[RPG] Alemannia: The Game Thread

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by A5G_Reaper, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Reading List:
    OOC and Registration Here

    • Only post after your character(s) is approved. It will be listed on the OOC thread.
    • Posting length should be no more than 1000 words. This is to ensure that people don't go overboard and that reading can still be fluid rather than difficult.
    • You can post twice in a row, provided they involve different characters.
    • Please post using the following format:
    • IMPORTANT: Please refrain from posting OOC/non-game related/spam posts in the game thread. Thanks!
    • IMPORTANT: If you're going to write something not following the current chronological flow, please do indicate it before your post.

    Alemannia is divided into three major regions, Parliament Square, Country Proper and The Undercity stacked and connected by the Elevator.


    Parliament Square
    Parliament Square is the capital of Alemannia, and is where the President, the Parliament and the main military hierarchy are located. This place is the seat of power in Alemannia.

    Country Proper
    Country Proper is where the rest of the registered citizenry are located. It is divided into many different districts but notable is the deviation between the affluent and the masses.

    -image unavailable-
    The Undercity is where the Unregistered people reside. It stretched far wider than Alemannia's Country Proper, however the habitable area doesn't differ much due to the constant sandstorm - the government only extend protective field on anything directly below the platform.

    Approved characters will be listed here.
    Appearance; Female, short-black hair, 5'6" tall blue eyes athletic -build. Race: mixed Japanese-Caucasian. age: 27 has a birthmark in his forehead resembling cherry blossoms.
    Code name: Death Bloom (real name hidden)

    Role: (registered)
    One of the top generals in the Republic guard main headquarters

    The silent starwalt general of the Republic guard headquarters,she devotes herself in protecting the "peace" in Alemannia. Has a strong conviction in fighting for the greater good of country/state. For now she sees the rebellion of the unregistered as "uncivilized" and only disturbs the peace of Alemannia. As of now, she slowly prepares for the "silencing" of these unregistered rebels.
    -Appearance (picture is optional)[​IMG]
    black ponytails, black eyes, white lab coat, white undershirt, black leggings (drew it just now so it's messy)
    Research and Development Facilities
    "We're in the light, and they're in the dark.

    ...We're royally screwed (or replace with any form of cuss word)"

    She prefers to stay in her lab doing what she likes to do - researching. She does contribute to the war effort, but doesn't see the point because while the Registered can't find out where the Unregistered are, the Registered are like glowing fireflies in nighttime to the Unregistered. Very pessimistic.
    -Name: Johansen Orange
    -Role : Policeman
    -Backstory: A 52 bachelor that saw a lot of shit, did a lot of shit, uses some shit. Don't really seem much difference between the Republic and the rebels but, unfortunately for the later, prefer to stay where the rule of the game is clear. Used to be a commander in the Undercity but after a accident, where he lost his left eye and arm (the arm he could reattach later), moved to sergeant in the Residential District 2. His motto is "it's not personal".
    He likes retrogames and usually sign his high scores as GUT or TR8R, depending on how much letters is available, he hopes he can beat AAA one day
    Appaearance: Depending of the time he will be bald or have black long hair and a long black beard(both unkept), this due the fact that he thinks that going for a haircut is just a waste of time right now. He is 172 cm tall that is smaller than everyone in his family and he is in the pale and skinny side, though not to the point that it is unhealthy he is not strong by any point of the imagination. He has dark eyes and very marked eye bags(?). He is 28 year old

    Name: Kasper Dorein
    Code Name: Yggdrasil

    Role: Researcher of biotechnology mostly involved with products that can eat waste or new plants that can be consumed and can resist radiation and other harsh enviorement issues.

    The younger son of a couple that worked in organic chimestry reaserching for ways to recycle waste before all went to shit, because his father and mother where of the few high end scientist that can work with plants and research medicine, his family got quite a lot of political power and is one of the few family that controls the agricultural part of Alemannia both in the research and economical point of view. Since he couldnt get part of the company regarding the sale of the products of his family due to him being the youngest son and since he didn't want to be a subordinate of an older brother or sister he went and studied under his father and mother mostly about researching and chemical engineering.
    Due to his family having part of politics he needed to be part in some not very ethical experiments to be certain that the new pills and food are without or little side effect to the point of beginning to be a supervisor of a few earning the code name of Yggdrasil that he uses for the work that the government send to him.
    Appearance (going moe-style!)

    Name: Patricia Susan Lawrence-Britain (age 17)

    Role: Current president of the Republic (recently "elected" this year), but is really just a powerless figurehead.

    Backstory: Patricia is one of the last living descendants of the British Royal Family, which was almost entirely destroyed during the Armageddon 25 years ago. Her parents are no longer alive (lost to leukemia from low-atmosphere nukes/radiation), and she spent the majority of her childhood under the custody of self-serving politicians who realized that her name brand was an excellent campaign publicity and marketing tool. Oh, and she also has mild/developing leukemia too (so not very physically active/healthy), but it hasn't interfered with her ordinary life as of yet.

