially because there are LOTS of abuse cases being investigated which involve Catholic priests, and this was a hot topic too when the Pope visited the other day.)

    Now, it's not like I feel I'm superior to this man. Heck, maybe I'm a monster too in the eyes of other people. It wasn't necessary for me to sign, either. The needed signatures will probably be gathered no problem. But I just don't want this man to live. I AM a supporter of death penalty as a dissuading method, as a way to prevent a rapist to commit the crime a second time, and as a way to diminish people in jails.
    Some people may think, 'death is too kind, I want him to suffer!' But reality says it won't be possible to suffer too much here while in jail. This country was under a dictatorship during 1973-1980, and there was torture and murders. Human rights is a sensitive topic here. So torture is the most unlike outcome to be applied to him.

    Well, I don't know about other countries but over here it is a... Tradition of sorts that rapists get gang raped when they arrive at the jails. So he won't have it easy either. I'm like sure even the policemen in charge of him will gladly hand him over to the men with the largest builds...

    But. He may still come out without fulfilling his whole sentence, and once the people's rage has calmed down. He's 26 now (if I remember right), even if he spends only 20 years in jail and not the full 40, he could still come out at 46. In jail he can learn stuff too. He could "easily" get a job once he's out (though not in this city, probably).

    And in the worst of cases, if we assume he's mentally ill and somehow the time in jail didn't make him come to his senses or he didn't listen to the religious groups that visit jails to attempt to make criminals repent and seek redemption, or if he doesn't receive adequate psychiatric help, he may rape or kill again.

    There's the fact too that lots of criminals don't fear jail anymore. The more active ones consider jail as a social place to interact with other people in the same 'field of business', and many times this interactions serve as a 'crime school'.

    So yes, I placed my name and signature on the list. I do think that he's had his chance to live, as we all do, but a mistake like that shouldn't be given the chance to be repeated.

    Even if that means I may become his indirect murderer.


    So story telling is over. Now the questions:

    1. Are you in favor of death penalty? If so, why?/why not?
    2. Is death penalty allowed in your country?
    3. In which cases would you apply a death sentence to someone? (If you are in favor of it).
    4. Can you think of a better alternative to death sentence which complies with the following:
    --not being considered 'inhuman treatment' or 'torture'.
    --effective in making people think twice before incurring in this or that crime.


    5. Have you ever been in a position to decide someone else's life or death?
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    MrSplashy and Varno like this.
  2. TheZephyrStorm

    TheZephyrStorm Rock God

    Apr 25, 2016
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    Don’t forget how frequently they find evidence that frees the already deceased prisoner
    Disgusting likes this.
  3. Aizael

    Aizael Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
  4. Darkanlan

    Darkanlan Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    I believe there are more trash in the world due to people wanting to give second chances. Most of these trash tend to commit worse crimes after getting out of prison once. Lots of people need organ transplants, good way to save lives of decent people is to carve them out of the trash of society. Get rid of pedophiles, rapists, murderers, human traffickers, and other scum of society and save the lives of others through using their organs. It's a win win situation for everyone.
  5. Alina Moktan

    Alina Moktan LaLisa Stole My Heart

    Jun 15, 2017
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    I wanted them to suffer and living like hell and wanted tortured them so much like how they tortured victims or child.
    zman and Drsha like this.
  6. ninish

    ninish ✿Fujoshi✿ [#224~] [Dʀᴀɢᴏɴɪsᴛ] [Lᴜʀᴋᴇʀ Lᴇᴇᴄʜ]

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I am aware of that :<

    That's why it was applied in so very few cases over here, even when it was still possible.
  7. Jarrow

    Jarrow Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2015
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    "Even for the people who may be falsely accused and get killed in the end. "
    In the USA, which is supposed to be the originator and gold standard for "innocent until proven guilty" and such, the number of false convictions and police / prosecutorial misconduct (AND TOTAL UNAPOLOGETIC CRIMINALITY) is ridiculously high.

    It sounds like your problem would be MUCH better addressed by changing the leniency of your sentencing laws, not adding death penalties. You've already admitted that your justice system isn't providing what you see as 'justice', so why are you increasing the potential damage, rather than fixing the problem?
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    AliceShiki, Alkion and Westeller like this.
  8. ToshinRaizen

    ToshinRaizen Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2016
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    Yeah he should be executed I'm particularly fond of ancient ways to execute someone like the person you mentioned honestly I think he should get the brazen bull treatment.
    ninish and Darkanlan like this.
  9. Christian Leontsinis

    Christian Leontsinis Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Death penalty for murderes and rapists should be the norm in all nations
    Darkanlan, ninish and zman like this.
  10. ninish

    ninish ✿Fujoshi✿ [#224~] [Dʀᴀɢᴏɴɪsᴛ] [Lᴜʀᴋᴇʀ Lᴇᴇᴄʜ]

    Oct 20, 2015
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    That actually sounds nice... But given the high demand for organs it's a little risky. I don't think *all* criminals should be ended like this... This could start a fight to condemn people to death sentence in order to get their organs, transforming jails into organ farms XD well that WOULD dissuade people from 'criming' quite well, I think XD
    zman and Darkanlan like this.
  11. Overclock

    Overclock Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2016
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    For the first case I want life with no parole. For the second I want the death sentence since I consider those types of crimes worse than murder.
    zman likes this.
  12. Trane

    Trane Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Bend them over and *** , pry it open and fulfill a fujoshi's dream
  13. Christian Leontsinis

    Christian Leontsinis Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    That is a terrible idea and china does this already but it is with innocent people they call criminals
  14. nehpets747

    nehpets747 Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2016
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    The problem with the death penalty is that the justice system is not perfect meaning that a small percentage are innocent. The rest tho are evil criminals who should die but what if he or she was innocent of the crime. Maybe I would support the death penalty if it follows multiple steps to review the case, find anything that might indicate innocence and or false testimony. Killing another human being should 100 percent positive that he is the evil person he or she was. And then there's the mental health of the person and his intelligence to know what is right and wrong, morals and ethics. that is another monkey that is just.... problematic. I live in the USA which allows some death penalty in most states but not in others especially the east coast. I lived in Texas which is big on the death penalty.
    Conqueror of Atlantis likes this.
  15. Kuroguma

    Kuroguma [Cyber Lich] [Aspie] [SOX][Forgotten Perv]

    Oct 20, 2015
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    In theory yes, in practice, no.
    'couse if we kill an innocent man, would that make us all murders?:hmm:
    Also, here is Moore's take on norway.:blobrofl:

    We don't even have life in prison as a possible sentence, max is about 21 years I believe.
  16. Christian Leontsinis

    Christian Leontsinis Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    It isn't
  17. sisterfister

    sisterfister currently inside your sister

    Aug 3, 2017
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    life sentence. killing doesn't make a diffrence it's the same
  18. jimmy1989

    jimmy1989 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Whoever voted for the repentance BS hope you or someone close to you gets Fd over well see if your repentance shizer cuts it bunch of hippies
    Christian Leontsinis and zman like this.
  19. Drsha

    Drsha Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I once heard of ancient Chinese tortures ( like burying alive, treating with insects) I think I would support those specially for child abuse cases. Just the other day I read about a guy who raped a 4 year old child and got few years 4 or 7 years jail time. People like these deserve to be punished. Death would be too easy for them and short jail time is big no no. I would say his p**** should be chopped off as a first and other punishment after that.
    ninish and zman like this.
  20. Trane

    Trane Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Imagine the reimbursement they have to give when innocent people with families get punished with that.
    They can either deny or $$$
    Disgusting likes this.