    When Patricia was as young as 7, a group of politicians fabricated a political party with Patricia as the mascot. The party emphasized "tradition, conservatism, and returning things to the glorious ways of the 21st Century". Thanks to Patricia's name-brand recognition, the ROYAL PARTY quickly rose to become one of the dominant parties in the Republic. Talented in rhetoric, the Royals espoused lofty symbolic ideals like creating a safe and pleasant society that placed the futures of children (like Patricia) first. Basically, they never had a shortage of sweet-sounding idealistic things to say. But in reality, the Royal Party was highly corrupt and the primary perpetrators of the deep-set decadence and inequality. You know, the stereotypical greedy, self-centered, and power-hungry politicians. Unfortunately, they're quite sly.

    With the rising assassination attempts from the Unregistered, the political elite found it convenient for their purposes to nominate a politically inexperienced figurehead leader (Patricia) for several reasons:
    • Multiple different factions believed they could control/manipulate a naive 17-year-old girl, all to different extents. In effect, it was a solution that produced a coalition government that united several political factions in the Republic.
    • The increasing assassination attempts (some of which were successful) from the Unregistered made highly visible political positions undesirable. Many political elite found it more desirable to hold the reins from the shadows in relative anonymity.
    • Patricia had already started to become politically active. However, her beliefs and widely publicized speeches are heavily idealistic, and she genuinely believes in things like further income equality, peace, love and kindness, etc. For a Code Geass analogy, it's probably best to think of her as a Euphemia. And like Suzaku, she believes problems should be fixed from the inside rather than from the outside (revolution/violence).
      • Publicity stunt -- If Patricia is "President", then the Republic must be all flowers and rainbows, right? It's like putting a glossy surface over a Republic elite that is actually very ugly underneath.
      • A gambit? -- If a popular/well-regarded figure like Patricia is taken down by the Unregistered, wouldn't this alienate the more moderate citizens of society?

    -Appearance: black hair, redeyes, looks always sleepy, till his switch is ON
    -Name: Iskandeer
    -Role: Unregistered habitants
    -Backstory: an abandoned child, suvriving by doing odd jobs, get into fight often due to his weak appareance, current age 18
    View attachment 3845
    Switch ON

    View attachment 3846
    - Appearance : Brown Hair, Brown Hair, of mixed race ancestry from post apocalyptic age... (since the register all had long lost, exact ancestry is unknown, but still could be recognized as Caucassian, although a bit different...)
    - Name : Judd Schwerzfüße. Also known as "Langsam Bruder"
    - Role : (Unregistered sympathizer)
    -Backstory: A 35 Years Old Citizen living at the Residential District 2, work as Nighttime Supervisor of Energy Supply Transport that supply the Reactor District by Fuel taken from Undercity. Exchange message while doing so, and also could provide small article from the city. Highly trusted by his superior due to almost perfect work tract. Prefer subtlety than wanton more forceful act.
    Wife "died" due to "unknown circumstances", but it believed that she was still alive somewhere and using her biochemist knowledge and work for Unregistered Cell somewhere in Undercity.
    Reason for joining: He seen too much, and unlike other citizen, he wasn't deceiving himself. The current government must go...
    -Appearance; Black hair reaching her shoulder blade, Blue eyes, height 155cm, looks 15-17 years old and she uses those cloths from the picture (coat, bras, shorts and the boots, gloves[Everything on black]).

    -Name; Ria

    -Role; Works as Marksman in Undercity (Or you could call it Assassination/Bounty hunter).

    -Backstory; Ria had lost her parents when she was 5 years old, but because her parents had good relationship with one of Military general in Parliament Square, so he decided to adopt Ria as his child, because himself couldn't never have one.

    The general also wanted to Ria to succeed him in military affairs, so he trained Ria to handle different kinda weapons and also trained her some basic close quarter combat.

    After what seemed to feel decade, something unexpected happened in Parliament Square and Ria was forced to flee from there and decided to settle down to Undercity and tries to survive there, by making living with her master weaponry skills and also tries to keep hiding from those, who keeps looking for her.

    (This is what 'gangs/rebels' or what ever you want to call them in Undercity, has discovered from Ria's backround. Everything else was destroyed or gone missing.)
    -Appearance (picture is optional)

    Average human being with a average build.Roman is a middle aged-man(31) with a thick Serbian accent. He has black short hair and is about 6 feet tall.




    Ex- Owner of a luxury taxi company that chauffeurs around the upper class people of the Republic.


    Once the proud and hard working owner of 'Roman's Cabs', Roman has turned into an unregistered after getting into deep debt due to his gambling habits. He was a registered citizen that has since renounced his citizenship and gone into hiding. He is hiding from his debt collectors whilst working with the unregistered to start a rebellion. He gathers information through his trusted network of cab drivers - some of which are unregistered. Roman makes a living being a information broker at this current time.

    He likes to go bowling in his spare time
    Appearance: 190cm 23 year old Male with brown hair covering his left eye. Slender but well built. Usually wears gray hoodie and black jeans.
    Name: Zach Starfield.
    Background: A second son of the biggest private military contractor with close ties to the government. Previously enjoyed tranquil life until he turn 15. But after the sudden death of his father, he's hunted by his ambitious big brother who inherit his father's position because his brother view him as a potential threat. Since then he flee to undercity and become an unregistered. He's well known for his agility.

    Name: alexander vassily inoa
    Codename: Prof.

    Appearance: 50 year old man. Wears specialized spectacles (google glass?). Lab coat. White shirt, jeans.

    Role: registered.

    Backstory: Worked in the research and development department before politics forced him to leave. Now works at the energy plants. Regards the ruling elites with disdain. Knowledgable in engineering, metallurgy, with specialization in thermodynamics- entropy in particular.
    Male. Slightly darkened skin color, but resembles a oriental appearance. About 177 cm (5'11'') Slender but slightly muscular. Unkempt black hair with slight shades of gray along with black eyes.


    Local known merchant for the Unregistered

    A 40 year old male who came into Alemannia 5 years after it's construction from the outside world. Coincidentally found Alemannia after miraculously surviving in the wastelands after the meteor shower. Aster remembers little to nothing about recent events that happened after the meteor shower and he also suffers from amnesia, meaning he remembers nothing about his past nor his name. Although he is an amnesiac, Aster still retained his basic knowledge and named himself Aster, which means Star in Greek. Aster matured in the wastelands struggling to survive every single day and his survival skills became apparent after several years in the wastelands. After entering Alemannia, he couldn't find a place for himself in either society and became a known local merchant a few years after his arrival, by relying on his skills to scavenge for goods the Unregistered needed. Aster's personality is seen as indifferent and cold to others and he conducts business with whomever he chooses and money is not a major priority. People have questioned his ability to maintain a stable business from his cold personality, but the only thing many know from his mysterious character, is that he came from the wastelands, and he is somehow resistant to the radiation fall-out.
    Appeareance: A 6 1/2 feet tall man around the age of 40 with a lanky appearance. His facial features are mostly hidden by a bushy beard though his nose makes one think of a hawk. High cheek bones and a penetrating gaze coming from eyes with the colour of a clouded winter day-gray further this image. His hair, formerly a deep darkened brown, contains a lot of grey and white. Combined with the wrinkles around his eyes he gives of the feeling of a gentle person if not for the hardened gaze.
    Name: Scott J. Penton
    Role: Registered, Follower of the church of ascendance
    Backstory: Adopted at the age of five by the textil merchant Sullis J. Penton Scott had been raised with care and ambition. As child he did not show much affection towards others of similiar age but the conduct towards his father was of exceeding obedience and dependency. With utmost devotion to his studies and a keen sense of business he inherited the chairman position of his father by the mere age of 25, greatly expanding the company afterwards. People would praise him as much as they envied him, there even was the rumour of him having influental ties in the parliament square.
    However all of that changed the day his father died. Scott was 27 at the time it happened and was thrown into a state of severe grievance, secluding himself in the family mansion in the 1. residental district for almost half a year.
    Then a man came to him. A man with a voice sweeter than an angel. A man with the compassion of a saint.
    Scott who thought to have lost everything gained a new way and enligthenment.
    He withdrew from the world of business and commerce and poured a great deal of his wealth in charitable institutiorns, also founding 2 orphanages. Since then he has been living a life one could call pious and scholarly and not one day would pass without praying to the his new raison d'etre, the church of ascendance.
    appreance : black hair brown eyes. most of the time wears a grey hoodie with headphones always on the head

    name: nemard
    role-bounty hunter/assasin in the undercity
    back story: at first when he was a kid(12) he was unable to pay the feed and so stayed as an unregistred. in the under city he had to somehow survive so he started to steal and even kill. all just to live another day. some time passed(17) as the name of the "grey hood"(dont kill me i suck with names) became known in the undercity as he is now one of the most known(but not best) bounty hunters (will do every job for money/food/special items)

    now he hides from those who he stole from and wait for something to happend so he can go up to the country proper

    personality- will only do something if he have again but is still feeling hate for the paliament sqaure - use mostly knifes and have almost no ability with guns
    and blaming them for his hard childhood

    Notable NPC will be listed here.
    Name: Argent Skid

    Affiliation: The Republic

    Role: Head of robotic engineering research department.

    Background info: An eccentric scientist of the old world, the Skid twins were two of the brightest in their respective field. The apocalypse unfortunately killed Argent's brother, him surviving by chance since he's in a different bunker.

    Dedicating himself into the Republic's good, he still have a long term plan to make a proper grave for his brother. Some speculate that he believe his brother survived somehow...
    Name: Erik Carraco

    Affiliation: The Republic

    Role: Head of the Republic Guard

    Background info: "Too many cooks spoil the broth." That is Erik Carraco's view on democracy. The strong should guide the weak, even if they resist. They do not understand the error of their ways nor are they aware of the burden of leadership. Someone has to make the hard decisions and there will always be unhappy people as a consequence. It saddens Erik to see these simpletons resist the luxury of ignorance but he will stop at nothing to ensure that order remains in the Republic.
    Name: Konrad Kunze
    Age: 31
    Role: Uncertain
    Backstory: Born to a nondescript child of a worker in Residential District 2, this boy grew to be one of the most influential person in Alemannia - although not many were aware of the fact.

    A master manipulator, he joined the Republic Guard and quickly rose in rank from combination of charisma, commanding skill, as well as a perfectly calculated recklessness which earned several medals for bravery in face of danger. His bright accomplishment, accompanied with the rare grace that came so naturally to him, led him to be adopted by a certain big-wig politician.

    In the new seat of power, it wasn't difficult for Kunze to arrange incidents to increase his own position. His adoptive father had an idea of what's going on, but was all too happy to let it happen. It didn't take long for the promotion landed him a lofty post in Parliament Square, a place most police spent decades without even getting close.

    It wasn't long before his net snared his father, as well as the political party itself.

    His father wasn't a just man in the first place. The scripted incidents that raised his own position was twisted, evidence pointing to his father, keeping the old man under control. He then won his father's support with a promise of power, to rule Alemannia from the loftiest position - the carrot and the stick, in a sense. He methodologically dismantled the enemy, arranging unfortunate fate to befall some of the political foe while pinning the blame onto the too-righteous of his side. In similar combinations of threat, blackmail, and the enticement of power he drawn in the broken foe into his side, finally cementing his position as the shadow overlord of Alemannia.

    Name: Jasper Oron (Only known as "Red Leader" to the Republic)

    Affiliation: The Unregistered

    Role: Leader of the Red Order

    Background info: The leader of an extremist order of guerilla soldiers. Holds a lot of influence with the more hostile individuals of the Undercity and perhaps considered 'the leader' of the Unregistered by the pro-Republic media. Is considered 'the most wanted individual' in Alemannia. Responsible for most of the terrorist attack on the Republic.
    Name: Johann Erlichmann

    Affiliation: The Unregistered

    Role: De facto leader, Sons of Old Germany

    Background: Johann had a simple but happy life in their family home in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. He attended school like other kids and played with them after class. He enjoyed watching TV in the afternoon and looked forward to the family dinner during the night.

    Then the meteor crash happened.

    With the establishment of Alemannia, Johann, then eleven, was unable to get himself registered into the new Republic. No one helped him, either. Johann was left alone in the Undercity, together with his friends, who also didn't make the transition. Together, Johann and his friends survived until they realized merely surviving was no longer enough. They had to fight for what's theirs, in they will claim it through any way necessary.

    Johann wears a mask to hide his scars when their family home was burned during the crash.


    Energy Reactor Facility Engineer (NPC) - Energy Reactor Facility

    Engineer Roswell rubbed his temple with his right hand. Things weren't going well with maintenance today. His team has found some malfunction in one of the reactors at sector A, the sector that supplies energy to one-fourth of Parliament Square, including some functions of the Elevator.

    Roswell leaned back in his chair and looked at the phone on the far right corner of his messy office table. He has to inform the Republic Guard about this. After all, the malfunction wasn't a simple one. If sector A buckles, Parliament Square would lose electricity, and those scummy Unregistereds could pounce on the opportunity.

    The engineer sighed, leaned forward and called the Contingencies division of the Republican Guard.

    Jasper Oron - Not Defined

    "Opportunity comes to those who wait, after all."

    Jasper showed a rare smile on his visage, which probably more intimidating than reassuring the messenger reporting to him. He just received news from his spies that there's a major malfunction on the Energy Reactor District, which will cause shortage of power for a week or two at least.

    Alone, it may not worth much. However, the Republic was going to introduce a new source of power, which will replace fossil fuel for good. As luck dictates, they will stop being miser on the fuel and was going all out digging out the hidden stash to convert into usable energy while it's still possible - in fact, the process was underway as he sit there. A disruption here will black out half the Republic, including cutting down the available power armor and electrical vehicle...

    "Contact that Ria, I'm offering double rate for a job- no, make it triple. Then gather everyone, we have a lot of bombing to do tonight. You have fifteen minutes."

    "Y- yes sir!"

    @Yukkuri Oniisan
    Judd Schwerzfüße - Undercity

    Petroleum is scarce even before the great crash twenty five years ago, and it only get worse since.

    It was another night, where Judd had to supervise another -- the last -- batch of fossil fuel. Alemannia had been slowly switching into alternative source of power, the first being wind turbines and followed closely by construction of nuclear reactor. The new aetherium cores coming out from the R&D Department only hasten the end of petroleum, which only reason of continual usage being "would be a waste to not use the existing fuel and generators".

    Several fuel trucks flanked by armed escorts caused the surrounding Unregistered to scurry back into the shadow of their home, although no doubt they kept watching. Same case everytime, there was barely any attempt to attack the caravan. Those who did so in the past was wiped out by the Republic Guard, each wearing a full-cover power armor capable of both withstanding radiation as well as extra toughness to ignore weaker gunshots.

    While absentmindedly thinking about potential attack scenario, an explosion tore through the night and broke Judd's daze.

    Fortunately, it wasn't his caravan. Unfortunately, several more explosions from different directions can only mean that other fuel caravans were attacked.

    "Drive! Drive!"

    Judd and several other engineers were sitting in the passenger seat of an armored car at the front of the line. An order crackled through the radio causing the police driver to step on the pedal, sending the unsuspecting passengers careening to the back as the car dashed out of the group.

    They keep the noncombatant priority, at least.

    Turning around, Judd would be right in time to catch one of the fuel truck erupt in flames. Others followed closely in a chain reaction, even some of the Republic Guards wasn't able to clear out in time and was engulfed in the flames.

    ...strange, wasn't the point of attacking caravan is stealing the cargo?

    Judd can only ponder, not yet aware of the fact that not six hours ago one of the major reactor malfunctioned and will be out of commission for quite some time.

    @onnyfp @MukuruA @Roman @deskdr @BlueBrute @matcha @Glaurung @Anonymous012456 @Readingaddict36
    You can write what's your character is doing at the time. I'll compose something specifically for you guys soon enough.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
  2. MukuruA

    MukuruA Active Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Elise - Research and Development Facilities
    (not sure if the energy reactor shut down yet, this is in the event that it did)

    Elise was never a good person, so when the lights started flickering and then shut off, she went into an evil rampage mode. Luckily, she did not dare to harm her precious babies (research equipment) so she only stomped the floor a couple times. She was in the middle of an experiment with compacting a power suit to make it conserve space. However, the lack of lighting caused her to break her concentration when she was having an epiphany moment, causing her to lose progress and delay her research.
    After venting her frustrations on the floor, she stumbled around to her cabinets. Elise had already memorized the layout of her entire lab due to the many years she stayed cooped up inside, so she quickly took out many electricity charged lamps from a cabinet and set them all up around her lab. She lamented the lack of foresight of the engineers for not implementing an immediate backup energy reactor, but at least she is well-prepared.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
  3. onnyfp

    onnyfp Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Zach Starfield

    Zach is approached by a mysterious man that offers him to have revenge against his brother while his army is away from his base, helping the government. Zach knows that place very well, so he's most suited.
    While Zach is doubtful, the man told him that his father's death is not a natural death after all, and his brother is related to it.
    Although Zach is reluctant to clash with his brother, he agreed to the man's request.
    The man said that he will provide him with necessary weapon and tools and he will send him to that place.
  4. KuroShiroe

    KuroShiroe Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Kasper Dorein - Agricultural District

    Woken up by the loud noise of people going in and out of the facility hidden here for the purpose of being easy to get material both from the plants that were planted here and the people living down in the wastelands he noticed the fact that people were concerned about something, asking a few people nearby it seems that there was a malfunction on the energy sector and people were going in and out to feed the reactor with biofuel and stack for enough time.
    Redirecting his gaze to the computer with the data of his latest creation a plant that will produce fruit in only 1-2 months after planting, also that can grow in the wasteland and that will not produce side effects when is consumed.
    With this the people in the wasteland can recapture parts of it, or at least that is what the goverment wanted a little peace of mind for a few years before they ask for something else.
    But is not the only the plant that is shown in the screen, with an evil grin on his face he sends the report of the "hope" plant. And goes to suporvise the cargo of biofuel after closing his computer.
  5. Lao

    Lao Languid

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Aster - A random room in the Undercity (This takes place after the bombing on the petroleum caravan)
    Aster was reclining back on a chair staring off into nowhere in a random part of the Undercity, but he was woken out of his daze when he heard explosions sounding off into the distance.

    "Hmm...?..Strange, if there's going to be explosions in that direction, then that'd be one of the last shipments of petroleum the Republic is shipping?.." Thought Aster blank minded as he contemplated various thoughts.
    "Oh well, seems like something interesting is about to happen in this god forsaken place and I might as well make it a bit more interesting.." As he finished off that thought while reaching for his communication device. "..I wonder which faction will offer me more for my various 'goods'.." Aster smirked as he sent several messages to god knows who.
  6. BlaBla013

    BlaBla013 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    sitting in a random house he noticed something is happening.
    noticing the power is out he quickly took all the precious items and money he could fit into a small bag
    going out and belnding with the crowd he knew as the power armors of the guards and most of the defences are out
    the chance to go up from the under city will come.
  7. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Elise's Lab

    The smartphone she kept in silent mode flickered into life, which would have gone unnoticed if not for the blackout. There were several emails from the Chief of R&D timed as far as eight hours back, the oldest detailing a reactor failure that end free-electric days and the latest being an emergency measure where all available power was redirected into military effort.

    Unfortunately her lab was deemed "unessential", and therefore was cut off all power. Or maybe for the fact that there shouldn't be anyone still working at three in the morning warranting the shut down.

    If she tried the door, Elise would realize that even the automatic shutter wasn't working - she'll have to stay longer in, whether she like it or not...


    Johann Erlichmann (NPC), The Undercity
    Tempting the Starfield child was easier than expected. An offer of revenge toward his brother who chased him out and saying that his father didn't die naturally -- which may or may not be true, Johann had fabricated it since its convenient -- earned them a guide to strike directly at the heart of Starfield Company. He wondered if the naivety was part of the boy's personality, seeing that the current owner of Starfield didn't send any assassin so far it's hard to think that guy will kill his own father.

    Giving one last look to the sea of flames below, Johann felt a tinge on the burn hidden by his mask - fire unnerved him to an extent, even after all this time.

    "Any reply yet?" He asked his subordinate stationed inside the ruined buildinh, while carefully placing a grenade launcher that is probably older than himself.

    "The Red Order said they'll have Ria over, but can't contact the girl yet. Same case with Grey, no reply. But we picked up the merchant Aster, he have the wares for the right price."

    Johann frowned, although it shouldn't be visible to his men. After a brief contemplation, he make his decision.

    "Send Ria and Grey Hood the coordinate and timing every fifteen minutes through a secure channel. We'll operate on basis that they don't show up. Inquire about plastic explosives to the merchant, see if we can get some delivered in an hour. The rest of you, with me!"

    Erik Carraco (NPC) - Republic Guard HQ

    “Uprising, uprising and more uprising,” said Erik. He threw the reports onto the desk and let out a long, weary sigh. The phone call from Energy Reactor Facility was only the beginning of what seemed to be a restless night, which was proven correct with the hit on the fuel caravan. “Fools, all of them. Complete, utter fools,” he cursed aloud, directing his anger onto the table with a slam of his fist. The sergeant at the door stood unmoving and unnerved.

    “What are our orders, sir?” asked the sergeant, his expression and tone controlled from years of military discipline.

    Erik took a moment to compose himself. “These Unregistered terrorists are causing more problems than I’d initially thought. It does not help our situation to have some brat sitting at the top seat squandering power like a drunkard wasting his paycheck.” Erik walked towards the high-rise view of Alemannia. The window of his office stretched from one wall to another, giving him a splendid panorama of Country Proper and part of the desolated Undercity beneath it. Even now he could see a couple of illuminating spots where the arson attacks had taken place.

    “Protect the Energy Reactor Facility while repairs are underway. Garrison all the important structures in Country Proper. Power generators, armories, hospitals, trade centers, garrison everything damn building if we can. Engage the terrorists only if they show physical violence. Our priority is protecting the citizens of Alemannia. Remember, do not engage unless they show physical violence. They may not even reach this far, but I do not want to leave this to chance.”

    “Yes, sir!” acknowledged the sergeant.

    “Kill anyone who disobeys that order,” Erik added coldly.

    “Yes, sir!” repeated the sergeant, without a moment of doubt.

    Erik nodded and waved his hand. “Dismissed.”

    The sergeant walked briskly out of the door, the sound of his clopping heels faded down the corridor. Erik returned to the seat of his office, rubbing his sleep derived eyes. Emails were pouring into his computer’s inbox but he ignored them. His eyes were fixed on a frame next to the screen, holding a picture of a family sitting on a park bench. A beautiful woman with short, blonde hair sat beside a much younger and more cheerful Erik Carraco. In his lap was his daughter, laughing happily into the camera.

    Erik tore his eyes away from the picture and opened his inbox. “I’ve got a job to do,” he said to himself. And if he did his job properly, by God’s will, no family will have to suffer losses.
  8. BlueBrute

    BlueBrute Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Johansen Orange - Residential Area 2

    -That's it baby, keep like this and we can Save the Chicken Foundation
    - That's it, Ms. Nuggets, we will do it or my name is Loser MacDonald
    <lights goes out>
    <watch rings>
    - Hello? Sergeant Macdonald speaking. I mean, Sergeant Orange! Emergency? Alright, I'm going to the headquarters.
    EDIT: my watch has a phone imbued in it
  9. Lao

    Lao Languid

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Aster - A warehouse in an unknown location
    "Haha so I guess more hidden fellows are striking while the iron is hot, haha.." Aster said grinning while glancing at his communicator
    "Johann eh? Seems like 'gifting' more explosives might offset the equilibrium between the Red Order and the Republic.."

    ~10 minutes later~

    Aster looked over the armored truck filled to the brim with explosives of all sorts. "What would be their reactions I wonder? Few actually know I carry these types of 'goods' hahaha..." Aster laughed mischievously while boarding the armored truck and turning on the ignition.
    He then picked up his communicator and sent the details for the pick-up. "Hmm should I charge him extra?" Aster pondered to himself while turning on an ancient music player and driving off.
  10. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Patricia -- Country Proper: Inner Perimeter

    The truth was, Patricia was tired of all the photo shoots and fundraising events. Day after day, her ministers kept her schedule packed down to the last minute with formalities, hand-shaking tea parties, forced smiles, and greetings of every kind. Growing up in Alemannia, she had no idea what a President's job was actually supposed to be, but Patricia decidedly told herself that this was grueling. Flashes of cameras, spotlights, ambient chatter everywhere -- she didn't have a moment of rest.

    If her schedule was jammed full like this, when was she supposed to find time to think about the actually important administrative things? Like civil governing? Fiscal policy? The rising turbulence in the lower city?

    Patricia sighed as she lowered a hefty stack papers. It was at least fifty pages thick, all scripts for speeches and television interviews. Her presidential advisors had told her she was supposed to have these memorized by her next appointment in Parliament Square. If she couldn't get it done fast enough, everything in the schedule would be pushed back, and they told her she'd have to miss the Senate's General Assembly in the evening. It was a hellish agenda for someone as small and frail as Patricia.

    How was she supposed to be a proper President like this?

    Patricia hurried towards the Elevator, cloaked at the moment under a thick waterproof overcoat and carrying a thick ream of papers under her arms. She was alone -- which one might think is strange for a person of her status, especially since the Country Proper wasn't as safe as Parliament Square -- but Patricia did not find this bizarre, as she lacked knowledge about 21st century customs. Since the day she had been inaugurated as President, Patricia never had any assistants or secretaries. Her ministers and advisors never provided her any, and Patricia had always thought this was normal since she had never known anything different. She had no idea that the older politicians and contriving senators had deliberately set up this arrangement so she'd be overworked with assignments that were physically impossible for one person to handle.

    In either case, the young 17-year-old girl was anxious, because she was (predictably) running behind schedule. Her feet were sore and her shoulders were stiff from the lack of sleep. This was her second week since her inauguration, and she was already feeling the effects of her job. Nonetheless, she was still spirited, because at the moment she still believed she was capable of finishing all of today's work. If she finished, then she'd be able to look at the bills and the proposals and the proceedings and the amendments. She'd be able to read the policy briefings and help out in her own way -- this was why she wanted to be President in the first place.

    Patricia wanted to make Alemannia a better place. She wanted to make a real difference and have a positive impact on society.

    Argh! But if only she could get over this horrid schedule! Who booked all these appointments anyways?!

    And also, why is there such a long line at the Elevator? Why isn't it moving? Wait! There's no power?! But how was Patricia supposed to make it to her next appointment?


    picture for fun~
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
  11. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Johann Erlichmann (NPC)

    Johann rubbed the bridge of his nose, momentarily speechless at the merchant's entire cargo. He expected several kilos with sky-high price, but who would have thought that a literal truckload showed up with discount instead.

    "What's the catch? You are unusually generous tonight."

    It was a brazen gesture, announcing that he got a hidden agenda. Although 'gifting' so much explosives can only be benefical to Johann, the insurgent leader still have a bit unease at accepting the offer...

    Johansen Orange - Country Proper Elevator, Inner Perimeter

    After identifying himself, Johansen walked into the Country Proper Command Center - one of the few area still having power - just in time to hear a shout directed at the captain manning the particular post. He catched some words from the commander of Country Proper police regarding having some technician flayed if they can't redirect some energy to move the elevator.

    "Sergeant Orange? I have the order from command, before he start shouting at the captain. You are to assemble your squad from the barrack and garrison the residential district, with emphasis on protecting the citizen. The order word-to-word is available at the main terminal."
  12. MukuruA

    MukuruA Active Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Elise - Research and Development Facilities

    Not only is Elise a very not nice person, she is also a very eloquent and intelligent individual. With all the knowledge invested in her from 20 years of life, she very fluently cussed out her superior, her superior's superiors, and her superior's superior's superiors. Of course, not out loud, she would never dare. Just in her mind, while conveniently venting on the handy floor.
    After her angry rant, she took out a mini-LED pen flashlight to look at her surroundings. She could pry open the shutter door if she used her tools, but she loved her babies too much to defile them with a mere shutter door. Also, she was afraid to that her pay will be docked if anything was damaged, which in turn will lead to less research funds. With no choice, she set up some already charged lamps to shine on her desk, and proceeded to properly do her military work and make explosives. After all, the military doesn't accept "Compact Power Suits" as a suitable military advancement apparently... Even though they sound so cool.

    She managed to make some explosives even though most of her equipment was down since she had some spare prepared materials. Still, her stock was limited, only 30 C4 and 50 hand grenades. Thankfully her phone is still charged, so she requested from a higher up to let her have some power... Really need power... Really want to research... Will trade dangerous weaponry for research time...

    Attached Files:

  13. onnyfp

    onnyfp Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Zach Starfield.

    Zach watch at the distance the scene of Johann, the mysterious man, speaking with a man that came with a truck. It's shady, these people are all shady. But Zach didn't care. All he care about is he will meet his brother again. And it won't be a happy reunion.

    After the Johann, finished his business, Zach approach him. At first Zach ask about the truck, but Johann didn't say anything. Then he state his real intention, when the time comes, he wished to be the one to confront his brother, Gerard, without any interference. Zach just need a lot of answer from his brother.
    Zach promised he won't care about what will Johann do to the Company base.
  14. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Patricia - Country Proper, Inner Perimeter

    The politicians going home late - after "having fun" at the entertainment district, most likely - gave up after knowing the elevator didn't work, brazenly chatting about what excuse to make to skip work tomorrow as they left to find some lodging. Some of the burly-looking bodyguards followed, but soon only men and women of military are left in the place together with the very out of place young president.

    The young girl was so absorbed in reading her script, that she almost yelped when an aged officer tapped her shoulder. The man was smiling although there's a degree of tenseness mixed in. It wasn't hard to understand that Patricia was only a puppet, especially with Commander Erik complaining about it almost daily, however the officer have nowhere near enough influence to keep his job if he slipped and tell her something her 'guardians' deem inappropriate.

    "Miss President, it is an honor to meet yoy. Uuh, we had some major malfunction in the reactor and the elevator will not work anytime soon. So, eh, do you have any place we can escort you to? It is hardly inappropriate for you to spend the night here."

    Regardless how many part were self-scripted before he approached the young president, he did truly meant the last sentence; he eyed the thick script on her grasp as he sighed.

    No children should work this late. We worked hard building this city for that sake.
  15. Reddu

    Reddu Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Ria - Undercity, Unknown location.

    Ria wakes up, refreshed and started to do her usual workout, to keep up her physical build, up to the par with her 'work'. It has been long time, since Ria got healthy and refreshing sleep. Usually it is denied from her, because she has to keep lookout, if those bastards from Parliament Square managed to find her.

    After her workout, she heads towards the refrigerator and opens it.
    "Damn... I'm out of food again." Ria cursed to herself. "Good thing, I still have some money left to buy food." She added.

    Ria slams the refrigerator door close and picks up her knife from a table and puts it in her boots. Thinking also, if she should pick up anything else.

    Ria didn't have much time to think, before her 'work' phone started to vibrate. Picking it up, she saw familiar number on the screen and the payment from the job.

    Seeing the payment, Ria hesitated for while, because bigger the payment, bigger the risk. Also, if this guys is so prepared to pay huge amount from the beginning, then the job is not going to be so simple.

    After debating the pros and cons from the job, Ria decided to listen the contarct of the job.

    'No going back now, I guess' Ria thought to herself.
  16. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Johann Erlichmann - Undercity

    "We'll take what we can carry on person." Deciding that further questioning was unneccesary at the time, Johann gestured some of his men to load the correct explosives while some passed a bag of Republican Credit to the merchant. Catching one guy by the shoulder, he instruct him to lead Aster to one of Jasper's lieutenant - they'll find some use for the rest, Jasper always do.

    Johann quickly approached the incoming Starfield boy, dodging some question regarding the merchant. He boy caught on surprisingly quick and dropped the issue, only demanding to personally confront his brother when the time came.

    Naive kid.

    "That's your business, I will not interfere. In fact, the better it'll be if you keep him busy longer."

    Johann didn't even hesitate as he agreed to the term. The Starfield family is secondary, sabotaging their armory and putting as many soldiers out of comission is the main goal. Besides, there's nothing that prevent him from going back on his word if the situation calls for it.


    Johann turned, seeing his subordinate handing a phone to him. A glance at the number immediately told him who's on the other end.

    Grinning beneath the mask, he picked up the phone.

    "Ria, we've been anxiously waiting. Small team on a subterfuge mission, we'd like a competent marksman since the seat is kinda... limited. The stage is on the Country Proper, I suppose you understand the implication?"

    Aside from the main elevator, there are several smaller elevators used to transport supply and tiny number of people on Entertainment, Commercial, and Agricultural district. The official ones would be locked down and secured by now, however there were several illegally modified garbage chute that function to smuggle unlawful materials. Not a big team can be transported in one go, and it moved painfully slow to avoid technical problem so it's not feasible to make several trips.

    "I'll divulge the details when you get here, can you come within half hour?"
  17. Reddu

    Reddu Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Ria - Undercity, Unknown location.

    Listening the lack of details from Johann, Ria closes the phone, after agreeing to meet him in half hour.

    "This bastard! His not any better than those guys from Parliament Square." Ria cursed, after she put the phone back down.

    Ria heads to corner of her room, where her baby(Favorite weapon) is leaning on the wall, picking it up and putting it on the table, to disassemble it, so it can fit inside long gym bag and then she also added other 'necessary' items inside the bag.

    Putting the coat on and the bag over her shoulder, she heads towards the door. Ria thinks to herself, if her adopted father hates her from doing these kind of jobs. When he wanted her to be successful, after training her so hard, that she even bled some times.

    'How is he doing these days? Can you forgive me, using your skills to kill those people?' Ria thought.

    Ria shook her head, so she should forget it for now and focus on the work. So she decided to think necessary plans, especially escape plans, if it's deemed that, there is need for fast escape from this 'stage'.

    Because she has been there for many times, she remembers most of the Country Proper layout, with help of her adopted father's training. So this helps perfectly on this kind of jobs.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
  18. Anon Ymous

    Anon Ymous Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Iskandeer - Undercity - Somewhere

    The first words when he woke up are:

    - Hot..., why is it so hot? Is the air conditioner broken? And the lights are out too,

    I guess it’s time to steal a new house.

    Feeling hungry, he decided to check the fridge. And find nothing inside……

    - Okay, today it’s working day. And here I thought I could have a days off.

    Saying so Iskandeer exited his house and go to the dark alleys...

    Iskandeer doesn’t have a fixed job nor a fixed house, he is one who travel anywhere he wished too and tonight he is doing the same, finding some criminals, in the Undercity there are many criminals robbers, killers, rapist, and one only need to walk a few meters to find a few, he then take their money and search for a random hideout until he got called for a job, he will do anything as long it’s doesn’t involve killing innocents and selling his rear.

    After exiting the house, he notice the light are out, the criminals nowhere to be found, and in the distance a fire can be seen and explosion can be heard

    - Barbeque? No one invited me? Not nice, it’s party crashing time !!

    Saying so, he rush towards the fire….
  19. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Kasper - Energy Reactor District

    Unfortunately, biofuel fell short to he aetherium core when it come to energy choice -- better use the lawn to plant actual food, said the R&D comitee --, which means there was nowhere near enough stock to satisfy the Republic's gigantic consumption. Still, with the fuel truck stuck on Undercity until the elevator restart, Kasper's initiative brought some breathing room for the engineers.

    Just a bit, but they appreciate the help.

    As Kasper idly watch the loading and unloading process, his phone beeped revealing an incoming email. The higher up on R&D would like him to arrange a presentation on the "hope" plant, as soon as possible after the chaos died down. If not for the uprising, it was possible for the project to be approved unanimously...

    ...well, the news was still considered a good one. It's not like any previous uprising last for a length of time.
  20. BlaBla013

    BlaBla013 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Reading List:
    nemrad/grey hood-under city-unkown location

    "nothing yet? really? with the powers out i expected at least one of them to contact me.."

    as if just answering his thoughts his phone started to ring
    looking at this screen he saw a number he surely knew this guy.
    "it had to be him ha?"
    jasper, the red leader.
    he knew if it had something to do with this guy then it wont be simple.
    and jasper was mad. for his mission he wont care how much died, only if they get what they came for.

    turning his eyes from the number he saw payment.. it was alot.
    it was actually ten times what he had on hand right now..

    getting the phone closer he then started to call the number back..